p.10 |
Tacitus, 'Life of Agricola.' |
p.13 |
Harrison's Preface to Holinshed's Chronicle, i. 313. |
p.20-1 |
Ed.—the photographer writes: "View across the
Humberhead Peatlands National Nature Reserve eastwards towards the
area of high ground around Epworth known as the Isle of Axholme.
You can make out the water tower on the horizon easily enough, but
the windmills need a closer look." |
p.20-2 |
De la Pryme, 'History of the Level of Hatfield
Chase.' |
p.23 |
It has been observed that the buildings in many of
the old Fen towns to this day have a Flemish appearance, as the
names of many of the inhabitants have evidently a foreign origin.
Those of Descow, Le Plas, Egar, Bruynne, &c., are said to be still
common. Among the settlers in the level of Hatfield was Mathew
de la Pryme, who emigrated from Ypres in Flanders during the
persecutions of the Duke of Alva. The Prymes of Cambridge are
lineally descended from him. Tablets to several of the name
are still to be found in Hatfield Church. |
p.25-1 |
R. Ansbie writes the Duke of Buckingham from Tickill
Castle, under date the 21st August, 1628, as follows:—"What has
happened betwixt Mr. Vermuyden's friends and workmen and the people
of the Isle of Axholme these inclosed will give a taste. Great
riots have been committed by the people, and a man killed by the
Dutch party, the killing of whom is conceived to be murder in all
who gave direction for there go armed that day. These outrages
will produce good effects. They will procure conformity in the
people, and enforce Vermuyden to sue for favour at the Duke's
hands,—if not for himself, for divers of his friends, especially for
Mr. Saines, a Dutchman, who has an adventure of £13,000 in this
work. Upon examination of the rest of Vermuyden's people,
thinks it will appear that he gave them orders to go armed."—'State
Papers,' vol. cxiii. 38. |
p.25-2 |
F. Vernatti, one of the Dutch capitalists who had
contributed largely towards the cost of the works, writes to
Monsieur St. Gillis, in October, 1628: "The absence of Mr.
Vermuyden, and the great interest the writer takes in the business
of embankment at Haxey, has led him to engage in it with eye and
hand. The mutinous people have not only desisted from their
threats, but now give their work to complete the dyke, which they
have fifty times destroyed and thrown into the river. A royal
proclamation made by a serjeant-at-arms in their village,
accompanied by the sheriff and other officials, with fifty horsemen,
and an exhortation mingled with threats of fire and vengeance, have
produced this result." —'State Papers,' vol. cxix. 73. |
p.26-1 |
'State Papers,' Vol. cxlvii. 21. |
p.26-2 |
Warrant of Council, dated Whitehall, May 12th,
1630.—'State Papers,' vol. clxvi. 56. |
p.27-1 |
Affidavit of George Johnson, servant of Sir Cornelius
Vermuyden.—'State Papers,' vol. clxx. 17. |
p.27-2 |
The Dutch settlers lived for the most part in single
houses, dispersed through the newly-recovered country. A house
built by Vermuyden remains. It was chiefly of timber, and what
is called stud-bound. It was built round a quadrangular
court. The eastern front was the dwelling-house. The
other three sides were stables and barns. Another good house
was built by Mathew Valkenburgh, on the Middle Ing, near the Don,
which afterwards became the property of the Boynton family.
Sir Philibert Vernatti and the two De Witts erected theirs near the
Idle. A chapel for the settlers was also erected at Sandtoft,
in which the various ordinances of religion were performed, and the
public service was read alternately in the Dutch and French
languages.—The Rev. Joseph Hunter's 'History and Topography of the
Deanery of Doncaster,' 1828, vol. i. 165-6. |
p.29-1 |
Colonel Lilburne attempted an ineffectual defence of
himself in the tract entitled 'The Case of the Tenants of the Manor
of Epworth truly stated by Col. Jno. Lilburne,' Nov. 18th, 1651. |
p.29-2 |
For a long time after this, indeed, the commoners
continued at war with the settlers, and both were perpetually
resorting to the law—of the courts as well as of the strong hand.
One Reading, a counsellor, "Is engaged to defend the rights of the
drainers or participants, but his office proved a very dangerous
one. The fen-men regarded him as an enemy, and repeatedly
endeavoured to destroy him. Once they had nearly burned him
and his family in their beds. Reading died in 1716, at a
hundred years old, fifty of which he had passed in constant danger
of personal violence, having fought "thirty-one set battles" with
the fen-men in defence of the drainers' rights. |
p.33-1 |
We insert the map on the preceding page at this
place, although it includes the drainage-works subsequently
constructed, in order that the reader may be enabled more readily to
follow the history of the various cuts and drains executed in the
Fen country from about the middle of the sixteenth century down to
about the year 1830. |
p.33-2 |
A clow is a sluice regulated by being lifted or
dropped perpendicularly, like a portcullis. The other sluices
open and shut like gates. |
p.34 |
'The Drayner Confirmed,' tract, 1629. |
p.35 |
Powte—the old English word for the sea-lamprey.
Come, Brethren of the water, and let its all assemble,
To treat upon this Matter, which makes us quake and
For we shall rue, if it be true that Fens be undertaken,
And where we teed in Fen and Reed, they'll feed both
Beef and Bacon.
They'll sow both Beans and Oats, where never Man yet
thought it;
Where Men did row in Boats, ere Undertakers bought it;
But, Ceres, thou behold us now, let wild Oats be
their venture,
Oh, let the Frogs and miry Bogs destroy where they do
Behold the great Design, which they do now determine,
Will make our Bodies pine, a prey to Crows and vermin;
For they do mean all Fens to drain, and Waters
All will be dry, and we must die—'cause Essex Calves
want pasture.
Away with Boats and Rudder, farewel both Boots and
No need of one nor t'other, Men now make better Matches;
Stilt-makers all, and Tanners, shall complain of this
For they will make each muddy lake for Essex Calves a
The feather'd Fowls have Wings, to fly to other Nations;
But we have no such things, to help our Transportations;
We must give place, O grevious Case! to hornèd Beasts
and Cattle,
Except that we can all agree to drive them out by Battel.
Wherefore let us intreat our antient Water-Nurses
To shew their Power so great as t' help to drain their
And send us good old Captain Flood to lead us out to
Then Two-pennyJack, with Scales on 's Back, will drive
out all the
This Noble Captain yet was never know to fail us,
But did the conquest get of all that did assail us;
His furious Rage none could assuage; but to the World's
He tears down Stones, and breaks their Cranks and
God [Eolus we do thee pray that thou wilt not be
Thou never said'st us nay—now listen to our canting;
Do thou deride their Hope and Pride that purpose our
And send a Blast that they in haste may work no good
Great Neptune, God of Seas, this Work must needs provoke
They mean thee to disease, and with Fen-Water chock
But with thy Mace do thou deface, and quite confound
this matter,
And send thy Sands to make dry lands when they shall
want fresh
And eke we pray thee, Moon, that thou wilt be
To see that nought be done to prosper the Malicious;
Tho' Summer's Heat hath wrought a Feat, whereby
themselves they
Yet be so good as send a Flood, lest Essex Calves want
Water. |
p.39 |
Lives of Eminent British Statesmen (Lardner's
'Cabinet Cyclopædia,' vol. vi. p.60). |
p.41 |
"The party under Vermuyden waits the King's army, and
is about Deeping; has a command to join with Sir John Gell, if he
commands him."—Cromwell's Letter to Fairfax, 4th June, 1645.
This Vermuyden resigned his commission a few days before the battle
of Naseby, having, as he alleged, special reasons requiring his
presence beyond the seas, whence he does not seem to have returned
until after the Restoration. In 1665 we find him a member of
the Corporation of the Bedford Level. |
p.43 |
The St. John's Eau, being a straight cut, is known in
the district as "The Poker;" and Marshland Cut, being in the shape
of a pair of tongs, is commonly called "Tongs Drain." |
p.46 |
Since the above passage was written, in 1861, its
truth has been amply confirmed by the blowing up of the Middle Level
sluice, about three miles above Lynn, by which some 10,000 acres of
the richest agricultural land in Marshland were completely
submerged. Great loss was thereby occasioned and a fertile
crop of lawsuits has followed the inundation. The Middle Level
Drain was admirably planned by the late James Walker, C.E., and was
supposed to have been as admirably executed, at a cost of over
£400,000. For ten years it was a complete success; but the
foundations of the out-fall sluice having become undermined by the
tidal scour in the Ouse, the masonry fell in, and the waters
immediately rushed in upon the land and resumed possession.
The drainage has since been restored in a very able and efficient
manner by Mr. Hawkshaw, and Marshland is again under cultivation. |
p.47 |
When Dr. Whalley was presented by the Bishop of Ely
to the rectory of Hagworthingham-in-the-Fens, it was with the
singular proviso that he was not to reside in it, as the air was
fatal to any but a native. '(Journals and Correspondence of T. S.
Whalley, D.D.) Statistics, however, prove that the Fen
districts are the exceptional haunts of disease. The
Registrar-General, in one of his recent reports, states that, whilst
the mortality of Pau in the Pyrenees, a place resorted to by British
invalids on account of its salubriousness, is 23 in 1,000, that of
Ely is only 17 in 1,000. |
p.48 |
Ed.—the photographer writes: "The New River is
something of a misnomer since it is neither a river nor new.
It is an aqueduct built under the direction of Sir Hugh Myddleton
between 1607 and 1612 to bring fresh drinking water from Chadwell
and Amwell Springs near Ware about 40 miles down the Lee Valley to
London. It is seen here with London Road beyond the railings
to the left. |
p.49 |
The conduits used, in former times, to be yearly
visited with considerable ceremony. For instance, we find
that—"On the 18th of September, 1862, the Lord Mayor (Harper), the
Aldermen, with many worshipful persons, and divers of the Masters
and Wardens of the twelve companies, rode to the Conduit's-head [now
the site of Conduit Street, New Bond Street] for to see them after
the old custom. And afore dinner they hunted the hare and
killed her and thence to dinner at the head of the Conduit.
There was a good number entertained with good cheere by the
Chamberlain, and, after dinner, they hunted the fox. There was
a great cry for a mile, and at length the hounds killed him at the
end of St. Giles's. Great hallooing at his death, and blowing
of hornes; and thence the Lord Mayor with all his company, rode
through London to his place in Lombard Street." Stow's 'Survey
of London.'—It would appear that the ladies of the Lord Mayor and
Aldermen attended on these jovial occasions, riding in waggons. |
p.50 |
'Corporation Records,' Index No. I., fo. 181 b. |
p.51-1 |
'Progresses of James I.,' vol. ii., 699. The
Corporation records contain numerous references to the preservation
of the purity of the water in the river. The Thames also
furnished a large portion of the food of the city, and then abounded
in salmon and other fish, the London fishermen constituting a large
class. We find numerous proclamations issued relative to the
netting of the "salmon and porpoises," wide nets and wall nets being
especially prohibited. Fleets of swans on the Thames were a
picturesque feature of the river down even to the time of James II. |
p.51-2 |
The water carrier was commonly called a "Cob," and
Ben Jenson seems to have given a sort of celebrity to the character
by his delineation of "Cob" in his 'Every Man in his Humour.'
Gifford, in a note on the play, pointed out that there is an avenue
still called "Cob's Court," in Broadway, Blackfriars; not improbably
(he adds) from its having formerly been inhabited principally by the
class of water carriers. |
p.52-1 |
The river pumping-leases continued in the family of
the Morices until 1701, when the then owner sold his rights to
Richard Seams for £38,000, and by him they were afterwards
transferred to the New River Company at a still higher price. |
p.52-2 |
Act 13 Eliz. c. 18. |
p.53-1 |
3 Jac. c. 18. |
p.53-2 |
4 Jac. c. 12. |
p.54 |
Dunsford's 'Historical Memoirs,' p. 106. |
p.56 |
The tradition survives to this day that Sir Francis
Drake did not cut the Leet by the power of money and engineering
skill, but by the power of magic. It is said of him that,
calling for his horse, he mounted it and rode about Dartmoor until
he came to a spring sufficiently copious for his design, on which,
pronouncing some magical words, he wheeled round, and, starting off
at a gallop, the stream formed its own channel, and followed his
horse's heels into the town. |
p.57 |
The plague was then a frequent visitor in the city.
Numerous proclamations were made by the Lord Mayor and Corporation
on the subject—proclamations ordering wells and pumps to be drawn,
and streets to be cleaned,—and precepts for removing hogs out of
London, and against the selling or eating of pork. Wherever
the plague was in a house, the inhabitant thereof was enjoined to
set up outside a pole of the length of seven feet, with a bundle of
straw at the top, as a sign that the deadly visitant was within.
Wife, children, and servants belonging to that house must carry
white rods in their hands for thirty-six days before they were
considered "purged." It was also ordered subsequently, that on
the street-door of every house infected, or upon a post thereby, the
inhabitant must exhibit imprinted on paper a token of St. Anthony's
Cross, otherwise called the sign of the Taw T, that all persons
might have knowledge that such house was infected—'Corporation of
City of London Records,' jor. 12, fol. 136. No. 1. Years 1590 to
1694. |
p.61 |
It may be remembered that Rubens was accustomed to be
paid for his pictures by so many links of gold chain. |
p.62 |
He resided at the old Elizabethan house in Highgate,
afterwards occupied as an inn, called the "King's Head." |
p.63-1 |
'Tour in Wales,' vol. ii., p. 31. Ed. 1784. |
p.63-2 |
Williams's 'Ancient and Modern Denbigh,' p. 105. |
p.66 |
"26th of February, 1604. To Hugh Middleton,
Goldsmith, the sum of £250 for a pendant of one diamond bestowed
upon the Queen by His Majesty. By writ dated 9th day of
January, 1604, £250."—Extract from the 'Pell Records.' [The
sum named would be equivalent to about £1,000 of our present money.
The Queen's passion for jewels may be inferred from the circumstance
stated by Dr. Steven in his 'Memoir of George Heriot,' the King's
goldsmith (founder of Heriot's Hospital, Edinburgh), that during the
ten years which immediately preceded the accession of King James to
the throne of Great Britain, Heriot's bills for the Queen's jewels
alone could not amount to less than £50,000 sterling.] |
p.74 |
Theobalds, a singularly beautiful place, where
Elizabeth held counsel with Burleigh, James often lived, and Charles
played with his children. The palace was ordered to be pulled
down by the Long Parliament, in spite of the commissioners' report
that it was "an excellent building in very good repair;" and, the
materials having been sold to the highest bidder, the proceeds were
divided amongst the soldiers of Cromwell and Fairfax. The
materials alone realised not less than £8,275.11s. |
p.77 |
A large print was afterwards published by G. Bickham,
in commemoration of the event, entitled 'Sir Hugh Myddelton's
Glory.' It represents the scene of the ceremony, the
reservoir, with the stream rushing into it; the Lord Mayor (Sir John
Swinnerton) on a white palfrey, pointing exultingly to Sir Hugh; the
Recorder, Sir Henry Montague, afterwards Lord Keeper and Earl of
Manchester, and by his side the Lord Mayor elect, the projector's
brother, Maister Thomas Myddelton. Various figures
gesticulating their admiration occupy the foreground, whilst the
foot of the print is garnished with little "chambers," or miniature
mortars, spontaneously exploding. There is a copy of the
original print in the British Museum. |
p.80-1 |
In Pennant's 'London' it is stated that the original
shares in the concern were £100 each, whereas Entick makes them to
have amounted to not less than £7,000 each! This is only
another illustration of the hap-hazard statements put forth
respecting Sir Hugh and his works. The original cost of the
New River probably did not amount to more than £18,000, in which
case the capital represented by each original share would be about
£250. |
p.80-2 |
On the occasion of its subsequent confirmation by
parliament, Sir Edward Coke said: "This is a very good bill, and
prevents one great mischief that hangs over the city. Nimis
potatio: frequens cendium." |
p.81 |
Ed.—the photographer writes: "the large East
window (erected in 1962) by A. E. Buss of Goddard & Gibbs,
commemorates the building of the New River, between 1604 and 1613.
It shows the risen Christ ascending to glory, and various scenes of
the New River construction work, together with memorials to Sir Hugh
Myddelton, Dame Alice Owen (a great local benefactor) and the
Corporation of the City of London (who remain patrons of the parish
today)." |
p.86 |
'Domestic Calendar of State Papers.' Docquet,
13th August, 1620, |
p.87 |
The above view represents the present state of the
entrance to Brading Haven. A wide ridge of drifted sand lies across
it, in front of the old bank raised by Myddelton, which extended
from a point below the hill under " Mrs. Grant's house," a little to
the westward of the village of Bembridge (seen on the opposite
shore) to what are now called "The Boat Houses," situated towards
the northern side of the haven, and behind the sand-ridge extending
across the view. The black piles driven into the bottom of the haven
in the process of embankment are still to be seen sticking up at low
water; and only a few years since the old gates which served for a
sluice were dug up near the Boat Houses. At the extremity of the
sand-ridge there is a ferry across to the village of Bembridge, in
front of which is the Darrow entrance into the haven. There have
been serious encroachments of the sea on that side of late years,
and the channel has become much impeded: so much so that it has been
feared that the navigation would be lost. The old church-tower of
St. Helen's, faced with brick and whitewashed, on the right of the
view, is still used as a sea-mark. |
p.94-1 |
Sloane MS. (British Museum), vol. ii. 4177.
Also 'Calendar of Domestic State Papers,' Oct. 19th, 1622: "Grant to
Hugh Myddelton of the rank of Baronet, granting discharge of £1,095
due on being made a Baronet." The usual statement is to the
effect that Myddelton was knighted on the occasion of the opening of
the New River in 1613. But this was not the case, as it will
be found from the patent for draining land taken out by him in 1621
(see ante, p. 86), that
he was then described as simply "Citizen and Goldsmith, of London."
Nor is his name to be found in any contemporary list of King James's
Knights. |
p.94-2 |
Harleian MS., No. 1507, Art. 40. (British
Museum.) |
p.95 |
Subsequent to 1636, Thomas Bushell (who purchased the
lease) Paid £1,000 per annum to the King; and some years after, in
1647, we find him agreeing to pay £2,500 per annum to the
Parliament. As a Curious fact, we may here add that, under
date Die Sabbati, 14 August, 1641, Parliament granted an order or
license to Thomas Bushell to dig turf on the King's wastes within
the limits of Cardiganshire, for the purpose of smelting and
refining the lead ores, &c., his predecessor (Myddelton) having used
up almost all the wood growing in the neighbourhood of the mines. |
p.96 |
Dated 22nd October, 1636. The prayer of
Bushell's petition to Charles I. is, that His Majesty will ratify
his agreement with Lady Myddelton (by that time a widow) for the
purchase of the residue of her lease. |
p.97 |
In these rampant days of joint-stock enterprise, we
are not surprised to observe that a scheme has been set on foot to
work the long-abandoned silver and lead mines of Sir Hugh Myddelton.
With the greatly improved mining machinery of modern times, it is
not unreasonable to anticipate a considerable measure of success
from such an undertaking. |
p.98 |
A long time passed before the attempt was made to
reclaim the large tract of land at Traeth-Mawr; but after the lapse
of two centuries, it was undertaken by William Alexander Madocks,
Esq., and accomplished in spite of many formidable difficulties.
Two thousand acres of Penmorfa Marsh were first enclosed on the
western side of the river, after which an embankment was constructed
across the estuary, about a mile in length, by which 6,000
additional acres were secured. The sums expended on the works
are said to have exceeded £100,000; but the expenditure has proved
productive, and the principal part of the reclaimed land is now
under cultivation. Tremadoc, or Madock's Town, and Port Madoc,
are two thriving towns, built by the proprietor on the estate thus
won from the sea. |
p.100-1 |
The tradition still survives that Sir Hugh retired in
his old age to the village of Kemberton, near Shiffnal, Salop, where
he lived in great indigence under the assumed name of Raymond, and
that he was there occasionally employed as a street paviour!
The parish register is said to contain an entry of his burial on the
11th of March, 1702; by which date Hugh Myddelton, had he lived
until then, would have been about 150 years old! The entry in
the register was communicated by the rector of the parish in 1809 to
the 'Gentleman's Magazine' (vol. lxxix., p. 795), but it is scarcely
necessary to point out that it can have no reference whatever to the
subject of this memoir. |
p.100-2 |
On the 24th June, 1632, Lady Myddelton memorialised
the Common Council of London with reference to the loan of £3,000,
advanced to Sir Hugh, which does not seem to have been repaid; and
more than two years later, on the 10th Oct., 1631, we find the
Corporation allowed £1,000 of the amount, in consideration of the
public benefit conferred on the city by Sir Hugh through the
formation of the New River, and for the losses alleged to have been
sustained by him through breaches in the water-pipes on the occasion
of divers great fires, as well as for the "present comfort" of Lady
Myddelton. It is to be inferred that the balance of the loan
of £3,000 was then repaid. Lady Myddelton died at Bush Hill on
the 19th July, 1643, aged sixty-three, and was interred in the
chancel of Edmonton Church, Middlesex. On her monumental
tablet it is stated that she was " the mother of fifteen children." |
p.101 |
Simon's son Hugh was created a Baronet, of Hackney,
Middlesex, in 1681. He married Dorothy, the daughter of Sir
William OgIander, of Nunwell, Baronet. |
p.102 |
Several of the descendants of Sir Hugh Myddelton,
when reduced in circumstances, obtained assistance from this fund.
It has been stated, and often repeated, that Lady Myddelton, after
her husband's death, became a pensioner of the Goldsmiths' Company,
receiving from them £20 a year. But this annuity was paid, not
to the widow of the first Sir Hugh, but to the mother of the last
Sir Hugh, more than a century later. The last who bore the
title was an unworthy scion of this distinguished family. He
could raise his mind no higher than the enjoyment of a rummer of
ale; and towards the end of his life existed upon a pension granted
him by the New River Company. The statements so often
published (and which, on more than one occasion, have brought poor
persons up to town from Wales to make inquiries) as to an annuity of
£100 said to have been left by Sir Hugh and unclaimed for a century,
and of an advertisement calling upon his descendants to apply for
the sum of £10,000, alleged to be lying for them at the Bank of
England, are altogether un-founded. No such annuity has been
left, no such sum has accrued, and no such advertisement has
appeared. |
p.111 |
Boswell's price had been £16,300, and he undertook to
do the work in fifteen months. |
p.112 |
Description of Perry's work by S. Downing, C.E., in
Practical Mechanics' Journal, May, 1864. |
p.114 |
It has recently been proposed to convert the lake
into extensive docks, connected with London by the Tilbury Railway;
and a Company has been formed for the purpose of carrying out the
enterprise. |
p.115 |
The banks themselves are from 17 to 25 feet high in
the neighbourhood of Dagenham, and from 25to 30 feet wide at the
base. The marks of the old breach are still easily traceable. |
p.118-1 |
A fine statue by Colin Melbourne of the great man
overlooking the junction of the Caldon Canal with the Trent and
Mersey Canal. The statue was made in 1990. |
p.118-2 |
For a full account of Old Roads and Travelling in
England, we must refer the reader to 'Lives of the Engineers,' vol.
i. pp. 154-275.
Ed.―I don't have the full edition of
Lives of the Engineers to which Smiles here refers. What are
reproduced on this website are a number of the volumes sold
individually as "popular" and inexpensive editions. However, I
guess that Smiles is probably referring to the text that forms
the first chapters of the 'popular' edition dealing with
Thomas Telford and the History of Roads. |
p.121-1 |
Lansdowne MS. cvii. art. 73. |
p.121-2 |
The Lansdowne MS. xxxi., art. 74, sets forth certain
"Reasons against the proceedings of John Trew in the works of Dover
Haven, 1581." It appears from Lysons's History of Dover, that
Trew was engaged as harbour-engineer at ten shillings a-day wages;
but the corporation, thinking that he was inclined to protract the
work on which he was engaged, summarily dismissed him. This is
the last that we hear of John Trew. |
p.122 |
'England's Improvement by Sea and Land.' London,
1677. |
p.125 |
Ed.—the River Weaver is a river in West
Cheshire that is navigable in its lower reaches. Its most
notable engineering feature is the Anderton Boat Lift (1875), near
Northwich, which links the Weaver with the Trent and Mersey Canal,
some 50 feet (15 m) above it.
In 1720 the first Act of Parliament to authorise improvements to the
river was obtained—the work was completed in 1732. The river
had been improved by dredging and the construction of a series of
cuts, with locks and weirs to manage the drop of around 50 feet (15
m) over the 20 miles (32 km) between Winsford and the River Mersey.
Barges of up to 40 tons could reach Winsford, and boats called
'Weaver Flats' were the predominant vessels. These either
sailed up the river, or were bow-hauled by teams of men.
Further improvements over the years led to the river being
accessible by coastal craft of up to 1,000 tons. |
p.128 |
The site of the Croft is very elevated, and commands
an extensive view as far as Topley Pike, between Bakewell and
Buxton, at the top of what is called the Long Hill. Topley
Pike is behind the spectator in looking at the Croft in the above
aspect. The rising ground behind the ash tree is called
Wormhill Common, though now enclosed. The old road from Buxton
to Tides-well skirts the front of the rising ground. |
p.129 |
Kippis's 'Biographia Britannica,' Art. Brindley. |
p.130 |
Brindley's father seems afterwards to have somewhat
recovered himself; for we find him, in 1729, purchasing an undivided
share of a small estate at Lowe Hill, within a mile of Leek, in
Staffordshire, where he had before gone to settle; and he contrived
to realise the remaining portion before his death, and to leave it
to his son James. None of the Brindley family remained at
Wormhill, and the name has disappeared in the district. |
p.139 |
In the possession of Joseph Mayer, Esq., of
Liverpool, who has kindly permitted the author to inspect the whole
of his valuable manuscripts relating to Brindley, so curiously
illustrative of his start in life as a working and consulting
Engineer. |
p.143 |
The low remuneration paid for skilled labour of the
same sort long before Brindley's time is worthy of passing notice.
In 1544 John of Padua was paid only two shillings a-day as "devizour
of His Majestic's works," in other words as Royal architect.
Still later, Ingo Jones was paid only eight shillings and fourpence
a-day as architect and surveyor of the Whitehall Banqueting House,
and forty-six pounds a-year for house-rent, clerks, and incidental
expenses; whilst Nicholas Stowe, the master mason, was allowed but
four and tenpence a-day. When the Duchess of Marlborough was
afterwards engaged in resisting the claims of one of her Blenheim
surveyors, she told him indignantly "that Sir Christopher Wren,
while employed upon Saint Paul's, was content to be dragged up to
the top of the building three times a-week in a basket, at the great
hazard of his life, for only £200 a-year"—the actual amount of his
salary as architect of that magnificent Cathedral. Brindley,
however, fared worse still, and for a long time does not seem to
have risen above mere mechanic's pay, even whilst engaged in
constructing the celebrated canal for the Duke the of Bridgewater,
which laid the foundation of so many gigantic fortunes. |
p.147 |
'History of the Borough of Stoke-upon-Trent.'
By John Ward. 1853. p.164. |
p.151-1 |
We find the following memorandum in Brindley's
pocket-book, relating to the expense of working the engine in the
year 1760:—
Miss Clare Maria Broads
fire engine
at fenian vivian. |
First yeer's work and repare night and day
£164 |
Do. torn back |
025 |
Due for te
first yeer |
139 |
Due for the second yeer. |
102 |
p.151-2 |
He describes it as "A Fire-Engine for Drawing Water
out of Dunes, or for Draining of Lands, or for Supplying of Cityes,
Townes, or Gardens with Water, or which may be applicable to many
other great and usefull Purposes, in a better and more effectual
Manner than any Engine or Machine that hath hitherto been made or
used for the like Purpose."—'Specifications of Patents,' No. 730. |
p.152 |
Stuart's 'Anecdotes of Steam-Engines,' p. 626. |
p.154 |
Ed.—The Sankey Canal — also known as the
Sankey Brook Navigation and the St Helens Canal — connects St Helens
with the River Mersey. The canal was built principally to transport
coal from the Lancashire Coalfields to the growing chemical
industries of Liverpool, though iron ore and corn were also
important commodities. Its immediate commercial success —
followed soon after by that of the Bridgewater Canal — led to the
'canal building mania'.
When opened in 1757, the Canal ran along the valley of the Sankey
Brook from the point where the brook joined the River Mersey, to a
location to the north west of St Helens. Extensions were later
constructed at the Mersey end of the canal, first to Fiddlers Ferry
and then to Widnes, while at the northern end, it was extended into
what became the centre of St. Helens. In common with most
British canals, the Sankey went into decline with the coming of the
railways and it was gradually abandoned between 1931 and 1963.
In more recent years it has been the subject of partial restoration
with ambitious plans to restore the Canal and extend it to join the
main canal system via the Leeds and Liverpool Canal. |
p.156-1 |
See Appendix, Grand Canal of Languedoc, and its
execution by Riquet de Bonrepos. |
p.156-2 |
'Essays in History, Biography, Geography,
Engineering,' &c. By the late Earl of Ellesmere. London, 1858.
p.226, |
p.157 |
'Walpole to Mann,' Feb. 27th, 1752. |
p.158 |
Chalmers, in his 'Biographical Dictionary,' vol.
xiii., 94, gives another account of the rumoured cause of the Duke's
subsequent antipathy to women; but the above statement of the late
Earl of Ellesmere, confirmed as it is by certain passages in
Walpole's Letters, is more likely to be the correct one. |
p.160 |
Aikin's 'Description of the Country from Thirty to
Forty Miles round Manchester.' London, 1795. |
p.162 |
Thomas Walker: The Original, No, xi. Article
entitled "Change in Commerce." |
p.163 |
March 3rd, 1760, the Flying Machine was started, and
advertised to perform the journey, "if God permit," in three days,
by John Hanforth Matthew Howe, Samuel Granville, and William
Richardson. Fare inside, £2. 5s.; outside, half-price. |
p.164 |
This "load" is still used as a measure of weight,
though the practice of carrying all sorts of commodities on horses'
backs, in which it originated, has long since ceased. |
p.170 |
Ed.—it was in this building that Francis
Egerton, the 3rd Duke of Bridgewater, James Brindley and John
Gilbert planned the Bridgewater Canal and supervised its building. |
p.173-1 |
We have heard the name of Smeaton mentioned as that
of the engineer consulted on the occasion, but are unable to speak
with certainty on the point. Excepting Smeaton, however, there
was then no other engineer in the country of recognised eminence in
the profession. |
p.173-2 |
Ed.—the Barton Swing Aqueduct replaced
Brindley's earlier stone aqueduct (1761) across the River Irwell.
The construction of the Manchester Ship Canal in the 1890s
necessitated Brindley's aqueduct being replaced to permit
ocean-going ships to pass the Bridgewater Canal. The Barton
Swing Aqueduct pivots to give clearance to Manchester Ship Canal
traffic, and when aligned permits Bridgewater Canal traffic to cross
over the top of the Ship Canal. The Swing Aqueduct, a Grade II
listed building, was designed by Sir Edward Leader Williams and
built by Andrew Handyside of Derby. It opened in 1894 and
remains in regular use. |
p.174-1 |
The process of puddling is of considerable importance
in canal engineering. Puddle is formed by a mixture of
well-tempered clay and sand reduced to a semi-fluid state, and
rendered impervious to water by manual labour, as by working and
chopping it about with spades. It is usually applied in three
or more strata to a depth or thickness of about three feet: and care
is taken at each operation so to work the new layer of puddling
stuff as to unite it with the stratum immediately beneath.
Over the top course a layer of common soil is usually laid. It
is only by the careful employment of puddling that the filtration of
the water of canals into the neighbouring lower lands through which
they pass can be effectually prevented. |
p.174-2 |
Ed.—the photograph shows "puddling" in
progress during the restoration of a derelict part of the Montgomery
Canal in Shropshire. Puddle clay has been applied to the side
of the canal, while a large 'plug' of puddle temporarily damks the
end section. The puddle is laid about 25 cm thick at the sides
and nearly a metre thick at the bottom of a canal, built up in
layers. Puddle has to be kept wet in order to remain
waterproof so it is important for canals to be kept filled with
water. |
p.177 |
'Six Months' Tour through the North of England,' vol.
iii., p. 258. Ed. 1770. |
p.178 |
The barges are narrow and long, each conveying about
ten tons of coal. They are drawn along the tunnels by means of
staples fastened to the sides. When they are empty, and
consequently higher in the water, they are so near the roof that the
bargemen, lying on their backs, can propel them with their feet. |
p.181 |
A writer in the 'St. James's Chronicle,' under date
the 30th of September, 1763 gives the following account of this
apparatus, long since removed:—"At the mouth of the cavern is
erected a water-bellows, being the body of a tree, forming a hollow
cylinder, standing upright. Upon this a wooden basin is fixed, in
the form of a funnel, which receives a current of water from the
higher ground. This water falls into the cylinder, and issues
out at the bottom of it, but at the same time carries a quantity of
air with it, which is received into the pipes and forced to the
innermost recesses of the coal-pits, where it issues out as if from
a pair of bellows, and rarefies the body of thick air, which would
otherwise prevent the workmen from subsisting on the spot where the
coals are dug." |
p.182-1 |
'Six Months' Tour,' vol, iii., p. 270-1. Mr.
Hughes, C.E., says of this discovery: "The lime thus made would
appear to be the first cement of which we have any knowledge in this
country; since the calcareous marl here spoken of would probably
produce, when burnt, a lime of strong hydraulic properties." |
p.182-2 |
This story was first set on foot, we believe, by the
Earl of Bridgewater, in his singularly incoherent publication
entitled, 'A Letter to the Parisians and the French Nation upon
Inland Navigation, containing a defence of the public character of
His Grace Francis Egerton, late Duke of Bridgewater. By the
Hon. Francis Henry Egerton.' The first part of this curious
book (published at Paris was dated "Hotel Egerton, Paris, 21st Dec.,
1818;" the second part was published two years later; and a third
part, consisting entirely of a note about Hebrew interpretations,
was published subsequently. He had in the mean time become
Earl of Bridgewater, in October, 1823, having formerly been
prebendary of Durham and rector of Whit- church in Shropshire.
The late Earl of Ellesmere, in his 'Essays on History, Biography,'
&c., says of this nobleman that "he died at Paris in the odour of
eccentricity." But this is a mild description of his lordship,
who had at least a dozen distinct crazes—about canals, the Jews,
punctuation, the wonderful merits of the Egertons, the proper
translation of Hebrew, the ancient languages generally, but more
especially about prophecy and poodle-dogs. When he drove along
the Boulevards in Paris, nothing could be seen of his lordship for
poodle-dogs looking out of the carriage-windows. The poodles
sat at table with him at dinner, each being waited on by a special
valet. The most creditable thing the Earl did was to leave the
sum of £12,000. to the British Museum, and £8,000 to meritorious
literary men for writing the well-known 'Bridgewater Treatises.'
He died in February, 1829. |
p.183 |
Ed.—Alan Murray-Rust, who took this photograph,
writes thus: "To the right is the branch up into the Delph for the
mine workings which were the main reason for the building of the
Bridgewater Canal. The line to Leigh continues to the left.
The red colour of the water is due to the minerals leaching out of
the old mine workings. Straight ahead is Worsley Packet House.
The helmsman of the narrowboat has to make a hard left turn and hope
that there is nothing coming the other way through the bridge."
The timber-framed building in the foreground is the
Worsley Packet House. Swift passenger boats ("packets") to
Manchester used to depart from its steps. |
p.184 |
It would almost seem as if the extension of the canal
to the Mersey had formed part of the Duke's original plan; for
Brindley was engaged in making a survey from Longford to Dunham in
the autumn of the preceding year, as appears from the following
account, preserved at the Bridgewater Canal Office at Manchester, of
his expenses in making the survey:—
Expenses in Surveying from Longford
Bridge to Dunham.
Octr 21st 1760.
Spent at Stretford |
0 |
6 |
At Altringham all Night |
6 |
0 |
Gave the Men to Drink that
assisted |
1 |
0 |
More at Altringham |
2 |
6 |
―――― |
10 |
0 |
Pd Mr. Brinley this." |
p.188-1 |
Progress of Liverpool.
Years |
Vessels |
entered |
Duties Paid |
1701 |
102 |
8,619 |
― |
1760 |
1,245 |
― |
£2,330 |
1800 |
4,746 |
450,060 |
£23,379 |
1858 |
21,352 |
4,441,943 |
£347,889 |
p.188-2 |
Ed.—with the advent of containerisation in the
1970s, Liverpool's elderly dock system fell into sharp decline.
Although most have now been abandoned as cargo-handling facilities
and the docks cease to be a major local employer, the Royal Seaforth
Container Terminal (opened in 1972), backed by the modernisation of
some of the older docks, permits Liverpool today to handle more
cargo than in its heyday as a seaport. |
p.188-3 |
Mr. Baines says: "Carriages were then very rare, and
it is mentioned as a singular fact that at the period in question
(1750) there was but one gentleman's carriage in the town of
Liverpool, and that carriage was kept by a lady of the name of
Clayton."—'History of Lancashire,' vol. iv., p.90. |
p.195 |
Search has been made at the Bridgewater Estate
Offices at Manchester, and in the archives of the Houses of
Parliament, but no copy can be found. It is probable that the
Parliamentary papers connected with this application to Parliament
were destroyed by the fire which consumed so many similar documents
about twenty-five years ago. |
p.196-1 |
Stated by Mr. Hughes, in his 'Memoir of Brindley,' as
having been communicated to him by James Loch, Esq., M.P., formerly
agent for the Duke's Trustees. |
p.196-2 |
'Memoir of Brindley,' by S. Hughes, C.E., in 'Weale's
Papers on Civil Engineering.' |
p.197 |
As the reader may possibly desire information on the
same point, we may here briefly explain the nature of a Canal Lock.
It is employed as a means of carrying navigation through an uneven
country, and raising the boats from one water level to another, or
vice versa. The lock is a chamber formed of masonry, occupying
the bed of the canal where the difference of level is to be
overcome. It is provided with two pairs of gates, one at each
end; and the chamber is so contrived that the level of the water
which it contains may be made to coincide with either the higher
level above, or the lower level below it. The following
diagrams will explain the form and construction of the lock.
A represents what is called the upper pond, B the
lower, C is the left wall, and DD side culverts.
When the gates at the lower end of the chamber (E) are
opened, and those at the upper end (F) are closed, the water
in the chamber will stand at the lower level of the canal; but when
the lower gates are closed, and the upper gates are opened, the
water will naturally coincide with that in the upper part of the
canal. In the first case, a boat may be floated into the lock
from the lower part, and then, if the lower gates be closed and
water is admitted from the upper level, the canal-boat is raised, by
the depth of water thus added to the lock, to the upper level, and
on the complete opening of the gates it is thus floated onward.
By reversing the process, it will readily be understood how the boat
may, in like manner, be lowered from the higher to the lower level.
The greater the lift or the lowering, the more water is consumed in
the process of exchange from one level to another; and where the
traffic of the canal is great, a large supply of water is required
to carry it on, which is usually provided by capacious reservoirs
situated above the summit level. Various expedients are
adopted for economising water: thus, when the width of the canal
will admit of it, the lock is made in two compartments,
communicating with each other by a valve, which can be opened and
shut at pleasure; and by this means one-half of the water which it
would otherwise be necessary to discharge to the lower level may be
transferred to the other compartment. |
 |
p.200 |
The following statement of the lengths of the
different portions of the Duke's canal, including those originally
executed, is from the map published by Brindley in 1769:—
Miles |
furl. |
chains. |
From Worsley to Longford Bridge |
6 |
0 |
0 |
Level |
… Longford Bridge to Manchester |
4 |
2 |
0 |
… |
… Longford Bridge to Preston Brook |
19 |
0 |
0 |
… |
… Preston Brook to upper part of Runcorn |
4 |
4 |
0 |
… |
… Upper part of Runcorn to the Mersey |
0 |
5 |
7 |
79 feet fall |
p.201 |
Ed.—the former Junction of the Bridgewater
Canal with Mersey. Construction of the flight of 10 locks to
the River Mersey began in 1772 and was completed in 1776. Such
was the great expansion of waterborne merchandise passing up and
down them that it was necessary to build a second line in 1826.
For over 160 years flats and narrow boats locked up and down them in
great numbers. The second line of locks was abandoned in the mid
sixties, but the original line of the former flight of locks was
preserved when the new building shown took place. |
p.208 |
The following bill is preserved amongst the
Bridgewater Canal papers. Simcox was a skilled mechanic, and
acted as foreman of the carpenters:—
His Grace the Duke of Bridgewater to Saml Simcox.
£. |
s. |
d. |
23 Marh 1760 To 12 days work
at 21d per |
1 |
01 |
0 |
23 Augt To 6 days more do at
do |
0 |
10 |
6 |
6 Sepr To 8 days more do at d° |
0 |
14 |
0 |
―――――― |
2 |
05 |
6 |
1 Novr 1760. Recd the Contents
above by the Hands of John Gilbert
for the Use of Saml Simcox.
The wages of what was called a "right-hand man" at
that time were from 14d. to 16d. a day, and of a "left-hand man "
from 1s. to 14d. |
p.209 |
The Earl of Bridgewater, in his rambling 'Letter to
the Parisians,' above referred to, alleges that the quarrel
originated in Gilbert's horse breaking into the field where
Brindley's mare was grazing, and doing her such injury that the
engineer was for a time prevented using the animal in the pursuit of
his business. The mare was a great favourite of Brindley's,
and he is said to have taken the thing very much to heart. The
Earl alleges that Brindley was under the impression Gilbert had
contrived the trick out of spite. |
p.211 |
R. Rawlinson. Esq., C.E., Engineer to the Bridgewater
Canal. |
p.213 |
Mr. Bennet Woodcroft, of the Patent Office, writes us
as follows with reference to Earnshaw's alleged invention of a
spinning machine:—"The fact really is, that the machine in question
was invented by John Kay of Bury; and when, in 1753, a mob broke
into Kay's house, and completely gutted it, the model of the
spinning machine was saved by Earnshaw, who subsequently destroyed
it." |
p.214-1 |
St. James's Chronicle, July 1st, 1765. |
p.214-2 |
'A History of Inland Navigations. Particularly
those of the Duke of Bridgewater in Lancashire and Cheshire.'
2nd Ed., p. 39. |
p.214-3 |
Ed.—Waterloo Bridge now marks the end of the
Runcorn Arm of the Bridgewater canal, which once continued via a
flight of locks to the River Mersey (see
p.201). The route was
blocked by the building of the A533 access road to the
Runcorn-Widnes bridge. The middle arch of the bridge gave
access to a dry dock. |
p.215 |
This bold scheme, so earnestly advocated by Brindley,
was thus noticed by a Liverpool paper of the time:—"On Monday last,
Mr. Brindley waited upon several of the principal gentlemen of this
town and others at Runcorn, in order to ascertain the expense that
may attend the building of a bridge over the river Mersey at the
latter place, which is estimated at a sum inferior to the advantages
that must arise both to the counties of Lancaster and Chester from a
communication of this sort.—Williamson's 'Liverpool Advertiser,'
July 19th, 1768. |
p.216 |
Ed.—"This [Duke's Dock] was constructed by the
late Duke of Bridgewater, for the purpose of loading and discharging
flats belonging to him. It is supplied with an elegant and
commodious range of warehouses, arched in the centre, so that
vessels can be placed under the very rooms of the building, and by
means of hatch-ways the cargoes are loaded and unloaded without
being exposed to the weather. This dock belongs to the
executors of the late Duke of Bridgewater." (From 'Picture of
Liverpool: Stranger's Guide' written in 1834.) By
1960, virtually all activity on the Duke's Dock site had ceased, the
buildings were demolished piecemeal between then and 1984, and the
river entrance was closed (but markings remain on the dock wall).
The Dock is relatively narrow and appears more like a canal than a
dock. What remains is Grade II. listed. |
p.219 |
There is now to be seen at Worsley, in the hands of a
private person, a promissory note given by the Duke, bearing
interest, for as low a sum as five pounds. Amongst the persons
known to be lenders of money, to whom the Duke applied at the time,
was Mr. C. Smith, a merchant at Rochdale; but he would not lend a
farthing, believing the Duke to be engaged in a perfectly ruinous
undertaking. |
p.221 |
The Earl of Ellesmere's ' Essays on History,
Biography,' &c., p. 236. |
p.227 |
We regret to have to add that Brindley's widow
(afterwards the wife of Mr. Williamson, of Longport) in vain
petitioned the Duke and his representatives, as well as the above
Earl of Bridgewater, for payment of a balance said to have been due
to Brindley for services, at the time of the engineer's death.
In her letter to Robert Bradshaw, M.P., dated the 2nd May, 1803,
Mrs. Williamson says: "It will doubtless appear to you extraordinary
that so very late an application should now be made . . . but I must
beg leave to state that repeated applications were made by me (after
Mr. Brindley's sudden and unexpected death) to the late Mr. Thomas
Gilbert and also to his brother, but without any other effect than
that of constant promises to lay the matter before His Grace and I
conceive it owing to this channel of application that no settling
ever took place. A letter was also written to His Grace on
this subject so late as the year 1801, but no answer was received.
From the year 1765 to 1772, Mr. Brindley received no money on
account of his salary. At that time he was frequently in very
great want, and made application to the Duke, whose answer (to use
the Duke's expression) was, 'I am much more distressed for money
than you; however, as soon as I can recover myself, your services
shall not go unrewarded.' In consequence of this, Mr. Brindley
was under the necessity of borrowing several sums to make good
engagements he was then under to various canal companies. In
the year 1774, two years after Mr. Brindley's death, the late Mr.
John Gilbert paid my brother, Mr. Henshall, the trifling sum of £100
on account of Mr. Brindley's time, which is all that has been
received. I beg leave to suggest how small and inadequate a
return this is for his services during a period of seven years.
Mr. B.'s travelling expenses on His Grace's account during that time
were considerable, towards which, when he had not sufficient money
to carry him the whole journey, he now and then received a small
sum. How far his plans and undertakings have been beneficial
to His Grace's interest is well known." |
p.228 |
When the Duke had put on the boats and established
the service, he offered to let them for £60 a year; but not being
able to find any person to take them at that price, he was under the
necessity of conducting the service himself, by means of an agent.
In the course of a short time the boats were found to yield a clear
profit of £1,600 a year. |
p.229 |
A similar story is told of him at Worsley. A
boy had been fetching some coal from the mouth of the tunnel, and
having rested his load could not get it cleverly on his back again.
Seeing but not knowing the Duke, he called out, "Here, felly, gie us
a hoist up." The Duke asked the boy a number of questions
before helping him up with the sack; but when the youth felt it safe
for carrying, he expressed his acknowledgments by observing "Wal,
thou's a big chap, but thou's a lazy un!" |
p.233-1 |
The treatise which Fulton afterwards published,
entitled 'A Treatise on Canal Navigation, exhibiting the numerous
advantages to be derived from small Canals, &c., with a description
of the machinery for facilitating conveyance by water through the
most mountainous countries, independent of Locks and Aqueducts,'
(London, 1796,) is well known amongst engineers. |
p.233-2 |
Lord Ellesmere's 'Essays,' p.241. |
p.236 |
"His purchases from Italy and Holland were judicious
and important, and, finally, the distractions of France forcing the
treasures of the Orleans Gallery into this country, he became a
principal in the fortunate speculation of its purchase."—'Essays on
History, Biography,' &c. |
p.237 |
Ed.—in company with other family members, the
memorial to the Duke of Bridgewater's is in the Bridgewater Chapel
of the parish church of St Peter and St Paul, Little Gaddesden,
Hertfordshire (OS Ref: SP998138). The plaque, which is on the
chapel's South wall, reads:
The eminent art historian Sir Nicholas Pevsner's
view was that visitors to the church would find its monuments
(of which there are many) more memorable than its architecture.
p.238-1 |
'History of Inland Navigation,' p.76. |
p.238-2 |
The Duke at first employed mules in hauling the
canal-boats, because of the greater endurance and freedom from
disease of those animals, and also because they could eat almost any
description of provender. The Duke's breed of mules was for a
long time the finest that had been known in England. The
popular impression in Manchester is, that the Duke's Acts of
Parliament authorising the construction of his canals, forbade the
use of horses, in order that men might be employed; and that the
Duke consequently dodged the provisions of the Acts by employing
mules. But this is not the case, there being no clause in any
of them prohibiting the use of horses. |
p.239-1 |
There is even a tradition surviving at Worsley, that
"the Duke" rides through the village once in every year at midnight,
drawn by six coal-black horses! |
p.239-2 |
The cotton trade was not of much importance at first,
though it rapidly increased when the steam-engine and spinning-jenny
had become generally adopted. It may be interesting to know
that sixty years since it was considered satisfactory if one
cotton-flat a day reached Manchester from Liverpool. In the
Duke's time the flats always "cast anchor" on their way, or at least
laid up for the night, at six o'clock precisely, starting again at
six o'clock on the following morning. |
p.243 |
Recent "poor-lays" exhibit a very different result
from what they did in former years. In 1860-1 the poor-rate
levied is Chorlton-upon-Medlock yielded (at 2s. 10d. in the pound)
£18,798; the property in the township being of the rateable value of
£145,844. |
p.244-1 |
De Quincey's 'Autobiographic Sketches,' pp. 34, 48. |
p.244-2 |
The corner of Irwell Street, Salford, as recently as
1828, was occupied by an old canal "flat," tenanted by an eccentric
character, after whom it was designated "Bannister's Ship."
Opposite it was a row of cottages with gardens in front.
Oldfield and Ordsall Lanes were country roads, and the streets
adjacent to them were not yet in existence. |
p.245 |
The growth of Manchester, and the sister borough of
Salford, will be more readily appreciated, perhaps, by a glance at
the population at different periods than by any other illustration:—
Population in 1774.
1801. 1821.
41,032 81,020
187,031 460,028. |
p.246 |
On the subject of watchmen it may be mentioned that
the first watchman was appointed for Chorlton-on-Medlock in 1814.
In 1832 an Act was obtained for improving and regulating that
township, and so recently was 1833 it was first lighted with gas.
The Police Act for the Township of Hulme was obtained in 1834. |
p.250 |
In a curious book published in 1766, by Richard
Whitworth, of Balcham Grange, Staffordshire, afterwards Sir Richard
Whitworth, member for Stafford, entitled 'The Advantages of Inland
Navigation,' be points to the various kinds of traffic that might be
expected to come upon the canal then proposed by him, and amongst
other items he enumerates the following:—"There are three
pot-waggons go from Newcastle and Burslem weekly, through Eccleshall
and Newport to Bridgenorth, and carry about eight tons of pot-ware
every week, at £3 per ton. The same waggons load back with ten
tons of close goods, consisting of white clay, grocery, and iron, at
the same price, delivered on their road to Newcastle. Large
quantities of pot-ware are conveyed on horses' backs from Burslem
and Newcastle to Bridgenorth and Bewdley for exportation—about one
hundred tons yearly, at £2 10s. per ton. Two broad-wheel
waggons (exclusive of 150 pack-horses) go from Manchester through
Stafford weekly, and may be computed to carry 312 tons of cloth and
Manchester wares in the year, at £3 10s. per ton. The great
salt-trade that is carried on at Northwich may be computed to send
600 tons yearly along this canal, together with Nantwich 400,
chiefly carried now on horses' backs, at 10s. per ton on a medium." |
p.252-1 |
Young's 'Six Months' Tour.' Ed. 1770.
Vol. iii., p.317. |
p.252-2 |
History of Birmingham.' Ed. 1836, p. 24. |
p.253 |
The Papers of Mr. Llewellynn Jewitt, F.S.A., on
'Wedgewood and Etruria,' published in the Art Journal, 1861,
contain many interesting particulars relating to the life and
labours of Wedgwood, and are well worthy of perusal. |
p.254 |
'Wedgwood;' an Address delivered at Burslem, Oct. 26,
1863. By the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, Chancellor of the
Exchequer. London: Murray. |
p.255 |
The Ivy House, in which Wedgwood began business on
his own account, is the cottage shown on the right-hand of the
engraving. The other house is the old "Turk's Head." |
p.256 |
Faujas Saint Fond, in his 'Travels in England,' thus
writes respecting Wedgwood's ware:—"Its excellent workmanship, its
solidity, the advantage which it possesses of standing the action of
fire, its fine glaze, impenetrable to acids, the beauty,
convenience, and variety of its forms, and its moderate price, have
created a commerce so active, and so universal, that in travelling
from Paris to St. Petersburg, from Amsterdam to the farthest point
of Sweden, from Dunkirk to the southern extremity of France, one is
served at every inn from English earthenware. The same fine
article adorns the tables of Spain, Portugal, and Italy; and it
provides the cargoes of ships to the Indies, the West Indies, and
America." |
p.258 |
Ed.—the photographer writes: "This statue of
Josiah Wedgwood—whose name will be forever associated with the
Potteries—stands outside the North Stafford Hotel in Winton Square,
opposite the station. The artist was by Edward Davis and it
was erected in 1863." |
p.260 |
Wedgwood even entered the lists as a pamphleteer in
aid of the Grand Trunk project, and, in 1765, he and his partner,
Mr. Bentley, formerly of Liverpool, drew up a very able statement,
showing the advantages likely to be derived from the construction of
the proposed canal, under the title of 'A View of the Advantages of
Inland Navigation, with a plan of a Navigable Canal intended for a
communication between the ports of Liverpool and Hull.' It
pointed out in glowing language the advantages to be derived from
opening up the internal communications of a country by means of
roads, canals, &c.; and showed how the comfort and even the
necessity of all classes must be so much better provided for by a
reduction in the cost of carriage of useful and necessary
commodities. |
p.261 |
The Advantages of Inland Navigation,' by R.
Whitworth. 1766. |
p.263 |
In one of the many angry pamphlets published at the
time, the 'Supplement to a pamphlet entitled Seasonable
Considerations on a Navigable Canal intended to be cut from the
Trent to the Mersey,' &c., the following passage occurs: "When our
all is at stake, these gentlemen [the promoters of the Grand Trunk
Canal] must not be surprised at bold truths. We conceive more
favourably of their understanding than of their motive; we cannot
suspect them of entertaining the chimerical idea of cutting through
Hare Castle! We rather believe that they are desirous of
cutting their canal at both ends, and of leaving the middle for the
project of a future day. Are these projectors jealous of their
honour? Let them adopt a clause (which reason and justice
strongly enforce) to restrain them from meddling with either end
till they have finished the [great trunk]. This, and this
alone, will shield them from suspicion." |
p.266 |
Ed.—the photographers writes thus:
(i) "Designed by James Brindley, this aqueduct carries the Trent and
Mersey Canal [formerly the Grand Trunk Canal] cross the River Dove.
Because only shallow arches could be built to allow for the depth of
the canal, the length of the aqueduct had to provide for sufficient
arches to allow for high flows during periods of flood."
(ii) "The Croxton Aqueduct carries the Trent and Mersey Canal over
the River Dane. Its narrow width limits the size of boats that can
use the canal." |
p.267 |
Brindley's tunnel had only space for a narrow
canal-boat to pass through, and it was propelled by the tedious and
laborious process of what is called "legging." It still
continues to be worked in the same way, while horses haul the boats
through the whole length of Telford's wider tunnel. The men
who "leg" the boat, literally kick it along from one end to the
other. They lie on their backs on the boat-cloths, with their
shoulders resting against some package, and propel it along by means
of their feet pressing against the top or sides of the tunnel. |
p.268-1 |
The smaller opening into the hill on the right-hand
of the view is Brindley's tunnel; that on the left is Telford's,
executed some forty years since. Harecastle church and village
occupy the ground over the tunnel entrances. |
p.268-2 |
'Seasonable Considerations,' &c.; Canal pamphlet
dated 1766. |
p.269 |
Ed.—Harecastle Tunnel is a canal tunnel on the
Trent and Mersey Canal. It is made up of 2 separate, parallel,
tunnels described as the 'Brindley' (2880 yards) and the later
'Telford' (2926 yards) after the engineers that constructed them.
The Brindley tunnel was constructed by James Brindley between 1770
and 1777. Brindley died during its construction. At the
time of its construction it was twice the length of any other tunnel
in the world.
Today only the Telford tunnel is navigable. The tunnel is only
wide enough to carry traffic in one direction at a time and boats
are sent through in groups, alternating northbound and southbound.
Ventilation is handled by a large fan at the south portal. |
p.272 |
The following comparison of the rates per ton at
which goods were conveyed by land-carriage before the opening of the
Grand Trunk Canal, and those at which they were subsequently carried
by it, will show how great was the advantage conferred on the
country by the introduction of navigable canals:—"The cost of
carrying a ton of goods from Liverpool to Etruria, the centre of the
Staffordshire Potteries, by land-carriage, was 50s.; the Trent and
Mersey reduced it to 13s. 4d. The land-carriage from Liverpool
to Wolverhampton was £5 a ton; the canal reduced it to £1 5s.
The land-carriage from Liverpool to Birmingham, and also to
Stourport, was £5 a ton; the canal reduced both to £1 10s. . . . .
Thus the cost of inland transport was reduced, on the average, to
about one-fourth of the rate paid previous to the introduction of
canal navigation. The advantages were enormous: wheat, for
example, which formerly could not be conveyed a hundred miles, from
corn-growing districts to the large towns and manufacturing
districts, for less than 20s. a quarter, could be conveyed for about
5s. a quarter. These facts show how great was the service
conferred on the country by Brindley and the Duke of Bridgewater."—Baines's
'History of the Commerce and Town of Liverpool.' |
p.273-1 |
Ed.—the Dudson Pottery, Hanley, is a grade II
listed building. It had only one "bottle kiln". The
factory, founded in 1800, eventually closed in 1980 when all
production moved to Burslem and Tunstall. The Hope Street
factory, shown here, is now open as part of a museum devoted to 200
years of the Dudson family pottery. |
p.273-2 |
The population of the same district in 1861 was found
to be upwards of 120,000. |
p.276-1 |
Ed.—the photographer writes: "Beyond the
bridge is Stourton Junction. Turn right to Stourbridge,
Netherton Tunnel and Birmingham; go straight on for Wolverhampton,
and the Potteries and the north (via the Trent and Mersey canal).
The tow paths in this area have been well restored and cycling is
encouraged." |
p.276-2 |
Ed.—the photographer writes: "also known as
Bishop Street Basin, this facility was opened in 1769 at the
extremity of the Coventry Canal. At one time it would have
been an industrial environment, seldom seen by anyone not involved
in the canal-carrying business, but it is now a pleasant location to
stroll round admiring the boats or visiting the retail outlets.
The statue depicts James Brindley, the canal's original engineer." |
p.277 |
The letter is so characteristic of Josiah Wedgwood
that we here insert it at length, as copied from the original in the
possession of Mr. Mayer of Liverpool:—
"Burslem, 12th July, 1769.
"Dear Sir,—I should have wrote to you about young Wilson, but
the multiplicity of branches you wrote me he was expected to learn,
made me despair of teaching him any. Pray give my compliments
to his father, and if he chooses to have his son to learn to be a
warehouseman and bookkeeper, which is quite sufficient and better
than more for any one person, I will learn him those in the best
manner; but, even then, Mr. Wilson must not expect him to be set on
the top of a ladder without setting his feet upon the lowermost
steps; and unless he will let the Boy pursue that method, I would
not be concerned with him on any account. I will not attempt
to teach him any more trades; it would injure the Boy, and do me no
good. If he has a mind his leisure time to amuse himself with
drawing I have no objection, and would encourage him in it, as an
innocent amusement, and what may be of use to him, but would not
make this a branch of his business. If the business I propose
is too humble for Mr. Wilson's son, I would not by any means have
him accept of it.
"Mr. Brindley desires you'll send 30 plans to each of the
undermentioned Gentlemen by the first Waggons, and let us know when
they are sent, as we shall advertise them in several of the Country
papers: Mr. Walker, of Oxford, Steward to D. of Marlbro'—you may
perhaps get them sent from Marlbro' house; Mr. Dudley,
Attorney-at-Law, Coventry; Mr. Richardson, Silversmith, in Chester;
Mr. Perry, Wolverhampton.
"We shall send you this week end, double salts, creams,
pott'y potts, table plates of all sorts, sallad dishes, covered do.,
pierced desert plates, &c. We cannot get Sadler to send us any
pierced desert ware, &c. Pay Addison 5 or 6 guineas.
"Yours, &c., J. W." |
p.278 |
Ed.—the Droitwich Canal
is a synthesis of two canals; the Droitwich Barge Canal and the
Droitwich Junction Canal. The Barge Canal, engineered by
Brindley, is a broad canal which opened in 1771 linking Droitwich
Spa to the River Severn at Hawford Mill, Claines. Like most of
Brindley's canals, it was a contour canal, following the contours as
much as possible, to reduce the number of embankments and cuttings
required. The Droitwich Junction Canal is a narrow canal,
opened in 1854, which linked Droitwich to the Worcester and
Birmingham Canal. Both were built to carry salt, and were abandoned
in 1939.
As with so many canals the coming of the railways spelt their
economic doom and an Act of Abandonment was passed in July 1939.
The last boat to use the Barge Canal went through in 1916. The
last boat to use the Junction Canal went through a few years later
in 1928. The canals are now the subject of a restoration plan. |
p.279 |
The following were the canals laid out and
principally executed by Brindley:—
Miles |
furl. |
chains |
The Duke's Canals Worsley to Manchester |
10 |
2 |
0 |
do. Longford Bridge to the Mersey below Runcorn |
24 |
1 |
7 |
Grand Trunk Canal Proper, from Wilden
Ferry to Preston
Brook |
88 |
7 |
9 |
Wolverhampton Canal |
46 |
4 |
0 |
Coventry |
36 |
7 |
8 |
Birmingham |
24 |
2 |
0 |
Droitwich |
5 |
4 |
9 |
Oxford |
82 |
7 |
3 |
Chesterfield |
46 |
0 |
0 |
p.280 |
'Memoir,' by Samuel Hughes, C. E. Weale's
'Quarterly Papers,' 1844. |
p.286 |
Ed.—Brindley married his young bride, Ann
Henshall, in 1765 and together they moved into Turnhurst Hall.
Brindley mixed with some of the finest minds in England during this
time as his friend Josiah Wedgwood introduced him to the eminent
physician and polymath Erasmus Darwin and other illustrious members
of the Lunar Circle. It was Erasmus Darwin who attended
Brindley at Turnhurst towards the end of his life and diagnosed his
advanced diabetes mellitus. Brindley died at there on 27
September, 1772, leaving his young widow, Anne, and two daughters.
Anne married Robert Williamson in 1775 and had seven children.
According to Harold Bode ['James Brindley: an illustrated life of
James Brindley, 1716-1772'] she died in 1799; Smiles states that she
died at Longport in 1826. Turnhurst Hall suffered subsidence
towards the turn of the 20th century and was demolished in 1929. |
p.291 |
The younger Pliny seems to have adopted almost a
similar method: "Clausæ fenestræ manent. Mirè enim silentio et
tenebris animus alitur. Ab its quæ avocant abductus, et liber,
et mihi relictus, non oculos ammo sed anmum oculis sequor, qui eadem
quæ mens vident quoties non vident alia."—Epist. lib. ix., ep. 36. |
p.292 |
'Biographic Britannica,' 2nd Ed. Edited by Dr.
Kippis. The materials of the article are acknowledged to have
been obtained principally from Mr. Henshall by Messrs. Wedgwood and
Bentley, who wrote and published the memoir in testimony of their
admiration and respect for their deceased friend, the engineer of
the Grand Trunk Canal. |
p.293 |
It has, indeed, been stated in the strange
publication of the last Earl of Bridgewater, to which we have
already alluded, that when in the service of the Duke, Brindley was
"drunken." But this is completely contradicted by the
testimony of Brindley's own friends; by the evidence of Brindley's
notebook, from repeated entries in which it appears that his "ating
and drink" at dinner cost no more than 8d.; by the confidence
generally reposed in him, and the friendship entertained for him, by
such men as Josiah Wedgwood; and by the fact of the vast amount of
work that he subsequently contrived to get through. No man of
"drunken" habits could possibly have done this. We should not
have referred to this topic but for the circumstance that the late
Mr. Baines, of Leeds, has quoted the Earl's statement, without
contradiction, in his excellent 'History of Lancashire.' |
p.296 |
'A Cursory View of a proposed Canal from Kendal to
the Duke of Bridgewater's Canal, leading to the great manufacturing
town of Manchester.' 1785. |
p.298 |
The following curious paragraph is from the 'Times'
of the 19th December, 1806. It relates to the despatching of
troops from London for Ireland, during a time of great
excitement:—"The first division of the troops that are to proceed by
Paddington Canal for Liverpool, and thence by transports for Dublin,
will leave Paddington to-day, and will be followed by others
to-morrow, and on Sunday. By this mode of conveyance the men
will be only seven days in reaching Liverpool, and with
comparatively little fatigue, and it would take them above fourteen
days to march that distance. Relays of fresh horses for the
canal-boats have been ordered to be in readiness at all the
stations." |
p.303-1 |
'Œuvres de d'Aguesseau,' tome xiii. |
p.303-2 |
'Histoire du Canal de Languedoc,' par les Descendants
de Pierre-Paul Riquet de Bonrepos. Paris, 1805. |
p.305 |
The Procès-Verbal des Commissaires is preserved in
the Manuscrits Colbert, No. 202, Bibliothèque Impérials. |
p.306 |
'Canaux Navigables,' par La Laude, 120. |
p.307 |
'Histoire du Canal de Languedoc,' p. 50. |
p.308 |
This anecdote is given in the 'Mémoires du Baron de
Bésenval.' |
p.309 |
Three Letters from M. de Froidour to Al. de Barillon,
published at Toulouse in 1672. |