[Previous Page]
experiments on fire-damp, and his labours in connection with the
invention of the safety-lamp, occupied but a small portion of his
time, which was necessarily devoted, for the most part, to the
ordinary business of the colliery. From the day of his
appointment as engine-wright, one of the subjects which particularly
occupied his attention was the best practical method of winning and
raising the coal. Nicholas Wood has said of him that he was
one of the first to introduce steam machinery underground with that
object. Indeed, the Killingworth mines came to be regarded as
the models of the district; and when Mr. Robert Bald, the celebrated
Scotch mining engineer, was requested by Dr. (afterward Sir David)
Brewster to prepare the article "Mine" for the "Edinburgh
Encyclopaedia,'' he proceeded to Killingworth principally for the
purpose of examining Stephenson's underground machinery. Mr.
Bald has favoured us with an account of his visit made with that
object in 1818, and he states that he was much struck with the
novelty, as well as the remarkable efficiency of Stephenson's
arrangements, especially in regard to what is called the underdip
"I found," he says,
"that a mine had been commenced near the main
pit-bottom, and carried forward down the dip or slope of the coal,
the rate of dip being about one in twelve; and the coals were drawn
from the dip to the pit-bottom by the steam machinery in a very
rapid manner. The water which oozed from the upper winning was
disposed of at the pit-bottom in a barrel or trunk, and was drawn up
by the power of the engine which worked the other machinery.
The dip at the time of my visit was nearly a mile in length, but has
since been greatly extended. As I was considerably tired by my
wanderings in the galleries, when I arrived at the forehead of the
dip, Mr. Stephenson said to me, 'You may very speedily be carried up
to the rise by laying yourself flat upon the coal-baskets,' which
were laden and ready to be taken up the incline. This I at
once did, and was straightway wafted on the wings of fire to the
bottom of the pit, from whence I was borne swiftly up to the light
by the steam machinery on the pit-head."
The whole of the working arrangements seemed to Mr. Bald to
be conducted in the most skilful and efficient manner, reflecting
the highest credit on the colliery engineer.
Besides attending to the underground arrangements, the
improved transit of the coals above ground from the pit-head to the
shipping-place demanded an increasing share of Stephenson's
attention. Every day's experience convinced him that the
locomotive constructed by him after his patent of the year 1815 was
far from perfect, though he continued to entertain confident hopes
of its complete eventual success. He even went so far as to
say that the locomotive would yet supersede every other
traction-power for drawing heavy loads. It is true, many
persons continued to regard his travelling engine as little better
than a dangerous curiosity; and some, shaking their heads, predicted
for it "a terrible blow-up some day." Nevertheless, it was
daily performing its work with regularity, dragging the coal-wagons
between the colliery and the staiths, and saving the labour of many
men and horses.
There was not, however, so marked a saving in the expense of
haulage as to induce the colliery masters to adopt locomotive power
generally as a substitute for horses. How it could be
improved, and rendered more efficient as well as economical, was
constantly present to Stephenson's mind. He was fully
conscious of the imperfections both in the road and the engine, and
gave himself no rest until he had brought the efficiency of both up
to a higher point. Thus he worked his way inch by inch, slowly
but surely, and every step gained was made good as a basis for
farther improvements.
At an early period of his labours, or about the time when he
had completed his second locomotive, he began to direct his
particular attention to the state of the road, perceiving that the
extended use of the locomotive must necessarily depend in a great
measure upon the perfection, solidity, continuity, and smoothness of
the way along which the engine travelled. Even at that early
period he was in the habit of regarding the road and the locomotive
as one machine, speaking of the Rail and the Wheel as "Man and
All railways were at that time laid in a careless and loose
manner, and great inequalities of level were allowed to occur
without much attention being paid to repairs. The consequence
was a great loss of power, as well as much wear and tear of the
machinery, by the frequent jolts and blows of the wheels against the
rails. Stephenson's first object, therefore, was to remove the
inequalities produced by the imperfect junction between rail and
At that time (1816) the rails were made of cast iron, each
rail being about three feet long; and sufficient care was not taken
to maintain the points of junction on the same level. The
chain, or cast-iron pedestals into which the rails were inserted,
were flat at the bottom, so that whenever any disturbance took place
in the stone blocks or sleepers supporting them, the flat base of
the chair upon which the rails rested being tilted by unequal
subsidence, the end of one rail became depressed, while that of the
other was elevated. Hence constant jolts and shocks, the
reaction of which very often caused the fracture of the rails, and
occasionally threw the engine off the road.

To remedy this imperfection, Mr. Stephenson devised a new
chair, with an entirely new mode of fixing the rails therein.
Instead of adopting the butt joint which had hitherto been used in
all cast-iron rails, he adopted the half-lap joint, by which means
the rails extended a certain distance over each other at the ends
like a scarf-joint. These ends, instead of resting on the flat
chair, were made to rest upon the apex of a curve forming the bottom
of the chair. The supports were also extended from three feet
to three feet nine inches or four feet apart. These rails were
accordingly substituted for the old cast iron plates on the
Killingworth Colliery Railway, and they were found to be a very
great improvement on the previous system, adding both to the
efficiency of the horse-power (still used on the railway) and to the
smooth action of the locomotive engine, but more particularly
increasing the efficiency of the latter.
This improved form of the rail and chair was embodied in a
patent taken out in the joint names of Mr. Losh, of Newcastle, iron
founder, and of Mr. Stephenson, bearing date the 30th of September,
1816. Mr. Losh being a wealthy, enterprising
iron-manufacturer, and having confidence in George Stephenson and
his improvements, found the money for the purpose of taking out the
patent, which in those days was a very costly as well as troublesome
affair. At the same time, Mr. Losh guaranteed Stephenson a
salary of £100 per annum, with a share in the profits arising from
his inventions, conditional on his attending at the Walker
Iron-works two days a week—an arrangement to which the owners of the
Killingworth Colliery cheerfully gave their sanction.
The specification of 1816 included various important
improvements in the locomotive itself. The wheels of the
engine were improved, being altered from cast to malleable iron, in
whole or in part, by which they were made lighter as well as more
durable and safe. The patent also included the ingenious and
original contrivance by which the steam generated in the boiler was
made to serve as a substitute for springs—an expedient already
explained in a preceding chapter.

The result of the actual working of the new locomotive on the
improved road amply justified the promises held forth in the
specification. The traffic was conducted with greater
regularity and economy, and the superiority of the engine, as
compared with horse traction, became still more marked. And it
is a fact worthy of notice, that the identical engines constructed
by Stephenson in 1816 are to this day in regular useful work upon
the Killingworth Railway, conveying heavy coal-trains at the speed
of between five and six miles an hour, probably as economically as
any of the more perfect locomotives now in use.
George Stephenson's endeavours having been attended with such
marked success in the adaptation of locomotive power to railways,
his attention was called by many of his friends, about the year
1818, to the application of steam to travelling on common roads.
It was from this point, indeed, that the locomotive had started,
Trevithick's first engine having been constructed with this special
object. Stephenson's friends having observed how far behind he
had left the original projector of the locomotive in its application
to railroads, perhaps naturally inferred that he would be equally
successful in applying it to the purpose for which Trevithick and
Vivian had intended their first engine. But the accuracy with
which he estimated the resistance to which loads were exposed on
railways, arising from friction and gravity, led him at a very early
stage to reject the idea of ever applying steam-power economically
to common road travelling. In October, 1818, he made a series
of careful experiments, in conjunction with Mr. Nicholas Wood, on
the resistance to which carriages were exposed on railways, testing
the results by means of a dynamometer of his own contrivance.
The series of practical observations made by means of this
instrument were interesting, as the first systematic attempt to
determine the precise amount of resistance to carriages moving along
railways. It was then for the first time ascertained by
experiment that the friction was a constant quantity at all
velocities. Although this theory had long before been
developed by Vince and Coulomb, and was well known to scientific men
as an established truth, yet, at the time when Stephenson made his
experiments, the deductions of philosophers on the subject were
neither believed in nor acted upon by practical engineers. To
quote again from the MS. account supplied to the author by Robert
Stephenson for the purposes of his father's "Life:"
"It was maintained by many that
the results of the experiments led to the greatest possible
mechanical absurdities. For instance, it was maintained that,
if friction were constant at all velocities upon a level railway,
when once a power was applied to a carriage which exceeded the
friction of that carriage by the smallest possible amount, that same
small excess of power would be able to convey the carriage along a
level railway at all conceivable velocities. When this
position was put by those who opposed the conclusions at which my
father had arrived, he felt great hesitation in maintaining his own
views; for it appeared to him at first sight really to be—as it was
put by his opponents—an absurdity. Frequent repetition,
however, of the experiments to which I have alluded, left no doubt
upon his mind that his conclusion that friction was uniform at all
velocities was a fact which must be received as positively
established; and he soon afterward boldly maintained that that which
was an apparent absurdity was, instead, a necessary consequence.
I well remember the ridicule that was thrown upon this view by many
of those persons with whom he was associated at the time.
Nevertheless, it is undoubted, that, could you practically be always
applying a power in excess of the resistance, a constant increase of
velocity would of necessity follow without any limit. This is
so obvious to most professional men of the present day, and is now
so axiomatic, that I only allude to the discussion which took place
when these experiments of my father were announced for the purpose
of showing how small was the amount of science at that time blended
with engineering practice. A few years afterward, an excellent
pamphlet was published by Mr. Silvester on this question; he took up
the whole subject, and demonstrated in a very simple and beautiful
manner the correctness of all the views at which my father had
arrived by his course of experiments.
"The other resistances to which carriages were exposed were
also investigated experimentally by my father. He perceived
that these resistances were mainly three—the first being upon the
axles of the carriage; the second, which may be called the rolling
resistance, being between the circumference of the wheel and the
surface of the rail; and the third being the resistance of gravity.
"The amount of friction and gravity he accurately
ascertained; but the rolling resistance was a matter of greater
difficulty, for it was subject to great variation. He,
however, satisfied himself that it was so great, when the surface
presented to the wheel was of a rough character, that the idea of
working steam-carriages economically on common roads was out of the
question. Even so early as the period alluded to he brought
his theoretical calculations to a practical test; he scattered sand
upon the rails when an engine was running, and found that a small
quantity was quite sufficient to retard and even stop the most
powerful locomotive engine that he had at that time made. And
he never failed to urge this conclusive experiment upon the
attention of those who were wasting their money and time upon the
vain attempt to apply steam to common roads.
"The following were the principal arguments which influenced
his mind to work out the use of the locomotive in a directly
opposite course to that pursued by a number of ingenious inventors,
who, between 1820 and 1836, were engaged in attempting to apply
steam-power to turnpike roads. Having ascertained that
resistance might be taken as represented by 10 lbs. to a ton weight
on a level railway, it became obvious to him that so small a rise as
1 in 100 would diminish the useful effort of a locomotive by upward
of fifty per cent. This fact called my father's attention to
the question of gradients in future locomotive lines. He then
became convinced of the vital importance, in an economical point of
view, of reducing the country through which a railway was intended
to pass to as near a level as possible. This originated in his
mind the distinctive character of railway works as
contra-distinguished from all other roads; for in railroads he early
contended that large sums would be wisely expended in perforating
barriers of hills with long tunnels, and in raising low ground with
the excess cut down from the adjacent high ground. In
proportion as these views fixed themselves upon his mind, and were
corroborated by his daily experience, he became more and more
convinced of the hopelessness of applying steam locomotion to common
roads; for every argument in favour of a level railway was an
argument against the rough and hilly course of a common road.
He never ceased to urge upon the patrons of road steam-carriages
that if, by any amount of ingenuity, an engine could be made which
could by possibility traverse a turnpike road at a speed at least
equal to that obtainable by horse-power, and at a less cost, such an
engine, if applied to the more perfect surface of a railway, would
have its efficiency enormously enhanced. For instance, he
calculated that if an engine had been constructed, and had been
found to travel uniformly between London and Birmingham at an
average speed of 10 miles an hour—conveying, say, 20 or 30
passengers at a cost of 1s. per mile, it was clear that the
same engine, if applied to a railway, instead of conveying 20 or 30
people, would have conveyed 200 or 300 people, and instead of a
speed of 10 or 12 miles an hour, a speed of at least 30 to 40 miles
an hour would have been obtained."
At this day it is difficult to understand how the sagacious
and strong- common-sense views of Stephenson on this subject failed
to force themselves sooner upon the minds of those who were
persisting in their vain though ingenious attempts to apply
locomotive power to ordinary roads. For a long time they
continued to hold with obstinate perseverance to the belief that for
such purposes a soft road was better than a hard one—a road easily
crushed better than one incapable of being crushed; and they held to
this after it had been demonstrated in all parts of the mining
districts that iron tram-ways were better than paved roads.
But the fallacy that iron was incapable of adhesion upon iron
continued to prevail, and the projectors of steam-travelling on
common roads only shared in the common belief. They still
considered that roughness of surface was essential to produce
"bite,'' especially in surmounting acclivities; the truth being that
they confounded roughness of surface with tenacity of surface and
contact of parts, not perceiving that a yielding surface which would
adapt itself to the tread of the wheel could never become an
unyielding surface to form a fulcrum for its progression.
Although Stephenson's locomotive engines were in daily use
for many years on the Killingworth Railway, they excited
comparatively little interest. They were no longer
experimental, but had become an established tractive power.
The experience of years had proved that they worked more steadily,
drew heavier loads, and were, on the whole, considerably more
economical than horses. Nevertheless, eight years passed
before another locomotive railway was constructed and opened for the
purposes of coal or other traffic.
It is difficult to account for this early indifference on the
part of the public to the merits of the greatest mechanical
invention of the age. Steam-carriages were exciting much
interest, and numerous and repeated experiments were made with them.
The improvements effected by McAdam in the mode of constructing
turnpike roads were the subject of frequent discussions in the
Legislature, on the grants of public money being proposed, which
were from time to time made to him. Yet here at Killingworth,
without the aid of a farthing of government money, a system of road
locomotion had been in existence since 1814, which was destined,
before many years, to revolutionize the internal communications of
England and of the world, but of which the English public and the
English government as yet knew nothing.
But Stephenson had no means of bringing his important
invention prominently under the notice of the public. He
himself knew well its importance, and he already anticipated its
eventual general adoption; but, being an unlettered man, he could
not give utterance to the thoughts which brooded within him on the
subject. Killingworth Colliery lay far from London, the centre
of scientific life in England. It was visited by no savans nor
literary men, who might have succeeded in introducing to notice the
wonderful machine of Stephenson. Even the local chroniclers
seem to have taken no notice of the Killingworth Railway. The
"Puffing Billy" was doing its daily quota of hard work, and had long
ceased to be a curiosity in the neighbourhood. Blenkinsop's
clumsier and less successful engine—which has long since been
disused, while Stephenson's Killingworth engines continue working to
this day—excited far more interest, partly, perhaps, because it was
close to the large town of Leeds, and used to be visited by
strangers as one of the few objects of interest in that place.
Blenkinsop was also an educated man, and was in communication with
some of the most distinguished personages of his day on the subject
of his locomotive, which thus obtained considerable celebrity.

William Hedley's "Puffing Billy", 1814, Wylam
the world's oldest surviving steam locomotive.
The first engine constructed by Stephenson to order, after
the Killingworth model, was made for the Duke of Portland in 1817,
for use upon his tram-road, about ten miles long, extending from
Kilmarnock to Troon, in Ayrshire. It was employed to haul the
coals from the duke's collieries along the line to Troon harbour.
Its use was, however, discontinued in consequence of the frequent
breakages of the cast-iron rails, by which the working of the line
was interrupted, and accordingly horses were again employed as
before. [p.207]
There seemed, indeed, to be so small a prospect of
introducing the locomotive into general use, that Stephenson—perhaps
conscious of the capabilities within him—again recurred to his old
idea of emigrating to the United States. Before entering as
sleeping partner in a small foundry at Forth Banks, Newcastle,
managed by Mr. John Burrell, he had thrown out the suggestion to the
latter that it would be a good speculation for them to emigrate to
North America, and introduce steam-boats on the great inland lakes
there. The first steamers were then plying upon the Tyne
before his eyes, and he saw in them the germ of a great revolution
in navigation. It occurred to him that the great lakes of
North America presented the finest field for trying their wonderful
powers. He was an engineer, and Mr. Burrell was an
iron-founder; and between them, he thought they might strike out a
path to fortune in the mighty West. Fortunately, this idea
remained a mere speculation so far as Stephenson was concerned, and
it was left to others to do what he had dreamed of achieving.
After all his patient waiting, his skill, industry, and perseverance
were at length about to bear fruit.
In 1819, the owners of the Hetton Colliery, in the county of
Durham, determined to have their wagon-way altered to a locomotive
railroad. The result of the working of the Killingworth
Railway had been so satisfactory that they resolved to adopt the
same system. One reason why an experiment so long continued
and so successful as that at Killingworth should have been so slow
in producing results perhaps was, that to lay down a railway and
furnish it with locomotives, or fixed engines where necessary,
required a very large capital, beyond the means of ordinary
coal-owners; while the small amount of interest felt in railways by
the general public, and the supposed impracticability of working
them to a profit, as yet prevented the ordinary capitalists from
venturing their money in the promotion of such undertakings.
The Hetton Coal Company were, however, possessed of adequate means,
and the local reputation of the Killingworth engine-wright pointed
him out as the man best calculated to lay out their line and
superintend their works. They accordingly invited him to act
as the engineer of the proposed railway. Being in the service
of the Killingworth Company, Stephenson felt it necessary to obtain
their permission to enter upon this new work. This was at once
granted. The best feeling existed between him and his
employers, and they regarded it as a compliment that their colliery
engineer should be selected for a work so important as the laying
down of the Hetton Railway, which was to be the longest locomotive
line that had, up to that time, been constructed in the
neighbourhood. Stephenson accepted the appointment, his
brother Robert acting as resident engineer and personally
superintending the execution of the works.
The Hetton Railway extended from the Hetton Colliery,
situated about two miles south of Houghton-le-Spring, to the
ship-places on the banks of the Wear, near Sunderland. Its
length was about eight miles; and in its course it crossed Warden
Law, one of the highest hills in the district. The character
of the country forbade the construction of a flat line, or one of
comparatively easy gradients, except by the expenditure of a much
larger capital than was placed at Stephenson's command. Heavy
works could not be executed; it was therefore necessary to form the
line with but little deviation from the natural conformation of the
district which it traversed, and also to adapt the mechanical
methods employed for its working to the character of the gradients,
which in some places were necessarily heavy.
Although George Stephenson had, with every step made toward
its increased utility, become more and more identified with the
success of the locomotive engine, he did not allow his enthusiasm to
carry him away into costly mistakes. He carefully drew the
line between the cases in which the locomotive could be usefully
employed and those in which stationary engines were calculated to be
more economical. This led him, as in the instance of the
Hetton Railway, to execute lines through and over rough countries,
where gradients within the powers of the locomotive engine of that
day could not be secured, employing in their stead stationary
engines where locomotives were not practicable. In the present
case, this course was adopted by him most successfully. On the
original Hetton line there were five self-acting inclines—the full
wagons drawing the empty ones up—and two inclines worked by fixed
reciprocating engines of sixty-horse power each. The
locomotive travelling engine, or "the iron horse," as the people of
the neighbourhood then styled it, worked the rest of the line.
On the day of the opening of the Hetton Railway, the 18th of
November, 1822, crowds of spectators assembled from all parts to
witness the first operations of this ingenious and powerful
machinery, which was entirely successful. On that day five of
Stephenson's locomotives were at work upon the railway, under the
direction of his brother Robert; and the first shipment of coal was
then made by the Hetton Company at their new staiths on the Wear.
The speed at which the locomotives travelled was about four miles an
hour, and each engine dragged after it a train of seventeen wagons
weighing about sixty-four tons.
While thus advancing step by step—attending to the business
of the Killingworth Colliery, and laying out railways in the
neighbourhood—he was carefully watching over the education of his
son. We have already seen that Robert was sent to school at
Newcastle, where he remained about four years. While Robert
was at school, his father, as usual, made his son's education
instrumental to his own. He entered him a member of the
Newcastle Literary and Philosophical Institute, the subscription to
which was three guineas a year. Robert spent much of his
leisure hours there, reading and studying; and when he went home in
the afternoons, he was accustomed to carry home with him a volume of
the "Repertory of Arts and Sciences," or of some work on practical
science, which furnished the subject of interesting reading and
discussion in the evening hours. Both father and son were
always ready to acknowledge the great advantages they had derived
from the use of so excellent a library of books; and, toward the
close of his life, the latter, in recognition of his debt of
gratitude to the institution, contributed a large sum for the
purpose of clearing off the debt, but conditional on the annual
subscription being reduced to a guinea, in order that the usefulness
of the Institute might be extended.
Robert left school in the summer of 1819, and was put
apprentice to Mr. Nicholas Wood, the head viewer at Killingworth, to
learn the business of the colliery. He served in that capacity
for about three years, during which time he became familiar with
most departments of underground work. His occupation was not
unattended with peril, as the following incident will show.
Though the use of the Geordy lamp had become general in the
Killingworth pits, and the workmen were bound, under a penalty of
half a crown, not to use a naked candle, it was difficult to enforce
the rule, and even the masters themselves occasionally broke it.
One day Nicholas Wood, the head viewer, Moodie, the under viewer,
and Robert Stephenson, were proceeding along one of the galleries.
Wood with a naked candle in his hand, and Robert following him with
a lamp. They came to a place where a fall of stones from the
roof had taken place, on which Wood, who was first, proceeded to
clamber over the stones, holding high the naked candle. He had
nearly reached the summit of the heap, when the fire-damp, which had
accumulated in the hollow of the roof, exploded, and instantly the
whole party were blown down, and the lights extinguished. They
were a mile from the shaft, and quite in the dark. There was a
rush of the work-people from all quarters toward the shaft, for it
was feared that the fire might extend to more dangerous parts of the
pit, where, if the gas had exploded, every soul in the mine must
inevitably have perished. Robert Stephenson and Moodie, on the
first impulse, ran back at full speed along the dark gallery leading
to the shaft, coming into collision, on their way, with the hind
quarters of a horse stunned by the explosion. When they had
gone half way, Moodie halted, and bethought him of Nicholas Wood.
"Stop, laddie!" said he to Robert, "stop; we maun gang back and seek
the maister." So they retraced their steps. Happily, no
farther explosion took place. They found the master lying on
the heap of stones, stunned and bruised, with his hands severely
burnt. They led him to the bottom of the shaft; and he
afterward took care not to venture into the dangerous parts of the
mine without the protection of a Geordy lamp.
The time that Robert spent at Killingworth as viewer's
apprentice was of advantage both to his father and himself.
The evenings were generally devoted to reading and study, the two
from this time working together as friends and co-labourers.
One who used to drop in at the cottage of an evening well remembers
the animated and eager discussions which on some occasions took
place, more especially with reference to the growing powers of the
locomotive engine. The son was even more enthusiastic than his
father on the subject. Robert would suggest numerous
alterations and improvements in detail. His father, on the
contrary, would offer every possible objection, defending the
existing arrangements—proud, nevertheless, of his son's suggestions,
and often warmed and excited by his brilliant anticipations of the
ultimate triumph of the locomotive.
These discussions probably had considerable influence in
inducing Stephenson to take the next important step in the education
of his son. Although Robert, who was only nineteen years of
age, was doing well, and was certain, at the expiration of his
apprenticeship, to rise to a higher position, his father was not
satisfied with the amount of instruction which he had as yet given
him. Remembering the disadvantages under which he had himself
laboured through his ignorance of practical chemistry during his
investigations connected with the safety-lamp, more especially with
reference to the properties of gas, as well as in the course of his
experiments with the object of improving the locomotive engine, he
determined to furnish his son with a better scientific culture than
he had yet attained. He also believed that a proper training
in technical science was indispensable to success in the higher
walks of the engineer's profession, and he determined to give Robert
the education, in a certain degree, which he so much desired for
himself. He would thus, he knew, secure an able co-worker in
the elaboration of the great ideas now looming before him, and with
their united practical and scientific knowledge he probably felt
that they would be equal to any enterprise.
He accordingly took Robert from his labours as under viewer
in the West Moor Pit, and in October, 1822, sent him for a short
coarse of instruction to the Edinburgh University. Robert was
furnished with letters of introduction to several men of literary
eminence in Edinburgh, his father's reputation in connection with
the safety-lamp being of service to him in this respect. He
lodged in Drummond Street, in the immediate vicinity of the college,
and attended the Chemical Lectures of Dr. Hope, the Natural
Philosophy Lectures of Sir John Leslie, and the Natural History
Class of Professor Jameson. He also devoted several evenings
in each week to the study of practical Chemistry under Dr. John
Murray, himself one of the numerous designers of a safety-lamp.
He took careful notes of the lectures, which he copied out at night
before he went to bed, so that, when he returned to Killingworth, he
might read them over to his father. He afterward had the notes
bound up and placed in his library.
Long years after, when conversing with Thomas Harrison, C.E,
at his house in Gloucester Square, he rose from his seat and took
down a volume from the shelves. Mr. Harrison observed that the
book was in MS., neatly written out. "What have we here?" he
asked. The answer was, "When I went to college, I knew the
difficulty my father had in collecting the funds to send me there.
Before going I studied short-hand; while at Edinburgh I took down
verbatim every lecture; and in the evenings, before I went to bed, I
transcribed those lectures word for word. You see the result
in that range of books." From this it will be observed that
the maxim of "Like father, like son," was one that strictly applied
to the Stephensons.
Robert was not without the pleasure of social intercourse
either during his stay at Edinburgh. Among the letters of
introduction which he took with him was one to Robert Bald, the
mining engineer, which proved of much service to him. "I
remember Mr. Bald very well," he said on one occasion, when
recounting his reminiscences of his Edinburgh college life.
"He introduced me to Dr. Hope, Dr. Murray, and several of the
distinguished men of the North. Bald was the Buddle of
Scotland. He knew my father from having visited the pits at
Killingworth, with the object of describing the system of working
them in his article intended for the 'Edinburgh Encyclopaedia.'
A strange adventure befell that article before it appeared in print.
Bald was living at Alloa when he wrote it, and when finished he sent
it to Edinburgh by the hands of young Maxton, his nephew, whom he
enjoined to take special care of it, and deliver it safely into the
hands of the editor. The young man took passage for New Haven
by one of the little steamers which then plied on the Forth; but on
the voyage down the Frith she struck upon a rock nearly opposite
Queen's Ferry, and soon sank. When the accident happened,
Maxton's whole concern was about his uncle's article. He durst
not return to Alloa if he lost it, and he must not go on to
Edinburgh without it. So he desperately clung to the chimney
chains with the paper parcel under his arm, while most of the other
passengers were washed away and drowned. And there he
continued to cling until rescued by some boatmen, parcel and all,
after which he made his way to Edinburgh, and the article duly
Returning to the subject of his life in Edinburgh, Robert
continued: "Besides taking me with him to the meetings of the Royal
and other societies, Mr. Bald introduced me to a very agreeable
family, relatives of his own, at whose house I spent many pleasant
evenings. It was there I met Jeannie M――.
She was a bonnie lass, and I, being young and susceptible,
fairly fell in love with her. But, like most very early
attachments, mine proved evanescent. Years passed, and I had
all but forgotten Jeannie, when one day I received a letter from
her, from which it appeared that she was in great distress through
the ruin of her relatives. I sent her a sum of money, and
continued to do so for several years; but the last remittance not
being acknowledged, I directed my friend Sanderson to make
inquiries. I afterward found that the money had reached her at
Portobello just as she was dying, and so, poor thing, she had been
unable to acknowledge it."
One of the practical sciences in the study of which Robert
Stephenson took special interest while at Edinburgh was that of
geology. The situation of the city, in the midst of a district
of highly interesting geological formation, easily accessible to
pedestrians, is indeed most favourable to the pursuit of such a
study; and it was the practice of Professor Jameson frequently to
head a band of his pupils, armed with hammers, chisels, and
clinometers, and take them with him on a long ramble into the
country, for the purpose of teaching them habits of observation, and
reading to them from the open book of Nature itself. The
professor was habitually grave and taciturn, but on such occasions
he would relax and even become genial. For his own special
science he had an almost engrossing enthusiasm, which on such
occasions he did not fail to inspire into his pupils, who thus not
only got their knowledge in the pleasantest possible way, but also
fresh air and exercise in the midst of glorious scenery and in
joyous company.
At the close of this session, the professor took with him a
select body of his pupils on an excursion along the Great Glen of
the Highlands, in the line of the Caledonian Canal, and Robert
formed one of the party. They passed under the shadow of Ben
Nevis, examined the famous old sea-margins known as the "parallel
roads of Glen Roy," and extended their journey as far as Inverness,
the professor teaching the young men, as they travelled, how to
observe in a mountain country. Not long before his death,
Robert Stephenson spoke in glowing terms of the great pleasure and
benefit which he had derived from that interesting excursion.
"I have travelled far, and enjoyed much," he said, "but that
delightful botanical and geological tour I shall never forget; and I
am just about to start in the Titania for a trip round the
east coast of Scotland, returning south through the Caledonian
Canal, to refresh myself with the recollection of the first and
brightest tour of my life."
Toward the end of the summer the young student returned to
Killingworth to re-enter upon the active business of life. The
six months' study had cost his father £80—a considerable sum to him
in those days; but he was amply repaid by the additional scientific
culture which his son had acquired, and the evidence of ability and
industry which he was enabled to exhibit in a prize for mathematics
which he had won at the University.

We may here add that by this time George Stephenson, after
remaining a widower fourteen years, had married, in 1820, his second
wife, Elizabeth Hindmarsh, the daughter of a respectable farmer at
Black Callerton. She was a woman of excellent character,
sensible, and intelligent, and of a kindly and affectionate nature.
George's son Robert, whom she loved as if he had been her own, to
the last day of his life spoke of her in the highest terms; and it
is unquestionable that she contributed in no small degree to the
happiness of her husband's home.
The story was for some time current that, while living at
Black Callerton in the capacity of engine-man, twenty years before,
George had made love to Miss Hindmarsh, and, failing to obtain her
hand, in despair he had married Paterson's servant. But the
author has been assured by Mr. Thomas Hindmarsh, of Newcastle, the
lady's brother, that the story was mere idle gossip, and altogether
without foundation.
is not improbable that the slow progress made by railways in public
estimation was, in a considerable measure, due to the comparative
want of success which had attended the first projects. We do
not refer to the tram-roads and railroads which connected the
collieries and iron-works with the shipping-places. These were
found convenient and economical, and their use became general in
Durham and Northumberland, in South Wales, in Scotland, and
throughout the colliery districts. But none of these were
public railways. Though the Merthyr Tydvil Tram-road, the
Sirhoway Railroad, and others in South Wales, were constructed under
the powers of special acts, they were exclusively used for the
private purposes of the coal-owners and iron-masters at whose
expense they were made. [p.216]
The first public Railway Act was that passed in 1801,
authorizing the construction of a line from Wandsworth to Croydon,
under the name of "The Surrey Iron Railway." By a subsequent
act, powers were obtained to extend the line to Reigate, with a
branch to Godstone. The object of this railway was to furnish
a more ready means for the transport of coal and merchandise from
the Thames to the districts of south London, and at the same time to
enable the lime-burners and proprietors of stone-quarries to send
the lime and stone to London. With this object, the railroad
was connected with a dock or basin in Wandsworth Creek capable of
containing thirty barges, with an entrance lock into the Thames.
The works had scarcely been commenced ere the company got
into difficulties, but eventually 26 miles of iron-way were
constructed and opened for traffic. Any person was then at
liberty to put wagons on the line, and to carry goods within the
prescribed rates, the wagons being worked by horses, mules, and
donkeys. Notwithstanding the very sanguine expectations which
were early formed as to the paying qualities of this railway, it
never realized any adequate profit to the owners. But it
continued to be worked, principally by donkeys for the sake of
cheapness, down to the passing of the act for constructing the
London and Brighton line in 1837, when the proprietors disposed of
their undertaking to the new company. The line was accordingly
dismantled; the stone blocks and rails were taken up and sold; and
all that remains of the Wandsworth, Croydon, and Merstham Railway is
the track still observable to the south of Croydon, along Smitham
Bottom, nearly parallel with the line of the present Brighton
Railway, and an occasional cutting and embankment, which still mark
the route of this first public railway.
The want of success of this undertaking doubtless had the
effect of deterring projectors from embarking in any similar
enterprise. If a line of the sort could not succeed near
London, it was thought improbable that it should succeed anywhere
else. The Croydon and Merstham line was a beacon to warn
capitalists against embarking in railways, and many years passed
before another was ventured upon.
Sir Richard Phillips was one of the few who early recognized
the important uses of the locomotive and its employment on a large
scale for the haulage of goods and passengers by railway. In
his "Morning Walk to Kew" he crossed the line of the Wandsworth and
Croydon Railway, when the idea seems to have occurred to him, as it
afterwards did to Thomas Gray, that in the locomotive and the
railway were to be found the germs of a great and peaceful social
"I found delight," said Sir Richard, in his book published in
"in witnessing at Wandsworth the economy of horse
labour on the iron railway. Yet a heavy sigh escaped me as I
thought of the inconceivable millions of money which have been spent
about Malta, four or five of which might have been the means of
extending double lines of iron railway from London to Edinburgh,
Glasgow, Holyhead, Milford, Falmouth, Yarmouth, Dover, and
Portsmouth. A reward of a single thousand would have supplied
coaches and other vehicles, of various degrees of speed, with the
best tackle for readily turning out; and we might, ere this, have
witnessed our mail-coaches running at the rate of ten miles an hour
drawn by a single horse, or impelled fifteen miles an hour by
Blenkinsop's steam-engine. Such would have been a legitimate
motive for over-stepping the income of a nation, and the completion
of so great and useful a work would have afforded rational ground
for public triumph in general jubilee."
There was, however, as yet, no general recognition of the
advantages either of railways or locomotives. The government
of this country never leads in any work of public enterprise, and is
usually rather a drag upon industrial operations than otherwise.
As for the general public, it was enough for them that the
Wandsworth and Croydon Railway did not pay.
Mr. Tredgold, in his "Practical Treatise on Railroads and
Carriages," published in 1825, observes:
"Up to this period railways have
been employed with success only in the conveyance of heavy mineral
products, and for short distances where immense quantities were to
be conveyed. In the few instances where they have been intended for
the general purposes of trade, they have never answered the
expectations of their projectors. But this seems to have arisen
altogether from following too closely the models adopted for the
conveyance of minerals, such modes of forming and using railways not
being at all adapted for the general purposes of trade."
The ill success of railways was generally recognized.
Joint-stock companies for all sorts of purposes were formed during
the joint-stock mania of 1821, but few projectors were found daring
enough to propose schemes so unpromising as railways. Hence
nearly twenty years passed between the construction of the first and
the second public railway in England; and this brings us to the
projection of the Stockton and Darlington, which may be regarded as
the parent public locomotive railway in the kingdom.
The district lying to the west of Darlington, in the county
of Durham, is one of the richest mineral fields of the North.
Vast stores of coal underlie the Bishop Auckland Valley, and from an
early period it was felt to be an exceedingly desirable object to
open up new communications to enable the article to be sent to
market. But the district lay a long way from the sea, and, the
Tees being unnavigable, there was next to no vend for the Bishop
Auckland coal.
It is easy to understand, therefore, how the desire to obtain
an outlet for this coal for land sale, as well as for its transport
to London by sea, should have early occupied the attention of the
coal-owners in the Bishop Auckland district. The first idea
that found favour was the construction of a canal. About a
century ago, in 1766, shortly after the Duke of Bridgewater's Canal
had been opened between Worsley and Manchester, a movement was set
on foot at Darlington with the view of having the country surveyed
between that place and Stockton-on-Tees.
Brindley was requested to lay out the proposed line of canal;
but he was engrossed at the time by the prosecution of the works on
the Duke's Canal to Liverpool, and Whitworth, his pupil and
assistant, was employed in his stead; George Dixon, grandfather of
John Dixon, engineer of the future Stockton and Darlington Railway,
taking an active part in the survey. In October, 1768,
Whitworth presented his plan of the proposed canal from Stockton by
Darlington to Winston, and in the following year, to give weight to
the scheme, Brindley concurred with him in a joint report as to the
plan and estimate.
Nothing was, however, done in the matter. Enterprise
was slow to move. Stockton waited for Darlington, and
Darlington waited for Stockton, but neither stirred until twenty
years later, when Stockton began to consider the propriety of
straightening the Tees below that town, and thereby shortening and
improving the navigation. When it became known that some
engineering scheme was afoot at Stockton, that indefatigable writer
of prospectuses and drawer of plans, Ralph Dodd, the first projector
of a tunnel under the Thames, the first projector of the Waterloo
Bridge, and the first to bring a steam-boat from Glasgow into the
Thames, addressed the Mayor and Corporation of Stockton in 1796 on
the propriety of forming a line of internal navigation by Darlington
and Staindrop to Winston. Still nothing was done. Four
years later, another engineer, George Atkinson, reported in favour
of a waterway to connect the then projected Great Trunk Canal, from
about Boroughbridge to Piersebridge, with the Tees above Yarm.
At length, in 1808, the Tees Navigation Company, slow in
their movements, obtained an act enabling them to make the short cut
projected seventeen years before, and two years later the cut was
opened, and celebrated by the inevitable dinner. The Stockton
people, who adopted as the motto of their company "Meliora speramus,"
held a public meeting after the dinner to meditate upon and discuss
the better things to come. They appointed a committee to
inquire into the practicability and advantages of forming a
railway or canal from Stockton by Darlington to Winston.
Here, then, in 1810, we have the first glimpse of the railway; but
it was long before the idea germinated and bore fruit. The
collieries must be got at to make the new cut a success, but how
for a long time remained the question.
Sixteen months passed, and the committee at Stockton went to
sleep. But it came up again, and this time at Darlington, with
Edward Pease as one of the members. The Darlington committee
met and made their report, but they could not decide between the
respective merits of a railroad and a canal. It was felt that
either would be of great advantage. To settle the question,
they determined to call the celebrated engineer, John Rennie, to
their aid, and he was ready with his report in 1813. His
report was not published, but it is understood that he was in favour
of a canal on Brindley and Whitworth's line, though he afterward
inclined to a tram-road. Still nothing was done. War was on
foot in Europe, and enterprise was every where dormant. The
scheme must therefore wait the advent of peace. At length
peace came, and with it a revival of former projects.
At Newcastle, a plan was set on foot for connecting the Tyne
with the Solway Frith by a canal. A county meeting was held on
the subject in August, 1817, under the presidency of the high
sheriff. Previous to this time, Sir John Swinburne had stood
up for a railway in preference to a canal; but when the meeting took
place, the opinion of those present was in favour of a canal—Mr.
William Armstrong (father of the present Sir William) being one of
the most zealous advocates of the water-road. Yet there were
even then railroads in the immediate neighbourhood of Newcastle, at
Wylam and Killingworth, which had been successfully and economically
worked by the locomotive for years past, but which the Northumbrians
seem completely to have ignored. The public head is usually
very thick, and it is difficult to hammer a new idea into it. Canals
were established methods of conveyance, and were every where
recognized; whereas railways were new things, and were straggling
hard to gain a footing. Besides, the only public railway in
England, the Wandsworth, Croydon, and Merstham, had proved a
commercial failure, and was held up as a warning to all speculators
in tram-ways. But, though the Newcastle meeting approved of a
canal in preference to a railway from the Tyne to the Solway,
nothing was really done to promote the formation of either.
The movement in favour of a canal was again revived at
Stockton. A requisition, very numerously signed by persons of
influence in South Durham, was presented to the Mayor of Stockton in
May, 1818, requesting him to convene a public meeting "to consider
the expediency of forming a canal for the conveyance of coal, lime,
etc., from Evenwood Bridge, near West Auckland, to the River Tees,
upon a plan recently made by Mr. George Leatham, engineer."
Among the names attached to the petition we find those of Edward,
John, and Thomas Pease, and John Dixon, Darlington. They were
doubtless willing to pull with any party that would open up a way,
whether by rail or by water, between the Bishop Auckland coal-field
and Stockton, whether the line passed through Darlington or not.
An enthusiastic meeting was held at Stockton, and a committee
was appointed, by whom it was resolved to apply to Parliament for an
act to make the intended canal "if funds are forthcoming."
Never was there greater virtue in an if. Funds were not
forthcoming; the project fell through, and a great blunder was
prevented. When the Stockton men had discussed and resolved
without any practical result, the leading men of Darlington took up
the subject by themselves, determined, if possible, to bring it to
some practical issue. In September, 1818, they met under the
presidency of Thomas Meynell, Esq. Mr. Overton, who had laid
down several coal railways in Wales, was consulted, and, after
surveying the district between the Bishop Auckland coal-field and
the Tees, sent in his report. Mr. Rennie also was again
consulted. Both engineers gave their opinion in favour of a
railway by Darlington in preference to a canal by Auckland, "whether
taken as a line for the exportation of coal or as one for a local
trade." The committee accordingly reported in favour of the
It is curious now to look back at the modest estimate of
traffic formed by the committee. They considered that the
export trade in coal "might be taken, perhaps, at 10,000 tons a
year, which is about one cargo a week!" It was intended to
haul the coal by horse-power; a subsequent report stating "on
undoubted authority" that one horse of moderate power could easily
draw downward on the railway, between Darlington and Stockton, about
ten tons, and upward about four tons of loading, exclusively of the
empty wagons. No allusion was made to passengers in any of the
reports; nor did the committee at first contemplate the
accommodation of traffic of this description.
A survey of the line was then ordered, and steps were taken
to apply to Parliament for the necessary powers to construct the
railway. But the controversy was not yet at an end.
Stockton stood by its favourite project of a canal, and would not
subscribe a farthing toward the projected railway; but neither did
it subscribe toward the canal. The landlords, the road
trustees, the carriers, the proprietors of donkeys (by whom coals
were principally carried for inland sale), were strenuously opposed
to the new project; while the general public, stupid and sceptical,
for the most part stood aloof, quoting old saws and keeping their
money in their pockets.
Several energetic men, however, were now at the head of the
Stockton and Darlington Railway project, and determined to persevere
with it. Among these, the Peases were the most zealous.
Edward Pease might be regarded as the back-bone of the concern.
Opposition did not daunt him, nor failure discourage him. When
apparently overthrown and prostrate, he would rise again like Antæus,
stronger than before, and renew his efforts with increased vigour.
He had in him the energy and perseverance of many men. One who
knew him in 1818 said, "He was a man who could see a hundred years
ahead." When the author last saw him in 1854, a few years
before his death, Mr. Pease was in his eighty-eighth year; yet he
still possessed the hopefulness and mental vigour of a man in his
prime. Still sound in health, his eye had not lost its
brilliancy, nor his cheek its colour, and there was an elasticity in
his step which younger men might have envied.

In getting up a company for surveying and forming a railway,
Mr. Pease had great difficulties to encounter. The people of
the neighbourhood spoke of it as a ridiculous undertaking, and
predicted that it would be ruinous to all concerned in it.
Even those most interested in the opening up of new markets for the
sale of their coal were indifferent, if not hostile. Mr. Pease
nevertheless persevered in the formation of a company, and he
induced many of his friends and relations to follow his example.
The Richardsons and Backhouses, members, like himself, of the
Society of Friends, influenced by his persuasion, united themselves
with him; and so many of the same denomination (having confidence in
these influential Darlington names) followed their example and
subscribed for shares, that the railway obtained the designation,
which it long retained, of "The Quakers' Line."
The Stockton and Darlington scheme had to run the gauntlet of
a fierce opposition in three successive sessions of Parliament.
The application of 1818 was defeated by the Duke of Cleveland who
afterward profited so largely by the railway. The ground of
his opposition was that the line would interfere with his
fox-covers, and it was mainly through his influence that the bill
was thrown out, but only by a majority of thirteen, upward of one
hundred members having voted for the bill. A nobleman said,
when he heard of the division, "Well, if the Quakers in these times,
when nobody knows any thing about railways, can raise such a phalanx
in their support, I should recommend the country gentlemen to be
very wary how they oppose them in future."
The next year, in 1819, an amended survey of the line was
made, and, the duke's fox-cover being avoided, his opposition was
thus averted; but, on Parliament becoming dissolved on the death of
George III., the bill was necessarily suspended until another
session. |

In the mean time the local opposition to the measure revived,
and now it was led by the road trustees, who spread it abroad that
the mortgagees of the tolls arising from the turnpike-road leading
from Darlington to West Auckland would be seriously injured by the
formation of the proposed railway. On this, Edward Pease
issued a printed notice, requesting any alarmed mortgagee to apply
to the company's solicitors at Darlington, who were authorised to
purchase their securities at the prices originally given for them.
This notice had the effect of allaying the alarm spread abroad; and
the bill, though still strongly opposed, passed both houses of
Parliament in 1821.
The preamble of the act sets forth the public utility of the
proposed line for the conveyance of coal and other commodities from
the interior of the county of Durham to Stockton and the northern
parts of Yorkshire. Nothing was said about passengers, for
passenger-traffic was not yet contemplated; and nothing was said
about locomotives, as it was at first intended to work the line
entirely by horse-power. The road was to be free to all
persons who chose to place their wagons and horses upon it for the
haulage of coal and merchandise, provided they paid the tolls fixed
by the act.
The company were empowered to charge fourpence a ton per mile
for all coal intended for land sale, but only a halfpenny a ton per
mile for coal intended for shipment at Stockton. This latter
proviso was inserted at the instance of Mr. Lambton, afterward Earl
of Durham, for the express purpose of preventing the line being used
in competition against his coal loaded at Sunderland; for it was not
believed possible that coal could be carried at that low rate except
at a heavy loss. As it was, however, the rate thus fixed by
the act eventually proved the vital element of success in the
working of the undertaking.
While the Stockton and Darlington Railway scheme was still
before Parliament, we find Edward Pease writing letters to a York
paper, urging the propriety of extending it southward into Yorkshire
by a branch from Croft. It is curious now to look back upon
the arguments by which Mr. Pease sought to influence public opinion
in favour of railways, and to observe the very modest anticipations
which even its most zealous advocate entertained as to their
supposed utility and capabilities:
"The late improvements in the
construction of railways," Mr. Pease wrote, "have rendered them much
more perfect than when constructed after the old plan. To such
a degree of utility have they now been brought that they may be
regarded as very little inferior to canals.
"If we compare the railway with the best lines of common
road, it may be fairly stated that in the case of a level railway
the work will be increased in at least an eightfold degree.
The best horse is sufficiently loaded with three quarters of a ton
on a common road, from the undulating line of its draught, while on
a railway it is calculated that a horse will easily draw a load of
ten tons. At Lord Elgin's works, Mr. Stevenson, the celebrated
engineer, states that he has actually seen a horse draw twenty-three
tons thirteen cwt. upon a railway which was in some parts level, and
at other parts presented a gentle declivity!
"The formation of a railway, if it creates no improvement in
a country, certainly bars none, as all the former modes of
communication remain unimpaired; and the public obtain, at the risk
of the subscribers, another and better mode of carriage, which it
will always be to the interest of the proprietors to make cheap and
serviceable to the community.
"On undertakings of this kind, when compared with canals, the
advantages of which (where an ascending or descending line can be
obtained) are nearly equal, it may be remarked that public opinion
is not easily changed on any subject. It requires the
experience of many years, sometimes ages, to accomplish this, even
in cases which by some may be deemed obvious. Such is the
effect of habit, and such the aversion of mankind to any thing like
innovation or change. Although this is often regretted, yet,
if the principle be investigated in all its ramifications, it will
perhaps be found to be one of the most fortunate dispositions of the
human mind.
"The system of cast-iron railways is as yet to be considered
but in its infancy. It will be found to be an immense
improvement on the common road, and also on the wooden railway.
It neither presents the friction of the tram-way, nor partakes of
the perishable nature of the wooden railway, and, as regards
utility, it may be considered as the medium between the navigable
canal and the common road. We may therefore hope that as this
system develops itself, our roads will be laid out as much as
possible on one level, and in connection with the great lines of
communication throughout the country."
Such were the modest anticipations of Edward Pease respecting
railways in the year 1821. Ten years later, an age of
progress, by comparison, had been effected.
Some time elapsed before any active steps were taken to
proceed with the construction of the railway. Doubts were
raised whether the line was the best that could be adopted for the
district, and the subscribers generally were not so sanguine about
the undertaking as to induce them to press it forward.
One day, about the end of the year 1821, two strangers
knocked at the door of Mr. Pease's house in Darlington, and a
message was brought to him that some persons from Killingworth
wanted to speak with him. They were invited in, on which one
of the visitors introduced himself as Nicholas Wood, viewer at
Killingworth, and then turning to his companion, he introduced him
as George Stephenson, engine-wright, of the same place.
Mr. Pease entered into conversation with his visitors, and
was soon told their object. Stephenson had heard of the
passing of the Stockton and Darlington Act, and desiring to increase
his railway experience, and also to employ in some larger field the
practical knowledge he had already acquired, he determined to visit
the known projector of the undertaking, with the view of being
employed to carry it out. He had brought with him his friend
Wood for the purpose at the same time of relieving his diffidence
and supporting his application.
Mr. Pease liked the appearance of his visitor: "there was,"
as he afterward remarked when speaking of Stephenson, "such an
honest, sensible look about him, and he seemed so modest and
unpretending. He spoke in the strong Northumbrian dialect of
his district, and described himself as 'only the engine-wright at
Killingworth; that's what he was.'"
Mr. Pease soon saw that our engineer was the very man for his
purpose. The whole plans of the railway were still in an
undetermined state, and Mr. Pease was therefore glad to have the
opportunity of profiting by Stephenson's experience. In the
coarse of their conversation, the latter strongly recommended a
railway in preference to a tram-road. They also discussed
the kind of tractive power to be employed, Mr. Pease stating that
the company had based their whole calculations on the employment of
horse-power. "I was so satisfied," said he afterward,
"that a horse upon an iron road would draw ten tons for one ton on a
common road, that I felt sure that before long the railway would
become the king's highway."
But Mr. Pease was scarcely prepared for the bold assertion
made by his visitor, that the locomotive engine with which he had
been working the Killingworth Railway for many years past was worth
fifty horses, and that engines made after a similar plan would yet
entirely supersede all horse-power upon railroads. Stephenson
was daily becoming more positive as to the superiority of his
locomotive, and hence he strongly urged Mr. Pease to adopt it. "Come
over to Killingworth," said he, "and see what my engines can do;
seeing is believing, sir." Mr. Pease accordingly promised that
on some early day he would go over to Killingworth, and take a look
at the wonderful machine that was to supersede horses.
The result of the interview was, that Mr. Pease promised to
bring Stephenson's application for the appointment of engineer
before the directors, and to support it with his influence; whereon
the two visitors prepared to take their leave, informing Mr. Pease
that they intended to return to Newcastle "by nip;" that is, they
expected to get a smuggled lift on the stage-coach by tipping
Jehu—for in those days the stage-coachmen regarded all casual
roadside passengers as their proper perquisites. They had,
however, been so much engrossed by their conversation that the lapse
of time was forgotten, and when Stephenson and his friend made
inquiries about the return coach, they found the last had left, and
they had to walk eighteen miles to Durham on their way back to
Mr. Pease having made farther inquiries respecting
Stephenson's character and qualifications, and having received a
very strong recommendation of him as the right man for the intended
work, he brought the subject of his application before the directors
of the Stockton and Darlington Company. They resolved to adopt
his recommendation that a railway be formed instead of a tram-road;
and they farther requested Mr. Pease to write to Stephenson,
desiring him to undertake a resurvey of the line at the earliest
practicable period.
A man was dispatched on a horse with the letter, and when he
reached Killingworth he made diligent inquiry after the person named
on the address, "George Stephenson, Esquire, Engineer." No
such person was known in the village. It is said that the man
was on the point of giving up all farther search, when the happy
thought struck some of the colliers' wives who had gathered about
him that it must be "Geordie the engine-wright" the man was in
search of, and to Geordie's cottage he accordingly went, found him
at home, and delivered the letter.
About the end of September Stephenson went carefully over the
line of the proposed railway for the purpose of suggesting such
improvements and deviations as he might consider desirable. He
was accompanied by an assistant and a chainman, his son Robert
entering the figures while his father took the sights. After
being engaged in the work at interval for about six weeks,
Stephenson reported the result of his survey to the Board of
Directors, and showed that, by certain deviations, a line shorter by
about three miles might be constructed at a considerable saving in
expense, while at the same time more favourable gradients—an
important consideration—would be secured.
It was, however, determined in the first place to proceed
with the works at those parts of the line where no deviation was
proposed, and the first rail of the Stockton and Darlington Railway
was laid with considerable ceremony, near Stockton, on the 23d of
May, 1822.
It is worthy of note that Stephenson, in making his first
estimate of the cost of forming the railway according to the
instructions of the directors, set down, as part of the cost, £6200
for stationary engines, not mentioning locomotives at all. It
was the intention of the directors, in the first place, to employ
only horses for the haulage of the coals, and fixed engines and
ropes where horse-power was not applicable. The whole question
of steam-locomotive power was, in the estimation of the public, as
well as of practical and scientific men, as yet in doubt. The
confident anticipations of George Stephenson as to the eventual
success of locomotive engines were regarded as mere speculations;
and when he gave utterance to his views, as he frequently took the
opportunity of doing, it even had the effect of shaking the
confidence of some of his friends in the solidity of his judgment
and his practical qualities as an engineer.
When Mr. Pease discussed the question with Stephenson, his
remark was, "Come over and see my engines at Killingworth, and
satisfy yourself as to the efficiency of the locomotive. I
will show you the colliery books, that you may ascertain for
yourself the actual cost of working. And I must tell you that
the economy of the locomotive engine is no longer a matter of
theory, but a matter of fact." So confident was the tone in
which Stephenson spoke of the success of his engines, and so
important were the consequences involved in arriving at a correct
conclusion on the subject, that Mr. Pease at length resolved on
paying a visit to Killingworth in the summer of 1822, in company
with his friend Thomas Richardson, a considerable subscriber to the
Stockton and Darlington undertaking to inspect the wonderful new
power so much vaunted by their engineer. [p.230-1]
When Mr. Pease arrived at Killingworth village, he inquired
for George Stephenson, and was told that he must go over to the West
Moor, and seek for a cottage by the roadside with a dial over the
door—"that was where George Stephenson lived." They soon found
the house with the dial, and, on knocking, the door was opened by
Mrs. Stephenson. In answer to Mr. Pease's inquiry for her
husband, she said he was not in the house at present, but that she
would send for him to the colliery. And in a short time
Stephenson appeared before them in his working dress, just as he had
come out of the pit.
He very soon had his locomotive brought up to the crossing
close by the end of the cottage, made the gentlemen mount it, and
showed them its paces. Harnessing it to a train of loaded
wagons, he ran it along the railroad, and so thoroughly satisfied
his visitors of its power and capabilities, that from that day
Edward Pease was a declared supporter of the locomotive engine.
In preparing the Amended Stockton and Darlington Act, at
Stephenson's urgent request Mr. Pease had a clause inserted, taking
power to work the railway by means of locomotive engines, and to
employ them for the haulage of passengers as well as of merchandise.
[p.230-2] The act
was obtained in 1823, on which Stephenson was appointed the
Company's engineer, at a salary of £300 per annum; and it was
determined that the line should be constructed and opened for
traffic as soon as practicable.
He at once proceeded, accompanied by his assistants, with the
working survey of the line, laying out every foot of the ground
himself. Railway surveying was as yet in its infancy, and was
slow and difficult work. It afterward became a separate branch
of railway business, and was intrusted to a special staff.
Indeed, on no subsequent line did George Stephenson take the sights
through the spirit-level with his own hands and eyes as he did on
this railway. He started very early—dressed in a blue tailed
coat, breeches, and top-boots—and surveyed until dusk. He was
not at any time particular as to his living; and, during the survey,
he took his chance of getting a little milk and bread at some
cottager's house along the line, or occasionally joined in a homely
dinner at some neighbouring farm-house. The country people
were accustomed to give him a hearty welcome when he appeared at
their door, for he was always full of cheery and homely talk, and,
when there were children about the house, he had plenty of humorous
chat for them as well as for their seniors.
After the day's work was over, George would drop in at Mr.
Pease's to talk over the progress of the survey, and discuss various
matters connected with the railway. Mr. Pease's daughters were
usually present; and, on one occasion, finding the young ladies
learning the art of embroidery, he volunteered to instruct them. [p.231]
"I know all about it," said he, "and you will wonder how I learned
it. I will tell you. When I was a brakesman at
Killingworth, I learned the art of embroidery while working the
pitmen's button-holes by the engine fire at nights." He was
never ashamed, but, on the contrary, rather proud, of reminding his
friends of these humble pursuits of his early life. Mr.
Pease's family were greatly pleased with his conversation, which was
always amusing and instructive; full of all sorts of experience,
gathered in the oddest and most out-of-the-way places. Even at
that early period, before he mixed in the society of educated
persons, there was a dash of speculativeness in his remarks which
gave a high degree of originality to his conversation; and he would
sometimes, in a casual remark, throw a flash of light upon a subject
which called up a train of pregnant suggestions.
One of the most important subjects of discussion at these
meetings with Mr. Pease was the establishment of a manufactory at
Newcastle for the building of locomotive engines. Up to this
time all the locomotives constructed after Stephenson's designs had
been made by ordinary mechanics working at the collieries in the
North of England. But he had long felt that the accuracy and
style of their workmanship admitted of great improvement, and that
upon this the more perfect action of the locomotive engine, and its
general adoption, in a great measure depended. One principal
object that he had in view in establishing the proposed factory was
to concentrate a number of good workmen for the purpose of carrying
out the improvements in detail which he was from time to time making
in his engine; for he felt hampered by the want of efficient help
from skilled mechanics, who could work out in a practical form the
ideas of which his busy mind was always so prolific.
Doubtless, too, he believed that the manufactory would prove a
remunerative investment, and that, on the general adoption of the
railway system which he anticipated, he would derive solid
advantages from the fact of his establishment being the only one of
the kind for the special construction of locomotive engines.
Mr. Pease approved of his design, and strongly recommended
him to carry it into effect. But there was the question of
means; and Stephenson did not think he had capital enough for the
purpose. He told Mr. Pease that he could advance £1000—the
amount of the testimonial presented by the coal-owners for his
safety-lamp invention, which he had still left untouched; but he did
not think this sufficient for the purpose, and he thought that he
should require at least another £1000. Mr. Pease had been very
much struck with the successful performances of the Killingworth
engine; and, being an accurate judge of character, he believed that
he could not go far wrong in linking a portion of his fortune with
the energy and industry of George Stephenson. He consulted his
friend Thomas Richardson in the matter, and the two consented to
advance £500 each for the purpose of establishing the engine factory
at Newcastle. A piece of land was accordingly purchased in
Forth Street, in August, 1823, on which a small building was
erected—the nucleus of the gigantic establishment which was
afterward formed around it; and active operations were begun early
in 1824.
While the Stockton and Darlington Railway works were in
progress, our engineer had many interesting discussions with Mr.
Pease on points connected with its construction and working, the
determination of which in a great pleasure affected the foundation
and working of future railways. The most important points were
these: 1. The comparative merits of cast and wrought iron rails.
2. The gauge of the railway. 3. The employment of horse or
engine power in working it when ready for traffic.
The kind of rails to be laid down to form the permanent road
was a matter of considerable importance. A wooden tram-road
had been contemplated when the first act was applied for; but
Stephenson having advised that an iron road should be laid down, he
was instructed to draw up a specification of the rails. He
went before the directors to discuss with them the kind of material
to be specified. He was himself interested in the patent for
cast-iron rails, which he had taken out in conjunction with Mr. Losh
in 1816, and, of course, it was to his interest that his articles
should be used. But when requested to give his opinion on the
subject, he frankly said to the directors, "Well, gentlemen, to tell
you the truth, although it would put £500 in my pocket to specify my
own patent rails, I can not do so after the experience I have had.
If you take my advice, you will not lay down a single cast-iron
rail." "Why?" asked the directors. "Because they will
not stand the weight, and you will be at no end of expense for
repairs and relays." "What kind of road, then," he was asked,
"would you recommend?" "Malleable rails, certainly," said he;
"and I can recommend them with the more confidence from the fact
that at Killingworth we have had some Swedish bars laid down—nailed
to wooden sleepers—for a period of fourteen years, the wagons
passing over them daily, and there they are, in use yet, whereas the
cast rails are constantly giving way." [p.233]
The price of malleable rails was, however, so high—being then
worth about £12 per ton as compared with cast-iron rails at about £5
10s.—and the saving of expense was so important a
consideration with the subscribers, that Stephenson was directed to
provide in the specification that only one half of the rails
required—or about 800 tons—should be of malleable iron, and the
remainder of cast iron. The malleable rails were of the kind
called "fish-bellied," and weighed 28 lbs. to the yard, being 2¼
inches broad at the top, with the upper flange ¾ inch thick.
They were only 2 inches in depth at the points at which they rested
on the chairs, and 3¼ inches in the middle or bellied part.
When forming the road, the proper gauge had also to be
determined. What width was this to be? The gauge of the
first tram-road laid down had virtually settled the point. The
gauge of wheels of the common vehicles of the country—of the carts
and wagons employed on common roads, which were first used on the
tram-roads—was about 4 feet 8½ inches. And so the first
tram-roads were laid down of this gauge. The tools and
machinery for constructing coal-wagons and locomotives were formed
with this gauge in view. The Wylam wagon-way, afterward the
Wylam plate-way, the Killingworth railroad, and the Hetton
rail-road, were as nearly as possible on the same gauge. Some
of the earth-wagons used to form the Stockton and Darlington road
were brought from the Hetton Railway; and others which were
specially constructed were formed of the same dimensions, these
being intended to be afterward employed in the working of the
As the period drew near for the opening of the line, the
question of the tractive power to be employed was anxiously
discussed. At the Brusselton incline, fixed engines must
necessarily be made use of; but with respect to the mode of working
the railway generally, it was decided that horses were to be largely
employed, and arrangements were made for their purchase.
Although locomotives had been regularly employed in hauling
coal-wagons on the Middleton Colliery Railway, near Leeds, for more
than twelve years, and on the Wylam and Killingworth Railways near
Newcastle for more than ten years, great scepticism still prevailed
as to the economy of employing them for the purpose in lieu of
horses. In this case, it would appear that seeing was not
believing. The popular scepticism was as great at Newcastle,
where the opportunities for accurate observation were the greatest,
as anywhere else. In 1824 the scheme of a canal between that
town and Carlisle again came up, and, though a few timid voices were
raised on behalf of a railway, the general opinion was still in
favour of a canal. The example of the Hetton Railway, which
had been successfully worked by Stephenson's locomotives for two
years past, was pointed to in proof of the practicability of a
locomotive line between the two places; but the voice of the press
as well as of the public was decidedly against the "new-fangled
"There has been some talk," wrote the "Whitehaven Gazette,"
"from a puff criticism in the 'Monthly Review,' of an improvement on
the principle of railways; but we suspect that this improvement will
turn out like the steam-carriages, of which we have been told so
much, that were to supersede the use of horses entirely, and travel
at a rate almost equal to the speed of the fleetest horse!"
The idea was too chimerical to be entertained, and the suggested
railway was accordingly rejected as impracticable.
The "Tyne Mercury" was equally decided against railways.
"What person," asked the editor (November 16th, 1824), "would ever
think of paying any thing to be conveyed from Hexham to
Newcastle in something like a coal-wagon, upon a dreary wagon-way,
and to be dragged for the greater part of the distance by a
ROARING STEAM-ENGINE!" The very notion
of such a thing was preposterous, ridiculous, and utterly absurd.
When such was the state of public opinion as to railway
locomotion, some idea may be formed of the clear-sightedness and
moral courage of the Stockton and Darlington directors in ordering
three of Stephenson's locomotive engines, at a cost of several
thousand pounds, against the opening of the railway.
These were constructed after Stephenson's most matured
designs, and embodied all the improvements which he had contrived up
to that time. No. 1 engine, the "Locomotion," which was first
delivered, weighed about eight tons. It had one large flue or
tube through the boiler, by which the heated air passed direct from
the furnace at one end, lined with fire-bricks, to the chimney at
the other. The combustion in the furnace was quickened by the
adoption of the steam-blast in the chimney. The heat raised
was sometimes so great, and it was so imperfectly abstracted by the
surrounding water, that the chimney became almost red-hot.
Such engines, when put to their speed, were found capable of running
at the rate of from twelve to sixteen miles an hour; but they were
better adapted for the heavy work of hauling coal-trains at low
speeds—for which, indeed, they were specially constructed—than for
running at the higher speeds afterward adopted. Nor was it
contemplated by the directors as possible, at the time when they
were ordered, that locomotives could be made available for the
purposes of passenger travelling. Besides, the Stockton and
Darlington Railway did not run through a district in which
passengers were supposed to be likely to constitute any considerable
portion of the traffic.
We may easily imagine the anxiety felt by George Stephenson
during the progress of the works toward completion, and his mingled
hopes and doubts (though his doubts were but few) as to the issue of
this great experiment. When the formation of the line near
Stockton was well advanced, the engineer one day, accompanied by his
son Robert and John Dixon, made a journey of inspection of the
works. The party reached Stockton, and proceeded to dine at
one of the inns there. After dinner, Stephenson ventured on
the very unusual measure of ordering in a bottle of wine, to drink
success to the railway. John Dixon relates with pride the
utterance of the master on the occasion. "Now, lads,'' said he
to the two young men, "I venture to tell you that I think you will
live to see the day when railways will supersede almost all other
methods of conveyance in this country—when mail-coaches will go by
railway, and railroads will become the great highways for the king
and all his subjects. The time is coming when it will be
cheaper for a working man to travel on a railway than to walk on
foot. I know there are great and almost insurmountable
difficulties to be encountered, but what I have said will come to
pass as sure as you now hear me. I only wish I may live to see
the day, though that I can scarcely hope for, as I know how slow all
human progress is, and with what difficulty I have been able to get
the locomotive introduced thus far, not withstanding my more than
ten years' successful experiment at Killingworth." The result,
however, outstripped even George Stephenson's most sanguine
anticipations; and his son Robert, shortly after his return from
America in 1827, saw his father's locomotive adopted as the tractive
power on railways generally.
Tuesday, the 27th of September, 1826, was a great day for
Darlington. The railway, after having been under construction
for more than three years, was at length about to be opened.
The project had been the talk of the neighbourhood for so long that
there were few people within a range of twenty miles who did not
feel more or less interested about it. Was it to be a failure
or a success? Opinions were pretty equally divided as to the
railway, but as regarded the locomotive the general belief was that
it would "never answer." However, there the locomotive
was—"No.1"—delivered on to the line, and ready to draw the first
train of wagons on the opening day.
A great concourse of people assembled on the occasion.
Some came from Newcastle and Durham, many from the Aucklands, while
Darlington held a general holiday, and turned out all its
population. To give éclat to the opening, the directors
of the company issued a programme of the proceedings, intimating the
times at which the procession of wagons would pass certain points
along the line. The proprietors assembled as early as six in
the morning at the Brusselton fixed engine, where the working of the
inclined planes was successfully rehearsed. A train of wagons
laden with coals and merchandise was drawn up the western incline by
the fixed engine, a length of 1960 yards, in seven and a half
minutes, and then lowered down the incline on the eastern side of
the hill, 880 yards, in five minutes.
At the foot of the incline the procession of vehicles was
formed, consisting of the locomotive engine No. 1, driven by George
Stephenson himself; after it six wagons loaded with coals and flour,
then a covered coach containing directors and proprietors, next
twenty-one coal-wagons fitted up for passengers (with which they
were crammed), and lastly six more wagons loaded with coals.
Strange to say, a man on a horse, carrying a flag, with the
motto of the company inscribed on it, Periculum privatum utilitas
publica headed the procession! A lithographic view of the
great event, published shortly after, duly exhibits the horseman and
his flag. It was not thought so dangerous a place after all.
The locomotive was only supposed to be able to go at the rate of
from four to six miles an hour, and an ordinary horse could easily
keep ahead of that.
Off started the procession, with the horseman at its head.
A great concourse of people stood along the line. Many of them
tried to accompany it by running, and some gentlemen on horseback
galloped across the fields to keep up with the train. The
railway descending with a gentle incline toward Darlington, the rate
of speed was consequently variable. At a favourable part of
the road Stephenson determined to try the speed of the engine, and
he called upon the horseman with the flag to get out of the way!
Most probably, deeming it unnecessary to carry his Periculm
privatum farther, the horseman turned aside, and Stephenson "put
on the steam." The speed was at once raised to twelve miles an
hour, and, at a favourable part of the road, to fifteen. The
runners on foot, the gentlemen on horseback, and the horseman with
the flag, were consequently soon left far behind. When the
train reached Darlington, it was found that four hundred and fifty
passengers occupied the wagons, and that the load of men, coals, and
merchandise amounted to about ninety tons.

At Darlington the procession was rearranged. The six
loaded coal-wagons were left behind, and other wagons were taken on
with a hundred and fifty more passengers, together with a band of
music. The train then started for Stockton—a distance of only
twelve miles—which was reached in about three hours. The day
was kept throughout the district as a holiday; and horses and gigs,
carts, and other vehicles, filled with people, stood along the
railway, as well as crowds of persons on foot, waiting to see the
train pass. The whole population of Stockton turned out to
receive the procession, and, after a walk through the streets, the
inevitable dinner in the Town Hall wound up the day's proceedings.
All this, however, was but gala work. The serious
business of the company began on the following day. Upon the
result of the experiment now fairly initiated by the Stockton and
Darlington Company the future of railways in a great measure
depended. If it failed, like the Wandsworth, Croydon, and
Merstham undertaking, then a great check would unquestionably be
given to speculation in railways. If it succeeded, the
Stockton and Darlington enterprise would mark the beginning of a new
era, and issue in neither more nor less than a complete revolution
of the means of communication in all civilized countries.
The circumstances were on the whole favourable, and boded
success rather than failure. Prudent, careful, thoughtful men
were at the head of the concern, interested in seeing it managed
economically and efficiently; and they had the advantage of the
assistance of an engineer possessed of large resources of mother
wit, mechanical genius, and strong common sense. There was an
almost unlimited quantity of coal to be carried, the principal
difficulty being in accommodating it satisfactorily. Yet it
was only after the line had been at work for some time that the
extensive character of the coal traffic began to be appreciated.
At first it was supposed that the chief trade would be in coal for
land sale. But the clause inserted in the original act, at the
instance of Mr. Lambton, by which the company were limited to ½p.
per ton per mile for coal led to Stockton for shipment, led to the
most unexpected consequences. It was estimated that only about
10,000 tons a year would be shipped, and that principally by way of
ballast. Instead of which, in the course of a very few years,
the coal carried on the line for export constituted the main bulk of
the traffic, while that carried for land sale was merely subsidiary.
The anticipations of the company as to passenger-traffic were
in like manner more than realized. At first passengers were
not thought of, and it was only while the works were in progress
that the starting of a passenger-coach was seriously contemplated.
Some eighty years since there was only one post-chaise in
Darlington, which ran on three wheels. There are people still
living who remember when a coach ran from Stockton three days in the
week, passing through Darlington and Barnard Castle; but it was
starved off the road for want of support. There was then very
little intercourse between the towns, though they were so near to
each other, and comparatively so populous; and it was not known
whether people would trust themselves to the iron road.
Nevertheless, it was determined to make trial of a railway coach,
and George Stephenson was authorized to have one built at Newcastle
at the cost of the company. This was done accordingly, and the
first railway passenger-carriage was built after our engineer's
design. It was, however, a very modest, and, indeed, a
somewhat uncouth machine, more resembling a showman's caravan than a
passenger-coach of any extant form. A row of seats ran along
each side of the interior, and a long deal table was fixed in the
centre, the access being by means of a door at the back end, in the
manner of an omnibus. This coach arrived from Newcastle on the
day before the opening, and formed part of the procession above
described. Stephenson was consulted as to the name of the
coach, and he at once suggested the "Experiment;" and by this name
it was called. Such was the sole passenger-carrying stock of
the Stockton and Darlington Company in the year 1825. But "The
Experiment" proved the forerunner of a mighty traffic; and long time
did not elapse before it was displaced, not only by improved coaches
(still drawn by horses), but afterward by long trains of
passenger-carriages drawn by locomotive engines.
The "Experiment" was fairly started as a passenger-coach on
the 10th of October, 1825, a fortnight after the opening of the
line. It was drawn by one horse, and performed a journey daily
each way between the two towns, accomplishing the distance of twelve
miles in about two hours. The fare charged was a shilling,
without distinction of class; and each passenger was allowed
fourteen pounds of luggage free. The "Experiment" was not,
however, worked by the company, but was let to contractors, who
worked it under an arrangement whereby toll was paid for the use of
the line, rent of booking-cabins, etc. [p.241]

The speculation answered so well that several private
coaching companies were shortly after got up by innkeepers at
Darlington and Stockton for the purpose of running other coaches
upon the railroad, and an active competition for passenger-traffic
sprang up. The "Experiment," being found too heavy for one
horse to draw, besides being found an uncomfortable machine, was
banished to the coal district. Its place was then supplied by
other and better vehicles, though they were no other than old
stagecoach bodies purchased by the company, each mounted on an
under-frame with flange wheels. These were let on hire to the
coaching companies, who horsed and managed them under an arrangement
as to tolls, in like manner as the "Experiment'' had been worked.
Now began the distinction of inside and outside passengers,
equivalent to first and second class, paying different fares.
The competition with each other upon the railway, and with the
ordinary stage-coaches upon the road, soon brought up the speed,
which was increased to ten miles an hour—the mail-coach rate of
travelling in those days, and considered very fast.
Mr. Clephan, a native of the district, has communicated to
the author the following account of the competition between the
rival coach companies:
"There were two separate coach
companies in Stockton, and amusing collisions sometimes occurred
between the drivers, who found on the rail a novel element for
contention. Coaches can not pass each other on the rail as on
the road, and, as the line was single, with four sidings in the
mile, when two coaches met, or two trains, or coach and train, the
question arose which of the drivers must go back. This was not
always settled in silence. As to trains, it came to be a sort
of understanding that empty should give way to loaded wagons; and as
to trains and coaches, that passengers should have preference over
coals; while coaches, when they met, must quarrel it out. At
length, midway between sidings, a post was erected, and the rule was
laid down that he who had passed the pillar must go on, and the
'coming man' go back. At the Goose Pool and Early Nook it was
common for the coaches to stop, and there, as Jonathan would say,
passengers and coachmen 'liquored.' One coach, introduced by
an innkeeper, was a compound of two mourning-coaches—an
approximation to the real railway-coach, which still adheres, with
multiplying exceptions, to the stage-coach type. One Dixon,
who drove the 'Experiment' between Darlington and Shildon, is the
inventor of carriage-lighting on the rail. On a dark winter
night, having compassion on his passengers, he would buy a penny
candle, and place it lighted among them on the table of the
'Experiment'—the first railway-coach (which, by the way, ended its
days at Shildon as a railway cabin), being also the first coach on
the rail (first, second, and third class jammed all into one) that
indulged its customers with light in darkness."
The traffic of all sorts increased so steadily and so rapidly
that considerable difficulty was experienced in working it
satisfactorily. It had been provided by the first Stockton and
Darlington Act that the line should be free to all parties who chose
to use it at certain prescribed rates, and that any person might put
horses and wagons on the railway, and carry for himself. But
this arrangement led to increasing confusion and difficulty, and
could not continue in the face of a large and rapidly-increasing
traffic. The goods trains got so long that the carriers found
it necessary to call in the aid of the locomotive engine to help
them on their way. Then mixed trains of passengers and
merchandise began to run; and the result was that the Railway
Company found it necessary to take the entire charge and working of
the traffic. In course of time new coaches were specially
built for the better accommodation of the public, until at length
regular passenger-trains were run, drawn by the locomotive engine,
though this was not until after the Liverpool and Manchester Company
had established this as a distinct branch of their traffic.
The three Stephenson locomotives were from the first
regularly employed to work the coal-trains, and their proved
efficiency for this purpose led to the gradual increase of the
locomotive power. The speed of the engine—slow though it seems
now—was in those days regarded as something marvellous. A race
actually came off between No. 1 engine, the "Locomotion," and one of
the stage-coaches travelling from Darlington to Stockton by the
ordinary road, and it was regarded as a great triumph of mechanical
skill that the locomotive reached Stockton first, beating the
stage-coach by about a hundred yards! The same engine
continued in good working order in the year 1846, when it headed the
railway procession on the opening of the Middlesbrough and Redcar
Railway, travelling at the rate of about fourteen miles an hour.
This engine, the first that travelled on the first public locomotive
railway, has recently been placed upon a pedestal in front of the
railway station at Darlington.
For some years, however, the principal haulage of the line
was performed by horses. The inclination of the gradients
being toward the sea, this was perhaps the cheapest mode of
traction, so long as the traffic was not very large. The horse
drew the train along the level road until, on reaching a descending
gradient, down which the train ran by its own gravity, the animal
was unharnessed, when, wheeling round to the other end of the
wagons, to which a "dandy-cart" was attached, its bottom being only
a few inches from the rail, and bringing his step into unison with
the speed of the train, he leaped nimbly into his place in the hind
car, which was usually fitted with a well-filled hay-rack.

The details of the working were gradually perfected by
experience, the projectors of the line being scarcely conscious at
first of the importance and significance of the work which they had
taken in hand, and little thinking that they were laying the
foundations of a system which was yet to revolutionize the internal
communications of the world, and confer the greatest blessings on
mankind. It is important to note that the commercial results
of the enterprise were considered satisfactory from the opening of
the railway. Besides conferring a great public benefit upon
the inhabitants of the district, and throwing open entirely new
markets for the almost boundless stores of coal found in the Bishop
Auckland district, the profits derived from the traffic created by
the railway enabled increasing dividends to be paid to those who had
risked their capital in the undertaking, and thus held forth an
encouragement to the projectors of railways generally, which was not
without an important effect in stimulating the projection of similar
enterprises in other districts. These results, as displayed in
the annual dividends, must have been eminently encouraging to the
astute commercial men of Liverpool and Manchester, who were then
engaged in the prosecution of their railway. Indeed, the
commercial success of the Stockton and Darlington Company may be
justly characterized as the turning-point of the railway system.
With that practical illustration daily in sight of the public, it
was no longer possible for Parliament to have prevented its eventual
Before leaving the subject of the Stockton and Darlington
Railway, we can not avoid alluding to one of its most remarkable and
direct results—the creation of the town of Middlesbrough-on-Tees.
When the railway was opened in 1825, the site of this future
metropolis of Cleveland was occupied by one solitary farm-house and
its out-buildings. All round was pasture-land or mud-banks;
scarcely another house was within sight. The corporation of
the town of Stockton being unwilling or unable to provide
accommodation for the rapidly increasing coal traffic, Mr. Edward
Pease, in 1829, joined by a few of his Quaker friends, bought about
500 or 600 acres of land five miles lower down the river—the site of
the modern Middlesbrough—for the purpose of there forming a new
sea-port for the shipment of coals brought to the Tees by the
railway. The line was accordingly extended thither; docks were
excavated; a town sprang up; churches, chapels, and schools were
built, with a custom-house, mechanics' institute, banks,
ship-building yards, and iron factories, and in a few years the port
of Middlesbrough became one of the most thriving, on the northeast
coast of England. In ten years a busy population of some 6000
persons (since swelled to about 25,000) occupied the site of the
original farm-house. More recently, the discovery of vast
stores of ironstone in the Cleveland Hills, close adjoining
Middlesbrough, has tended still more rapidly to augment the
population and increase the commercial importance of the place.
It is pleasing to relate, in connection with this great
work—the Stockton and Darlington Railway, projected by Edward Pease
and executed by George Stephenson—that when Mr. Stephenson became a
prosperous and a celebrated man, he did not forget the friend who
had taken him by the hand, and helped him on in his early days.
He continued to remember Mr. Pease with gratitude and affection, and
that gentleman, to the close of his life, was proud to exhibit a
handsome gold watch, received as a gift from his celebrated
protégé, bearing these words—Esteem and gratitude: from George
Stephenson to Edward Pease."

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