[Previous Page]
THE battle of the
firm had hitherto been all up-hill. Nearly twenty years had
passed since Watt had made his invention. His life since then
had been a constant struggle; it was a struggle still.
Thirteen years had passed since the original patent had been taken
out, and seven since the Act had been passed for its extension.
But the engine had as yet yielded no profit, and the outlay of
capital continued. Notwithstanding Boulton's energy and
resources, the partners were often in the greatest straits for
money, and sometimes, as Saturday nights came round, they had to
beat about among their friends for the means of paying the workmen's
Though Watt continued to imagine himself on the brink of
ruin, things were not really so gloomy as he supposed. We find
Boulton stating in a confidential letter to Matthews, that the dues
payable on the pumping-engines actually erected in 1782 amounted to
£4,320 a year; and that when all the engines in progress had been
finished, they would probably amount to about £9,000. It is
true, the dues were paid with difficulty by the mining interest, but
Boulton looked forward with confidence to better days coming round.
Indeed, he already saw his way through the difficulties of the firm,
and encouraged his doleful partner to hope that in the course of a
very few years more, they would be rid of their burdens.
As Cornwall was, however, now becoming well supplied with
pumping-engines, it became necessary to open up new branches of
business to keep the Soho manufactory at work. With this
object, Boulton became more and more desirous of applying the engine
to the various purposes of rotary motion. In one of his visits
to Wales, in 1781, he had seen a powerful copper-rolling mill driven
by water. When told that its defect was, that it was liable to
be stopped in summer during the drought, he immediately asked—"Why
not use our engine? It goes night and day, summer and winter,
and is altogether unaffected by drought." Immediately on his
return home, he made a model of a steam-rolling mill, with two
cylinders and two beams, connecting the power by a horizontal axis;
and by the end of the year he had a steam forge erected at Soho on
this plan. "It answers very well," he wrote to Matthews, "and
astonishes all the ironmasters; for, although it is a small engine,
it draws even more steel per day than a large rolling-mill in this
neighbourhood draws by water."
Mr. Wilkinson was so much pleased with this rolling-mill,
that he ordered one to be made on a large scale for the Bradley
ironworks; and another was shortly after ordered for Rotherham.
But the number of iron mills was exceedingly limited, and Boulton
did not anticipate any large extension of business in that quarter.
If, however, he could once get the rotary engine introduced as a
motive power for corn and flour mills, he believed that the demand
would be considerable. Writing to Watt on the subject, he
said, "When Wheal Virgin is at work, and all the Cornish business is
in good train, we must look out for orders, as all our treaties are
seemingly at an end, having none now on the Lapis. There is no
other Cornwall to be found, and the most likely line for increasing
the consumption of our engines is the application of them to mills,
which is certainly an extensive field."
Watt on his return to Birmingham proceeded to embody his plan
for securing rotary motion in a working engine, so that he might be
enabled to exhibit the thing in actual work. He was stimulated
to action by the report which reached his ears that a person in
Birmingham had set agoing a self-moving steam rotator, in imitation
of his, on which he exclaimed, "Surely the Devil of Rotations is
afoot! I hope he will whirl them into Bedlam or Newgate."
Boulton, who had by this time gone to Cornwall for the winter, wrote
to him from Cosgarne, "It is certainly expensive; but nevertheless I
think, as we have so much at stake, that we should proceed to
execute such rotatives as you have specified . . . . You should get
a good workman or two to execute your ideas with despatch, lest they
perish. The value of their wages for a year might be £100, but
it would be the means of our keeping the start that we now have of
all others. But above all, there is nothing of more importance
than the perfect completion of the double expansive reciprocating
engine as soon as may be." Watt replied that he was busily
occupied in getting the rotative motion applied to one of the Soho
engines. "These rotatives," said he, "have taken up all my
time and attention for months, so that I can scarcely say that I
have done anything which can be called business. Our accounts
lie miserably confused. We are going on in a very considerable
weekly expense at Soho, and I can see nothing likely to be produced
from it which will be an equivalent." Speaking of the prospect
of further improvements, he added, "It is very possible that,
excepting what can be done in improving the mechanics of the engine,
nothing much better than we have already done will be allowed by
Nature, who has fixed a ne plus ultra in most things."
While thus hopelessly proceeding with the rotative engine,
Watt was disquieted by the intelligence which reached him from
Boulton, as to the untoward state of affairs in Cornwall. At
some of the most important mines, in which Boulton and Watt held
shares, the yield had considerably fallen off, and as the price of
the ores was still very low, they had in a great measure ceased to
be remunerative. Hence appeals were made to Boulton on all
sides for an abatement of the engine dues. Unwilling to
concede this, the adventurers proceeded to threaten him with the
Hornblowers, whose engine they declared their intention of adopting.
Boulton resisted them at every point; the battle being, as he
said, "Boulton and Watt against all Cornwall." He kept Watt
fully informed from day to day of all that passed, and longed for
more rapid means of communication,—the postal service being then so
defective that no less than thirteen days elapsed before Boulton, at
Truro, could receive an answer from Watt at Birmingham. On one
occasion we find Watt's letter eleven days on the road between the
two places. The partners even had fears that their letters
were tampered with in transit; and, in order to carry on their
correspondence confidentially, Watt proposed to employ a shorthand
alphabet, which he had learnt from Dr. Priestley, in which to write
at least the names of persons "as our correspondence," he observed,
"ought to be managed with all possible secrecy, especially as to
Boulton, as usual, led a very active life in Cornwall.
Much of his time was occupied in riding from mine to mine,
inspecting the engines at work, and superintending the erection of
others. The season being far advanced, the weather was bad,
and the roads miry; but, wet or dry, he went his rounds. In
one of his letters he gives an account of a miserable journey home
on horseback, on a certain rainy, windy, dark night in November,
when he was "caught in water up to 12 hands." "It was very
disagreeable," he adds, "that one cannot stay out till dark upon the
most emergent business without risking one's life." But once
at home he was happy. "The greatest comfort I find here," he
says, "is in being shut out from the world, and the world from me.
At the same time I have quite as much visiting as I wish for."
One of his favourite amusements was collecting and arranging
fossils,—some for his friend Wedgwood, and others for his own "fossilry"
at Soho.
Boulton was well supported out of doors by William Murdock,
now regarded as "the right hand" of the concern in Cornwall.
"Murdock hath been indefatigable," he wrote to Watt, "ever since
they began [at Wheal Virgin new Engine]. He has scarcely been
in bed or taken necessary food. . . . After slaving day and night on
Thursday and Friday, a letter came from Wheal Virgin that he must go
instantly to set their engine to work or they would let out the
fire. He went and set the engine to work; it worked well for
the five or six hours he remained. He left it and returned to
the Consolidated Mines about eleven at night, and was employed about
the engines till four this morning, and then went to bed. I
found him at ten this morning in Poldice Cistern, seeking for pins
and casters that had jumped out, when I insisted on his going home
to bed."
On one occasion, when an engine superintended by Murdock
stopped through some accident, the water rose in the mine, and the
miners were drowned out. Upon this occurring, they came
"roaring at him" for having thrown them out of work, and threatened
to tear him to pieces. Nothing daunted, he went through the
midst of the men, and proceeded to the invalided engine, which he
succeeded in very shortly repairing and setting to work again.
The miners were so rejoiced that they were carried by their feelings
into the opposite extreme; and when he came out of the engine-house
they cheered him vociferously, and insisted upon carrying him home
on their shoulders in triumph!
About this time, Boulton became increasingly anxious to
ascertain what the Hornblowers were doing. They continued to
brag of the extraordinary powers of the engine erected by them at
Radstoke, near Bristol, whither he proposed to go, to ascertain its
construction and qualities, as well as to warn the persons who were
employing them as to the consequences of their infringing the
existing patent. But he was tied to Cornwall by urgent
business, and could not leave his post for a day. "During the
forking of these two great mines," said he, "I dare not stir two
miles from the spot, and it will yet be six weeks before I regain my
liberty." He determined, therefore, to send over James Law, a
Soho man on whom he could rely, to ascertain, if possible, the
character of the new engine, and he also asked his partner Watt to
wait upon the proprietors of Radstoke so soon as he could make it
convenient to do so. Law accordingly proceeded to Radstoke,
and soon found out where the engine was; but as the Horners were all
in the neighbourhood, keeping watch and ward over it, turn and turn
about, he was unable to see it, except through the engine-house
window, when it was not working. He learnt, however, that
there was something seriously wrong with it, and that the engineers
were considerably crestfallen about its performances.
Watt proceeded to Bristol, as recommended by his partner, for
the purpose of having a personal interview with the Hornblowers'
employers. On his arrival, he found that Major Tucker, the
principal partner, was absent; and though he succeeded in seeing Mr.
Hill, another of the partners, he could get no satisfactory reply
from him as to the intentions of the firm with respect to the new
engine. Having travelled a hundred miles on his special
errand, Watt determined not to return to Birmingham until he had
seen the principal partner. On inquiry he found that Major
Tucker had gone to Bath, and thither Watt followed him. At
Bath he found that the Major had gone to Melcompton. Watt took
a chaise and followed him. The Major was out hunting; and Watt
waited impatiently at a little alehouse in the village till three
o'clock, when the Major returned—"a potato-faced, chuckle-headed
fellow, with a scar on the pupil of one eye. In short," said
Watt, "I did not like his physiog." After shortly informing
the Major of the object of his visit, who promised to bring the
subject under the notice of his partners at a meeting to be held in
about three weeks' time, Watt, finding that he could do no more,
took his leave; but before he left Bristol, he inserted in the local
papers an advertisement, prepared by Boulton, cautioning the public
against using the Hornblowers' engine, as being a direct
infringement of their patent.
Watt then returned to Birmingham, to proceed with the
completion of his rotary motion. Boulton kept urging that the
field for pumping-engines was limited, that their Cornish prospects
were still gloomy, and that they must very soon look out for new
fields. One of his schemes was the applying of the
steam-engine to the winding of coals. "A hundred engines at
£100 a year each," he said, "would be a better thing than all
Cornwall." But the best field of all, he still held, was
mills. "Let us remember," said he, "the Birmingham motto, to
'strike while the iron is hot.'"
Watt, as usual, was not so sanguine as his partner, and
rather doubtful of the profit to be derived from this source.
From a correspondence between him and Mr. William Wyatt, of London,
on the subject, we find him discouraging the scheme of applying
steam-engines to drive corn-mills; on which Boulton wrote to
Wyatt,—"You have had a correspondence with my friend Watt, but I
know not the particulars. . . . You must make allowance for what Mr.
Watt says ... he undervalues the merits of his own works. . .
. I will take all risks in erecting an engine for a corn-mill. . . .
I think I can safely say our engine will grind four times the
quantity of corn per bushel of coal compared with any engine
hitherto erected." [p.296]
In the meantime Watt, notwithstanding his doubts, had been
proceeding with the completion of his rotative machine, and by the
end of the year applied it with success to a tilt-hammer, as well as
to a corn-mill at Soho. Several difficulties presented
themselves at first, but they were speedily surmounted. The
number of strokes made by the hammer was increased from 18 per
minute in the first experiment, to 25 in the second; and Watt
contemplated increasing the speed to even 250 or 300 strokes a
minute, by diminishing the height to which the hammer rose before
making its descending blow. "There is now no doubt," said he,
"that fire-engines will drive mills; but I entertain some doubts
whether anything is to be got by them, as by any computation I have
yet made of the mill for Reynolds [recently ordered] I cannot make
it come to more than £20 per annum, which will do little more than
pay trouble. Perhaps some others may do better."
The problem of producing rotary motion by steam-power was
thus solved to the satisfaction even of Watt himself. But
though a boundless field for the employment of the engine now
presented itself, Watt was anything but elated at the prospect.
For some time he doubted whether it would be worth the while of the
Soho firm to accept orders for engines of this sort. When
Boulton went to Dublin to endeavour to secure a patent for Ireland,
Watt wrote to him thus:—"Some people at Burton are making
application to us for an engine to work a cotton-mill; but from
their letter and the man they have sent here, I have no great
opinion of their abilities. . . . If you come home by way of
Manchester, please not to seek for orders for cotton-mill engines,
because I hear that there are so many mills erecting on powerful
streams in the north of England, that the trade must soon be
overdone, and consequently our labour may be lost." Boulton,
however, had no such misgivings. He foresaw that before long
the superior power, regularity, speed, and economy of the
steam-engine, must recommend it for adoption in all branches of
manufacture in which rotative motion was employed; and he had no
hesitation in applying for orders notwithstanding the opposition of
his partner.
The first rotary engine was made for Mr. Reynolds, of Ketley,
towards the end of 1782, and was used to drive a corn-mill. It
was some time before another order was received, though various
inquiries were made about engines for the purpose of polishing
glass, grinding malt, rolling iron, and such like. The first
engine of the kind erected in London was at Goodwyn and Co.'s
brewery; and the second,—still working, though in an altered
form,—at the Messrs. Whitbread's. These were shortly followed
by other engines of the same description, until there was scarcely a
brewery in London that was not supplied with one.
In the mean time, the works at Soho continued to be fully
employed in the manufacture of pumping-engines. But as the
county of Cornwall was becoming well supplied,—no fewer than
twenty-one having now been erected there, only one of the old
Newcomen construction continuing in work,—it was probable that
before long the demand from that quarter must slacken, if not come
to an end. There were, however, other uses to which the
pumping-engine might be applied; and one of the most promising was
the drainage of the Fen lands. Some adventurers at Soham, near
Cambridge, having made inquiries on the subject, Watt wrote to his
partner, "I look upon these Fens as the only trump card we have left
in our hand." The adventurers proposed that Boulton and Watt
should take an interest in their scheme by subscribing part of the
necessary capital. But Watt decidedly objected to do so, as he
did not wish to repeat his Cornish difficulties in the Fens.
He was willing to supply engines on reasonable terms, but as for
shares he would have none of them. The conclusion he
eventually arrived at with respect to his proposed customers was
this,—"Consider Fen men as Cornish men, only more cunning." |

In the midst of his great labours, Boulton was reminded that
he was human. He had for years been working at too high
pressure, and the tear and wear began to tell upon his health.
Watt expostulated with him, telling him that he was trying to do
half-a-dozen men's work; but in vain. He was committed to so
many important enterprises—he had so much at stake—the liabilities
he had to meet from day to day were so heavy—that he was in a
measure forced to be active. To his friend Matthews he
lamented that he was under the necessity of "slaving from morning
till night, working fourteen hours a day, in the drudgery of a
Birmingham manufacturer and hardware merchant." But this could
not last, and before long he was threatened with a breakdown.
His friends Drs. Withering and Darwin urged him at once to "knock
off" and take a long holiday—to leave Soho and its business, its
correspondence, and its visitors, and get as far away from it as
Acting on their advice, he resolved on making a long promised
visit to Scotland, and he set out on his tour in the autumn of 1783.
He went by Newcastle, where he visited the principal coal mines, and
from thence to Edinburgh, where he had some pleasant intercourse
with Dr. Black and Professor Robison. It is evident from his
letters that he did not take much ease during his journey. "I
talked with Dr. Black and another chemical friend," he wrote,
"respecting my plan for saving alkali at such bleach-grounds as our
fire-engines are used instead of water-wheels: the Doctor did not
start any objections, but, on the contrary, much approved it."
From Edinburgh he proceeded to the celebrated ironworks at Carron, a
place in which he naturally felt a peculiar interest. There
his friend Roebuck had started his great enterprise, and there Watt
had erected his first engine. His visit there, however, was
not so much for curiosity or pleasure, but for business and
experiment. "During my residence in Scotland," said he, "one
month of my time was closely employed at Carron Ironworks in
settling accounts, but principally in making a great number of
experiments on all their iron ores, and in putting them into the
train of making good bar iron, in which I succeeded to my wishes,
although they had never made a single bar of tough iron at Carron
before." In the course of his journey he made a large
collection of fossils for his museum, and the weight of his bags
daily increased. On his way through Ayrshire he called on Lord
Dundonald, a kindred spirit in chemical and mechanical scheming, and
examined his mineral tar works.
Boulton returned to Soho greatly improved in health, and was
shortly immersed as before in the business of the factory. He
found considerable arrears of correspondence requiring to be worked
up. Several of the letters waiting for him were from schemers
of new inventions connected with the steam-engine. Whenever an
inventor thought he had discovered anything new, he at once rushed
to Boulton with it. He was looked upon as the lord and leader
of steam power. His reputation for enterprise and business
aptitude, and the energetic manner in which he had pushed Watt's
invention, were now so widely known, that every new schemer saw a
fortune within his reach could he but enlist Boulton on his side.
Hence much of his time was occupied in replying to letters from
schemers,—inventors of perpetual motion, flying machines, locomotion
by steam, and various kinds of rotary motion. In one of his
letters we find him complaining of so much of his time being "taken
up in answering great numbers of letters he had lately been plagued
with from eccentric persons of no business"; for it was his practice
never to leave a letter unanswered, no matter how insignificant or
unreasonable his correspondent might be.
After a short visit to London, Boulton proceeded into
Cornwall to look after the engines there, and watch the progress of
the mining operations in which by this time he had become so largely
interested. He found the adventurers in a state of general
grumble at the badness of the times, the lowness of prices, the
losses incurred in sinking for ore that could not be found, and the
heaviness of the dues for engine-power payable to Boulton and Watt.
At such times, the partners were usually beset with applications for
abatement, to which they were under the necessity of submitting, to
prevent the mines being altogether closed. Thus the dues at
Chacewater were reduced from £2,500 to £1,000 a year, and the
adventurers were still pressing for further reductions. What
provoked Boulton most, however, was not the loss of dues so much as
the threats which were constantly held out to him that unless the
demands of the adventurers were complied with, they would employ the
While Boulton was fighting for dues in Cornwall, and
labouring as before to improve the business management of the mines
in which he was interested as a shareholder, Watt was busily
occupied at Soho in turning out new engines for various purposes, as
well as in perfecting several long-contemplated inventions.
The manufactory, which had for a time been unusually slack, was
again in full work. Several engines were in hand for the
London brewers. Wedgwood had ordered an engine to grind
flints; and orders were coming in for rotative engines for various
purposes, such as driving saw-mills in America and sugar-mills in
the West Indies. Work was, indeed, so plentiful that Watt was
opposed to further orders for rotatives being taken, as the drawings
for them occupied so much time, and they brought in but small
profit. "I see plainly," said he to his partner, "that every
rotation engine will cost twice the trouble of one for raising
water, and will in general pay only half the money. Therefore
I beg you will not undertake any more rotatives until our hands are
clear, which will not be before 1785. We have already more
work in hand than we have people to execute it in the interval."
One reason why Watt was more than usually economical of his time
was, that he was then in the throes of the inventions patented by
him in the course of this year. Though racked by headaches
which, he complained, completely "dumfounded" him and perplexed his
mind, he could not restrain his irrepressible instinct to invent;
and the result was the series of inventions embodied in his patent
of 1784, including, among other things, the application of the
steam-engine to the working of a tilt-hammer for forging iron and
steel, to driving wheel-carriages for carrying persons and goods,
and for other purposes. The specification also included the
beautiful invention of the Parallel Motion, of which Watt himself
said, "Though I am not over anxious after fame, yet I am more proud
of the parallel motion than of any other mechanical invention I have
ever made." Watt was led to meditate this contrivance by the
practical inconvenience which he experienced in communicating the
direct vertical motion of the piston-rod, by means of racks and
sectors, to the angular motion of the working beam. He was
gradually led to entertain the opinion that some means might be
contrived for accomplishing this object by motions turning upon
centres; and, working upon this idea, he gradually elaborated his
invention. So soon as he caught sight of the possible means of
overcoming the difficulty, he wrote to Boulton in Cornwall,—"I have
started a new hare. I have got a glimpse of a method of
causing a piston-rod to move up and down perpendicularly by only
fixing it to a piece of iron upon the beam, without chains or
perpendicular guides or untowardly friction, arch heads, or other
pieces of clumsiness; by which contrivance it answers fully to
expectation. About 5 feet in the height of the house may be
saved in 8-feet strokes, which I look upon as a capital saving, and
it will answer for double engines as well as for single ones.
I have only tried it in a slight model yet, so cannot build upon it,
though I think it a very probable thing to succeed. It is one
of the most ingenious, simple pieces of mechanism I have ever
contrived, but I beg nothing may be said on it till I specify." [p.304]
He immediately set to work to put his idea to the practical
proof, and only eleven days later he wrote,—"I have made a very
large model of the new substitute for racks and sectors, which seems
to bid fair to answer. The rod goes up and down quite in a
perpendicular line without racks, chains, or guides. It is a
perpendicular motion derived from a combination of motions about
centres—very simple, has very little friction, has nothing standing
higher than the back of the beam, and requires the centre of the
beam to be only half the stroke of the engine higher than the top of
the piston-rod when at lowest, and has no inclination to pull the
piston-rod either one way or another, only straight up and down. . .
. However, don't pride yourself on it—it is not fairly tried yet,
and may have unknown faults." [p.305]
Another of Watt's beautiful inventions of the same period, was the
Governor, contrived for the purpose of regulating the speed of the
engine. This was a point of great importance in all cases
where steam-power was employed in processes of manufacture. To
modify the speed of the piston in the single-acting pumping-engine,
Watt had been accustomed to use what is called a throttle-valve,
which was regulated by hand as occasion required. But he saw
that to ensure perfect uniformity of speed, the action of the engine
must be made automatic; and with this object he contrived the
Governor, which has received no improvement since it left his hand.
Two balls are fixed to the ends of arms connected with the
engine by a movable socket, which plays up and down a vertical rod
revolving by a band placed upon the axis or spindle of the flywheel.
According to the centrifugal force with which the balls revolve,
they diverge more or less from the central fixed point, and push up
or draw down the movable collar; which, being connected by a crank
with the throttle-valve, thereby regulates with the most perfect
precision the passage of the steam between the boiler and the
cylinder. When the pressure of steam is great, and the
tendency of the engine is to go faster, the governor shuts off the
steam; and when it is less, the governor opens the throttle-valve
and increases the supply. By this simple and elegant
contrivance the engine is made to regulate its own speed with the
most beautiful precision.
Among the numerous proposed applications of the steam-engine
about this time, was its employment as a locomotive in driving
wheel-carriages. It will be remembered that Watt's friend
Robison had, at a very early period, directed his attention to the
subject; and the idea had since been revived by Mr. Edgeworth, who
laboured with great zeal to indoctrinate Watt with his views.
The latter, though he had but little faith in the project,
nevertheless included the plan of a locomotive engine in his patent
of 1784; but he took no steps to put it in execution, being too much
engrossed with other business at the time. His plan
contemplated the employment of steam either in the form of
high-pressure or low-pressure, working the pistons by the force of
steam only, and discharging it into the atmosphere after it had
performed its office, or discharging it into an air-tight condenser
made of thin plates or pipes, with their outsides exposed to the
wind or to an artificial current of air, thereby economising the
water which would otherwise be lost.
Watt did not carry his design into effect; and, so far as he
was concerned, the question of steam locomotion would have gone no
further. But the subject had already attracted the attention
of William Murdock, who had for some time been occupied during his
leisure hours in constructing an actual working model of a
locomotive. When his model was finished, he proceeded to try
it in the long avenue leading to the parsonage at Redruth, in the
summer of 1784; and in so doing nearly frightened out of his wits
the village pastor, who encountered the hissing, fiery little
machine, while enjoying his evening walk.

William Murdoch's working model of a steam carriage,
or road locomotive, of 1784.
Picture Wikipedia.
When Watt heard of this experiment, he wrote to Boulton
advising that Murdock should be gently counselled to give up his
scheme, which, if pursued, might have the effect of withdrawing him
from the work of the firm, to which he had become increasingly
useful. Boulton accordingly dissuaded Murdock from pursuing
the subject; and we hear nothing further of Murdock's experiments
upon Steam Locomotion.
Notwithstanding Watt's fears of a falling off, the engine
business still continued to prosper in Cornwall. Although the
mining interests were suffering from continued depression, new mines
were being opened out, for which pumping-engines were wanted; and
Boulton and Watt's continued to maintain their superiority over all
others. None of their threatened rivals had yet been able to
exhibit an engine in successful work; and those of the old
construction had been completely superseded. In 1784, new
engines were in course of erection at Poldice, New Poldony, Wheal
Maid, Polgooth, and other mines. The last of the Newcomen
engines in Cornwall had been discarded at Polgooth in favour of one
of Boulton and Watt's 58-inch cylinder engines.

The dues paid yearly in respect of these and other engines
previously erected were very considerable; Boulton estimating that,
if duly paid, they would amount to about £12,000 a year. There
seemed, therefore, every reasonable prospect of the financial
difficulties of the firm at last coming to an end.
Boulton's visit to Cornwall on this occasion was enlivened by
the companionship of his wife, and her friend Miss Mynd.
Towards midsummer he looked forward with anticipations of increased
pleasure to the visit of his two children—his son Matt and his
daughter Nancy—during their school holidays. It was a source
of much regret to him, affectionate as his nature was, that the
engrossing character of his business prevented him from enjoying the
society of his family so much as he desired. But he
endeavoured to make up for it by maintaining a regular
correspondence with them when absent.
His letters to his children were full of playfulness,
affection, and good advice. To his son at school he wrote,
telling him of his life in Cornwall, describing to him the house at
Cosgarne, the garden and the trees which he had planted in it, the
pleasant rides in the neighbourhood, and the visit he had just been
paying to the top of Pendennis Castle, from which he had seen about
a hundred sail of ships at sea, and a boundless prospect of land and
water. He proceeded to tell him of the quantity of work he did
connected with the engine business,—how he had no clerk to assist
him, but did all the writing and drawing of plans himself: "When I
have time," said he, "I pick up curiosities in ores for the purpose
of assays, for I have a laboratory here. There is nothing
would so much add to my pleasure as having your assistance in making
solutions, precipitates, evaporations, and crystallisations."
After giving his son some good advice as to the cultivation
of his mind, as being calculated to render him an intelligent and
useful member of society, he proceeded to urge upon him the duty of
cultivating polite manners, as a means of making himself agreeable
to others, and at the same time of promoting his own comfort.
"But remember," he added, "I do not wish you to be polite at the
expense of honour, truth, sincerity, and honesty; for these are the
props of a manly character, and without them politeness is mean and
deceitful. Therefore, be always tenacious of your honour.
Be honest, just, and benevolent, even when it appears difficult to
be so. I say, cherish those principles, and guard them as
sacred treasures."
At length his son and daughter joined him and took part in
his domestic and outdoor enjoyments. They accompanied him in
his drives and rides, and Matt took part in his chemical
experiments. One of their great delights was the fabrication
of an immense paper balloon, and the making of the hydrogen gas to
fill it with. After great preparations the balloon was made
and filled, and sent up in the field behind the house, to the
delight of the makers, and of the villagers who surrounded Cosgarne.
To Mrs. Watt he wrote expressing to her how much pleasanter
his residence in Cornwall had become since his son's and daughter's
visit. "I shall be happier," he said, "during the remainder of
my residence here than in the former part of it; for I am ill
calculated to live alone in an enemy's country, and to contest
lawsuits. Besides, the only source of happiness I look for in
my future life is in my children. Matt behaves extremely well,
is active and good-humoured; and my daughter, too, has, I think,
good dispositions and sentiments, which I shall cherish, and prevent
as much as possible from being sullied by narrow and
illiberal-minded companions."
After a few months' pleasant social intercourse with his
family at Cosgarne, varied by occasional bickerings with the
adventurers out of doors about dues, Boulton returned to Birmingham,
to enter upon new duties and undertake new enterprises.
WHEN Boulton
returned to Birmingham, he was urgently called upon to take part in
a movement altogether foreign to his habits. He had heretofore
been too much engrossed by business to admit of his taking any
active part in political affairs. Being, however, of an active
temperament, and mixing with men of all classes, he could not but
feel an interest in the public movements of his time. Early in
1784, we find him taking the lead in getting up a loyal address to
the King on the resignation of the Portland Administration and the
appointment of Mr. Pitt as Prime Minister. It appears,
however, that Pitt disappointed his expectations. One of his
first projects was a scheme of taxation, which he introduced for the
purpose of remedying the disordered state of the finances, but
which, in Boulton's opinion, would, if carried, have had the effect
of seriously damaging the national industry.
The Minister proposed to tax coal, iron, copper, and other
raw materials of manufacture, to the amount of about a million a
year. Boulton immediately bestirred himself to oppose the
adoption of the scheme. He held that for a manufacturing
nation to tax the raw materials of wealth was a suicidal measure,
calculated, if persevered in, to involve the producers of wealth in
ruin. Let taxes," he said, "be laid upon luxuries, upon vices, and,
if you like, upon property; tax riches when got, and the expenditure
of them, but not the means of getting them; but of all things, don't
cut open the hen that lays the golden eggs." [p.312]
Petitions and memorials were forthwith got up in the midland
counties, and presented against the measure; and Boulton being
recognised as the leader of the movement in his district, was
summoned by Mr. Pitt to London to an interview with him on the
subject. He then took the opportunity of pressing upon the
Minister the necessity of taking measures to secure reciprocity of
trade with foreign nations, as being of vital importance to the
trade of England. Writing to his partner, Scale, he said,
"Surely our Ministers must be bad politicians, to suffer the gates
of nearly every commercial city in the world to be shut against us."
"There is no doubt," he wrote to his friend Garbett, "but the
edicts, prohibitions, and high duties laid upon our manufacturers by
foreign powers will be severely felt, unless some new commercial
treaties are entered into with such powers. I fear our young
Minister is not sufficiently aware of the importance of the subject,
and I likewise fear he will pledge himself before Parliament meets
to carry other measures in the next session that will be as odious
to the country as his late attempts."
As Boulton had anticipated, the Ministry introduced several
important measures, calculated to have a highly injurious effect
upon English industry, and he immediately bestirred himself, in
conjunction with Josiah Wedgwood, of Etruria, to organise a movement
in opposition to them. Wedgwood and Boulton met at Birmingham,
in February 1785, and arranged to assemble a meeting of delegates
from the manufacturing districts, who were to meet and sit in London
"all the time the Irish commercial affairs were pending." A
printed statement of the objects of the movement was circulated, and
Boulton and Wedgwood wrote to their friends in all quarters to meet
and appoint delegates to the central committee in London.
Boulton was unanimously appointed the delegate for Birmingham, and
he proceeded to London furnished with a bundle of petitions from his
neighbourhood. The delegates proceeded to form themselves into
a Chamber of Manufacturers, over the deliberations of which
Wedgwood, Boulton, or John Wilkinson usually presided.
The principal object of these meetings and petitionings was
to prevent, if possible, the imposition of the proposed taxes on
coal, iron, and raw materials generally, as well as the proposed
export duties on manufactured articles. At a time when foreign
governments were seeking to exclude English manufactures from their
dominions by heavy import duties, it was felt that this double
burden was more than English industry could bear. The Irish
Parliament were at the same time legislating in a hostile spirit
towards English commerce; imposing taxes upon all manufactures
imported into Ireland from England, while Irish manufactures were
not only sent into England duty free, but their own parliament
encouraged them by a bounty on exportation. The committee
strongly expostulated against the partial and unjust spirit of this
legislation, and petitioned for free interchange on equal terms.
So long as such a state of things continued, the petitioners urged
that "every idea of reciprocity in the interchange of manufactures
between Britain and Ireland was a mere mockery of words."
Although Watt was naturally averse to taking any public part
in politics, his services were enlisted in the cause, and he drew up
for circulation, "An answer to the Treasury Paper on the Iron Trade
of England and Ireland." The object of his statement was to
show that the true way of encouraging manufactures in Ireland was,
not by bounties, not by prohibitions, but by an entire freedom of
industry. It was asserted by the supporters of the
propositions, that the natives of Ireland were ignorant, indolent,
and poor. "If they be so," said Watt, "the best method of
giving them vigour is to have recourse to British manufacturers,
possessed of capital, industry, and knowledge of trade." The
old covenanting spirit of his race fairly breaks out in the
following passage:—
"It is contemptible nonsense to
argue that because Ireland has never had iron manufactories she
cannot soon have them. . . . One hundred years ago the Irish had no
linen manufacture; they imported linen; and now they sell to us to
the amount of a million annually. How came this about?
The civil wars under Charles I., and the tyranny of the Scotch Privy
Council under Charles II., chased the people out of Scotland because
they were Presbyterians. Ireland received and protected them;
they peopled the northern provinces; many of them were weavers; they
followed their business in Ireland, and taught others. Philip
II. chased the inhabitants out of Flanders, on account of religion;
Queen Elizabeth received and protected them; and England learnt to
manufacture woollen cloth. The persecutions of Lewis XIV.
occasioned the establishment of a colony in Spitalfields. And
the Parliament of Britain, under the auspices of—and—, and others,
imposed oppressive duties on glass; and —'s Act gave the Irish
liberty to export it to our Colonies; the glass-makers fled from the
tyranny of the excise; Ireland has now nine glass-houses.
Britain has lost the export trade of that article! More
examples of the migrations of manufactures could be adduced, but it
seems unnecessary; for it cannot be denied that men will fly from
tyranny to liberty, whether Philip's Priests, Charles's Dragoons, or
our Excisemen, be the instruments of the tyranny. And it must
also be allowed that even the Inquisition itself is not more
formidable than our Excise Laws (as far as property is concerned) to
those who unhappily are subjected to them."
Towards the end of the statement he asks, "Would it not be
more manly and proper at once to invite the Irish to come into a
perfect union with Britain, and to pay the same duties and excises
that we do? Then every distinction of country might with
justice be done away with, and they would have a fair claim to all
the advantages which we enjoy."
The result of the agitation was that most of the proposals to
impose new taxes on the raw materials of manufacture were withdrawn
by the Ministry, and the Irish resolutions were considerably
modified. But the relations of British and Irish industry were
by no means settled. The Irish Parliament might refuse to
affirm the resolutions adopted by the British Parliament, in which
case it might be necessary again to oppose the Ministerial measures;
and to provide for this contingency, the delegates separated, with
the resolution to maintain and extend their organisation in the
manufacturing districts. Watt did not, however, like the idea
of his partner becoming engrossed in political agitation, even in
matters relating to commerce. He accordingly wrote to Boulton
in London, "I find myself quite unequal to the various business now
lying behind, and wish much that you were at home, and that you
would direct your attention solely to your own and to Boulton and
Watt's business until affairs can be brought into reasonable
Watt was at this time distressed by an adverse decision
against the firm in one of the Scotch courts. "I have
generally observed," he wrote, "that there is a tide in our affairs.
We have had peace for some time, but now cross accidents have begun,
and more are to be feared." His anxieties were increased by
the rumour which reached his ears from several quarters of a grand
combination of opulent manufacturers to make use of every beneficial
patent that had been taken out, and cut them down by scire facias,
as they had already cut down Arkwright's. It was said that
subscriptions had been obtained by the association amounting to
£50,000. Watt was requested to join a counter combination of
patentees to resist the threatened proceedings. To this,
however, he objected, on the ground that the association of men to
support one another in lawsuits was illegal, and would preclude the
members from giving evidence in support of each other's rights.
"Besides," he said, "the greater number of patentees are such as we
could not associate with, and if we did, it would do us more harm
than good."
Towards the end of 1785 the engines which had been in hand
were nearly finished, and work was getting slacker than usual at
Soho. Though new orders gave Watt much trouble, and occasioned
him anxiety, still he would rather not be without them. It was
matter of gratification to him to be able to report that the engines
last delivered had given great satisfaction. The mechanics
were improving in skill, and their workmanship was becoming of a
superior character. "Strood and Curtis's engine," said he,
"has been at work some time, and does very well. Whitbread's
has also been tried, and performs exceedingly well." The
success of Whitbread's engine was such that it had the honour of a
visit from the King, who was greatly pleased with its performances.
Not to be outdone, "Felix Calvert," wrote Watt, "has bespoken one,
which is to outdo Whitbread's in magnificence."
The slackness of work at Soho was not of long continuance.
Orders for rotative engines came in gradually; one from Harris, of
Nottingham; another from Macclesfield, to drive a silk-mill; a third
from Edinburgh, for the purposes of a distillery; and others from
different quarters. The influx of orders had the effect at the
same time of filling Soho with work, and plunging Watt into his
usual labyrinth of perplexity and distress. In September we
find him writing to Boulton, "My health is so bad that I do not
think I can hold out much longer, at least as a man of business, and
I wish to consolidate something before I give over . . . . again, I
cannot help being dispirited, because I find my head fail me much,
business an excessive burden to me, and little prospect of my speedy
release from it. Were we both young and healthy, I should see
no reason to despair, but very much the contrary. However, we
must do the best we can, and hope for quiet in heaven when our weary
bones are laid to rest." [p.317]
A few months later, so many more orders had come in, that
Watt described Soho as "fast for the next four months," but the
additional work only had the effect of increasing his headaches.
"In the anguish of my mind," he wrote, "amid the vexations
occasioned by new and unsuccessful schemes, like Lovelace, I 'curse
my inventions,' and almost wish, if we could gather our money
together, that somebody else should succeed in getting our trade
from us. However, all may yet be well. Nature can be
conquered if we can but find out her weak side."
We return to the affairs of the Cornish copper-miners, which
were now in a very disheartening condition. The mines were
badly and wastefully worked; and the competition of many small
companies of poor adventurers kept the copper trade in a state of
permanent depression. In this crisis of their affairs it was
determined that a Copper Company should be formed, backed by ample
capital, with the view of regulating this important branch of
industry, and rescuing the mines and miners from ruin. Boulton
took an active part in its formation, and induced many of his
intimate friends in the north to subscribe largely for shares.
An arrangement was entered into by the Company with the adventurers
in the principal mines, to buy of them the whole of the ore raised,
at remunerative prices, for a period of eleven years.
At the first meeting, held in September, 1785, for the
election of Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors, Boulton held
in his hands the power of determining the appointments,
representing, as he did by proxy, shares held by his northern
friends to the amount of £86,000. The meeting took place in
the Town-hall at Truro, and the proceedings passed off
satisfactorily; Boulton using his power with due discretion.
"We met again on Friday," he wrote to Matthews, "and chose the
assayers and other subordinate officers, after which we paid our
subscriptions, and dined together, all in good humour; and thus this
important revolution in the copper trade was finally settled for
eleven years."
Matters were not yet, however, finally settled as many
arrangements, in which Boulton took the leading part, had to be made
for setting the Company to work; the Governor and Directors pressing
him not to leave Cornwall until they were definitely settled.
It happened to suit his convenience to remain until the Wheal
Fortune engine was finished—one of the most formidable engines the
firm had yet erected in Cornwall. In the mean time he entered
into correspondence with various consumers of copper at home and
abroad, with the object of finding a vend for the metal. He
succeeded in obtaining a contract through Mr. Hope, of Amsterdam,
for supplying the copper required for the new Dutch coinage; and he
opened out new markets for the produce in other quarters.
Being a large holder of mining shares, Boulton also tried to
introduce new and economical methods of working the mines; but with
comparatively little result.
Though actively bestirring himself for the good of the mining
interest, Boulton had but small thanks for his pains. The
prominence of his position had this disadvantage, that if the price
of the ore went down, or profits declined, or the yield fell off, or
the mines were closed, or anything went wrong, the miners were but
too ready to identify him in some way with the mischief; and the
services which he had rendered to the mining interest were in a
moment forgotten. On one occasion the discontent of the miners
broke out into open revolt, and Boulton was even threatened with
personal violence. The United Mines having proved unprofitable
in the working, notice was given by the manager of an intended
reduction of wages, this being the only condition on which the mines
could be carried on. If this could not be arranged, the works
must be closed, as the adventurers declined to go on at a loss.
On the announcement of the intended lowering of wages being
made, there was great excitement and discontent among the
workpeople. Several hundreds of them hastily assembled at
Redruth, and took the road for Truro, to pull down the offices of
the Copper Mining Company, and burn the house of the manager.
They were especially furious with Boulton, vowing vengeance on him,
and declaring that they would pull down every pumping-engine he had
set up in Cornwall. When the rioters reached Truro, they found
a body of men, hastily armed with muskets taken from the arsenal,
stationed in front of the Copper Mining Company's premises,
supported by six pieces of cannon. At sight of this formidable
demonstration, the miners drew back, and, muttering threats that
they would repeat their visit, returned to Redruth.
This was, however, but the wild and unreasoning clamour of
misguided and ignorant men. Boulton was personally much
esteemed by all who were able to appreciate his character, and to
understand the position of himself and his partner with reference to
the engine patent. The larger mining owners invited him to
their houses, and regarded him as their friend. The more
intelligent of the managers were his strenuous supporters.
First and foremost among these was Mr. Phillips, manager of the
Chacewater mines, of whom he always spoke with the highest respect,
as a man of the most scrupulous integrity and honour. Mr.
Phillips was a member of the Society of Friends, and his wife
Catherine was one of the most celebrated preachers of the body.
Boulton and Watt occasionally resided with them before the house at
Cosgarne was taken, and conceived for both the warmest friendship.
If Watt was attracted by the Cornish Anabaptists, Boulton was
equally attracted by the Cornish Quakers. We find him, in one
of his letters to Mrs. Boulton, describing a great meeting of
Friends at Truro which he had attended, "where," he said, "I heard
our friend Catherine Phillips preach with great energy and good
sense for an hour and a half, although so weak in body that she was
obliged to lie abed for several days before." Boulton
afterwards dined with the whole body of Friends at the principal
inn, being the only person present who was not of the Society; and
he confessed to have spent in their company a very pleasant evening.
We return to the progress of the engine business at Soho.
The most important work in hand about this time was the
double-acting engine intended for the Albion Mill, in Southwark. [p.321]
This was the first rotative with a parallel motion erected in London
and as the more extended use of the engine would in a great measure
depend upon its success, the firm naturally looked forward with very
great interest to its performances. The Albion Mill scheme was
started by Boulton as early as 1783. Orders for rotatives were
then coming in very slowly, and it occurred to him that if he had
but the opportunity of exhibiting the powers of the new engine in
its best form, and in connexion with the best machinery, the results
would be so satisfactory and conclusive as to induce manufacturers
generally to follow the example. On applying to the London
capitalists, Boulton found them averse to the undertaking; and at
length Boulton and Watt became persuaded that if the concern was to
be launched at all, they must themselves find the principal part of
the capital. A sufficient number of shareholders was got
together to make a start, and application was made for a charter of
incorporation in 1784; but it was so strongly opposed by the millers
and mealmen, on the ground that the application of steam-power to
flour-grinding would throw wind and water-mills out of work, take
away employment from the labouring classes, and reduce the price of
bread, [p.322] that the
charter was refused; and the Albion Mill Company was accordingly
constituted on the ordinary principles of partnership. |


Ed.—a double acting reciprocating engine, showing the
valve-gear and governor (live steam
from the boiler is in red, steam exhausted to the condenser
is in blue). Picture Wikipedia.

Ed.—a closer view of a
double-acting engine's cylinder and piston. Above it is the
"steam chest" and the "slide valve", which control the flow of live
and exhaust steam. The amount of travel by the slide valve
also controls the amount of live steam injected into the cylinder at
each stroke (the "cut-off"), thereby determining how "expansively"
the steam is to work, which in turn affects fuel economy.
Picture Wikipedia. |

Ed.—application of the
double-acting steam reciprocating engine to a railway
locomotive. Note the action of the "reverser"
on the valve-gear in order to change the direction of rotation of
the locomotive's driving wheels. Picture Wikipedia. |

Ed.—a three cylinder
"compound" steam reciprocating engine. A type much used for
marine propulsion, improved fuel economy was obtained by passing the
steam through three stages of expansion before exhausting it to the
condenser, thus maximising heat use. Four cylinder compound
marine engines were also built, although less common. Picture
Wikipedia. |
By the end of the year the Albion Mill engines, carefully
designed by Watt, were put in hand at Soho; the building was in
course of erection, after the designs of Mr. Wyatt, the architect;
while John Rennie, the young Scotch engineer, was engaged to design
and fit up the flour-grinding and dressing machinery. "I am
glad," wrote Boulton to Watt, "you have agreed with Rennie. Mills
are a great field. Think of the crank—of Wolf, Trumpeter,
Wasp, and all the ghosts we are haunted by." The whole of the
following year was occupied in the erection of the buildings and
machinery; and it was not until the spring of 1786 that the mill was
ready to start. Being the first enterprise of the kind, on an
unprecedented scale, and comprising many novel combinations of
machinery, there were many "hitches" before it could be got to work
satisfactorily. After the first trial, at which Boulton was
present, he wrote his partner expressing his dissatisfaction with
the working of the double-acting engine, expressing the opinion that
it would have been better if they had held to the single-acting one.
[p.324] Watt was
urged to run up to town himself and set matters to rights; but he
was up to the ears in work at Soho, and could not leave for a day.
.jpg)
Ed.—John Rennie (1761-1821): Scottish civil engineer,
the designer of many bridges,
canals and docks. Portrait by Sir Henry Raeburn
(1810). Picture Wikipedia.
After pointing out what course should be taken to discover
and remedy the faults of the engine, he proceeded:—
"Above all, patience must be exercised and things
coolly examined and put to rights, and care be taken not to blame
innocent parts. Everything must, as much as possible, be tried
separately. Remind those who begin to growl, that in new,
complicated and difficult things, human foresight falls short—that
time and money must be given to perfect things and find out their
defects, otherwise they cannot be remedied." [p.325]
The cost of erecting the mill proved to be considerably in
excess of the original estimate, and Watt early feared that it would
turn out a losing concern. He had no doubt about the engines
or the machinery being able to do all that had been promised but he
feared that the absence of business capacity on the part of the
managers would be fatal to its commercial success. He was
especially annoyed at finding the mill made a public show of, and
that it was constantly crowded with curious and frivolous people,
whose presence seriously interfered with the operations of the
workmen. It reached his ears that the managers of the mill
even intended to hold a masquerade in it, with the professed object
of starting the concern with éclat! Watt denounced this
as sheer humbug. "What have Dukes, Lords, and Ladies," said
he, "to do with masquerading in a flour-mill? You must take
steps to curb the vanity of ―― else it will ruin him. As for
ourselves, considering that we are much envied at any rate,
everything which contributes to render us conspicuous ought to be
avoided. Let us content ourselves with doing."
When the mill was at length set to work, the engine performed
to the entire satisfaction of its projector. The usual rate of
work per week of six days was 16,000 bushels of wheat, cleaned,
ground, and dressed into fine flour (some of it being ground two or
three times over)—or sufficient, according to Boulton's estimate,
for the weekly consumption of 150,000 people. The important
uses of the double rotative engine were exhibited in the most
striking manner; and the fame of the Albion Mill extended far and
It so far answered the main purpose which Boulton and Watt
had in view in originally embarking in the enterprise; but it must
be added that the success was accomplished at a very serious
sacrifice. The mill never succeeded commercially. It was
too costly in its construction and in its management, and though it
did an immense business, it was done at a loss. The concern,
was, doubtless, capable of great improvement, and, had time been
allowed, it would probably have come round. When its prospects
seemed to be brightening, [p.326-1]
it was set on fire in several places by incendiaries on the night of
the 3rd of March, 1791. The villains had made their
arrangements with deliberation and skill. They fastened the
main cock of the water-cistern, and chose the hour of low tide for
firing the building, so that water could not be got to play upon the
flames, and the mill was burnt to the ground in a few hours. A
reward was offered for the apprehension of the criminals, but they
were never discovered. The loss sustained by the Company was
about £10,000. Boulton and Watt were the principal sufferers;
the former holding £6,000 and the latter £3,000 interest in the
undertaking. [p.326-2]
Meanwhile, orders for rotative engines were coming in apace
at Soho,—engines for paper-mills and cotton-mills, for flour-mills
and iron-mills, and for sugar-mills in America and the West Indies.
At the same time pumping-engines were in hand for France, Spain, and
Italy. The steam-engine was becoming an established power, and
its advantages were every day more clearly recognised. It was
alike docile, regular, economical, and effective, at all times and
seasons, by night as by day, in summer and in winter. While
the wind-mills were stopped by calms and the water-mills by frosts,
the steam-mill worked on with untiring power. "There is not a
single water-mill now at work in Staffordshire," wrote Boulton to
Wyatt in December; "they are all frozen up, and were it not for
Wilkinson's steam-mill, the poor nailers must have perished; but his
mill goes on rolling and slitting ten tons of iron a day, which is
carried away as fast as it can be bundled up; and thus the
employment and subsistence of these poor people are secured."
As the demand for rotative engines set in, Watt became more
hopeful as to the prospects of this branch of manufacture. He
even began to fear lest the firm should be unable to execute the
orders, so fast did they follow each other. "I have no doubt,"
he wrote to Boulton, "that we shall soon so methodize the rotative
engines as to get on with them at a great pace. Indeed, that
is already in some degree the case. But we must have more men,
and these we can only have by the slow process of breeding them." [327]
Want of skilled workmen was one of Watt's greatest
difficulties. When the amount of work to be executed was
comparatively small, and sufficient time was given to execute it, he
was able to turn out very satisfactory workmanship; but when the
orders came pouring in, new hands were necessarily taken on, who
proved a constant source of anxiety and trouble. Even the "old
hands," when sent to a distance to fit up engines, being left, in a
great measure, to themselves, were apt to become careless and
ill-conditioned. With some, self-conceit was the
stumbling-block, with others temper, but with the greater number,
Another foreman sent to erect an engine in Craven was
afflicted with a distemper of a different sort. He was found
to have put the engine very badly together, and, instead of
attending to his work, had gone a-hunting in a pig-tail wig!
William Murdock continued, as before, an admirable exception.
He was as indefatigable as ever, always ready with an expedient to
remedy a defect, and willing to work at all hours. A great
clamour had been raised in Cornwall during his stay in London while
setting the Albion Mill to rights, as there was no other person
there capable of supplying his place, and fulfilling his numerous
and responsible duties. Boulton deplored that more men such as
Murdock were not to be had; "He is now flying from mine to mine," he
wrote, "and hath so many calls upon him that he is inclined to grow
peevish; and if we take him from North Downs, Chacewater, and Towan
(all of which engines he has the care of), they will run into
disorder and ruin; for they have not a man at North Downs that is
better than a stoker."
Towards the end of 1786 the press of orders increased at
Soho. A rotative engine of forty horse-power was ordered by
the Plate Glass Company to grind glass. A powerful
pumping-engine was in hand for the Oxford Canal Company. Two
engines, one of twenty and the other of ten horse-power, were
ordered for Scotch distilleries, and another order was shortly
expected from the same quarter. The engine supplied for the
Hull paper-mill having been found to answer admirably, more orders
for engines for the same purpose were promised. At the same
time pumping-engines were in hand for the great French waterworks at
Marly. "In short," said Watt, "I foresee I shall be driven
almost mad in finding men for the engines ordered here and coming
Watt was necessarily kept very full of work by these orders,
and we gather from his letters that he was equally full of
headaches. He continued to give his personal attention to the
preparation of the drawings of the engines, even to the minutest
detail. On an engine being ordered by Mr. Morris, of Bristol,
for the purpose of driving a tilt-hammer, Boulton wrote to him,—"Mr.
Watt can never be prevailed upon to begin any piece of machinery
until the plan of the whole is settled, as it often happens that a
change in one thing puts many others wrong. However, he has
now settled the whole of yours, but waits answers to certain
questions before the drawings for the founder can be issued."
At an early period his friend Wedgwood had strongly urged
upon Watt that he should work less with his own head and hands, and
more through the heads and hands of others. Watt's brain was
too active for his body, and needed rest; but rest he would not
take, and persisted in executing all the plans of the new engines
himself. Thus in his fragile, nervous, dyspeptic state, every
increase of business was to him increase of brain-work and increase
of pain; until it seemed as if not only his health, but the very
foundations of his reason must give way. At the very time that
Soho was beginning to bask in the sunshine of prosperity, and the
financial troubles of the firm seemed coming to an end, Watt wrote
the following profoundly melancholy letter to a friend:—
"I have been effete and listless, neither daring to
face business, nor capable of it, my head and memory failing me
much; my stable of hobby-horses pulled down, and the horses given to
the dogs for carrion. . . . I have had serious thoughts of laying
down the burden I find myself unable to carry, and perhaps, if other
sentiments had not been stronger, should have thought of throwing
off the mortal coil; but, if matters do not grow worse, I may
perhaps stagger on. Solomon said that in the increase of
knowledge there is increase of sorrow; if he had substituted
business for knowledge, it would have been perfectly true." [p.330]
As might be expected, from the large number of engines
already sold by the firm, and from the increasing amounts yearly
payable as dues, their income from the business was becoming
considerable, and promised, before many years had passed, to be very
large. Down to the year 1785, however, the outlay upon new
foundries, workshops, and machinery had been so great, and the large
increase of business had so completely absorbed the capital of the
firm, that Watt continued to be paid his household expenses, at the
rate of so much a year, out of the hardware business, and no
division of profits upon the engines sold and at work had as yet
been made, because none had accrued.
After the lapse of two or more years, matters had completely
changed; and after long waiting, and indescribable distress of mind
and body, Watt's invention at length began to be productive.
During the early part of his career, though his income had been
small, his wants were few, and easily satisfied. Though
Boulton had liberally provided for these from the time of his
settling at Birmingham, Watt continued to feel oppressed by the
thought of the debt to the bankers for which he and his partner were
jointly liable. In his own little business at Glasgow, he had
been accustomed to deal with such small sums, that the idea of being
responsible for the repayment of thousands of pounds appalled and
unnerved him; and he had no peace of mind until the debt was
Now at last he was free, and in the happy position of having
a balance at his bankers. On the 7th of December, 1787,
Boulton wrote to Matthews, the London agent,—"As Mr. Watt is now at
Mr. Macgregor's, in Glasgow, I wish you would write him a line to
say that you have transferred £4,000 to his own account, that you
have paid for him another £1,000 to the Albion Mill, and that about
Christmas you suppose you shall transfer £2,007 more to him, to
But while Watt's argosies were coming into port richly laden,
Boulton's were still at sea. Though the latter had risked, and
often lost, capital in his various undertakings, he continued as
venturesome, and as enterprising as ever. When any project was
started calculated to bring the steam-engine into notice, he was
immediately ready with his subscription. Thus he embarked
£6,000 in the Albion Mill, a luckless adventure in itself, though
productive in other respects. But he sadly missed the money,
and as late as 1789, feelingly said to Matthews, "Oh, that I had my
Albion Mill capital back again!" When any mining adventure was
started in Cornwall for which a new engine was wanted, Boulton would
write, "If you want a stop-gap, put me down as an adventurer"; and
too often the adventure proved a failure. Then, to encourage
the Cornish Copper Mining Company, he bought large quantities of
copper, and had it sent down to Birmingham, where it long lay on his
hands without a purchaser. At the same time we find him
expending £5,000 in building and rebuilding two mills and a
warehouse at Soho, and an equal amount in "preparing for the
These large investments had the effect of crippling his
resources for years to come; and when the commercial convulsion of
1788 occurred, he felt himself in a state of the most distressing
embarrassment. The circumstances of the partners being thus in
a measure reversed, Boulton fell back upon Watt for temporary help;
but, more cautious than his partner, Watt had already invested his
profits elsewhere, and could not help him. [p.332]
He had got together his store of gains with too much difficulty to
part with them easily; and he was unwilling to let them float away
in what he regarded as an unknown sea of speculation.
To add to his distresses, Boulton's health again began to
fail him. To have seen the two men, no one would have thought
that Boulton would have been the first to break down; but so it was.
Though Watt's sufferings from headaches, and afterwards from asthma,
seem to have been almost continuous, he struggled on, and even grew
in strength and spirits. His fragile frame bent before
disease, as the reed bends to the storm, and rose erect again; but
it was different with Boulton. He had toiled too unsparingly,
and was now feeling the effects. The strain upon him had
throughout been greater than upon Watt, whose headache had acted as
a sort of safety-valve by disabling him from pursuing further study
until it had gone off. Boulton, on the other hand, was kept in
a state of constant anxiety by business that could not possibly be
postponed. He had to provide the means for carrying on his
many businesses, to sustain his partner against despondency, and to
keep the whole organisation of the firm in working order.
While engaged in bearing his gigantic burden, disease came
upon him. In 1784 we find him writing to his wine-merchant,
with a cheque in payment of his account,—"We have had a visit from a
new acquaintance—the gout." The visitor returned, and four
years later we find him complaining of violent pain from gravel and
stone, to which he continued a martyr to the close of his life.
"I am very unwell indeed," he wrote to Matthews in London; "I can
get no sleep; and yet I have been obliged to wear a cheerful face,
and attend all this week on M. l'Abbé de Callone and his friend
Brunelle." He felt as if life was drawing to an end; he asked
his friend for a continuance of his sympathy, and promised still to
exert himself, "otherwise," said he, "I will lay me down and die."
He was distressed, above all things, at the prospect of leaving his
family unprovided for, notwithstanding all the labours, anxieties,
and risks he had undergone.
"When I reflect," he said, "that I
have given up my extra advantage of one-third on all the engines we
are now making and are likely to make, [p.334]—when
I think of my children now upon the verge of that time of life when
they are naturally entitled to expect a portion of their
patrimony,—when I feel the consciousness of being unable to restore
to them the property which their mother entrusted to me,—when I see
all whom I am connected with growing rich, whilst I am groaning
under a load of debt and annuities that would sink me into the grave
if my anxieties for my children did not sustain me,—I say, when I
consider all these things, it behoves me to struggle through the
small remaining fragment of my life (being now in my 6oth year), and
do my children all the justice in my power by wiping away as many of
my encumbrances as possible."
It was seldom that Boulton wrote in so desponding a strain as
this; but it was his "darkest hour," and happily it proved the one
"nearest the dawn." Yet, we shortly after find him applying
his energies, apparently unabated, in an entirely new direction—that
of coining money—which, next to the introduction of the
steam-engine, was the greatest enterprise of his life.
AS men are known
by the friends they make and the books they read,—as well as by the
recreations and pursuits of their leisure hours,—it will help us to
an appreciation of the characters of Boulton and Watt if we glance
briefly at the social life of Soho during the period we have thus
rapidly passed under review.
Boulton was a man of a thoroughly social disposition, and
made friends wherever he went. He was a favourite alike with
children and philosophers, with princely visitors at Soho, and with
quiet Quakers in Cornwall. When at home he took pleasure in
gathering about him persons of kindred tastes and pursuits, in order
at the same time to enjoy their society, and to cultivate his nature
by intercourse with minds of the highest culture. Hence the
friendships which he early formed for Benjamin Franklin, Dr. Small,
Dr. Darwin, Josiah Wedgwood, Thomas Day, Lovell Edgeworth, and
others equally eminent; out of which eventually grew the famous
Lunar Society.
Towards the close of last century, there were many little
clubs or coteries of scientific and literary men established in the
provinces, the like of which do not now exist,—probably because the
communication with the metropolis is so much easier, and because
London more than ever absorbs the active intelligence of England,
especially in the higher departments of science, art, and
literature. The provincial coteries of which we speak were
usually centres of the best and most intelligent society of their
neighbourhoods, and were for the most part distinguished by an
active and liberal spirit of inquiry. Leading minds attracted
others of like tastes and pursuits, and social circles were formed
which proved in many instances the source of great intellectual
activity as well as enjoyment. At Liverpool, Roscoe and Currie
were the centres of one such group; at Warrington, Aikin, Enfield,
and Priestley of another; at Bristol, Dr. Beddow and Humphry Davy of
a third; and at Norwich, the Taylors and Martineaus of a fourth.
But perhaps the most distinguished of these provincial societies was
that at Birmingham, of which Boulton and Watt were among the most
prominent members.
From an early period, the idea of a society, meeting by turns
at each other's houses, seems to have been entertained by Boulton.
It was probably suggested in the first place by his friend Dr.
Small. The object of the proposed Society was to be at the
same time friendly and scientific. The members were to
exchange views with each other on topics relating to literature,
art, and science; each contributing his quota of entertainment and
instruction. The meetings were appointed to be held monthly at
the full of the moon, to enable distant members to drive home by
moonlight; and this was the more necessary as some of them—such as
Darwin and Wedgwood—lived at a considerable distance from
When Watt visited Soho in 1768, on his way home from London
to Glasgow, some of the members of the Society—Dr. Small, Dr.
Darwin, and Mr. Keir were invited to meet him at l'hotel de
l'amitié sur Handsworth Heath, as Boulton styled his hospitable
mansion. The Society must, however, have been in a somewhat
undefined state at even a considerably later period, as we find
Boulton writing to Watt in 1776, after the latter had settled in
Birmingham, "Pray remember that the celebration of the third full
moon will be on Saturday, March 3rd. Darwin and Keir will both
be at Soho. I then propose to submit many motions to the
members respecting new laws and regulations, such as will tend to
prevent the decline of a Society which I hope will be lasting."
The principal members, besides those above named, were Thomas Day,
R. Lovell Edgeworth, Samuel Galton, Dr. Withering, Baskerville the
printer, Dr. Priestley, and James Watt. Each member was at
liberty to bring a friend with him, and thus many visitors of
distinction were present at the meetings of the Society, amongst
whom may be named Mr. Smeaton, Dr. Parr, Sir Joseph Banks, Sir
William Herschel, Dr. Solander, De Luc, Dr. Camper, and occasional
scientific foreigners.
Dr. Darwin was regarded as the patriarch of the Society.
His fame as a doctor, philosopher, and poet was great throughout the
Midland Counties. He was extremely speculative in all
directions, even in such matters as driving wheel-carriages by
steam,—also a favourite subject of speculation with Mr. Edgeworth. [p.339-1]
Dr. Darwin's time, however, was so much engrossed by his practice at
Lichfield, that he was not very regular in his attendance at the
meetings, but would excuse himself for his absence by such a letter
as the following:—
I am sorry the infernal divinities who visit mankind with diseases,
and are therefore at perpetual war with Doctors, should have
prevented my seeing all your great men at Soho to-day. Lord!
what inventions, what wit, what rhetoric, metaphysical, mechanical,
and pyrotechnical, will be on the wing, bandied like a shuttlecock
from one to another of your troop of philosophers; while poor I, I
by myself I, imprison'd in a postchaise, am joggled, and jostled,
and bump'd, and bruised along the King's high-road to make war upon
a stomach-ache or a fever!" [p.339-2]
While Dr. Darwin and Mr. Edgeworth were amongst the oldest
members of the Society, Dr. Priestley, the discoverer of oxygen and
other gases, was one of the youngest. We find Boulton
corresponding with him in 1775, principally on chemical subjects,
and supplying him with fluor spar for purposes of experiment.
Five years later, in 1780, he was appointed minister of the
Presbyterian Congregation assembling in the New Meeting-house,
Birmingham; and from that time forward he was one of the most active
members of the Lunar Society.

Priestley: English chemist, best known for his isolation
and description of several gases, particularly oxygen
and nitrous oxide (which later became one of the
earliest surgical anaesthetics). He is considered
to be one of the founders of modern chemistry because of
his contributions to experimental science.
Priestley later emigrated to the United States where he
died in 1804. |
Dr. Priestley was a man of extraordinary gifts and
accomplishments. He had mastered many languages before he was
twenty years old. He was well versed in mechanical philosophy
and metaphysics, a skilled dialectician, and the most expert chemist
of his time. Possessed by an irrepressible activity and
untiring perseverance, he became an enthusiast on whatever subject
he undertook, whether it was an inquiry into history, theology, or
science. He himself likened experimental philosophy to
hunting, and in his case it was the pursuit of facts that
mainly concerned him. He was cheerful, hopeful, and buoyant.
He possessed a juvenile temperament. He was happiest when
fullest of work. His mind ranged from subject to subject with
extraordinary versatility. He would lay aside metaphysics to
pursue experiments in electricity; next taking up history and
politics, proceeding from these to experiments on gases,—all the
while perhaps carrying on a public controversy on some disputed
point in religion or politics. For it is a curious fact, that
gentle, affectionate, and amiable though Priestley was,—devout in
temperament, and single-minded in the pursuit of truth, [p.341]—he
was almost constantly involved in paper wars. He described
himself, and truly, as "one of the happiest of men;" yet wherever he
went, in England or America, he stirred up controversy and
exasperated opponents, seeming to be the very Ishmael of polemics.
At the time when he settled at Birmingham, Priestley was
actively engaged in prosecuting inquiries into the constitution of
bodies. He had been occupied for several years before in
making investigations as to the gases. The discovery of
carbonic acid gas by Dr. Black of Edinburgh had attracted his
attention; and, living conveniently near to a brewery at Leeds,
where he then was, he proceeded to make experiments on the fixed air
or carbonic acid gas evolved during fermentation. From these
he went on to other experiments, making use of the rudest
apparatus,—phials, tobacco, pipes, kitchen utensils, a few glass
tubes, and an old gun-barrel. The pursuit was a source of
constant pleasure to him. He had entered upon an almost
unexplored field of science. Then was the childhood of
chemistry, and he gazed with large-eyed wonder at the marvels which
his investigations brought to light. He had no teacher to
guide him—nothing but experiment; and he experimented constantly,
carefully noting the results. Observation of facts was his
great object; the interpretation of the facts he left to others.
Such was Priestley, and such were his pursuits, when he settled at
Birmingham in 1780.
There can be little doubt that his enthusiasm as an
experimenter in chemistry exercised a powerful influence on the
minds of both Boulton and Watt, who, though both full of work,
anxiety, and financial troubles, were nevertheless found taking an
active interest from this time forward in the progress of chemical
science. Chemistry became the chief subject of discussion at
the meetings of the Lunar principal and chemical experiments the
principal recreation of their leisure hours.
"I dined yesterday at the Lunar Society (Keir's house),"
wrote Boulton to Watt; "there was Blair, Priestley, Withering,
Galton, and an American rebel, Mr. Collins. Nothing new except
that some of my white Spathos Iron ore was found to contain more air
than any ore Priestley had ever tried, and, what is singular, it
contains no common air, but is part fixable and part inflammable." [p.343-1]
To Henderson, in Cornwall, Boulton wrote, two months later,
"Chemistry has for some time been my hobby-horse, but I am prevented
from riding it by cursed business, except now and then of a Sunday.
However, I have made great progress since I saw you, and am almost
an adept in metallurgical moist chemistry. I have got all that
part of Bergmann's last volume translated, and have learnt from it
many new facts. I have annihilated Wm. Murdock's bedchamber,
having taken away the floor, and made the chicken kitchen into one
high room covered over with shelves, and these I have filled with
chemical apparatus. I have likewise set up a Priestleyan
water-tub, and likewise a mercurial tub for experiments on gases,
vapours, &c., and next year I shall annex to these a laboratory with
furnaces of all sorts, and all other utensils for dry chemistry." [p.343-2]
The "Priestleyan water-tub" and "mercurial tub," here alluded
to, were invented by Priestley in the course of his investigations
for the purpose of collecting and handling gases; and the pneumatic
trough, with glass retorts and receivers, shortly became part of the
furniture of every chemical laboratory.
Josiah Wedgwood was another member of the Lunar Society, who
was infected by Dr. Priestley's enthusiasm for chemistry; and
knowing that the Doctor's income from his congregation was small, he
and Boulton took private counsel together as to the best means of
providing him with funds, so as to place him in a position of
comparative ease, and enable him freely to pursue his
investigations. The correspondence which took place on the
subject is creditable to all parties concerned; and the more so to
Boulton, as he was embarrassed at the time by financial difficulties
of the most distressing kind, as has been already explained in a
preceding chapter. Wedgwood had undertaken to sound Dr.
Priestley, and he thus communicated the result to Boulton:—
"The Doctor says he never did
intend or think of making any pecuniary advantage from any of his
experiments, but gave them to the public with their results, just as
they happened, and so he should continue to do, without ever
attempting to make any private emolument from them to himself.
"I mentioned this business to our good friend, Dr. Darwin,
who agrees with us in sentiment, that it would be a pity that Dr.
Priestley should have any cares or cramps to interrupt him in the
fine vein of experiments he is in the midst of, and is willing to
devote his time to the pursuit of, for the public good. The
Doctor will subscribe, and has thought of some friends, who, he is
persuaded, will gladly do the same. . . .
"You will see by the enclosed list that one cannot decently
exceed ten guineas unless it be under the cover of a friend's name,
which method I shall take if I think it necessary to write more than
ten; but that is the subscription I shall begin with, and for three
years certain.
"Dr. Darwin will be very cautious whom he mentions this
affair to, for reasons of delicacy which will have equal weight with
us all. I mentioned your generous intention to Dr. P.,
and that we thought of £20 each; but that, you will perceive, cannot
be, and the Doctor says much less will suffice, as he can go on very
well with £100 per annum." [p.345-1]
Boulton wrote to Wedgwood in reply, requesting that the money
subscribed should be collected and paid to Dr. Priestley in such a
way as not to wound his sensitive feelings. He suggested that
in order to avoid this, it might be better if, instead of an annual
subscription, a dozen gentlemen were found willing to give a hundred
pounds each for the purpose of buying an annuity, or investing the
amount in stock for the Doctor's benefit. "I have never yet
spoken to him on the subject," he added; "I wish to avoid it, and so
doth my neighbour Galton. Therefore I beg you will manage the
affair so that we may contribute our mites to so laudable a plan,
without the Doctor knowing anything of the matter, and favour us
with a line on the subject at your leisure." [p.345-2]
In a subsequent part of the same letter he indicated the
subject of Priestley's experiments at the time. "We have long
talked," said he, "of Phlogiston without knowing what we talked
about; but now that Dr. Priestley hath brought the matter to light,
we can pour that element out of one vessel into another, can take it
out of one metal and put it into another, can tell how much of it,
by accurate measurement, is necessary to reduce a calx to a metal,
which is easily done, and without putting that calx into contact
with any visible thing. In short, this goddess of levity can
be measured and weighed like other matter. For the rest, I
refer you to the Doctor himself."

Smeaton, FRS (1724-92): English civil and mechanical
engineer, and physicist, he designed bridges, canals,
and harbours; also, the third Eddystone lighthouse,
which on completion in 1759 became a standard for
lighthouse design. Smeaton was the first to
describe himself (in 1768) as a 'civil engineer' thus
creating a distinction from the military engineer who
had traditionally undertaken the construction of public
infrastructure. An innovative and intelligent man,
Smeaton is commonly regarded as the father of the civil
engineering profession. |
The discussions at the Lunar Society were not, however,
exclusively chemical, but were varied according to the visitors who
from time to time honoured the members with their presence.
Thus, in the autumn of 1782, the venerable Smeaton, having occasion
to be in Birmingham upon canal business, was invited to attend a
meeting of the Society, held in Watt's house at Harper's Hill.
Watt thus described the evening's proceedings in a letter to
Boulton, then in London: "He—[Smeaton] grows old, and is rather more
talkative than he was, but retains in perfection his perspicuity of
expression and good sense. He came to the Philosophers'
Meeting at my house on Monday, and we were receiving an account of
his experiments on rotatives and some new ones he has made, when
unluckily his facts did not agree with Dr. Moyes the blind
philosopher's theories, which made Moyes contradict Smeaton, and
brought on a dispute which lost us the information we hoped for, and
took away all the pleasure of the meeting, as it lasted two hours
without coming half an inch nearer to the point." [p347-1]
A few days later we find De Luc paying his first visit to
Watt at Birmingham, accompanied by Baron Reden, who desired to
inspect the Soho works. "M. de Luc," wrote Watt, "is a modest
ingenious man. On Wednesday, Wilkinson, Reden, and he sent for
me to 'The Castle,' after dinner, and kept me to supper. On
the following day De Luc came to breakfast, and spent the whole
forenoon, insensing [p.347-2]
himself with steam and steam-engines. He is making a book, and
will mention us in it. Dr. Priestley came also to dinner, and
we were all good company till six o'clock, when Wilkinson set off
for Broseley, and they for London."
Meanwhile Priestley continued to pursue his investigations
with indefatigable zeal, discovering one gas after another, [p.347-3]
and immediately proclaiming the facts which he brought to light, so
that other minds might be employed on them besides his own. He
kept nothing secret. Perhaps, indeed, he was too hasty in
publishing the results of experiments still unfinished, as it
occasionally led him into contradiction which a more cautious method
of procedure would have enabled him to avoid. But he was
thoroughly honest, ingenuous, and single-minded in all his
proceedings, entertaining the conviction that in the end truth would
vindicate itself, and that all that was necessary was to inquire
ardently, to experiment incessantly, and to publish freely.
One of the most interesting speculations to which Priestley's
experiments gave rise, was with respect to the composition of water.
The merit of discovering the true theory has been variously
attributed to Watt, to Cavendish, and to Lavoisier; and perhaps no
scientific question has been the subject of more protracted
controversy. It had been known for some years that a certain
mixture of inflammable and dephlogisticated air (hydrogen and
oxygen), or common air and hydrogen, could be fired by the electric
spark. The experiment had been made by Volta and Macquer in
1776-7; and in the spring of 1781 Priestley made what he called a
"random experiment" of the same kind, to entertain some
philosophical friends. He exploded a mixture of common air and
hydrogen in a glass globe by sending an electric spark through it,
and when the explosion had taken place it was observed that the
sides of the glass were bedewed with moisture. Mr. Warltire, a
lecturer on Natural Philosophy at Birmingham, was present at the
experiment, and afterwards repeated it in a copper flask for the
purpose of trying "whether heat is heavy or not."
In the meantime, Mr. Cavendish, who had for some years been
occupied in the special study of pneumatic chemistry, and
satisfactorily solved the question of the true composition of
atmospheric air, having had his attention directed to Mr. Warltire's
experiment, repeated it in London, in the summer of 1781, employing
a glass vessel instead of a copper one; and again the deposit of dew
was observed on the sides of the glass. This phenomenon, which
Priestley had disregarded, appeared to him to be of considerable
importance, and "likely to throw great light" upon the subject of
the disappearance of oxygen during combustion, which he had been
pursuing experimentally by means of his well-known eudiometer.
"The liquid which resulted from the detonations was very carefully
analysed, and proved in all the experiments with hydrogen and air,
and in some of those with hydrogen and oxygen, to be pure water; but
in certain of the latter it contained a sensible quantity of nitric
acid. Till the source of this was ascertained, it would have
been premature to conclude that hydrogen and oxygen could be turned
into pure water." These experiments, however, were not
published, being still regarded as inconclusive. But with the
communicativeness which distinguishes the true man of science,
Cavendish made them known to Priestley, and, through his friend Dr.
Blagden, to Lavoisier. It was not until January, 1784, that he
communicated the results of his long series of experiments on the
subject to the Royal Society.
In the meantime Watt's attention had been directed to the
same subject by the experiments of Priestley, and he was led to the
same conclusions as Cavendish, though altogether independent of him,
and by means of a different class of experiments. We find him
writing to Boulton, then at Cosgarne, as follows, in 1782:—
"You may remember that I have
often said that if water could be heated red hot, or something more,
it would probably be converted into some kind of air, because steam
would in that case have lost all its latent heat, and that it would
have been turned wholly into sensible heat, and probably a total
change of the nature of the fluid would ensue. Dr. Priestley
has proved this by experiment. He took lime and chased out all
the fixed air, and made it exceedingly caustic by long-continued and
violent heat. He then added to it two ounces of water, and as
expeditiously as possible subjected it again to a strong heat, and
he obtained two ounces' weight of air; and, what is most surprising,
a balloon which he interposed between the retort and receiver was
not sensibly moistened, nor at all heated that could be observed.
The air produced was but very little more than common air, and
contained scarce any fixed air. So here is a plain account of
where the atmospheric air comes from. The Doctor does me
justice as to the theory." [p.350]
The results of this experiment were by no means conclusive.
That water was composed, at least in part, of air or gas of some
kind was obvious; but what the gas was, and whether it existed in
combination with other gases, was still a matter of conjecture.
But Priestley, having proceeded to repeat Cavendish's experiment of
exploding a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen in a glass vessel, which
was followed by the usual deposit of water, communicated the fact to
Watt, and this at once put him on the track of the true theory.
In a letter to Dr. Black, he communicated the result of Dr.
Priestley's experiments, stating that "when quite dry pure
inflammable air (hydrogen) and quite dry pure dephlogisticated air
(oxygen) are fired by the electric spark in a close vessel, he
finds, after the vessel is cold, a quantity of water adhering to the
vessel equal, or very nearly equal, to the weight of the whole air.
. . . Are we not then authorised to conclude, that water is composed
of dephlogisticated and inflammable air or phlogiston deprived of
part of their latent heat; and that dephlogisticated or pure air is
composed deprived its phlogiston of water deprived of its phlogiston
and united to heat and light; and if light be only a modification of
heat or a component part of phlogiston, then pure air consists of
water deprived of its phlogiston or latent heat?" [p.351]
At the same time Watt wrote to Priestley,—who did not himself see
the force of the experiments as establishing the true composition of
water,—demonstrating the conclusions which they warranted, and which
were identical with those already drawn by Cavendish.
Whether Priestley had communicated to Watt the theory of
Cavendish does not appear; but it is probable that both arrived at
the same conclusions independently of each other; Cavendish from the
result of his own experiments, and Watt from those of Priestley.
Each was quite competent to have made the discovery; nor is it
necessary for the fame of either to strip a leaf of laurel from the
brow of the other. Moreover, we are as unwilling to believe
that Cavendish would have knowingly appropriated to himself the idea
of Watt, as that Watt would have knowingly appropriated the idea of
Cavendish. As it was, however, Cavendish and Watt both claimed
priority in the discovery; the advocates of Watt's claim resting
their case mainly on the fact of his having first stated his views
on the subject in writing, in a letter which he wrote to Dr.
Priestley for the purpose of being read to the Royal Society in
April, 1783. Before that letter was read, Watt asked that it
should be withheld until the results of some new experiments of Dr.
Priestley could be ascertained.
These proving delusive, Watt sent a revised edition of the
letter to his friend De Luc, in November, but the reading of it was
delayed until the 29th April, 1784, before which time, on the 15th
January, Cavendish's paper on the same subject had been communicated
to the Society. Watt was much annoyed at the circumstance, and
alleged that Cavendish had been guilty of "plagiarism." [p.352]
At a late period of his life, when all bitter feelings on the
subject had subsided, Watt declared himself indifferent to the
subject of controversy: "After all," said he, "it matters little
whether Cavendish or I discovered the composition of water; the
great thing is, that it is discovered."
Pneumatic chemistry continued to form the principal subject
of discussion at the Lunar Society, as we find from numerous
references in Boulton and Watt's letters. "The Lunar Society,"
wrote Watt to his partner, "was held yesterday at Mr. Galton's at
Barr. It was rather dull, there having been no philosophical
news lately except Mr. Kirwan's discovery of an air from phosphorus,
which takes fire of itself on being mixed with common or
dephlogisticated air." [p.353-1]
Among Watt's numerous scientific correspondents was M. Berthollet,
the eminent French chemist, who communicated to him the process he
had discovered of bleaching by chlorine. Watt proceeded to
test the value of the discovery by experiment, after which he
recommended his father-in-law, Mr. Macgregor, of Glasgow, to make
trial of it on a larger scale. This, however, was postponed
until Watt himself could find time to superintend it in person.
At the end of 1787, we find him on a visit to Glasgow for the
purpose, and writing to Boulton that he is making ready for the
trial. "I mean," he writes, "to try it to-morrow, though I am
somewhat afraid to attack so fierce and strong a beast. There
is almost no bearing the fumes of it. After all, it does not
appear that it will prove a cheap way of bleaching, and it weakens
the goods more than could be wished, whatever good it may do in the
way of expedition." [p.353-2]
The experiment succeeded, and we find Mr. Macgregor, in the
following February, "engaged in whitening 1500 yards of linen by the
process." The discovery, not being protected by a patent, was
immediately made use of by other firms; but the offensive odour of
the chlorine was found exceedingly objectionable, until it was
discovered that chlorine could be absorbed by slaked lime, the
solution of which possessed great bleaching power, and this process
in course of time superseded all the old methods of bleaching by
It has been recently surmised that the action of light upon
nitrate of silver formed the subject of discussion at the Lunar
Society, and of experiments by Boulton and Watt; but we find no
indications of it in their correspondence. They were so
unreserved with each other on all matters of business as well as
science that, had any phenomena of so remarkable a character as
those which have issued in the art of photography become known to
either Boulton or Watt, we feel confident that they must have formed
the subject of much personal discussion, and of many written
communications. But both correspondents are alike entirely
silent on the subject; and we infer that no such experiments were
made by them, or, if made, that they led to no results.
Among the many foreigners who were attracted by this
distinguished circle of scientific men, we find M. Faujas-Saint-Fond,
who visited Birmingham in the course of his tour in England in 1785,
while the circle was as yet unbroken, and Watt, Boulton, Priestley,
and the rest, were in the full tide of business, invention, and
investigation. Saint-Fond had the pleasure of dining one day
with Watt when Dr. Priestley was present, and describes in glowing
terms the interest of their conversation. "Watt," he says,
"joins to the frankness of a Scotchman the amiability and kindness
of a man of the world. Surrounded by charming children, well
educated and full of talent, he enjoys in their midst the happiness
of regarding them as his friends, while he is almost worshipped by
them as the best of fathers." A subsequent visit which he paid
to Dr. Priestley in company with Dr. Withering, leads him to
describe the philosopher's house at Fairhill, then about a mile and
a half from Birmingham. "It is," he says, "a charming
residence, with a fine meadow on one side, and a beautiful garden on
the other. There was an air of perfect neatness about the
place within and without." He describes the Doctor's
laboratory, in which he conducted his experiments, as:
"situated at the extremity of a court, and detached
from the house to avoid the danger of fire.
"It consists of several apartments on the ground floor.
On entering it, I was struck with the sight of a simple and
ingenious apparatus for making experiments on inflammable gas
extracted from iron and water reduced to vapour. It consisted
of a tube tolerably long and thick, made out of one piece of copper
to avoid soldering. The part exposed to the fire was thicker
than the rest. He introduced into the tube cuttings or filings
of iron, and instead of letting the water fall into it drop by drop,
he preferred introducing it as vapour. The furnace was fired
by coke instead of coal, this being the best of combustibles for
intensity and equality of heat. . . . Dr. Priestley kindly allowed
me to make a drawing of his apparatus for the purpose of
communicating it to the French chemists who are engaged in the same
investigations as himself. . . . The Doctor has embellished his
rural retreat with a philosophical cabinet, containing all the
instruments necessary for his scientific labours; as well as a
library, containing a store of the most valuable books. He
employs his time in a variety of studies. History, moral
philosophy, and religion, occupy his attention by turns. An
active, intelligent mind, and a natural avidity for knowledge, draws
him towards the physical sciences; but a soft and impressible heart
again leads him to religious and philanthropic inquiries. . . . I
had indeed the greatest pleasure in seeing this amiable servant in
the midst of his books, his furnaces, and his philosophical
instruments; at his side an educated wife, a lovely daughter, and in
a charming residence, where everything bespoke industry, peace, and
happiness." [p.356]
Only a few years after the date of this visit, while
Priestley was still busied with his chemical investigations, his
house at Fairhill, thus described by Saint-Fond, was invaded by a
brutal mob, who ruthlessly destroyed his library, his apparatus, and
his furniture, and forced him to fly from Birmingham, glad to escape
with his life.
The Lunar Society continued to exist for some years longer.
But one by one the members dropped off. Dr. Priestley
emigrated to America; Dr. Withering, Josiah Wedgwood, and Dr.
Darwin, died before the close of the century; and, without them, a
meeting of the Lunar Society was no longer what it used to be.
Instead of an assembly of active, inquiring men, it was more like a
meeting of spectres with a Death's head in the chair. The
associations connected with the meeting—reminding the few lingering
survivors of the losses of friends—became of too painful a character
to be kept alive; and the Lunar Society, like the members of which
it was composed, gradually expired.
Its spirit, however, did not die. It had stimulated
inquiry, and quickened the zeal for knowledge of all who came within
reach of its influence; and this spirit diffused and propagated
itself in all directions. Leonard Horner, who visited Soho in
1809, thus referred to the continued moral influence of the
association:—"The remnant of the Lunar Society," he says, "and the
fresh remembrance in others of the remarkable men who composed it,
are very interesting. The impression which they made is not
yet worn out, but shows itself, to the second and third generation,
in a spirit of scientific curiosity and free inquiry, which even yet
makes some stand against the combined forces of Methodism, Toryism,
and the love of gain." [p.357]
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