Gerald Massey: a biography - App. II.

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[Appendices part I.]


THE LONDON BOOK UNION: In 1860 or early 1861 a number of well known literary personages suggested that a London Book Union be formed with the object of making books more readily available to the working classes.  Promoters of this Union included William Blanchard Jerrold (1826-1884) Secretary; Sir Austen Henry Layard (1817-1894) archaeologist, author and art historian; W.H. Russell (1821-1907) war correspondent for the Times; Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) novelist; George Sala (1828-1895) journalist, and Gerald Massey (1828-1907).

The Union was to be organised in a similar manner to the already established Art Union, and was intended to 'be to Literature that which the London Art Union has been to Art.'  Subscribers were to pay one guinea per year, by instalments of one shilling for which they would receive a book of the value of one guinea.  The residue of the subscriptions, after expenses, were then to be apportioned into various sums, and distributed to subscribers by ballot.  Those subscribers were then eligible for prizes of books equivalent in value to the sum named as a prize.  The book for 1862 was to be an edition of Shakespeare.  The first prize was for a library to the value of 300 guineas, with most of the prizes being of five guineas.

Unfortunately this scheme was short-lived.  In May 1861 a bill introduced in Parliament by Layard to legalise book unions, similar to Art Union, was rejected by the House of Lords in July.

For the London Book Union see the: Eclectic Magazine, Sept.-Dec. 1861, 143  For the London Art Union see the: Irish Quarterly Review, Vol. III, xi, Dec. 1853, 994-5.


THE MOST ANCIENT ORDER OF DRUIDS: Massey was elected Chosen Chief of the Most Ancient Order of Druids in 1880, replacing Edward Vaughan Kenealy, a position that he held until 1906 when ill health forced his resignation, and he handed over to John Barry O'Callaghan (1847-1909).  This was probably an honorarium, and entailed very little, if any, actual work for the Order.

    The reason for the Order of Druids in choosing O'Callaghan as their Chosen Chief is unknown, except possibly in part for his work against social injustice.  Information regarding him is sparse.  A civil engineer by profession, he was evidently concerned with worker's housing and welfare, and was Chairman of the Fair Rents Union formed in 1890 (The Fair Rents Union. Organization and Rules. London School of Economics HD7/A15).  This Union campaigned against unsanitary conditions and for improved rented housing for the poor.  Their objectives were stated in the rules, that ‘… land values are created by the community, and that all rents for ground or buildings should be under statutory equitable regulation; in a word, judicial rents for town as well as country.’  Also, ‘The Fair Rents Union will seek to attain this object by attacking the evils of overcrowding, insanitation, landlords' confiscation of tenants' and leaseholders improvements, and all rack-renting.’  At a London meeting, O'Callaghan stated that the union was formed to obtain healthy homes for the working classes of the country. They wished to stop overcrowding … The landlord did not care one iota for the unfortunate tenant's comfort providing that his rent was ready for him every Monday morning.  He mentioned that in all cases the union would obtain the assistance of sanitary, legal, and medical experts for tenants of rack-rented and unhealthy homes. (The Times, 2 June, 1890, p.10.)

    O'Callaghan had friendly discussions with Helen Taylor (1831-1907) who was an active suffragette and the stepdaughter of John Stuart Mill (1806-1883).  She also had an interest in Irish affairs.  In a letter to her (Ref: London School of Economics Archives, Mill-Taylor, Vol. 18, item 126.), O'Callaghan had mentioned a new monthly Irish magazine commenced in London, The Hibernian (British Library).  This is listed for only five issues during 1885, and O'Callaghan did not contribute.  O'Callaghan's brief obituary is in The Times for 6 May, 1909.


THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Massey was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Historical Society on 21 July 1881 and resigned on 17 October 1883.  The Society has no records relating to either his election or resignation, while he is not listed in their ‘Transactions’ as ever having presented any papers.  His election might have been connected in some way with publication of The Book of the Beginnings in 1881, while by the end of 1882 Massey was known to be suffering financial hardship.  Relinquishing fellowship of the RHS might have yielded an essential cash saving.


THE SAVAGE CLUB: This London gentleman's club, still in existence, was founded in 1857 for the benefit of persons devoted to Art, Literature and Music.  Annual dinners were held at varying venues, with speakers and musical entertainment.  The dinner for 1887 was held at Willis' Rooms, King Street, under the presidency of the Earl of Dunraven.  Following the loyal toasts, the Chairman proposed "Literature, Art and the Drama" in an effective speech.  Gerald Massey responded for Literature, Edward Terry for Drama and David Anderson for Art.  This was followed by musical arrangements.

It is unlikely that Massey was a member of the club, that had annual subscriptions, but he was probably invited just for that occasion.  From Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper, 17 July 1887.


A dramatic reading of Massey's Shakespeare's Sonnets.

The Guardian, 13 April, 1919.

Sivori Antonio Joachim Levey (1879–1924) was a Lieutenant in the 13th West Yorkshire Regiment.  A pianist, composer, poet and arranger of musical recitals and dramatic plays, he also published commentaries on Shakespeare and Browning.



A representative chronological listing, named, positively attributed, or by pseudonym, and including longer literary reviews.

AA Agnostic Annual

BL Banner of Light

CJ Cooper's Journal 

CS Christian Socialist

ER Eclectic Review

EN Edinburgh News

FOP Friend of the People

FM Fraser's Magazine

L Lucifer 

HI Hogg's Instructor

NR National Review

MD Medium and Daybreak

NBR North British Review

NT Northern Tribune

RR Red Republican 

QR Quarterly Review

SN Spiritualist Newspaper

SF Spirit of Freedom

UP Uxbridge Pioneer 

SOF Star of Freedom

W Witness

USF Uxbridge Spirit of Freedom

A Few Words on Poetry. UP, 1, (Feb. 1849), 4-5.

A Remaunt of Ancient Woxbrigge? UP, 1, (Feb. 1849), 7-8.

To our Readers. UP, 1, (Feb. 1849), 8-10.

May Dawson. UP, 1, (Feb. 1849), 10-11.

Hold on, hold on, in the World's despite. USF, 8, (Nov. 1849), 120-21.

The Middle-class Expediency. SF, Feb. 1850 (reprinted in the Northern Star, 9 Feb. 1850, 3.

Signs of Progress. CJ, I, 8, (Feb. 1850), 113-15.

Cossack or Republican? RR, 22 Jun. 1850, 5-6.

Persecution and Martyrdom. RR, 29 Jun. 1850, 10-11.

Poetry to be Lived. RR, 6 Jul. 1850, 19-20.

The Great Want of the Time. RR, 31 Aug. 1850, 82-83.

German Students: Gottfried Kinkel, and the Martyrs of 1848-49. FOP, 14 Dec. 1850, 3.

Coming Out of Egypt. FOP, 21 Dec. 1850, 11.

Petöfy the People's Poet of Hungary. [Ed. - Sándor Petőfi] FOP 7 Feb. 1851.

The Brotherhood of Labour. CS, 1, (3 May 1851), 211.

Tennyson and his Poetry. CS, 2, (20 Aug. 1851), 140-42. (6 Sep.) 155-57. (20 Sep.) 187-90.

Tennyson's Princess. CS, 2, (27 Sep. 1851), 204-07. (4 Oct.) 220-22. (11 Oct.) 236-38. (18 Oct.) 246-47. (1 Nov.) 284-86.

John Milton, his Life and Genius. FOP, 21 Feb. 1852, 1-2.

Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli. FOP, 21 Feb. 1852, 22-23, 28 Feb. 1852, 30-31.

A Voice from the Workshop; or Thoughts in Rhyme. FOP, 21 Feb. 1852, 23.

Co-operation, the Immediate Necessity. FOP, 23 Feb. 1852, 27.

Pierre Jean De Beranger, his life and genius. FOP, 6 Mar. 1852, 33-34.

Tennyson's Poems. FOP, 6 Mar. 1852, 38-39.

Sidney Smith and Co-operation. FOP, 20 Mar. 1852, 51-52, 27 Mar. 1852, 58.

Memoir of Felicite Lamennais. FOP, 3 Apr. 1852, 5-6.

The Prose and Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe. FOP, 10 Apr. 1852, 77-78

The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth.—Moxon (a review of). FOP, 17 Apr. 1852, 86.

Memoir of Rouget de Lisle. FOP, 24 Apr. 1852, 89-90.

Mazzini and the French Refugees. FOP, 24 Apr. 1852, 90-91.

The Working Tailors' Association, London. A Chapter towards the Associative History. SOF, 24 Apr. 1852, 5. 8 May, 5. 22 May, 5. 5 Jun., 6.

Longfellow's Poetical Works. SOF, 22 May 1852, 3. Rienzi, the Roman Tribune. SOF, 22 May 1852, 3.

A Visit to the Royal Academy. SOF, 29 May 1852, 2.

Our Position, Principles, and Prospects. SOF, 5 Jun. 1852, 4.

'Firstlings' by William Whitmore. SOF, 7 Aug. 1852, 3.

Uncle Tom's Cabin. SOF, 14 Aug. 1852, 13-14.

Louis Kossuth. SOF, 21 Aug. 1852, 30; 28 Aug. 1852, 46.

Mazzini and Italy. NT, I, 12, 1854, 402-5.

Balder, Part the First. (Review). ER, Oct. 1854, 424-35.

Thomas Hood, Poet and Punster. HI, 4, 1855, 320-28.

The Poetry of Alfred Tennyson. HI, 5, 1855, 1-14.

Tennyson's New Volume of Poems. EN, July 1855.

The Manchester Art-Treasures Exhibition. W, 13 May 1857, 2. 16 May, 2. 20 May, 2. 26 May, 2. 6 Jun., 2. 13 Jun., 2. 20 Jun., 2. 24 Jun., 2. 18 Jul., 2. 30 Sep., 2.

Poetry - The Spasmodists. NBR, 28, (Feb. 1858), 231-50. Attributed to Coventry Patmore in Wellesley Index, 1, 682, 503, but corrected in 3, 998, 503. Confirmed also in a letter from Massey to William Sterling.

American Humour. NBR, 33, (Nov. 1860), 461-85.

The Poems and Plays of Robert Browning. NBR, 34, (May 1861), 350-74.

Poets of Young Ireland. NBR, 35, (Nov. 1861), 415-44.

Last Poems and Other Works of Mrs Browning. NBR, 36, (May 1862), 514-34.

Thomas De Quincey - Grave and Gay. NBR, 39, (Aug. 1863), 62-86.

Life and Writings of Thomas Hood. QR, 114, (Oct. 1863), 332-68.

New Englanders and the 'Old Home'. QR, 115, (Jan. 1864), 42-68.

Shakespeare and his Sonnets. QR, 115, (Apl. 1864), 431-81.

Browning's Poems. QR, 118, (Jul. 1865), 77-105. 

Yankee Humour. QR, 122, (Jan. 1867), 212-37. 

Charles Lamb. FM, 75, (May 1867), 657-72.

Why I became a Spiritualist. BL, 34, (10 Jan. 1874), 1, 8. (A similar article appears in the Denver Mirror, 25 January 1874).

An Enquiry Concerning a Spirit-World. BL, 34, (17 Jan. 1874), 1-2.

The Birth, Life, Miracles and Character of Jesus Christ ... BL, 34, (24 Jan. 1874), 8.

The Coming Religion. BL, 35, (16 May 1874), 1, 8.

Eternal Punishment and Orthodox Theology. SN, 5 Jun. 1874, 265-6.

Simon of Samaria. MD, 18, (Apr. 1887), 225-27.

Are the Teachings Ascribed to Jesus Contradictory? L, vol. I.,  Oct. 1887, 135.

Blood Covenanting. L, vol. I., Nov. 1887, 216-225.

The Name and Nature of the Christ. AA, 1888, 9-14.

Myth and Totemism as Primitive Modes of Representation. NR, Oct. 1888, 238-59. Reprinted with an introduction by Rey Bowen (London, Karpatenland Press, 1995).



Gerald Massey. Eliza Cook's Journal, (Samuel Smiles) no. 102 (12 Apr. 1851), 372-74.

Gerald Massey, the Buckinghamshire Poet. The Worthies of the Working Classes and their Friends, ed. S. Bannister, (London, Newby, 1854), 24-29.

A Third Gallery of Portraits, George Gilfillan, (Edinburgh, Hogg, 1854), 188-99.

Gerald Massey. Men of the Time (London, Kent, 1857 ed.) 515-17.

Gerald Massey. Brief Biographies, Samuel Smiles, (Boston, Osgood, 1861), 440-48.

Gerald Massey. Jersey Independant, 25 Nov. 1862.

Gerald Massey and his Writings. Meliora, V, 17, 1863, 2-63.

Gerald Massey. Working Man, I, 17, (28 Apr. 1866), 257-8.

The Self-Made Men of Our Time: Gerald Massey. Chimney Corner, 11 Feb. 1871, 454.

The Langham Place lectures: The Medium and Daybreak, 29 March; 17 May; 24 May; 31 May; 7 June 1872.

Gerald Massey at Halifax: The Medium and Daybreak, 3 Jan. 1873.

Gerald Massey. The Illustrated Review, 4 Sep. 1873, 207-9.

Gerald Massey. Medium and Daybreak, 10 Oct. 1873, 449-52.

Gerald Massey. Banner of Light, (Boston) 1 Nov. 1873, 4.

Gerald Massey in America: The Medium and Daybreak, 19 Dec. 1873.

Gerald Massey. Phrenological Journal and Life Illustrated, (New York) 58, (Jan. 1874) 6-11.

Conviction and Conversion: reported in the Denver Mirror, 25 Jan. 1874.

Gerald Massey in Chicago : the Chicago Daily Times, Feb. 17, 1874.

Allibone's Critical Dictionary (London, Trubner, 1877), 2, 1239.

A Book of the Beginnings. The Scotsman, 21 May, 1881.

A Preface to, with Extracts from, a Book of the Beginnings. Journal of Science, Vol. 3, 1881.

The Natural Genesis, vol. I. Quarterly Journal of Science, Vol. V. July 1883.

Gerald Massey. House and Home, 5, (26 May 1882), 157-8.

Masseyana. Who is Gerald Massey? Medium and Daybreak, 12 Oct. 1883, 649-50.

Recollections of Gerald Massey: Brooklyn Eagle, 18 Nov. 1883.

Gerald Massey: Brooklyn Eagle, 6 Jan. 1884.

Gerald Massey in Australia: Medium and Daybreak, 16 Jan. 1885.

Gerald Massey. His Life and Work. Medium and Daybreak, 19 Mar. 1886, 178-80.

So-called Parallels between the New Testament and Egyptian Mythology. Religio-Philosophical Journal, (Chicago) 16 Oct. 1886, 8.

A Wasted Life. Christian Leader, 18 Nov. 1886, 7 10.

Egyptologists and Gerald Massey: The Medium and Daybreak, 1 Apr. 1887.

Men Who Have Conquered. XII. Gerald Massey. Wit and Wisdom, 4 Aug. 1888, 172.

The Secret Drama of Shakspeare's Sonnets.  A limited edition of 100 copies for subscribers.  Printed by Richard Clay & Sons, London, 1888.

Reviews. A Revived Poet. The Saturday Review, Aug. 31, 1889.

My Lyrical Life: Poems Old and New. The Athenæum, Nov. 9, 1889.

Gerald Massey on Shakespeare. The Medium And Daybreak, Feb. 5, 1892.

Gerald Massey. The Arena, (Boston) vols 8, 9, Dec. 1893 - Jan. 1894. A series of three articles by B. O. Flower.  Later published as Gerald Massey: Poet, Prophet and Mystic (Boston, Arena Publishing Co. 1895).

Gerald Massey. (Amos Waters) Open Court, (Chicago) 10, 1896, 4789-90.

Mr. Gerald Massey at Home. The Bookman, Nov. 1897, 33-36.

Gerald Massey. (V. Plarr) Men and Women of the Time, (London, Routledge, 1899), 730.

The Poetry of Mr. Gerald Massey, Studies in Poetry and Criticism, John Churton Collins (London, Bell, 1905), 142-66.

A Silent Singer. (James Milne) Book Monthly, July 1905, 703-6.

Poet and Thinker. (James Milne) Book Monthly, 4, 1907, 845-51.

Massey in His Last Fight: The Chicago Daily Tribune, 23 June 1907.

Obituary. The Times, 30 Oct. 1907, 8. Daily News, 31 Oct. 1907, 4. The Athenæum, 2 Nov. 1907, 553. Norwood News, 2 Nov. 1907, 8 (see also 9 Nov. 1907, 3), Two Worlds, 8 Nov. 1907, 558-9.

Gerald Massey—as Egyptologist and Spiritualist: (Samuel Keyworth; Archie Glendinning) The Two Worlds, 8 Nov. 1907.

An Appreciation of Gerald Massey. Literary Guide and Rationalist Review, 1 Dec. 1907, 183 and 187-8.

Mr. Gerald Massey ... Review of Reviews, 36, (Dec. 1907), 576-7.

The Passing of Gerald Massey, the Veteran Bard of Freedom. Arena, (Boston) 39, (Feb. 1908), 214-17.

The Late Gerald Massey: (W.H. Simpson) Two Worlds, 18 Dec. 1908.

Professor Max Müller and Gerald Massey: (W.H. Simpson) Two Worlds, 18 Jun. 1909, 298-9.

Dictionary of National Biography (Sir Sidney Lee), 2nd. supp. (London, Smith, Elder, 1912), 580-82.

Gerald Massey. (Dudley Wright) Open Court, (Chicago) 38, (Aug. 1924), 449-57.

A Poet of Yester-year. Pages in Waiting, James Milne, (London, Bodley Head, 1926), 23-36.

English Poetry in the later 19th Century. B. I. Evans (London, Methuen, 1933), 343-45.

Gerald Massey and America. Charles Hawley. Church History, VIII, 4, 362-3.

Gerald Massey. Print and the People, L. James (London, Peregrine, 1978), 191-94. Reprint of the article in Eliza Cook's Journal, 1851.

Biographical Dictionary of Modern British Radicals J. O. Baylen (Sussex, Harvester Press, 1984) 2, 336-39.

Dictionary of Literary Biography (Tirthankar Bose), 32, 214-17.

Gerald Massey 1828-1907. More Tring Personalities. Wendy Austin (Tring, 2003) 112-116.


ADAMS, W. E., Memoirs of a Social Atom 2 vols. (London, Hutcheson, 1903); 'Tyrannicide: is it justifiable?' (London, Edward Truelove, 1858)

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KING, Bolton, The Life of Mazzini (London, Dent, 1912).

KINGSLEY, Charles, Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet (London, Chapman & Hall, 1850 etc. Oxford U.P., 1987).  Prefatory Memoir by Thomas Hughes in 1876 ed. (London, Macmillan).

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LENO, J. B., The Aftermath (London, Reeves & Turner, 1892).

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MASTERMAN, N. C., John Malcolm Ludlow (Cambridge U.P., 1963).

MASSEY, Thomas [Gerald], Original Poems and Chansons (Tring, Garlick. 1847). Privately printed by subscription, approx. 250 copies. No copy traced, but see a collection of early poems.

Voices of Freedom and Lyrics of Love (London, Watson, 1851). Univ. of Michigan. Inscribed copy to George Julian Harney in Vanderbilt University Library.

A Song of Welcome to Louis Kossuth Published as a Broadsheet (London, John James Bezer, n.d.). Newcastle City Library. As cited in the preface to Plummer, J., Songs of Labour (London, 1860).

The Ballad of Babe Christabel with Other Lyrical Poems (London, Bogue, 1854. 1st Feb.; 2nd April; 3rd - with preface - June; 4th enlarged, Nov.; 5th enlarged, Feb 1855. 3rd ed. (with some additional material and errata) published as Poems and Ballads (New York, Derby, 1854).

War Waits (London, Bogue, 1855). lst., 2nd. eds.

Craigcrook Castle, and Other Poems (London, Bogue, 1856). lst., 2nd. ed. rev.

The Poetical Works of Gerald Massey (Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1857). Reprinted from Derby's ed. - with errata - of Poems and Ballads and including Craigcrook Castle, and Other Poems 1st. ed.

Robert Burns: a Song, and Other Lyrics (London, Kent, 1859), lst., 2nd. eds. Signed copy in Newberry Library, Chicago. The poem 'Robert Burns: a Song' reprinted in Anderson, G., Finlay, J., The Burns Centenary Poems (Glasgow, Murray, 1859).

Poems by Gerald Massey (Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1860). A new enlarged ed. of his Poetical Works, Boston, 1857.

Havelock's March, and Other Poems (London, Trubner, 1861). Author's annotated copy deposited in the Gerald Massey Collection.

The Poetical Works of Gerald Massey (London, Routledge, 1861, 1864).

The Poems of Gerald Massey (Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1863). 3rd. ed. 1864. 5th., 1865. 6th., 1866. 9th., 1875.

Shakspeare's Sonnets never before interpreted: His Private Friends Identified: Together with a Recovered Likeness of Himself (London, Longmans, Green, 1866.  New York, AMS Press, 1973 etc. 2nd. ed. 1872 enlarged with a supplemental chapter and reprinted privately (100 copies) as The Secret Drama of Shakspeare's Sonnets Unfolded, with the Characters Identified. Reprinted London, Watts, 1890. New York, AMS Press, 1973 etc.

In Memoriam. Privately printed, n.d. [1867]. Inscribed copies (1) 'Eva Byrn, with Gerald Massey's love' (2) 'given To the Author by her deeply obliged Marian Alford', bound in vellum with her coat of Arms, in colour, deposited in the Gerald Massey Collection. Signed copy in Yale University Library.

 Carmen Nuptiale. Privately printed, n.d. [1869]. Inscribed copy 'To my Wife, with my love on my Birthday 1869. Gerald Massey' deposited in the Gerald Massey Collection. Author's annotated copy in Harvard University Library.

A Tale of Eternity, and Other Poems (London, Strahan, 1870, private - dedicated to the Lady Marian Alford - and ordinary eds. Boston, Fields and Osgood). Private inscribed copy to 'William Unwin with kind regards from Gerald Massey' deposited in the Gerald Massey Collection.

Concerning Spiritualism (London, Burns, 1871. Kila, Kessinger, 1994).

A Preface to, with Extracts from, A Book of The Beginnings' (London, Williams and Norgate, 1881).

A Book of The Beginnings 2 vols. (London, Williams and Norgate, 1881. New York, University Books, 1974. London, Zwan Publishing, 1991. New York, Life Sciences, 1991. ECA Assoc. African Heritage Classical Research Studies, 1991. Gordon Press, 1991. Kessinger, 1992). Ca., Health Research, (spiral), n.d. etc.)

Garibaldi: A Group of Reprinted Poems (London, J. Pearce, 1882). British Library Pressmark YA.1987.a.7095.

The Natural Genesis 2 vols. (London, Williams and Norgate, 1883. New York, Weiser, 1974, 1976. New York, ECA Assoc. (African Studies), 1991. Kessinger, 1992. Ca., Health Research (spiral) n.d. etc.)

Election Lyrics (London, Burns, n.d. [1886]). Bishopsgate Institute. Pressmark P329.942.39(33). Three separately (Bristol University Library) as: The Government of Ireland. Gerald Massey to John Bright. [poem] 2 pages, leaflet no 74, n.d. (c. 1886); The Government of Ireland. 'A Leader' by Gerald Massey [poem] 'The League of Pat and Hodge' Leaflet no 65, n.d. (1886); Home Rule Rhymes and Labour Lyrics, 24 pages, n.d. (c. 1891)

Lectures. A series of 10 lectures, privately printed, 1887. (London, Watts, 1891. New York, Weiser, 1976. Largs, Banton Press, 1990. New York, ECA Assoc. (African Studies), 1991. Kessinger, 1992 etc.) Reprinted separately as below:

— (1) The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ (Springfield, Star Publishing, 1886, - inc. part 4 of The Natural Genesis. Glasgow, E. Nisbet, 1889. San Francisco, Le Caze, 1896, as Le Historique Jesus. Pioneer Press for the Secular Soc. Ltd., London, 1921, 1936. Hastings, Soc. of Metaphysicians, 1986. As ... Natural Genesis and Typology of Equinoctial Christianity Edmonds, Holmes Publishing, 1990 etc.)

— (2) Paul, the Gnostic Opponent of Peter, not an Apostle of Historic Christianity (Glasgow, Nisbet, 1889. London, Watts, 1893).

— (3) The Logia of The Lord, or Pre-historic Sayings attributed to Jesus Christ (London, Watts, 1897).

— (4) Gnostic and Historic Christianity (Edmonds, Holmes Publishing, 1992).

— (5) The Hebrew and Other Creations Fundamentally Explained (Edmonds, Holmes Publishing, 1985 etc.)

— (6) The Devil of Darkness in the Light of Evolution

— (7) Luniolatry, Ancient and Modern (Edmonds, Holmes Publishing, 1990, as Moon Worship: Ancient and Modern).

— (8) Man in search of his Soul during fifty thousand years, and how he found it (London, Watts, 1893).

— (9) The Seven Souls of Man and their Culmination in Christ

— (10) The Coming Religion

The Vilification of Shakspeare and Bacon. A Chapter from the Secret Drama of Shakspeare's Sonnets (London, Kegan Paul, Trench, 1888)

The Secret Drama of Shakspeare's Sonnets (London, Kegan Paul, Trench, and private ed. 1888. London, Watts, 1890). Presentation copy to George Julian Harney, 'With all good wishes to George Julian Harney who probably has forgotten that he was the first to print, quote, and praise the Verse of Gerald Massey.' Quoted in The Harney Papers, footnote to letter no. 214.

My Lyrical Life Vol. 1, First Series; Vol. 2, Second Series (London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner. Boston, Colby and Rich, 1889, 1890. New ed. with additional matter, London, Watts, 1896). Inscribed copy to Massey's Grand-daughter - Vol. 2, Kegan Paul:

'Dear Helen, here is many a screed

 That you may one day like to read,

 When "Gumm" has gone upon his way

 In search of some continual day.

Gerald Massey.'

Massey's Grand-daughter when young could not pronounce 'Grandfather'.  'Gumm' was the nearest she could get.  Deposited in the Gerald Massey Collection.  Inscribed copy to George Julian Harney in Vanderbilt University Library: 'George Julian Harney a Birthday Gift with Kindest remembrances from Gerald Massey.'

Ancient Egypt, the Light of the World, A Work of Reclamation and Restitution in 12 books 2 vols. (London, T. Fisher Unwin, 500 copies, 1907. New York, Weiser, London, Stuart and Watkins, 1970. ECA Assoc. (African Studies) 1991.  Gordon Press, 1992. Baltimore, Black Classic, 1992 . Kegan Paul, 2004 etc.)

Book 4 reprinted as The Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Mysteries of Amenta (Los Angeles, Inner Powers Soc., 1958, Ca., Health Research (spiral) n.d., and in part as The World's Great Year pp. 580628 of Ancient Egypt vol. 2 - Edmonds, Holmes Publishing, 1988. Parts 1-5 ed. by A. Obaba, African Islam Miss. Pubns., n.d. etc.)

MAURICE, Frederick, The Life of Frederick Denison Maurice (London, Macmillan, 1884 ed.).

McCABE, Joseph, Spiritualism (London, Fisher Unwin, 1920).

McMONEAGLE, J, Mind Trek (Charlottsville, Hampton Roads, 1993).

MEYER, Marvin, (ed.) The Ancient Mysteries. A sourcebook (San Francisco, Harper Collins, 1987).

MILES, A. H., The Poets and Poetry of the Century (London, Hutchinson, 1897).

MILNE, James, Pages in Waiting (London, Bodley Head, 1926).

NETHERCOT, Arthur C., The First Five Lives of Annie Besant (London, Hart-Davis, 1961).

OPPENHEIM, Janet, The Other World. Spiritualism and Psychical Research in England, 1850-1914 (CUP, 1985).

OPPENLANDER, E. A., Dickens' All the Year Round: Descriptive Index and Contributor List (New York, Whitston, 1984).

PAGELS, Elaine, The Gnostic Gospels (London, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1980. Penguin ed. 1990).

PEARSALL, Ronald, The Table-Rappers (London, Michael Joseph, 1972).

PERMUTT, Cyril, Photographing the Spirit World (London, Aquarian Press 1988. Patrick Stephens, 1983, as Beyond the Spectrum).

PLUMMER, John, Songs of Labour (Edinburgh, Tweedie, 1860).

PORTER, Katherine, Through a Glass Darkly. Spiritualism in the Browning Circle (rep. New York, Octagon, 1972).

PRATT, J. G.; RHINE, J. B. et. al., Extra-sensory Perception after Sixty Years, A critical appraisal of the research in extra-sensory perception (Boston, Humphries, 1966).

RADIN, Dean, The Conscious Universe. The scientific truth of Psychic Phenomena (Harper, San Francisco), 1997.

Entangled Minds: extrasensory experiences in a quantum reality (New York, Paraview) 2006.

RAVEN, C. E. Christian Socialism 1848-1854 (London, Macmillan 1920, rep. Cass, 1968).

Report from the Committee on the Bill to regulate the Labour of Children in the Mills and Factories of the United Kingdom with the Minutes of Evidence. 1832.

Report of The Dialectical Society on Spiritualism (London, Longman, 1871. Burns, abridged ed. 1873).

REYNOLDS, G. W. M., The Mysteries of London. 6 vols. (London, Vickers, 1846-1850).

ROBERTSON, James, Spiritualism: The Open Door to the Unseen Universe (London, Fowler, 1908).

ROBY, Kinley, The King, the Press and the People. A study of Edward VII (London, Barrie & Jenkins, 1975).

ROGO, D. Scott, The Poltergeist Experience (New York, Penguin, 1979. London, Aquarian Press, 1990).

ROWSE, A. L., Shakespeare's Southampton (London, Macmillan, 1965).

RUHLEN, Merritt, A Guide to the World's Languages, Vol. I, Classification (London, Arnold, 1987, 1991); The Origin of Language. Tracing the Evolution of the Mother Tongue (New York, John Wiley, 1994).

SALTMARSH, H. F., Evidence of Personal Survival from Cross Correspondences (London, Bell, 1938).

SANTILLANA, Georgio de, DECHEND, Hertha von, Hamlet's Mill. An essay on myth and the frame of time (Boston, Gambit, 1969).

SELLERS, Jane, The Death of Gods in Ancient Egypt (London, Penguin, 1992).

SAVILLE, John, Ernest Jones: Chartist (London, Lawrence and Wishart, 1952).

SCHECKNER, Peter, An Anthology of Chartist Poetry (London, Assoc. U.P., 1989).

SCHOYEN, A. R., The Chartist Challenge. A Portrait of George Julian Harney (London, Heinemann, 1958).

SCHRENCK-NOTZING, Baron von, Phenomena of Materialisation (London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1923).

SCHWAB, Ulrike, The Poetry of the Chartist Movement: a Literary and Historical Study (Studies in Social History, vol. XIII, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1993).

SHAFFER, E.S., 'Kubla Khan' and the Fall of Jerusalem. The mythological school in Biblical criticism and secular literature 1770-1880 (Cambridge U.P., 1975).

SHATTOCK, Joanne, Politics and Reviewers: The Edinburgh and the Quarterly (Leicester, U.P., 1989).

WOLFF, M., The Victorian Press: Samplings and Soundings (Leicester, U.P., 1982).

SMYTHE, George Sydney, Historic Fancies (London, Colburn, 1844).

STASNY, John E., (ed.), Victorian Poetry. A Collection of Essays from the Period (New York, Garland, 1986).

STRAUSS, D. F., The Life of Jesus Critically Examined Trans. George Eliot (London, SCM Press, 1973 ed.).

THIERING, Barbara, Jesus the Man (London, Doubleday, 1992).

THOMPSON, Dorothy, The Chartists (London, Temple Smith, 1984).

TRAWICK, B. B., The Writings of Gerald Massey (Thesis HU90.4283. Harvard University, 1942).

VERMES, G., The Dead Sea Scrolls in English (London, Pelican, 1962. Penguin, 1990).

VICINUS, Martha, The Industrial Muse (London, Croom Helm, 1974).

VINCENT, David, (ed.), Testaments of Radicalism (London, Europa, 1977).

WALKER, A., Letters of John Stuart Blackie (London, Blackwood, 1909).

WASSERMANN, Gerhard, Shadow Matter and Psychic Phenomena (Oxford, Mandrake, 1993).

WEINSTEIN, Mark A., William Edmondstoune Aytoun and the Spasmodic Controversy (Yale U.P., 1968).

WEST, John Anthony, Serpent in the Sky (Wheaton, Ill., Quest, 1993).

WHYTE, Frederic, The Life of W. T. Stead (London, Cape, 1925).

WILBERFORCE, Reginald, The Life of the Right Reverend Samuel Wilberforce D.D. 3 vols. (London, Murray, 1881).

WILLIAMS, Blanche, George Eliot (New York, Macmillan, 1936).

WOLF, Lucien, Life of the First Marquess of Ripon 2 vols. (London, Murray, 1921).

WORTHEN, Thomas D,  The Myth of Replacement. Stars, Gods, and Order in the Universe (Univ. Arizona Press 1991).



Mss and other items as listed below, together with some ephemera, have been deposited at the Local History Unit, Upper Norwood Library, London. These are held in the Library's 'Gerald Massey Collection' that includes all the items specifically mentioned in my biography.

i. Autograph letter (4 pages) from Massey to Hepworth Dixon (Chief editor of the Athenæum journal) undated (c. late 1857). Refers to reviews and examples of plagiarisms by the poet Alexander Smith. His attention "was all the more called to Smith's case from the fact that about a doz of my best things from my (1851) shilling Vol. [Voices of Freedom and Lyrics of Love] appeared in his book in 53 [Poems]. So that when I reprinted in 1854 it would look as tho' I had stolen from him – indeed friends have mentioned those very plagiarisms as mine – not thinking that I had previously printed..." He mentions that he was also accused of plagiarism in the Idler journal.

ii. Autograph letter (6 pages) and envelope from Massey to James T. Fields, editor of Ticknor & Fields, publishers, Boston USA. Dated November 4th. No year, but most probably 1859. He discusses his requirements for a revised book, almost certainly his Poems by Gerald Massey that was published in 1860.

iii. Autograph Letter (1 page) dated 11 November [1861] from Massey to W. H. Wills, Charles Dickens' assistant. He states that he is unable to attempt anything for the Christmas number [presumably Dickens' All the Year Round magazine], but would send a short story written by an acquaintance, James Evans of Haverfordwest.

iv. Autograph letter (2 pages) from Massey to Dr Hyde Clarke (undated, c. 1883). He refers to his bronchitis, and to the work Dr Clarke is undertaking on Hittite seals. Also some correlation with Genesis, chapter 10. He mentions a list of names that Dr Clarke has sent him.

v. Manuscript poem ‘The Golden Wedding-ring’ (2 pages). Dated probably to 1854. Added notes of purchase by J.B. Aldrich dated 1855, and William Winter, 1856. The end quarter of the second page is removed, presumably for Massey's autograph.

vi. A Carte de Visite. Obverse: A photograph of the published engraving of Massey. Reverse: Name and address of a printer of Cartes de Visites in New York. Probably one of a number made for the introduction of his first American tour.

vii. A Carte de Visite. Obverse: A photograph of Massey taken in Boston. Reverse: 1. Name and address of the photographic firm. 2. Name in hand stamp. Can be dated between late December 1873 and early January 1874.
viii. A Print of Gerald Massey (number 6) from a set of 40 prints entitled The Arena Gallery of Eminent Thinkers issued by the Arena Publishing Co. Boston, c. 1890.

ix. Autograph letter (3 pages) from Massey to Samuel Carter Hall giving a reference in respect of Byron Webber, a minor author, who was desirous of writing for Hall's weekly journal Social Notes. No date, but c.1880.

x. Autograph letter (3 pages) with envelope (dated November 30 1858) from Massey to William Cox Bennett (1820-1895) poet and author, putting off a lecture until the following April due to a full schedule of engagements. Massey had removed from Scotland in June, and was very short of money causing him to take every opportunity to book lecture tours. He refers to bringing a parcel of Bennett's books when passing through London in December, and asks if Bennett could loan him anything for his ‘National Ballads’ (the title of a series of lectures Massey had prepared for the following year. Massey's reference to ‘Bowring's Translations’ refers to Sir John Bowring (1792-1872) author and translator etc. who wrote Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain (1824), Specimens of the Russian Poets (1827), Poetry of the Magyars (1830), etc. He enquires re Bennett's book and why it has not been advertised. This probably refers to Bennett's Songs by a Song-writer that was published by Chapman & Hall in 1859. Massey reviewed it in the Athenæum of April 9, 1859.

xi. Autograph letter (1 page) undated (1861-1863), from Massey to John Watkins stating that he could not get up that day, but would be with him the next.

xii. Untitled signed manuscript poem in two verses dated 1884.

xiii. My Lyrical Life, 2 vols, 1896, 1889. Leather bound as one. Author's copy with manuscript corrections.

xiv. Autograph letter (3 pages) from Massey to an unknown addressee. Dated Septr. 8. [almost certainly 1864 when he was living at Rickmansworth.] Letter head of 32 Ludgate Hill with incomplete printed date of 186 . . . Massey refers to the addressee whom he had asked to send a portrait [?literary or photographic] to his mother. A note sent from the addressee to Massey’s wife (Rosina) had been misconstrued, and she had sent all his portraits away, leaving none for Alexander Smith, Sydney Dobell or others. Massey requested the addressee to write to him at Rickmansworth, ‘pitching in to me’ for not writing to him and for not sending the letters he promised. He assumed that Rosina would read it. He also mentioned that some of the letters he had promised, she had destroyed. Rosina was having acute mental problems at that time. See the references in Chapter 5 where Rosina had destroyed a quantity of his papers and other material, and it probably refers to that episode.

xv. A two page ms letter by Massey. No address, addressee or date. Thanking the recipient, and asking about his poem 'Protoplasm.' Also asking if he would take a response from an article on Spiritualism in the Quarterly, for inclusion in the Contemporary. [The Quarterly article not traced.] Alexander Strahan's Contemporary Review ran from 1866-1882. Purchased by Isbister Ltd in 1874. Became Strahan & Co in 1876-1882 then repurchased by Isbister. Massey's poem 'Protoplasm' was published in his My Lyrical Life, part I, 1889.

xvi. Autograph letter (3 pages) and envelope from Massey to Robert S. Watson at Newcastle on Tyne. Massey’s address given as 12 Henderson Row, Edinburgh, and the letter dated 20 November 1857. Massey asks regarding an article in the Chronicle, and mentions 6 forthcoming lecture engagements in Newcastle and Sunderland for £40. He sends his regards to Watson’s family and both of their Quaker friends. He also sends Watson a copy of his last book – corrected edition. This would be his Craigcrook Castle and Other Poems (Bogue, 2nd ed. Nov. 1856). He mentions also that his wife, Rosina, was very poorly. As a postscript, apparently referring to an intruder Watson had mentioned previously, he makes a pun, asking “What was that fellow going to do in your bedroom? Going to Rob. S. Watson, of course.”

xvii. Manuscript of three single stanzas from different poems (1 page) on Ward’s Hurst, Ringshall, Hemel Hempstead headed notepaper and dated (in a different hand) March 27th 1869. The stanzas were published with slight alterations in My Lyrical Life, and are in his poems ‘Via Crucis via Lucis’, ‘In Memoriam’ and ‘Albert the Good’. Why the stanzas were separated from the poems is not known.

xviii. Autograph letter of 2 pages dated August 2 [1888] New Southgate, London, to Alfred Bull concerning his forthcoming 3rd tour of America [1 September]. His children had all suffered badly from measles, and he hoped that his health would hold out during the winter. He was aiming to sell some of his recent published lectures [1887], and obtain subscribers for his new book on Shakspeare's Sonnets.

xix. Single page autograph letter with letterhead of the Edinburgh News Office when Massey was an Editor. Dated October 23 1855. States that Massey would be happy to write an article in Hogg's Instructor on Hayes' Ballads of Ireland. No addressee, but probably the proprietors of Hogg's Instructor who were publishing articles of his. Massey gives his personal address as 12 Henderson Row. [Edward Hayes, The \Ballads of \Ireland, 2 vols 1855.]

xx. Single page autograph letter folded with half black edged (mourning). Ward's Hurst, March 2nd. No year, but probably 1867 following the death of his wife in 1866. To an unknown addressee, stating he would be happy to subscribe for a copy of this person's book on Shakspeare.

xxi. Two page autograph letter headed Ward's Hurst to an unknown addressee. Dated September 17. No year. Massey answers a request regarding his availability for a lecture date, and his required fee.

xix.       Autograph letter (3 pages) headed Ward’s Hurst, Ringshall, Hemel Hempstead.  Dated Tuesday [late 1865-66] to Samuel Carter Hall (Editor of The Art Journal).  Massey notes that Percy Fitzgerald refers to Hall’s article on Charles Lamb in the Journal, and asked if he could loan it to him.  Percy Fitzgerald’s preface to Charles Lamb; his friends, his haunts and his books (Bentley, London, 1866) acknowledges Mr S.C. Hall for assistance in the book. Fitzgerald refers also (p.190) to Hall’s graphic ‘Recollections of Literary Persons’ in Hall’s Art Journal.  Hall wrote several series of articles in this period, including ‘Portraits of Great Men and Women of the Epoch’ and ‘Memories of the Authors of the Age.’  Massey asks if Hall could send him a copy of the Journal he would be able then to offer some poetry to illustrate pictures that required a description.  He considered that “...the true method is for Poetry to illustrate Pictures rather than the reverse.”  Massey mentioned also that he was not seeking work, but had done no verse for 3 or 4 years.  This offer was not taken up, but he wrote an article on Charles Lamb for Fraser’s Magazine, 75, May, 657-72 and lectured on the subject of Lamb in this country and during his American tours.


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