Tim Bobbin (4)
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Obs. for obsolete; rm for rhyme; pl. for plural.

Ed. (i) the term cymraeg is also used to denote the Welsh; (ii) see also Edwin Waugh's
For a more extensive lexicon incorporating Bamford's edition, see Philip Dunkerley's website.


Ab to Odds.

Ab, abby, Abraham.
Abé, alone, quiet. "Let meh abe." Dont
        interfere with me.
A'bbo, aye but. "Abbo aw conno"—aye but I
Abóon, above, more.
Accéawnt, account.
Acurn, acorn.
A'ctilly, actually.
Ackersprit, a potato with roots at both ends.
Acwórd, accord; Acwordin, according.
Addle, to earn; Addlt, earned; Addlin,
Adóo, labour, pains-taking. "They maydn
        mitch adoo on him."
Adzóoks, Adzouks, exclamations.

A'fterins, the latter milk from a cow.
Agáit, in the performance of a thing.
Agén, again.
Agóg, desirous, earnest.
Aighs, an adze.
Ail, to be ill; Ailment, illness.
Aint, aunt , Ainty, aunty.
Alley, a white marble to play with.
An, and, also if.
Ancliv, ancle.
Annént, opposite to.
A'ppern, apron, a part of dress.
Appo, an apple.
Ar, are.
Ark, a large chest.
Arnt, errand.
Arr, a mark, a scar.

Arran, arrant, downright, notorious.
Arsewood, Arsud, backward, unwilling.
Arsey-varsy, heels over head.
A'rto, art thou? Artono, art thou not?
Ax, ask; Ast, asked; Axin, asking.
Asker, a newt.
Ashe, ask; Ashin, asking; Asht, asked; Ashn, plural of ask.
Ashelt, likely, probable.
Ashler, free-stone.
A'stite, as soon.
Atthatns, in that way; in that manner.
At'll, Ut'll, that will.
At't, at it.
Aw, I, as "aw went."
Awf, an elf; a sprite.
Aw'kert, awkward.
Awlúng, all owing to, occasioned by.
Awlus, always.
Awméety, Almighty.
Awnsert, answered.
Awse, to offer; Awst, offered; Awsin,
Awsler, ostler.
Awt-upón-the, out upon thee.

Awts, refuse of hay ; left meat.
Awtter, to alter; Awttert, altered; Awtterin,
Aw'ttercáshun, altercation.
Awvish, queer, peevish.
Aye, yes.

Bab, a babe; a picture or print in a book.
Bab-rags, clothes for a doll; play things.
Babby, a babe.
Bacco, tobacco.
Backurt, backward.
Bailie, a bailiff.
Backin, the slope of a rampart, of a fence of
Badger, a provision dealer.
Baggin, bagging; lunch.
Baggin time, lunch time.
Bakstone, bakestone.
Bally, or Barley, to bespeak, "aw baley that."
Bálderdash, trash; nonsense.
Ball, the stem of a tree.
Bállis, bellows.
Bally, belly.
Bally-warch, belly ache.
Ban, to curse.

Bandybewit, an ironical term applied to a
Bang, to beat, also to excel ; "that bangs o."
Bángin, great, excelling.
Bánkreawt, bankrupt.
Bárkle, to stick to; to adhere.
Bárklt, covered with dirt adhering.
Barm, yeast.
Bárm-skin, a leathern apron.
Barn, a child.
Bant, a string, a cord.
Bantlin, an infant.
Bantin, cord, small twine
Barst, burst.
Baste, to beat, to saturate meat whilst
Bástin, beating, saturating.
Bastert, bastard.
Bastertly, like a bastard.
Bastertly Gullion, child of a bastard.
Batt, to beat; Battin, beating.
Bate, to abate; to diminish.
Bátement, a subtraction, an allowance.
Batter, liquid paste.

Battril, a strong flat piece of hard wood,
        with which women used formerly to
        batt or beat their linen when washing.  It
        was also occasionally used to stretch or
        smooth linen, which was wrapped
        tightly round it, and pressed by a
        weight being placed on the top.
        Sometimes the good dames would
        economise time by sitting upon the
        linen and battril, whilst they gossiped,
        or carded wool, or knitted hose.
Bawk, a beam of timber; also to baulk,
Bawks, timbers, beams; disappoints.
Bawkin, disappointing.
Bawm, the herb balm.
Báwtert, dirtied, plastered with mud.
Bawtry, dirty, miry.
Be, by; Belady, by our lady.
Beawl, to bowl; Beawls, bowls; Beawlin,
Beawlt, bowled; Beawltn, pl. of bowled.

Beawn, going to set off.  "Awm beawn to
        start." "Awm beawn to Rachda."
Beawnce, to bownce; aw beawnce, pl. we
Beawncer, bouncer.
Beawnty, bounty.
Beawt, without; "beawt shoon."
Becóse, because.
Béd-geawn, a woman's open vest, with
Béd-stid, bedstead.
Bee-boe, a child's cradle.
Been, active, nimble.
Beest, milk yielded after calving.
Beést'n, a place in Cheshire,
Beet, to kindle; "beet th' foyer."  Also a herb.
Beétin, kindling; Beétn, kindle; Beetnt, we
Beét-need, one applied to in need only.
Beétin-bóbbin, a bobbin with thread on,
        from which a weaver pieces his warp.
Beézum, a broom. [Ed. Waugh uses
Begant', began to; Beghúnt', begun to.

Behínt, behúnd, behúnt, be-índ, behind.
Behóud, behold.
Behóud'n, beholden, obligated.
Belady, by our lady the Virgin.
Bélladen, near Edenfield.
Belakins, a common interjection.
Belike, surely; "he'll do it belike."
Bell, to roar, to cry out.
Bellin, roaring; Bell'd, roared; Belln, pl. of
Béllart, a bull's ward.
Berm, yeast.
Berr, force, rapidity.
Bérrid, buried.
Best bib and tucker, best female garments.
Bésses, Betsy's.
Bésses oth' Barn, at Prestwich.
Bet, Betsy.
Bethóught, recollected; called to mind.
Bétter, better; the accent strong on the first
Beyéd, behead, decapitate.
Bézzil, embezzle, purloin.
Bézzilt, purloined; put aside.

Bib, a child's breast-cloth.
Bíbbin, tippling; bíbber, a tippler; bíbbn, pl.
        of bib.
Bigg, to build; "he biggd yon heawse."
Biggin, a house, a building; bigg'n, pl. of
Bill, a hedging tool; the beak of a bird; also
Bin, been; rm. with in.
Binn, a chest for provender; a wine-stack.
Birch, a hamlet near Middleton.
Bírkle, Birtle, as now erroneously spelled, a
        place near Bury.
Bíshup, a child's pinafore.
Bit, a small part.
Bith'-mass, by the mass; a common
Bítter, bitter; the accent strong on the first
Bítter bump, the bittern.
Bla, to bleat; blam, bleating; blaan, they
Blab, to tattle; blabbin, tattling; blabn, they
Blachinworth, a hamlet near Rochdale.

Blackstonedge, a ridge dividing Lancashire
        and Yorkshire.
Blain, a small boil, a sore.
Blash, a flash; a sudden burst; "a bash o
Blaúnders, the glanders in a horse.
Bleawze, a blouse, a slop.
Bleawzy, dull, stupid, drowsy.
Bleb, a blob, a small bubble.
Blédder, bladder.
Bléffin, a block of wood.
Bléffin-yed, a blockhead.
Bléther, to blubber, to cry.
Blid, blood, "Odds-blid," a common
Blínkert, a blinkard, blind of one eye; near
Blob, to tattle; blobbin, tattling; blobd,
        tattled; blobn, pl. of blob; blobber, one
        who blobs, as a bubble.
Blonk, blank.
Blózzum, blossom.
Blund, blind.
Blurr, a blot, an abrasion.
Bluz, to chafe, to rub, to abrade.

Bo', but: " Abbo' aye but."
Boady, bawdy, obscene.
Boe, a dumpling; ,a potboe;" also a bow; also
        a ball to play with.
Boadle, half a farthing.
Bobbersom, obtrusive, impatient. "Dunno
        be so bobbersome."
Boarshaw, Boarshaw cloof, near Middleton.
Bóckin, coarse flannel.
Bode, bald; also bawd.
Bode-yed, bald head.
Boof, bough of a tree, shaft of a cart; boovs,
        boughs, shafts.
Bog, a bug, a louse; the o sounded broad.
Bóggart, a spirit, an apparition.
Boggart-hole, a place in Blackley.
Boggle, to hesitate, to be afraid.
Boh or bo, the aspiration short; but.
Boll, a boggart.
Boll howt, Boll-holt, near Bury.
Bonk, bank, a slope.
Bonk-full, bank-full.
Bonny, handsome, charming.

Bonny-broo, Bonny-brow at Rhodes,
Borrod, borrowed.
Boskin, a stall in a shippon.
Boose, cow's stall.
Boss, a fat lazy woman; "lazy boss,"
        "brawsn boss," are common terms of
Boother, a boulder, a stone.
Bootherstone, Bolderstone, near Rochdale.
Botch, to mend clumsily.
Bo'th', but the.
Bowe, a bowl, a vessel.
Bowd, bold.
Bowlée, near Middleton.
Bowster, bolster, a pillow; a carriage for
Bowt, to bolt, to run away; also a bolt of iron;
        and bought.
Bowt rushes, the finest of rushes, from
        which are made the ornamental bowts
        (bolts) for rush carts; Thunnerbowt, is
        the fall of lightning; and Edtherbowt, is
        the dragonfly.
Boyern, to rinse, to wash out.

Boyernt, rinsed, washed.
Boyernín, rinsing.
Brabble, Brabblement, Brangle,
        Branglement, Squabbling, falling out.
Bradd, spread abroad.
Braggot, new ale spiced and sugared (obs.)
Braid, bread.
Braid-flake, a corded frame hung from the
        ceiling, on which the flat oaten cakes
        used in Lancashire are placed to dry
        and become brittle.
Brandlesome, near Bury.
Brandwood, a district in Rossendale.
Brass, copper money.
Brast, Brasted, burst.
Brat, a child; also an apron.
Brattle, to spend money on trifles; to
        dissipate property. "He's brattlt o'
Brawsn, stuffed with meat, gorged.
Brazent, brazen, impudent.
Breawn, brown, a colour.

Bree, the liquor of a stew; also fear.
Breed, frightened. "He's quite breed."
Breek, brick, also bricks.
Breer, briar.
Breéther, brother.
Brekfust, breakfast.
Brewert, sprouting of vegetables. "Yo'n a
        fine brewert o' potatoes."
Brewis, oat-cake toasted, and soaked in
        strong broth or stew; or the bree of
        swine's meat.
Brewster, a brewer.
Breyd, a shelf.
Brid, a bird.
Briggs, irons to set over the fire (obs.)
Brim, the rim, the edge of a thing.
Brim-ful, full to the rim.
Bríndlt, of mixed colours. "Thrice the
        brindled cat."
Brítchil, brittle.
Broddle, to assume, to swagger. "See heaw
        he broddles."
Brodlin, assuming, swaggering.
Brodlin-fussuck, an ignorant, presuming

Brog, a swampy place. (obs.)
Broggin, to fish for eels, with a pole, a line,
        and plummet, or by putting a hoose and
        worm on a small twig, and thrusting
        them into holes where eels lie. (This
        term is either obsolete or but little used.)
Brokn, broken.
Broo, brow of a hill, the forehead
Brone, a boar.
Bruck, brook.
Bruit, to make a talk of.
Bruited, much talked about.
Brun, burn; brunt, burned; brunnin,
Brunedge, Burnedge, a place in Crompton.
Bryèd, to spread.
Bryèdth, breadth.
Bryèdin, spreading.
Bryedn. pl. of spread.
Bryèm, a bream, a fish.
Bryèth, breath.
Bryèthin, breathing.
Bryethen, pl. of breathe.
Bruzzd, bruised, chafed, abraded.
Buckth, bulk, size.
Bule, handle of a pot, or other utensil.

Bùlloe, a sloe; a wild plum.
Buerdshill, a place in Castleton.
Bund, bound.
Bunhedge, a hedge of twisted sticks.
Bunhorns, briars to wind woollen yarn
Bunfoyer, a fire in the open air, and
        probably named from the circumstance
        of the wood and coal being given in
        small portions as boons.
Bunt, to take home weaver's work.
Buntin, taking home work.
Buoy, to buy, pronounced as buoy, a sea-
Buoyern, to wash out; to rinse a vessel.
Buoyernt, washed out, rinsed.
Buoyl, a boil, a sore.
Buoyl, to boil water.
Buoylin, boiling,
Buoylt, boiled.
Burly, thick, clumsy, powerful.  "A great
        burly felly."
Burly-mon, an officer appointed at courts-
        leet, to examine and determine
        respecting disputed fences.

Burr, the flower of the large water-dock; the
        head of a thistle.
Burn, a burden. "A great burn to carry."
Busk, to dress smartly. "Come, busk the op."
        Also a piece of flat wood, worn in front
        of women' stays.
Busk, from Bosk, the name of a place on
        North-moor, near Oldham.
Buss, a kiss.
Butter, butter, pronounced with a stress on
        the first syllablebut'-ter
Buttery, a place to keep butter in; a pantry.
Bwon, a bone; Bwony, bony.
Bwort, a board; Bwordin, boarding;
        Bwordn, pl. of board.
Bwoth, both.
Byedlam, bedlam.
Byeds, beads.
Byegle, beagle, a hound.
Byek, beak of a bird.
Byem, a beam, timber.

Byen, a bean, pl. byen.
Byern-sha, Bearnshaw, near Cliviger.
Byert, beard.
Byet, to beat.
Byetn, beaten.
Byetin, beating.
Byes, beasts.
Byest, a beast.
Byth', by the, as "byth' mass," "byth' mon."
Byzen, blind (obs.)
Cackle, to prate; to talk over much.
Cadge, to stuff the belly, also to beg (obs.)
Cadger, a beggar.
Caldermoor, near Littleborough.
Cam, to wear awry.
Cambeshur, a farm in Heaton.
Cambril, the heel; the fetlock.
Cam'd, awry, cross, ill-natured.
Camperknows, ale pottage, in which are
        put sugar, spices, &c.
Cankart, ill-tempered, peevish.
Cank, to talk about a thing; Cankin,
Cankin-pleck, a place to cank in.

Cant: cheerful, comfortable,
Canty, cheerful, chatty.
Cap, to out-do, to exceed.  "That caps o."
Cappil, a patch on a shoe.
Car'n, the pl. of care.  "We car'n."
Cark, to be careful, anxious.
Careno, care not.
Carlins, boiled peas eaten on Care Sunday,
        the Sunday before Palm Sunday.
Carrid, carried.
Carrin, carron, carrion.
Carry, red, curdy, rusty.
Carr-weatur, red curdy water,
Carry-pleck, a place boggy with carr-water.
Casey-moor, Kersal-moor.
Cat-hole, a place in Unsworth.
Catter, to lay up, to thrive in the world.
Catterwawin, courting, keeping company as
Cawbruck, Calderbrook, near Littleborough.
Cawthermoor, Calder-moor, nr,

Cawve or Kawvo, a calf.
Ceaw or Keaw, a cow.
Ceawper, a cooper.
Ceawnsil, counsil.
Ceawrse, course, to runs hare.
Ceawnter, a slow gallop, also a counter.
Ceawnslaver, silly, non-sensical talk.
Ceckle, to retort impertinently.
Chaff, to chew, (obs.)
Chap, a man.  "Yon chap."
Char, to work at occasional jobs.
Charn a churn.
Charn-curdle, a churn staff.
Cheamber, choamber, chamber.
Chen, chain.
Chep, cheap.
Chepn, cheapen.
Chett, cheat; Chetter, cheater.
Cheer, chair.
Cheyney, China ware.
Chieve, to prosper.
Chink, to cough violently.
Chinkin, coughing; the chink-cough.
Chilther, children. [Ed. see also 'Childer.']
Chimley, chimney.

Chilt, child; Childer, children.
Choance, chance.
Choange, change.
Chomp, to chew.
Chompin, chewing.
Choke, chalk, also to suffocate.
Chops, the cheeks.
Choughin-yed, a blockhead.
Chuck, a hen, a word to call hens.
Chunner, to grumble, to murmur.
Churn-getting, a night-feast after harvest.
Churn milk, buttermilk.
Clack, a wordy noise.
Clap, to put a thing in a place.
Clate, clatter, tiresome prate.
Clatter, a noise, a racket.
Cleaw, a flood-gate at a water course.
Cleawd, a cloud; cleawdy, cloudy;
        cleawdin, clouding.
Cleawkin, Clewkin, twine.
Cleawkin-grin, a game-snare of twine.
Cleawn, a clown.
Cleawt, a clout, a patch.
Cleawted, patched.

Cleawtin, patching,
Cleawtch, to clutch.
Cleawtches, clutches.
Cleawtchn, we clutch.
Cleek, to catch at hastily.
Cleekin, catching.
Clem, to starve for want of food; clem'd,
Clemmin, famishing.
Clinker, a strong nail for shoes.
Clip, to embrace, to cling around the neck;
        clipn, pl. of clip.
Clivver, clever.
Cloakn, the sharp part, cramp of a horse-
        shoe; coakn, the same.
Clockin, clucking of a hen.
Clocks, ornaments woven into a stocking.
        "He's stockings wi clocks."
Clod, to throw missiles.
Cloddin, throwing.
Clodn, pl. of clod.
Chlog, clog, a shoe with a wooden bottom;
        the o sounded broad and full, as in doe,
        roe, woe.
Chloggy, glutinous, adhesive.
Clooas, clothes.
Cloise, close, near to.
Cloyse, a closure, a field.

Cloof, a clough, a cleft, a hollow place.
Clozzum, to embrace, to hold fast, to clutch;
        Clozzums, embraces, clutches;
        Clozzumt, clutched; pl. clozzumn.
Clum, climed; pl. clumn.
Clutter, to crowd together.
Cluttert, strewed thickly, as, "th' feelt is
        cluttert wí daisies."
Coakn, the sharp part of a horse shoe.
Cob, a lump, a piece of coal; also to exceed,
        to surpass, as "that cobs o;" "that's a
Cock, a heap, a prominence; "a hay-cock."
Cockers, stockings, hose without feet.
Coddle, to parboil.
Coddlt, parboiled.
Codlin, parboiling; also a particular sort of
Coe, to call by name, also to asperse, as "he
        co'd him finely."
Collop, a slice, as "a collop o' beak'n," a slice
        of bacon.
Collyhurst, nr. Manchester.
Comm, to comb; pl. comn.

Coom, came ; pl. coomn.
Cooth, a cold.
Comn, Is come, as I am comn, they are comn.
Con, can; con'to, canst thou; con'tono, canst
        thou not; con'no, cannot; con'-ha', can
        have; con'ni, can I?
Conny, agreeable, snug.
Condle, to get angry; probably from, kindles.
        "Lord beaw he condles."
Consarn, concern; consarnin, concerning.
Constre, to construe.
Cop, a ball of spun thread.
Copster, a spinner.
Copthroad, a singular elevation of rock near
Coppi-nook, a place near Oldham.
Coe'say, a causeway.
Cor-kin-pin, a large pin.
Cos'tn, pl. of cost.
Costril, a small barrel.
Cote, a cot, a small cottage.
Cotter, a pin to fasten a bolt.
Cottert, fastened, secured.
Cowd, cold; also raked together.  "He's cowd
        it ov a rook."

Cowd-hurst, Cold-hurst, on North Moor,
Cowd-greave, Cold-greave near Rochdale.
Cowfe, to cough.
Cow'kn, a straining to vomit (probably obs.)
Cowm, near Rochdale.
Cown, Colne in Lancashire.
Cowe-rake, a rake for ordure or mud.
Cowt, a colt;
Cowtish, frisky, colt-like.
Coyls, coals; Coyl-rook, coal-deposit.
Crag-cloof, at Chadderton.
Cracklin, a thin cake.
Cramd, snappish, ill-tempered.
Crap, money. "My crap's o done."
Cratch, a rack for hay.
Cratchinly, feebly,weakly.
Creatur, creature.
Creawd, crowd.
Creawn, crown.
Creawntn, we crowned.
Creawse, amourous, lacivious.
Creawtch, to crouch.
Creel, frame to wind yarn upon; also a
        spotted hen of a particular breed.

Creem, to give privately "Aw creemt-nip a
Creemt, put aside.
Crib, a pen for a calf; a small house, or
Crick, a local pain; a tension.  "A crick ith
Cricket, a low seat; a log of wood used to sit
        upon.  "Poo that cricket to'th' foyer."
Crill, to shiver, to chill; crilly, chilly.
Crimble, to crumble ; also a place near
Crimble i'th poke, to run off a bargain.
Crink, apain in the neck, a stiffness.
Crinkle, to bend under a weight; to rumple a
Croe, a crow, a rook; to crow as a cock.
Croddy, or craddy, a feat, a surpassing act, a
        challenge.  "There's a croddy;" "he set
        em o' a croddy."
Crom, to cram; crompy, full of action,
        restless. "He's very crompy."
Crompton, a township, betwixt Oldham and

Cronk, the note of a raven; cronky, rough,
Cronky-shay, Cronkyshaw, a rough barren
       moor, near Rochdale.
Crony, a true companion.
Crope, crept ; croppn, have crept.
Crud, to curdle; cruds, curdled milk;
        crudely, curdy; cruddle, to break into
Crummy, crumbly, falling to crumbs.
Crummil, Cromwell [Oliver].
Crumpy, to be out of humour.
Crumsa, Crumpsal, as now erroneously
        spelled; formerly Crummesall, a
        township near Manchester.
Crunner, coroner.
Cruttle, to bend, to sink down from
        weakness. "He cruttlt to'th' yerth;" pl.
Cryez, the creas; measles.
Cub, a whelp; an ignorant, presuming,
        young person.
Cubbort, a cupboard.
Cuckud, a cuckold.
Cud, could.
Cudn, pl. of cud.

Cudd, food, part digested, of a cow.
Cuddle, to embrace, to fondle.
Cudto, couldest thou? cudtono, cudst thou
        not; pl. cudn.
Culler, colour; cullert, coloured.
Cumbert, cumbered.
Cunnin, cunning; Cunnin-corner, a place in
Cup o' sneeze, a pinch of snuff.
Curn, corn.
Curtner, a curtain; curtners, curtains.
Cute, acute, quick, penetrative; cutely,
        acutely, quickly; cuteniss, acuteness.
Cutter, to make much of, as a fowl of her
Cword, a cord; cwordin, cording, twine;
        cworded, corded.
Cworse, coarse.
Cwot, coat.
Cyelin, ceiling.

Dab, a blow; also to be quick at anything, "a
        dab hond."

Dacker, tickle, unsettled.
Dad, father (Tad, Celtic.)
Dade, to hold a child suspended under the
        arms, whilst learning to walk.
Dadin, upholding a child.
Dadin-strengs, soft, thick bands or strings,
        from which a child depends when
        essayin to walk.
Daddle, to stagger like a child.
Daffock, a dirty slattern.
Dagg, to plash, to bemire petticoats in
Daggle, to trail in mire.
Dagg-tail, a dirty slattern.
Dalt, dealed; dalt'n, we dealed.
Dandle, to play with; to fondle a child.
Dandy, a pert, consequential fellow; a
       bantam fowl.
Dane, down, a hollow; Booth-dane, near
Dangin, banging, striking.
Dangus, the same as daffock.
Dank, damp; donk, the same.
Dar, dare; darn, dare not; darto, darest thou.

Dartono, darest thou not?
Dateliss, senseless, fatuitous.
Dawnger, danger.
Dazed, confused, mazed.
Deawk, to stoop suddenly in order to avoid
        a blow. "He deawkt deawn, an it mist
Deawkin, stooping; pl. deawkn.
Deawm, dumb.
Deawn, down; deawnin, downing, the
        finishing of a weaver's warp.
Deasunt, decent.
Deawt, doubt: dyawt, the same; chiefly so
        expressed about Todmorden.
Dee, die; deein, dying; pl. deedn.
Dellit, close of day, dusk.
Deet, to daub, to smear; deeted, daubed;
        deetin, daubing , pl. deetn.
Degg, to wet, to sprinkle, to water plants.
Deggin, watering.
Deveawer, devour.
Dhog, dog; the o sounded broad and full, as
        in roe, woe, foe, and not according to the
        common pronunciation, aug, thereby
        producing the refined term, daug.

Didto, didst thou?
Didtono, didst thou not?
Didnyo, did you?
Didnyono, did you not?
Din, a noise.
Ding, to knock, to strike, to reiterate an
        accusation; the ing sounded as in ring.
        "Hoo kept dingin him op."
Dingin, upbraiding, making a noise.
Dinge, to indent, to make a hollow, to batter.
Dingt, beaten, indented.
Dingle, a valley, with water running at the
Disactly, exactly (obs.)
Dither, to shiver, to tremble; dithert,
        trembled; ditherin, trembling; pl.
Dobby, Robin, Robert.
Dobbin, a machine for weaving figures.
Doance, to dance.
Doage, wet, damp.
Doe, to be healthful.
Doein, being in health.
Doesum, healthy.
Dockin, dull, stupid.
Doekinly, stupidly.

Doff, to put off dress.
Doffin, undressing; pl. doffnt.
Doff-cocker, a place near Bolton.
Doldrum, a place near Rochdale.
Dole, a gift, a charity.
Dollt, Dallt, doled.
Dolltin, doling, dividing.
Donk, damp, wet.
Don, to put on; to dress.
Done, rm. with hone, the down of feathers.
Doo, do; dooin, doing.
Dontles, things to be don'd.
Dossuck, a slovenly woman.
Dossy, a slut.
Dothe, do the; "dothe yon wark," do thee
        yonder work.
Dowf, dough; dowfy, doughy.
Dowtter, daughter.
Doytch, a ditch; doytchin, ditchin; doyteh-
        back, a rampart above a ditch.
Dozin, slumbering.
Draff, grains of malt.
Draight or Dreyght, a draught of ale; a team
       of horses.

Drape, a cow which has ceased to yield
Dreawps, drops.
Dreawn, drown; dreawnt, drowned.
Dreawsy, drowsy.
Dree, long, tedious, protracted; "a dree
Dreely, deliberately, slowly.
Drey, to draw.
Dreyin, drawing.
Drippins, milk yielded the last.
Droy, to dry with a cloth, thirsty.
Dryed, dread; dryedful, dreadful.
Dryem, dream; dryempt, dreamed; pl.
Dud, did; dudn, we did.
Dule, devil; Dule-gate, a pass betwixt
        Todmorden and Bacup.
Duck, to go under water, to stoop suddenly.
Dule-hole, a place near Rochdale.
Dumps, a thoughtful, concerned mood.
Dumpy, short, thick, plump.
Dun, done, completed.
Dunn, a colour, a pale brown. "Meawse
        culler dunn."

Dunno, do not.
Dunnoyo, do you not.
Dunnuck, a hedge sparrow.
Dur, a door; dur-cheek, a door post.
Durn, a gate stump.
Durstone, a doorstone.
Durt, dirt; durty, dirty.
Dyed, dead.
Dyef, deaf.
Dyel, a deal, many.
Dyeth, death.

Eary, every.
Eawer, our.
Eawere, however.
Eawl, an owl:
Eawlhole, the hole in a barn or other
        building, through which an owl passes
        and repasses, in going to and from its
        roosting place.
Eawler, an owler, the alder tree.
Eawnce, ounce.
Eawt, out; Eawt-comer, one from another
Eawther, author; (Awder, cymraeg.)
Eccles, icicles.
Edther, or Edder, adder.
Edther-bowt, the dragon fly.

Edther-crop, a spider; (adargop, cymraeg.)
Ee, eye.
Ee-bree, eye-brow.
Ee-seet, eye-sight.
Eem, time, leisure; "conto eem to do this job."
Een, eyes; also even, as "aw'll een go forrud."
Een neaw, even now, directly.
Eend, end; "awll see th' eend ont."
Eend-way, and End-ways, towards the end.
Eigh, aye, yes,
Eet, did eat; pl. eetn.
Egad or Igad; Egadlin or Igadlin, masked
Elaw! eh lord!
Elder, more likely; as, "heed elder speak to
        me," he would more probably speak to
        me; also a cow's udder.
Elt, to stir oaten dough before baking.
Eshin, a pale.
Elsin, a sort of awl.
Esshole or Asshole, the hole under a fire,
        which holds ashes.
Ettn, eaten.
Exen, oxen.
Eyron, iron; sometimes, eyurn.

Faddle, nonsense, trifling.
Fadge, a burden; part of a horse-load.
Fag, to tire; faggin tiring.
Fag'd, tired.
Fag-end, the remnant; the waste piece.
Fain, glad; fainer, more glad.
Fair fo, fair fall; "good attend you."
Fairee, fairy.
Fairees, fairies.
Famish, to starve of hunger; pl. famishn.
Fangle, conceit, whim. "Whot newfangle has
        he neaw?"
Farrant, decent, respectable; farrantly,
        decently, beseemly.
Fash, the tops of turnips; waste.
Fattert, embarrassed; unhandy in doing a
        job; "he's quite fattert."
Fattle, to trifle about business; to pay slight
        attentions to a female. "See heaw he
        gwos fattlin abeawt hur."

Fattlin, trifling; fatler, a trifler, a pedling
Fav'vor, favour.
Fawse, cunning, also false.
Fawt, fault.
Fawtty, faulty.
Fayberry, gooseberry.
Feaw, foul, ugly; "feawwhean," an ugly
Feawl, a fowl.
Feawnded, founded.
Feawntun, fountain.
Feawntun-yed, fountainhead.
Fefnicute, sometimes.  Thefnicute, a
        hypocrite, a parasite, a hanger on.
Fegger, fairer.
Feld, felt; pl. feldn.
Feel, fell; "he feel deawn."
Feelt, a field.
Feerfo, fearful; Feersuns-een, Shrovetide
Felly, fellow; also to swagger; fellyin,
        domineering; felly'll, the man will; "th'
        felly'll pay yo."
Feigh or Feygh, to move soil from the top of
        gravel or sand; to lay bare, to uncover a
        stratum, to remove earth.

Fend, to provide for; "he fends for his
Ferrups, an exclamation. "Whot te ferrups
        arto dooin!"
Festn, to fasten, to bind.
Fettle, to mend a thing, to repair; also a
        condition, as "he's i' very good fettle."
Fewtrills, little things, small affairs.
Feyght, to fight; feyghtin, fighting; pl.
        feyghtn; rm. with weight.
Feyther, father; feythurt, fathered; feytherin,
Fhog, dried, withered grass.  The o sounded
        as in dhog.
Fhort, fault; rm. short; "It's none omi fhort."
Fib, an untruth.
Fist, a clenched hand.
Fither, feather; rm. with wither.
Flaight, a light turf.
Flash, an old pit nearly grown up.
Flasker, to struggle, to flounder, to
        endeavour to elude.

Flasket, a shallow basket.
Flay, to frighten. "He quite flay'd meh."
Fleawer, flour, also a flower.
Fleawnder, to flounder.
Fleazy, dusty, linty, fibrous.
Fleck, a spot; fleckt, spotted.
Flee, to flay, to skin.
Fleein, flaying; pl. fleedn.
Fleigh, a flea; fleighin, killing fleas.
Fleet, to skim, to take cream from milk; also
Flet, skimmed.
Fleety, flighty, capricious.
Flick, a flitch.
Flinders, small pieces, fragments.  "It's
        broken into flinders."
Flit, to remove; flittin, removing; pl. flittnt.
Fliz, a splinter; flizzin, splintering.
Floose or Fleeze, the flyings of wool or
Flop, a noise of bursting.  "It floppt off."
Flother, redundance, extravagance,
        inaptitude of dress or conversation.

Flothery, tending to extravagance.  "Whot
        flother he tawks."  "Heaw flothery hoo
Flunter, confusion, disorder, hurry.
Flunk, to fly at, to set at, like game cocks.
Flyr, to smile scornfully.  "Whot arto flyrin
        at." "Theaw needsno' flyr athatn."
Flyte or Flite, to scold; flytin, scolding;
        flyttn, scolded; flotn, they scolded.
Foist, a stink.
Foe, to fall; Foen, fallen; Foed, fell.
Foke, folk, people.
Follud, followed; pl. follun.
Foo, a fool; Foo-goad, a gaud, or plaything
        for a fool.
Foomurt, a pole-cat.
Foote, the foot ; also a foot measure: rm. hoot.
Forgi, forgive; forgimmi, forgive me.
Former, to order, to bespeak a thing.
Forsartin, for certain, certainly, "Aye, forsartin will I."

Forsuth, forsooth.
Fort', for to; to do a thing.
Forthought, reflected, considered, called to
Forrud, forward.
Foryet, to forget; Foryetin, forgetting;
        Foryetn, forgotten.
Fotch, fetch; Fotchn, we fetch; Fotchut, we
        did fetch.
Fother, fodder; Fothern, do fodder; Fothertn,
        did fodder.
Fowd, a fold, a number of houses together; a
        fold for cattle; a fold of cloth; also to fold
Fox-Denton, a place near Oldham.
Foyer, fire; Foyer-place, the place where the
        fire is kept; Foyer-eyrons, fire irons;
        Foyer-potter, afire-poker; Foyer-new,
        very new (this latter obs.)
Frame, to set about doing a piece of work or
        other business, as "come begin a framin
        abeawt it." " Heawawkurtly theaw
Framput, an iron ring that slips on a stake
        by which cattle are held in their stall.

Frang, to be petulent, and quarrelsome;
        Frangy, snappish.
Frangin, disputing, quarreling.
Frap, to quarrel; Frappin, disputing,
Frappish, snappish, given to dispute.
Fremd, not akin, a person residing with a
        family to which he is not related would
        be termed "a fremd;" if it were asked, is
        he akin to you? the answer would be,
        "nowe, he's nobbut a fremd body."
Free melcht, free in giving milk; a good-
       natured person is said to be, " free-
Fleet, fright.
Freyd, fretted, like cloth much worn.
Fridge, to rub, to scratch.
Frist, trust (obs.)
Fro, from.
Frough, tender, rather brittle (obs.)
Frawt, for aught, for anything.

Frump, to sulk, to take offence;
Frumps, sulks. "Whot's hoo taen th' frumps
Fruns, frowns.  "Whot arto stickin opthe fruns at?"
Fruss, a fuss; much ado about nothing.
Furst, first.
Fuddle, to tipple.
Fund, found.
Furr, further; Furrend, the further end.
Fussuck, a fat idle woman.
Futtert, fluttered, confused, shiftless,
Fyr, to fear, as "He fyrs meh;" Fyrin, fearing,
        causing fear; Fyrt, frightened; fyrtn, they
Fyrn, fern, a plant.
Fyest, a feast; Fyestin, feasting; Fyestn, they
        feast; Fyested, feasted.

Ga, gave, as "he gameh."  Gan, the same;
        Gammeh, gave me.
Gablock, a gavelock, an iron bar, a weapon.
Gabble, confused talk.
Gadlin! Godlin! an exclamation.
Gadd, to run about.
Gadster, one who gads.
Gaffer, an agèd man.
Gaight, gave it; gant, the same, "He gant
Gainer, nearer:  "That's a gainer road."
Galker, a tub to hold wort.
Galloway, a Scotch poney.
Gabloch, a gavelock.
Gamm, sport, amusement; also game.
Gammer, an agèd dame.
Gan, gave; Gant, gave it.
Gank, a deep narrow foot way.
Gap, an opening, a breach in a fence.
Gap-stake, a stake that stops up a gap.
Garlun, a garland,
Garth, a hoop.
Gaunt, lean, hungry.
Gash, a slash, a wound.
Gate, a road; also a fence,
        a bar that opens.

Gate-way, a road through a gate.
Gawby, a clown, a dunce.
Gawm, to understand, to comprehend;
        Gawmin, understanding; also
        considering, cogitating, "Whot arto
        gawmin abeawt."
Gawmble, to endeavour to comprehend.
Gawmblt, played the fool.
Gawmliss, without understanding.
Gawmblin, understanding imperfectly; one
        who is a half-fool.
Gawpe, to gape, to stare with open mouth.
Gawster, to boast.
Gawsterin, swaggering.
Geaw, go.
Geawl, Geawml, matter exuding from
        tender eyes.
Geawlt, festered, scabbed.
Geawn, gown.
Geawrse, grass (this about Todmorden.)
Geawse, guess; Geawst, guessed; Geawstn,
        they guessed.

Geawt, gout.
Gee, to agree, to coincide, also a word
        meaning to go on.
Geet, got; Geetn, we got; Getn, have got; Gee't,
        give it; Gi, give.
Gibberidge, gibberish.
Giggle, to laugh; Giglin, laughing; Giglt,
        laughed; Gigln, we laugh; Gigler, one
        prone to giggle; Giglet, a blithe,
        lightsome young female.

Gillers, lines of twisted hair, for fishing
Gill-hooter, an owl.
Gimmi, or Gimeh, give me.
Gimmer, an old sheep.
Gimlet, a boring tool.
Ginnil, a narrow covered passage; an entry.
Girn, to grin; Girnin, grinning; Girntn, they
Gleawm, gloom; Gleawmy, gloomy;
        Gleawmt, gloomed; Gleawmin,
Gley, to squint.
Glendurt, stared; looked in amaze.
Glent, to glance; talented, glanced; Glentin,
Glister, to glitter; Glisterin, glittering;
       Glistertn, they glittered.
Glizzen, to sparkle; Glizznt, sparkled,
        glittered; Glizz'n, they sparkle.
Gloor, to stare, fatuitously; Gloort, stared.
Gloorin, staring.
Gloortn, they stared.
Gloove, a glove.
Goad, a gaud, an ornament; also a custom, a
        way of doing a thing. "Nay, theaw'll not
        act i'that goad, willto?"

Goady, gaudy, fine.
Goant, gaunt: rm. wont.
Goart, wounded, gored.
Gobb, a large piece of meat, a lump.
Gobbin, an ignorant, clownish person.
Gobslotch, a glutton.
Godsnum, God's name.
Goddil, God's-will.
Golch, to swallow ravenously.
Gonnor, a gander; Gonnoryed, a blockhead,
        a stupid person.
Gooa, go; "when wilto gooa;" Gooan, gone;
        Gooint', going to.
Gooddit, Shrovetide.
Gooer, a triangular piece of cloth stitched in
        a shirt.
Good-lorjus-days, Good Lord Jesus! what
        days.  A common interjection.
Goodsha, Goodshaw, near Backup.
Gooin, going.
Gooms, the gums.
Gosh, Bigosh, oaths.
Gorse, furze.

Gote, a water-course to a mill.
Gran, did grin.
Grash, trash, sour stuff; Grashin', eating
Graunch, to eat voraciously.
Greadly, or Graidly, properly, completely.
Greawnd, ground, the earth.
Greawt, thin wort.
Greece, or Greese, a little brow: also stairs;
        an ascent.
Grese, grass.
Grin, a noose to catch hares.
Greawp, group.
Greawpn, they group.
Greawpin,tho joining and binding of a tub.
Grip-yort, grip-yard: a platting of stakes and
       twisted boughs filled a up with earth;
       generally made to confine a water-course,
        and occasionally to form artificial banks
        and seats in pleasure grounds.
Grip yortin, making a grip-yort.
Grode, growed.
Gron-chilt, grand-child.

Gron-dad, grandfather.
Gronideer, a granidier.
Gron-mam, grandmother.
Gronny, the same.
Groon, grown; Grooin, growing.
Groop, the place where ordure falls in a
Grooth, growth: of a certain growth.
Groyn, a swine's snout.
Gruant, a greyhound.
Gruminil, small coal: the riddlings of coal.
Grund, ground, pulverized.
Grunsil, groundsel, a herb.
Gryev, a greve, or district of a place, as the
        gryeves or greves, in the ancient forest of
Gryev, a place in Spotland: Levin gryev,
        another place on the road betwixt
        Rochdale and Bacup,
Gurd, a fit, a start. A gurd o leawghin or
        laighin, is a fit of laughing.
Gusset, a square piece sewed into a shirt.
Gutt, go to.  "Awst gutt Ratchda."
Gwont, gone to, also gaunt.
Gyrr, to purge.
Gyrrd, purged. A gyrrd cawve, is one purged
        by having had too rich milk.

Ha, have; Han, we have.
Hack, to cut bunglingly: Hacklin, cutting,
        lacerating: Hacklt, cut, jagged: Hackln,
        they hackle.
Hackslaver, a disgusting fellow.
Haddle, barren, unfruitful (cymraeg,
Hadloont, headland of a ploughed field.
Hadn, we had: Hadnyo, had you?
Hades, a place near Rochdale.
Hadno, had not.
Hadnoyo, had not you?
Hadto, hadst thou?
Hadtono, hadst thou not.
Hag, and Haggus, the belly: Hag, a witch, a
        malicious old woman.
Haft, the, handle of a knife or other cutting
Haffle, to hesitate, to shuffle: "Whot arto
        hafflin abeawt?"
Hag-gate, a place near Royton.
Haggoknows, an ungainly blockhead.
Haggus, or Heygus, pottage made of herbs,
        meal, and butter.

Haig, a haw: the berry of the hawthorn.
Haight, or Ha-it, have it.
Hairum Scairum, a wild fellow,
Hal, Henry; Hal o'Nabs, Henry of Abrahams.
Halliblash, a great blaze, probably from
        holyblash, a holy, or sacred fire.
Halloe, halloo, to shout.
Halloday, a play day, a holiday.
Hammi, or Hameh, have me: "Wilto
        hameh?" wilt thou have me?
Hammil, a hamlet: Hammil-scoance, the
        lantern of the village: the village
Han, they have.
Hanch, to snap, to bite at. "Th' dhog hancht
        at him."
Hanch-appo, or apple, the amusement of
Hanker, to desire, to covet: "He's hankering
        after summut."
Hanni, have you?
Hanno, have not: "I hanno, we hanno, they

Hap, to cover, to wrap up: also to smooth bed
        clothes. "Mam, hapmeh op," cover me
        with bed clothes: "Hap em deawn,"
        smooth them down.
Happin, covering: Hapt, covered; Hapn, they
        cover: Haptnt, they covered.
Harbor-londs, a place at Middleton.
Hard-melcht, hard to milk: scant of milk.
Harr, higher.
Harrin, snarling.
Harper-heigh, or hey, a township near
Harm, to repeat after another, in mockery.
        "He harms after meh."
Harry, to hurry, to tease.
Harrid, hurried, tired.
Harstone, hearthstone.
Hask, or Harsk, dry, parched.
Hately, hateful, bad tempered: "Dunne be so
Hav, have; Havin, having; Havn, we had.
Havers, oats.
Haver cake, oaten bread.

Haust, or Hawst, a cough.
Haustin, coughing: Hoste, Danish.
Hawmbark, a horse collar.
Hawms, the back part of the human thigh,
       next to the knee joint.
Hawms, haulms, horse-gearing: the irons
        which go round the collar.
Hawmpo, or Hawmple, to halt, to limp.
Hawpney, halfpenny.
Hawp, a tall clumsy person.
Hawve, half: Hawvin, halving.
Hawse, a horse: Hawse-goad, horse-gowd or
        gaud, ornament for a horse.
Hawt, to halt, to limp.
Hawttin, limping: also standing still, resting.
Hawtter, halter.
Healo, or Yealo, bashful, shy: "com, drink,
        men, an dunno be so healo."
Heck, a half door.
Heaw, how; "Heaw, arto?" how art thou?
Heawer, hour: Awr, cymraeg.
Heawl, to howl: Yeawl, the same.

Heawnd, a hound.
Heawnge, slump: a large piece of bread or
        other food; "Cut thesel a good heawnge."
Heawngin-obeawt, lounging, skulking.
Heawse, house; Heawse-wark, house-work.
Heddish, after-grass.
Hedd, heeded: "he hedd meh."
Hee, high: Hee-er,higher; Heeist, highest.
Hee-witch, a wizard.
Heewaymon, highwayman.
Heer, he was; Heer gooin, he was going;
        Heer stonnin, he was standing.
Heer, hoar, also a mist.
Heegh, high (in some localities); Heegher,
        higher; Heeghist, highest.
Heeve, hove, lifted.
Heffer, a heifer.
Heigh-go-mad, mad, shouting or galloping
        like mad.
Helder, or Elder, more likely: udder of a cow.
Helt, likely.
Helter, a halter.
Heps, fruit of the briar.
Herple, to halt, or limp: "he coom herplin

Het, height, named.
Hetter, keen, eager (obs.)
Hiddle, to hide.
Hiddlin, hiding.
Hiddlance, in secrecy.
Hie, to hasten.
Hiein, hastening.
Hig, a passion: pettish anger. "Hee's in a
        great hig."
Hill, to cover: "Hill meh op," cover me with
        bed clothes; "Unhill meb," uncover me;
        Bed-billin, bed-clothes.
Hinder, to prevent.
Hippin-cloth, a child's clout.
Hippin-stones, stones placed to step across a
Hitter, to fester, to corrode.
Hittert, festered, scabbed.
Hittin, hitting.
Hittnt, we hit.
Hob, a dunce, a gawby.
Hobbil, a dull fool.
Hobs, ledges near a fire place.
Hobble, an entanglement, a dilemma: also to
Hobblety-hoy, a clumsy, thriving lad.
Hobgoblin, a demon: an evil spirit.

Hobnob, to sit chatting over drink.
Hobthurst, an ungainly dunce: "Theaw great
        hobthurst."  Tim Bobbin describes it as
        an apparition "haunting only woods,"
        but in that sense it is not now
Hogg, hug, to carry on the back; Hoggin,
        carrying on the back; the o in this word
        also is sounded broad and full, as in doe,
        roe, woe.
Hogg-muttn, mutton of a year old sheep; the
        o sounded as above.
Hollin, the holly.
Hollinwood, nr. Oldham.
Hommer, a hammer.
Hommerin, hammering.
Hommertn, we hammered.
Hondle, a handle; Hondlin, handling;
        Hondltn, we handled.
Hongry, hungry.
Hong, hang.
Hongin, hanging.
Hongnt, we hung.
Honk, to bank, to put a noose on a nail or
        hook, is to "honk it on."
Honk, also hank of yarn.

Hont, the hand; Hontle, a handful.
Hoo, she; Hoo-justice, a female justice.
Hooa, who: "Hooas dun that."
Hoo'll, hoo will, she will.
Hoo shanno, she shall not.
Hooant, swelled hard in the flesh.
Hoor, or Whoor, a prostitute.
Hoor, she was, as, "hoor beawn to Ratchda."
Hoose, she is, " hoose gon a milkin; Hoost,
        she shall.
Hopper, a sort of basket.
Hoppet, a small basket.
Horty, hearty (obs.)
Hotchin, or Hutchin, to limp, to keep
        shifting, as if uneasy.
Hotter, to stir up, to potter the fire; Hotterin'-
        mad, very angry.
Hough, a hoof, a foot.
How, the whole: "How leath, on a
How-row, a hubbub, a tumult.
Howd, hold.
Howdin, holding.
Howdn, they hold.
Howe, a hill; Howe-side, a hill side.
Howse, to stir up, to potter: "Howse that

Howsome, wholesome.
Hoyd, a hide or skin: also to hide, to conceal.
Hoyr, to hire.
Hoyrin, hiring.
Hoyrtn, we hired.
Hoyst, ice; Hoysty, icy.
Hoyse, hose.
Hoyts, long rods or sticks.
Hubbon, the hip; Huggon, the same, (but
        little used in South Lancashire.)
Hud, hid, concealed.  Hud, hidden: "Hee's
Huddle, to crowd together.
Huddlt, crowded.
Huddlin, crowding.
Hugger-mugger, conceals.  Not so
        understood, but as a jumble, confusion.
Huggins, the hips; Huggons, the same.
Huckle, to stoop, to bend with age.
Hucklin, stooping.
Huckln, they stoop.
Hump-stridd'n, sitting a-stride.
Hummobee, the large field bee.
Hundersfield, from Hunder, hounder; and
        field, Hundersfield, nr. Rochdale.

Huntly bruck, near Bury.
Hunt-lone, in Chadderton.
Hur, her.
Hure, hair; Hury, hairy.
Hurn, a horn.
Husht, silent; also to keep silent: "husht,
        dunno spyek."
Hush-shop, a place where ale is sold without
        a license.
Hutch, to move further, to sit close; "hutch a
        bit fur!" "whot arto hutchin so close for?"
Hutchin, moving further, nearer on a seat.
Huzz, a hum, a noise like bees.
Huzzif, from huswif, house-wife, a needle
Huzzit, the letter Z.

Iccles, or Eccles, icicles.
I'd, I would: also I had.
Idd'n, you had: also, you would.
I'Goddil, if God will.
I'Godlin, or I'Gadlin, an interjection.
I'Godsnum, in God's name.
Ill-favurt, ill-favoured, ugly.
Imp, to deprive of.

Imp-in, to inch in, to go beyond, or short of
        the proper mark.
In, if; In id had, if I had had.
Inglun, England.
Inglun-shoyer, all England.
Inklin, a hint; also a liking for a person or
Inneaw, een now, directly.
Inneh, if I: also if you.
Innin, if you will.
I're, I were, or was.
Irnin, the making of cheese: the smoothing of
Ist, is it? rm. fist, wist.
I'st, I shall: rm. moist.
Istid, instead.
Iteaw, in two, broken.
Ither, in their: rm. with wither.
Ittle, it will.
Iv, if; Ivtle, if thou wilt.
Ivin, ivy.
Iz, is.

Jackstones, a girl's game, played with a
        marble, and knuckle bones of a sheep.
Jackanapes, an impertinent fellow.

Jambles, the iron gearing which fits into a
        horse-collar to draw with.
Jannock, a thick cake made of oatmeal.
Jawms, the sides of a window, a fire-place, or
        other building arrangement.
Jert, to jerk: to throw a stone by jerking.
Jill, half a pint.
Jilliver, a termagant: "Hoo's a jilliver;" also
        Gillyflower, called "spice jillivers."
Jimp, neat, tidy.
Jingle, a tinkle; a merry sound.
Jingumbobs, trifles, playthings.
Joan, a woman's name.
Jobberknowl, a dunce.
Jone, a man's name, John.
Joysty, come to (obs.)
Joyst, a summer's grass, (obs.)
Jumbo, a place near Middleton.
Jump, or Jimp, a coat, a garment: a Sunday
        jump, a Sunday coat.
Junkit, a small cake: a crackling.
Junkittin, visiting, gadding, gossiping.

Ka, or Keaw, or Ceaw, a cow.
Kale, turn to be served: "Coal-pit kale."
Kama, and Komm, a comb.
Kamin, Kommin, combing.
Kamin-komm, a combing comb, a small-
        toothed comb; Redyin-komm, a large-
        toothed comb.
Kample, or Cample, to prate.
Kappil, or Cappil, a patch on a shoe.
Karnil, a kernel.
Katty-green, in the township of Heaton;
        Katty-greenwell, same place.
Kawve, or Cawve, a calf.
Kayve, to upset, to turn over: "he's keyvt his
Kazzarly, subject to casualties (obs.)
Keather, or Keyther, a cradle; Cader,
Keaw, or Ceaw, a cow.
Keawer, to cower, to sit down.
Keawl, to crouch, to quail.
Keawlt, abashed, intimidated; Keawlin,
        intimidating; Keawltn, they intimidated.

Keawnt, or Ceawnt, count, to number.
Keck, to be pert.
Keckle, unsteady.
Kecklety, likely to topple over.
Keckle, prate, impertinence; Keeklin,
        prating, assuming.
Keck-meg, a pert young woman.
Keigh, or Kye, cows.
Keegh, to cough; also a cold (obs.)
Keend, to kindle: "keend a foyer"; Keendn,
        kindling; Keent, kindled.
Keem, to comb.
Keen-bitten, eager, sharp, alert to take
Keep, catch (obs.)
Kersn, or Kersen, to christen; Kersnt or
        Kersent, christened.
Kessmus, Christmas.
Kest, cast; Kest off, cast off; Kest, to cast
        accounts; Kest-op, to cast up accounts.
Kestlin, a calf before its time.
Kestit, cast up.
Keigh, key of a door.
Keyther, or Kayther, a cradle.

Kibe, to gibe, to mock.
Kibboes, long sticks.
Kibe-heels, sore heels (obs.)
Kill, a kiln; Breek-kill, a brick-kiln.
Kill-danes, a field at the bottom of Castle-hill,
Killt, killed; Killin, killing; Killtn, they killed.
Kink, to lose the breath with coughing: chin-
Kink-haust, a violent cough or cold.
Kipper, amourous.
Kipple, to lift a weight from the ground, and
        throw it upon the shoulders without
        help or stoppage.
Kist, a chest.
Kittle, ticklish, uncertain also to bring forth
Kittlin, a kitten.
Knoggy, knotty.
Knep, to snap, to bite (obs.)
Knoblucks, small lumps.
Knockus, knuckles.
Knotchel, or Notchel, to disclaim
        responsibility.  To cry knotchel, is to give
        public notice that the notifier will not be
        answerable for any debt or debts of
        another party.

Knowe, a knoll, a hillock.
Knowe-hill, nr. Rochdale.
Knurs, knots, warts on trees.
Ko', quoth: "Heaw arto, ko' he?" "Pratty weel
        ko' I."
Kwort, to court, to make love; Kwortin,
Kwortn, they court.
Kwortship, courtship.
Kwort, a court of justice the court at London,
        or other court.
Kybe, to pout the lip in scorn.
Kynd, kind.
Kyndly, kindly.
Kyndniss, kindness.

Labbor, labour; Labborin, in labour;
       Labborn, they labour.
Lad, a boy: also did lead. "He lad 'em th'
        wrung road."
Lady-heawse, a place near Milnrow,
Ladsavvur, the plant, ladslove,
Laft, left, departed.
Laftn, they left.

Laggins, staves of a tub.
Lethur, to beat: "Aw lethurt him."
Leet, to alight; Day-leet, day-light; Leeter,
        lighter; Leetnin, lightning.
Laigh, to laugh; Laighin, laughing; Laighnt,
        they laughed.
Laighliss, laughless, without laughter.
Laith, a barn: also to invite; to laith to a
        funeral; Laithin, inviting.
Lant, stale urine: also lent in the past tense:
        "Aw lant him a peawnd."
Langot, a shoe-lachet (obs.)
Lang, long; Langer, and lenger, longer;
       Langist, and Langst, longest.
Lap, to wrap; Lappin, wrapping up; Laps,
        coat laps.
Larn, to learn; Larnin, learning; Larnt,
        learned; Larntn, they learned.
Lass, a young female.
Latch, catch of a door: also to catch a
        distemper: "He latch it" is a common
Latchin, taking infection.

Latt, late; Lattly, lately; Lattist, latest; also
        latt, a lath.
Lattnt, hindered (obs).
Lawm, lame.
Lawmt, lamed.
Lawmn, they lame.
Le', let; as lemmi, let me.
Lean, to yield towards, to favour: "He leans
        to'rd hur."
Learock, or Learuk, a sky lark [Ed. Waugh
        uses Layrock].
Leawance, allowance.
Leawd, loud.
Leawgh, to laugh.
Leawghin, laughing.
Leawghn, they laugh.
Leawght, laughed.
Leawk, to lash, to beat: "Awl githe a good
       leawkin," a good beating.
Leawks, tufts of barren dry grass; locks of
Leawky, full of locks or tufts.
Leawnge, to lunge; to lounge, to skulk: "He
        dun nobbo leawnge obeawt."
Leawp, a loop, a noose.
Leawp-hoyl, a loop-hole.
Leawse, a louse; Leawzy, lousy.
Lebby, Edmund; Yebby, the same.

Leck, to lake; Leckin', leaking water; Leckn,
        they leak; Leek-on, to pour on water
        when brewing.
Lee, lay: "He lee theer," he lay there.
Leef, or Lieve, as soon, equally so; Leefer, or
        Liever, sooner, rather than; Leefist,
Leep, leaped; "Aw leep, theaw leep, be leep;"
        "We leepn, yo leepn, they leepn."
Lemmi, let me.
Less-rods, or Leysh-rods, rods to keep the
        leash of a warp.
Leet, to let: "he leet hur goo;" "aw leet on him
        at th' last;" also to light on, to find.
Leet, light, day; Leets, lights: also the lungs:
        "plucks an leets ;" Leetnin', lightning;
        Leetnt, lightened; Leetsum, lightsome;
        Leeter, lighter; Leetin', lighting.
Leeten, pl. of leet: "they leeten hur gooa at
        last," they suffered her to escape.
Leigh, signifying low, a town near Bolton.

Lenger, longer.
Lennock, long, pendulous. Lennock yerd,"
Lether, to beat: "Aw lethurt him weel."
Lew, thin, poor: "It's very low."
Ley-land, land untilled and left for pasture.
Leyther, rather, (but little used.)
Lhog, to pull the hair, to lug: also a log of
        wood; the o sounded as in dhog.
Lick, to beat; also to lick with the tongue.
Lickin, beating: licking with the tongue.
Like, to be fond of: to resemble; Likly, likely.
Likker, more like: more likely: more
        resembling. Liklyist, most likely.
Likt', like to: as, "like to ha had," he almost
Likn, we like.
Lik't, liked, loved.
Lilt, to walk quickly, lightly.
Liltin, dancing: moving with a jaunty air.
Lonlady, landlady: a female tapster; Lonlort,
        a landlord.

Lond, land; Londed, landed; Londin',
Londs-end, near Middleton.
Lond-hawther, a landholder.
Lone, a lane.
Lookn, we look.
Loont, a land: a butt or ridge of ploughed
        land; Hadloont, the head-land, or add-
        land, of a ploughed field.
Lopper, to boil slowly.
Loppert-milk, boiled milk or curdled milk.
Lopperin-breawis, thick breawis.
Lort, lord, a family name.
Lorjus o' meh! Lord Jesus, have mercy on me.
Lotch, to halt, to limp.
Lotchelin, limping.
Lothe, or Loothe, look thee.
Lother, lather, suds.
Lougher-place, Lower-place, near Rochdale.
Loyse, to lose, also loosen.
Loyte, or lite, a few.
Lozzuck, to loll, to rest idly.
Luckit, a nursing term: also used by way of
        scoff, "lookit."

Lumber, mischief: also rubbish.
Lung, long: also lunk.
Lunger, Lenger, longer.
Lunge, to injure unexpectedly: "he's taen th'
        advantage, an lungst him."
Lungous, surly, revengeful.
Lunnun, London.
Linch, a small step (obs.)
Line, layn: "It's line eawt."
Lin-pin, a linch-pin.
Ling, heath, a shrub.
Linther, to fasten the end of a warp in a loop,
        so that it can be woven close and
Lintherin, securing a warp.
Lintherin-bands, small cords by which the
        end of a warp is held until woven down.
Lippn, to expect: also leaped.
Lippnin, expecting.
Lippnt, expected.
Lithe, active, pliant: also to thicken broth or
Lither, idle.
Littleborough, near Rochdale.

Loath, unwilling.
Loast, loosed: "he loast it, an it ran."
Loastn, they loosed.
Lobcock, a great idle young fellow.
Lobb, to run: "he went lobbin away;" Lobbin,
        running, at along step.
Lobden, a place near Rochdale.
Lobscouse, potato hash.
Lod, a lad (obs.)
Loft, an upper room.
Lhog, or Logg, a block of wood: also to lug, to
        pull the hair; the o sounded as in dhog,
        or doe, roe, &c.
Lhogguryed, a loggerhead, a blockhead: also
        to go to loggerheads, to dispute, and
Loyns, or Leyns, leans, inclines towards: "he
        reyther loyns that way."
Lurch, to lurk, to surprise.
Lurches, one who lurks, a dog.
Lurden, an idle lubber.
Lurry, to drag, to pull away; Lurrid, dragged,
Lutch, to pulsate.
Lutchin, pulsating painfully, as in a tumour.

Luver, or Loover, a chimney.
Lwod, to load, also a load.
Lwodin, loading.
Lwodn, loaded.
Lyed, to lead, also lead, a metal.
Lyen, lean meat.
Lyend, to lend.
Lyep, to leap; Lyepin, leaping; Lyeps, leaps;
        Lypn, they leap.
Lyest, least, also leased.
Lyev, leave, permission also leaf of a
Lyevs, leaves.
Lyev, to depart, to leave.
Lyevin, departing.
Lyevn, they depart.
Lyne, lain, reposed, abided.
Lyve, life: "Aw never did so imeh lyve."

Mack, sort, breed, family.
Maddle, to confuse, to distract: "hoos quite
Maddlt, confused.
Madlin, confusing, distracting; also a flighty,
        extravagant person. "Whot a madlin hoo
        is:" "Really hoos quite a madlin."  Mad-
       cap, a female of the same description.

Makker, a manufacturer of piece goods; a
        maker of a thing.
Mall, Mary; Mally or Moll, the same.
Mam, mother.
Mander, manner, sort: "Whot mander of a
Manchit, a small loaf of white bread.
Manchit-hoe, a place in Castleton, nr.
Mant, moaned: "Sadly mant hur;" also meant,
Mannert, mannered: "Very feaw Mannert."
Mar, to spoil; Mar'd, spoiled; Marrin,
        spoiling; Marrdn, they spoiled.
Mare or Mere, a lake of water.
Margit, Margaret.
Marland, near Rochdale; Marlan-mere, at
        the same place.
Marlock, a prank, a playful trick; pl.
Marlockin, gambolling, playing.
Marrow, a match, a mate, an equal: "Conto
        marrow that?"

Marry, and Marry-kemeawt, common
        interjections: "Not I, marry!" not I indeed!
        "Kem eawt," come out; be off.
Mash, to mix, to blend provender; also a
        mixture: "A warm mash," "A cowd
        mash:" also to smash, to destroy.
Masht, destroyed, smashed: "be masht it o'
Maskins , Mackins, petty oaths.
Maatho, Martha.
Mattert, signified: "It didno matter," it did not
        signify; it was not of consequence; also,
        Mattered, suppurated.
Maul, to pull, to disarrange; Maulin,
        spoiling; Mault, spoiled.
Maunter, or Maunder, to wander, to mope
        about without object; Maunderin,
        moping about; Maundert, moped.
Mawkin, a dunce, a listless person;
        Mawkinly, duncely, mawkish.
Mawp, a bullfinch.
Mawt, malt.
Mawtter, mortar.

May, make: "Wilto may this frock?"
Maydin, a place in Hopwood; Madyn, Celtic,
       a fox.
Maygut, a maggot.
Mayno, may not; May-yo, may you.
Mayto, may thou; Mayto-no, mayest thou
        not; Maydn, did make.
Measter, master; Meastert, mastered;
        Measterin, mastering; Meastertn, they
Meawnge, to munge, to munch, to eat
Meawghn, they eat greedily; Meawghnt,
        they did eat greedily.
Meawl, to mould; Meawlder, to moulder,
        Meawlderin, mouldering.
Meawldy, mouldy.
Meawldert, mouldered.
Meawldern, they moulder.
Meawntebank, a mountebank.
Meawntun, mountain.
Meawse, a mouse.
Meawser, a mouser.
Meawzin, mousing.
Meawse-neest, a mouse's nest.
Meawnt, to mount.

Meawntin, mounting.
Meawnted, mounted.
Meawt, to moult, to cast feathers; pl.
Meawth, a mouth.
Meawzik, or Mewzik, music.
Meazy, dizzy; Meazy-sow, giddy, or empty
Meeny, a family; also many.
Meet, might, power, strength; also exact, just
       now, as "It's comn meet neaw."
Meety, mighty; Awmeety, Almighty.
Menno, may not.
Met, might; Met ha, might have; Metn-ha,
       they might have.
Metn, they met.
Metto, mightest thou? Mettono, mightest
        thou not?
Mew, the cry of a cat.
Mexn, to cleanse a stable or shippon.
Mezur, to measure; also a measure; Mezurtn,
        they measured.
Mickle, size, bulk, great: "Whot a mickle,"
        how great he is. "Whot mickle ov a mon
        is he?" "He's th' mickle o' thee."

Middin, a dung heap.
Middin-spuce, a dung hole.
Middletn, Middleton.
Midge, a gnat.
Miln-row, the place of Tim-Bobbin's
        residence, near Rochdale.
Mimp, precise, to be affected; Mimpin, apeing, affecting.
Mindstomeh? mindest thou me? heedest
        thou me?
Mish-mash, a hodge-podge.
Mistal, a cow house; a shippon.
Mistaen, or Mistan, mistaken.
Mitch, much.
Mittins, gloves without fingers: also strong
        hedging gloves.
Mizzle, to rain lightly.
Mizzlin, slightly raining.
Mizzly, given to rain.
Mizzlt, rained small rain.
Mizzy, a soft boggy place.
Mob-cap, a woman's close cap.
Moedy-warp, or Mowdy-warp, a mole;
        Moodywarp-hole, the burrow of a mole.
Moekin, moping about also a dull person.

Mog, to travel, to depart: "When arto
        noggin?" "Tomorn."
Moider, or Moyder, to puzzle, to confuse:
       also a coin.
Moll, or Mall, Mary.
Mollart, a mop to clean ovens with.
Mon, man.
Monny, many.
Moo, to put hay in the barn; Mooin, putting
        hay in the barn.
Mood, stowed full; Moodeawt, filled to an
Mood, or Mowd, earth, fine soil, mould.
Mood, a mould of a casting, or of a brick.
Moof, or Mough, a mow of hay.
Moor, more: also a common, a heath.
Moot, Might; Mootha, might have; Metha,
        the same.
Mootn and Metn, pl. of might.
Mooter, toll at a mill.
Moother, mother.
Mope, to be dull, drowsy, silent; Mopein,
       being silent and fatuitous.
Mopsy, a dingy slattern.

Morris, or Morrice, from Moresco, a dance;
        also a family name.
Mottey, an aggregate of small deposits of
        money.  Thus 'tis not an uncommon
        thing for some dozen, or twenty women,
        to agree to deposit each a certain small
        sum weekly, say from threepence to
        sixpence, commencing at Christmas, and
        ending at the annual wakes in August or
        then about.  When the time has expired,
        the money is divided, and expended,
        generally either in new clothes for the
        coming winter, or in a pleasure trip to
        Liverpool, or other place offering sea air,
        convenience, and novelty.
Mowffin, a muffin.
Mowdy-warp, or Moedywarp, a mole.
Moyder, or Moider, to confuse, to bother;
        Moydert, bothered.
Muckot, a term of derision; also a tub or
        other vessel, in which dung is carried to
        hilly places.

Mullock, dirt, rubbish.
Mump, to thump, to beat: "He mumpt him
Mumps, the sullens, to sulk; also the name of
        a place at Oldham.
Mun, or Munt, must.
Muntono, or Munttono? must thou not?
Munto, must thou?
Munni, must I?
Muno, must not;  Munha, must have.
Murth, abundance, a large quantity; Maerth,
        Maertho, Anglo-Saxon, greatness,
Muse, or Mews, a gap in a hedge where
        hares or rabbits pass.
Mush, to crush, to mash, to mix up.
Muyce, or Moyce, mice.
Muz, or Muss, a nurse's term for mouth
        "Oppn it muss."
Muzzy, sleep, dull, heavy.
Mwost, most.
Mychin, or Michin, pining, out of humour.
Myen, mean, intend.
Myenin, meaning, intention; Myens, means.
Myenn, we mean.

Myentn, we meant.
Myensto? meanest thou?
Myenstono, meanest thou not.
Myen-hood, Mean-wood, near Rochdale.
Mysty, or Moisty, misty.
Mythony, Myt-hony, name of a place near
Mythomroyd, Myt-holmroyd, Meet-holm-
        road, a place near the above.

Nab and Ab, Abraham.
Nadin, or Neadin, no din, silent, a stream
        dividing Bamford and Ashworth, near
Nag-nail, a sore on human fingers.
Naigh maigh, a place near Rochdale.
Naigh-maigh mill, at the same place.
Nap, a short sleep; Nappin', taking a nap.
Napt, slept; Naptnt, they slept.
Napkin, a hand-cloth.
Nappy, joyous, merry.
Neant, and Noant, aunt.
Natter, to nibble, to bite.
Nattert, short tempered, cross: also nibbled.

Natterin, being peevish, bad tempered.
        "Whot dusto keep natterin at?" also
Nayble, the navel.
Neatril, a born fool.
Neaw, now.
Neb, the point of a thing, also the rim of a
        hat, the peak of a bonnet, the edge of a
        cake; "Awve never brokkn th' neb o'thy
        cake yet."
Ned, Edward; also Nobseer, and Neddy.
Ned, needed: "I hanno ned it," I have not
        needed it; Nedno, needed not; Nedn, we
        needed; Nednno, we needed not.
Neeld, a needle.
Neese, a nest; Neestin, nesting.
Neestlin, nestling.
Neeist, nearest.
Neer, never: "I neer shall."
Neet, night.
Neeze, to sneeze; Neezin, sneezing.
Neezt, sneezed.
Neplins, small pieces of coal.
Nese, nose (only in some localities.)

Nesh, tender, fragile.
Nestle-cock, the nestling, the last child.
Nethen, now then.
Nettle, to vex; Nettlt, vexed : also stung with
Newer, never; "Aw newer will."
Neybur, neighbour.
Neyve, a gripped fist.
Nifle, or Nyfle, a bit of anything, a trifle.
Nimble-nook, a place near Oldham.
Ninny, a witless person.
Ninny-hommer, a blockhead, a gawby:
        "Whot a ninny-hommer theaw art."
Nip, to- pinch, to twitch; also a name for a
Noagur, an augur.
Noagur-hole, or hoyle, a hole made by an
        augur also a game by marbles.
Noan, none.
Noant, an aunt; "noant Margit."
Noather, neither.
Noawe, no.
Nob, or Knob, the head.
Nobbut, or Nobbo, nothing but, only; "It's,
        nobbut John."

Noddle, the head.
Noddleyed, blockhead.
Noddlin, nodding.
Nomony, a speech, a recitation.
Nompion, a great man, a champion.
Nook, a corner: at th' nook, at the further end,
        in a dilemma, a straight.
Noonin, rest taken at noon; Noonscawpe, the
Nothin, nothing: "He's a great nothin."
Notchel, see Knotchel.
Notchells, fragments,broken meats, leavings of a feast.
Nowt, nothing: also bad, naught; Nowty, full
        of badness.
Nozzle, the nose.
Nozzlin, nestling close.
Nozzle-pap, to nestle to the pap.
Nudge, a slight hit, to remind by; Nudgin,
        reminding; Nudgt, reminded; Nudgn,
        they remind; also to stir a
        thing. "He nudgt it," to push against; "He
        just nudgt agen it."
Nuer, or Newer, never.

Nurr, a game at ball, with sticks.
Nuz i' boz, nose i'th bo som.
Nuzzle, to lie close to, as a child to its
        mother's bosom.
Nyfle, or Nyfle, a trifle; a small quantity, a

O, all, of, and, on, as; "o, on em," all of them;
        "o that"; of that: "o'top on em," on the top
        of them.
Oagur, an augur, a tool.
Oandurth, afternoon.
Oamfry, or Hoamfry, Humphrey.
Oample, to limp.
Oather, either.
Obeawt, or Abeawt, about, near.
Obunnanze, or Abunnanze, abundance.
Ockirtn, Alkrington, near Middleton.
Od, a diminutive of the word, God.
Odsweawks, God's works.
Odsweawnds, God's wounds.
Odds an eends, odd, trifling things.

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