Oerlay, a leathern surjingle.
Oernenst, over against.
Oerscutcht, scutcht-oer, done slightly.
Off it, insane; Off at side, the same.
Ogreath, right, streight, perfect.
Oleawt, all out, all ready: "Theyr dun oleawt."
Olike, all the same.
Olung, all in consequence of: "It's olung o'thee."
Onny, any; Onny way, any way; Onnythin, anything.
Onsertn, they answered.
Oon, an oven.
Oozle, the owzle.
Oppn, or Oppen, open.
Oppnin, opening.
Oppnt, opened.
Oppn'n, they open.
Oreawt, out of doors.
Orril, mad, phrenzied: "He's quite orril."
Onser, answer; Onserin, answering; Onsert,
answered; Onsertn, they
Owd, old; Owdham, Oldham; Owd Birkle, Old Birkle,
near Bury.
Owler, the alder.
Owler-root, a farm near Middleton.
Owse, or Owsen, oxen.
Owt, anything: "Awm for owt," or, frowt.
Oyl, oil.
Oytch, each, every.
Oyerlun, or Eyerlun, Ireland; Oyrish, Irish.
Oyrishmon, Irishman
Pad, to walk; Paddin, journeying on foot: also the
taking home of work by hatters
is called paddin,
from pad, to walk.
Pail, or Pale, to beat: "Awv pailt him weel."
Pan, to piece, to join together (now seldom used).
Pap, the female bosom, suck for an infant.
Pappy, full bosomed, full of milk.
Papper, paper; Pappert, papered; Papperin, papering;
Pappertn, they papered.
Park, the, a place at Middleton; Little Park, in the
township of Tonge.
Parrish, perish, to starve with cold; Parrisht, perished,
Pash, a gush, a sudden outbreak: "Hoo pasht into
Pawm, palm; flower of willow or hazle; also the palm
of the hand. "Hee put it i'th pawm ov
his hont."
Pays-egg, or Peace-egg, an egg, or other gift presented
at Easter, according to an ancient
Pearlur, parlour, a room.
Peawer, power.
Peawnd, a pound.
Peawnther, or Peawnder, keeper of a pound for cattle.
Peawther powder:
"Thur bullits an peawther,
"Bang'd leawther an leawther." |
Peawsweawse, and Paxwax, the tendon in a neck
Peckle, to spot,to freckle.
Peeklt, spotted; Pecklin, spotting; Peckltn, they
Penkle, to trifle; to waste time on things of small
consequence; Penklin,
trifling; Penklt, trifled;
Penkln, they trifle.
Pestil, the shank of a ham.
Petch, to patch.
Petchin, patching.
Petcht, patched.
Petchn, they patch.
Petch-wark, patched work.
Peylin, or palin, beating.
Pick, to push sharply, to throw: also to vomit.
Pickin, vomiting.
Pickle, case, condition, plight: "I' weary pickle."
Piece-woo, wool for a piece of flannel.
Pickin-stick, the wooden handle by which weavers
throw their shuttles.
Pike, to pick, to choose, to select: also to pick a quarrel.
Pikein, picking.
Pikt, picked, selected.
Pikn, they pike: also a pike, a weapon; and a fish.
Pil, to peel; Pillin, or Pill-in, peeling; Pill'd,
Pilldn, they peeled.
Pilther, or Pilder, to wither, to shrivel, to chip off;
Pilthert, withered.
Pilpit, pulpit.
Pimeper, to pamper, to be delicate at food: "Whot arto
pimeperin at theer."
Pinn, to run in great haste. "He pinn'd away."
Pingot, a small croft near the house.
Pissmote, a pissmire, an ant.
Platt, to plait; Platted, plaited; Plattin, plaiting;
the plait; also Plattin, a
road made on hurdles and
bushes across a hollow, or over a
boggy place: "Th'
Miles Plattin," near Manchester.
Platter, a wooden dish.
Pleawm, a plum; Pleawm-tree, a plum-tree.
Pleck, a place.
Plucks, the lungs, called also the "leets."
Plucher, to steal, to plunder secretly.
Plucherin, plundering.
Pluchertn, they plundered.
Plyes, to please.
Plyesin, pleasing.
Plyesn, they please.
Plyest, pleased.
Poand, a pond.
Poant, pawned.
Poantn, they pawned.
Pod, to pad, to walk.
Poddin, walking.
Poesy, a bunch of flowers.
Poke, a sack also to pry, to obtrude, "Whot arto pokin
abeawt beer for?"
Pollyante, polyanthus.
Pone, or Poan, to pawn.
Ponn, a pan; Poncake, a pancake.
Poo, a pool of water; also to pull; Pood, pulled.
Pooin, pulling; Poodn, they pulled.
Porritch, porridge.
Poogh, an expression of slight.
Poot, a young fowl; Moor-poot, a moor-fowl.
Poss, to thrust, to push violently.
Possin, thrusting violently; Post, thrust; Postn,
Potboe, a dumpling.
Pot-hook, a hook in the chimney, to hang the pot on.
Pote, to push with the feet, to thrust.
Potter, to stir up, to vex.
Pottert, disturbed.
Potterin, vexing.
Pottern, they vex.
Pottertn, they vexed.
Pow, to cut the hair.
Powd, polled, the hair cut.
Powin, cutting the hair.
Powdn, they cut the hair.
Pow-cat, a pole cat.
Powl, to leave off work, and go to the alehouse.
Powlin, neglecting work, and drinking; Powler, to
ramble about drinking; Powlerin,
rambling and
neglecting work; Powlert,
broken down,
Powse, lumber, offal.
Powsement, rubbish, a term of reproach.
Powsedurt, the same.
Pratty, pretty.
Prayo, pray you.
Preem, a comb used by weavers, to loosen the yarn.
Prial, or Pryal, the number three: "A pryal o' pieces,"
three pieces. Three persons are
a prial.
Prison-bars, a rustic, out of door game.
Prog, to thrust with a staff or fist.
Prowt, trumpery stuff.
Provon, provender.
Pruin, a prune, a dried plum.
Pule, to cry, to whimper.
Pulin, whimpering.
Pump, to pry by asking questions: "He geet nowt by
his pumpin."
Pumpin, questioning.
Pumpt, questioned.
Pumpn, they question,
Pumpnt, they questioned.
Pump'o, to question you.
Punse, to kick; Punst, kicked; Punsin, kicking;
they kick.
Punsnt, they kicked.
Pwork, pork.
Pyek, peak of a bonnet or cap; Pyekt, peaked.
Pyel, a peal of bells: also a peal of laughter.
Pyelt, pealed.
Pyelin, pealing.
Pyeln, they peal.
Pyeltn, they pealed.
Pynots, or Pynorts, magpies.
Pyrch, to perch, also a fish; Pyrchin, perching.
Pyrchn, they perch.
Pyrchnt, they perched.
Pyrk, to be supercilious.
Pyrkin, affecting superiority; Pyrkt, affected.
Pyrkn, they pyrk.
Pyert, cheerful, lively.
Pyess, peace.
Quean, Queyn, a prostitute.
Quere, queer.
Quift, to quaff, to tipple.
Quiftin-pots, drinking cups.
Quo, quoth.
Quock, to go a distance to work at the harvest. Reapers
who go down to Lincolnshire at
harvest are called
Rabblement, a collection of rabble; Rabblety, a small
Rack, a frame to hold hay for cattle.
Rack, Reck, reckon.
Rack-o'th-ee, reckoning by the eye.
Rack o' muttn, a saddle of mutton.
Rack an rend, to waste property: to destroy, to ruin.
Raddle, to thrash: "AwIl raddle the bwons forthe."
Raddlt, thrashed.
Raddlin, thrashing, beating; also a rod of hazel or
other young wood.
Raddlins, pliant rods.
Raggot, a ragged vagabond.
Rake, or Reawke, to place together, to collect, to rake
into one place; "Rake th' foyer," to
pull it together
before going to rest: "Rake that
mud," collect it
together with a rake.
Rap-scallion, a petty rascal.
Rap an rend, to waste, to destroy property.
Rape an teer, the same.
Rascot, a rascal.
Rash, an irruption on the skin.
Rasher, a slice of bacon a steak of beef.
Ratch, to stretch, to extend: also that space in a loom
betwixt the yarn-beam and the healds.
Rachda, Rochdale, anciently called Recedham; in
Anglo-Saxon, Recedóm,
a chief office, office of
Ratliv, or Ratlif, Radcliffe, near Bury.
Rattnsta, or Rawtnsta, Rawtenstall, near Haslingden.
Rattle, to scold, to talk much; Rattlt, scolded, talked
much; Rattlin, talking.
Reawk, to meet in neighbours' houses, and spend time
in idle gossip.
Reawkin, meeting together; Reawkt, collected, rooked;
Reawknt, they collected
Reawly, sleepy, muzzy, unwashed.
Reawm, a room.
Reawnd, round.
Reawp, a hoarse cold.
Reawst, rust; Reawsty, rusty.
Reawt, rout; Reawted, routed; Reawtin, routing.
Reawtn, they rout.
Reawtnt, they routed.
Reawt, rout, direction, way.
Reawze, to rouse, to awaken.
Red Tum nook, a place at Oldham.
Redivas, Redvales, near Bury.
Reddyd, readied; Reddy, to make ready: "Reddy that
yed," make that head ready, that is,
comb the hair
with the larger comb, preparatory to
the smaller
Ree, after; Ree-supper, a second supper.
Reech, reek, smoke, vapour.
Reechin, giving out smoke.
Reechn, they smoke.
Reechnt, they smoked.
Reechy, smoky.
Reer, to rear, to set on end,to bring up: "Theyn never
reer it;" also to lean against: "He
reert it agen th'
Reert, reared: "Hoo sat reert op, like Lunnun pewter," a
jeer at a finely dressed, lazy,
ignorant, woman,
who sits in her chair motionless from
pride, and
thoughtless from stupidity.
Reest, Reast, rusted, smoke-dried, discoloured: "Reest
Reet, right; Reetn, they right.
Render, to melt, to separate the fat from the skinny
parts of suet or pork.
Rent, to tear; Rent, torn.
Rentin, tearing; Rentn, they tear; Rentnt, they tore.
Rey, raw.
Reyther, rather, given to, tending to; Reytherist, most
given to: "Reyther byth' reytherist,"
is a common
expression, meaning, rather tending
to the greatest
Reytch, to reach, to touch a thing.
Rick, to make a noise, to jingle; also to scold; also a
Richin, making a noise; making a hay-rick.
Ricklin, the youngest of a hatch, or of a family.
Ridd, to seperate combatants; to place two things
Riddance, a quittance having done with a thing.
Rindle, a small stream of water.
Rift, to belch; Rifted, belched; Riftn, they belch;
they belched.
Riggot, a channel or gutter.
Rhute a passion, a paroxism of anger: "He went away
in a great rhute."
Rive, to twist, to bend.
Riven, rived, twisted, broken.
Robin-run-ith'-hedge, a medical plant.
Robin Hood-bed, a large block of stone, probably an
ancient altar, on the top of
Blackstonedge, above
Rockcliffe-lumme, near Bacup.
Ronk, rank, luxuriant.
Rood, a rod, a measure of ground 5½
yards; also a
place where a cross once stood, as
Oakenrood, near Rochdale.
Roodilee, nr. Todmorden.
Roof, rough.
Roofer, rougher.
Rook, a heap, a number together, as, "a rook o' stones."
Rookin, reawkin, collecting together; Rookn, they
collect; Rooknt, they
Rooly, a place nr. Rochdale; Rooly-moor, near the
Roor, roar; Roorin, roaring; Roort, roared.
Roorn, they roar.
Roortn, they roared.
Rooze, to arouse; also to praise, to puff up: "He geet
roozt rarely."
Rops, entrails.
Rote, to rot, to decay.
Rotein, rotting.
Rotten, a rat, also rotten, decayed.
Rowl, to roll; Rowlin, rolling; Rowlt, rolled.
Rowley, roller; Rowlin-pin, a roller to make paste.
Royd, road; Dane-royd, Dane-road; Mythomroyd,
Mythomroad; Murgatroyd, Moorgate road.
Royle, (perhaps from the Celtic, ar haul, the sun;
pronounced ar oyle), the name of a
hill in
Thornham near Middleton.
Royley, near Royton.
Rudd, red; Ruddmon, red man; also to rutt, to spawn,
as "twod-rudd."
Ruefo, rueful.
Ruffin, ruffian; Ruffin-lone, a lane at Middleton.
Runaberr, running to get a force, an impetus: "a berr."
Runagate, a person not following regular employment,
and ready to run at any one's
bidding; an idle,
unattached person.
Runge, a long tub with two handles (obs.)
Runt, a dwarf, a stunted animal or tree.
Runted, stunted.
Rushbearin, rushbearing, an annual custom of
carrying rushes to the parish church
on the
anniversary of its dedication.
Rushcart, a cart loaded with rushes, arranged in
tasteful form, and taken as an
offering to the
parish church.
Rutt, a track of wheels.
Rutchot o' Jack's, Richard of John's, vide
Tummus an
Ryem, or Cryem, cream.
Ryem-mug, or Cryem-mug, cream-mug.
Ryemin, foaming.
Ryen, a narrow channel or foot-path.
Ryep, a rap of yarn, part of a hank.
Rynty, stand off, probably from "aroynt thee," the
common abjuration addressed to a
witch or
Ryest, or Reest, rancid, strong flavoured.
Sabden, a place in North Lancashire.
Sad, thick, stiff, as "sad porritch," thick porridge.
Sackliss, innocent, unconscions.
Saig, a hand-saw.
Saigh, saw: "I saigh him doo it."
Sanner, sooner.
Saplin, a young oak.
Sark, a shirt; Sarkliss, shirtless.
Sartin, certain; Sartinly, certainly.
Sarmun, sermon.
Sate, to satiate; Sated, satiated; Satein, satiating.
Sattlt, settled; Sattle, to settle; Sattln, they
settle; Sattltn,
they settled.
Savur, savour, taste.
Savurt, tasted.
Savurn, they taste.
Savurtn, they tasted.
Sawfly, or Sawfli, softly, gently: "He wawkt very
Sawgh, a willow or withen.
Sawp, a sup, a small quantity.
Sawt, salt.
Sawve, salve.
Saxon-nook, a farm at Middleton.
Sblid, s'blood, an exclamation.
Scallion, a young onion.
Scamper, to run with speed; Scampert, ran hastily.
Scaplins, chippings of stone.
Stapp, escape.
Scap-gallows, scape gallows. [Ed. - a scape gallows
one who has narrowly escaped the
gallows for his
Scarr, a scaur, a steep, bare, and rocky place on the
side of a hill.
Scawd, to scald; Scawd, or Scode-yed, a scabbed head.
Scawp, the head.
Scoance, a lantern.
Scog, to dispute.
Scoggin, disputing.
Scope, a scoop, a vessel to lade with.
Scopperil, a flat button mold of bone, through which a
peg is driven, so that it may twirl
round like a tee-
totem; an insignificant person is also
termed a
scopperil: "Theaw little scopperill."
Scotch, to set fast.
Scotcht, set fast, stopped.
Scrannil, a lean, skinny person.
Scrat, to scratch, also is scratched; Scrattin, scratching; Scratn, they
scratch; Seratut, they scratched.
Scrawm, to scramble awkwardly; Scrawmin, scrambling; Scrawmt, scrambled;
Scrawmin, they scramble.
Scrawmntn, they scrambled.
Screeve, or Screive, to froth at the mouth, as in a fit, or as corpses do
after death: Screeven, frothing; Screevt frothed.
Scroof, dry scales of the skin.
Scrog. a fragment, a scrag.
Scrunt, brush wood, undergrowth of timber, also a steented insignificant
person, "Awd neer goo throo th' wood, un tak op weeth' scrunt," means "I'd
never walk through the world of mankind, and take up with one of the most
inferior after all."
Sense, excuse, evasion.
Scutt, tail of a hare: a short coat or other garment, "Its very scutt."
Scutter, to haste, splutter.
Scutch, or Skutch, to whip; to move quickly, "He
skutcht forrud."
Seanee, a small fresh water eel, a conger eel.
Seaw, to
sew; Seawin, sewing; Seawd, sewed; Seawn, sewn; Seawdn, they sewd. Seawer, sour: Sawyr, taste, odour, cymraeg. Seawk, suck, also to suck: Seawkin, sucking. Seawkt, sucked. Seawkn, they
suck. Seawknt,
they sucked. Seawl, Buttermilk or whey, taken with oaten
chiefly for bagging or lunch. "Pot bos are, scant and
dear are seawl, an cheese." Tim
Bobbin. Seawl, soul; Seawl-case the human body. Seawnd, sound,
healthy: also a noise: Seawndin,
sounding; Seawndn, they sound; Seawndnt, they
sounded. Seawndly, soundly, heartily. Seawp, sup, also to
sup: seawpin, supping; seawpt
supped; seawpnt, they supped.
Seawse, to hit, to beat; "Awll githe a good
seawsin." Seawter-skull, a numb-skull; a stupid
fellow, great
seawter-skull." Seawteryed, a stupid fellow. Seawth, south. Seck, a sack. Secont, second. Sed, said; Sedto, saidest thou? Sedtono, saidest thou
not? Sedtoso? saidest thou so? Sedtonoso, saidest thou
not so. Seech,
seek; also to seek: Seechn, we seek; Seechin,
seeking; Seechst, sought; Seechnt, they sought. Seed, saw; Seedn, they saw. Seegh, a sieve. Seely, silly. Seet, sight; also see it: also to set off,
to start. "He seet
away." Also sat; "He seet him deawn," Seetn, they
sat. Segg, a
bullock; also a horny skin on foot or hand. Seign, seven; seignpence, sevenpence.
Seln, self. Sen, the say; "They see he didno." Senno, say you. Sennis, sinews. Sennigroon, sinews stiffened,
immoveable. Sennit, seven night, a week. Ses, or Sez, says: "He ses," "They sedn;" Sesto? sayest
thou? Sestoso?
savest thou so? Sestonoso? sayest thou not so. Setter, an issue on
cattle. Sett, a
party, a gang; "Th' Boelee sett." "Th' Birkle sett." Sewr, sure; "Aye
for sewr is it," for a certainty. Shadd, or Shedd, over did, excelled; "That shadd
o;" that
exceeded all. Shaffle, to shuffle, to evade; "Whot arto
abeawt?" Shaffledurt, a shuffling person. Shallha, shall
have; shalli, shall I: Shalto, shalt thou: Shaltono, shalt thou not: Sholl is frequently used. Sitter, an old
pester'd sore.
Shammock, one who is awkward,
shamefaced. Shammockin, bungling, confused, abashed. Shan, shall; Shanno, shall not: Shannodoo, shall not
do. Shankle, to
shuffle about, to dangle after. "Whot arto
shanklin after hur for? "Theaw needsno ston
shanklin theer." Shantledurt, a shaffling fellow. Shap, shape; Shappin, shaping; Shapt, shaped. Shapn, they shape. Shapnt, they did
shape; also to offer, or to set about
doing, a thing, as "Come, arto not for shappin?" art thou
not for setting about thy work? or thy
journey? Shap-ashes, corrupted from sheep-washes, at
Oldham Sharn,
dung; Sharnyvoor, corrupted from
Sharnyford, near
Bacup. Shawme,
shame; Shawmt, shamed. Shawmin,
shaming. Shawmtn, they shamed. Shay, Shaw, in
Shay-side, a place near Shaw; Shayforth, a place near
Rochdale. Shedd,
spilled; Shedds, spills; Sheddn, they spill; Sheddnt, they spilled. Shedd, or Shadd, surpassed, exceeded; "That shedds
o." Sheddum,
exceeding: "That's sheddum." Sheed, to spill; Sheedin, spilling; Sheedn, they spill; Sheednt, they spilled. Sheer, clear,
entire, through. Shepster, a starling. Sherrs, shears;
also he shears, he reaps. Sherrin, shearing. Sherrd, shorn; Sherdn, they sheared; Sherrers,
shearers. Sheawt, to shout. Sheawtin,
shouting. Sheawtnt, they shouted. Shilder, or Shilther, shoulder; Shilders, shoulders. Shilderin,
shouldering. Shildertn, they shoulder. Shippn, a
cow-house. Shire, or Shoyer, fully, entirely, to the extent.
Shoave, or Sheave, or Shoove, to push against, or
thrust aside. Shirl, shrill. Shitter, to purge. Shog, to jog, to go
uneasily. Shon,
or Shan, shall. Shonno, shall
not. Shollno,
shall not. Sholtno, shalt not. Shollto? shalt
thou? Sholltono,
shalt thou not. Shollst, shallst. Shoo, a shovel:
also a shoe; Shool, to shovel. Shoolin, or Shooin, shovelling; Shoolt, shovelled; Shooltn, they shovelled. Shoods, the husks
of grain; Shuyds, the same; Shudes, the
same. Shoon,
shoes; Shuyn, the same, chiefly near
Todmorden. Shoother, or Shilder, shoulder; Shootherin,
shouldering. Shoothertn, they shouldered. Shough, a shoe to
wear. Shover, Sholver, a place near Oldham; Shover-moor, at
the same place. Shoyne, to shine.
Shoyney, shiney; Shoynin, shining; Shoyner, shiner; Shoynt, shone. Shoyntn, they shone. Shoyve, or Shive, a slice: "Cut a good shoyve." Shover-oer, over,
entirely, over bounds, over the whole
shire. Shreawd,
a shroud. Shreawlt, withered, shrivelled. Shu, a noise to
frighten poultry or birds: "Shu sed one; Shu
sed anothe."—T. Bobbin. Shuin, frightning,
driving. Shud,
should; Shudto? shouldest thou? Shudtono, or Shudsttono, shouldest thou not? Shunt, to give way:
to move from a place. Shuntn, they give way. Shuntnt, they gave
way. Shurt, a
shirt; Sark, the same. Shutter, to slip,
to slide down; Shuttert, slipped. Shutterin,
slipping. Shuttern, they slip. Shuttertn, they
slipped; rm. gutter. Shuz, or Chez, whichever. "Shuz which theaw
Sib, relating to, akin (obs.) Side, deep, long: a curtain or garment is
said beside, when
it hangs: also the side of a thing, or the side of a
party: "Whot side is he on?" Sidle, to hang aside: to be ready for
either side, or both
sides: to wait for events: also to follow a lass
bashfully and and secretly: "he's sidlin after hur." Sidelin, shuffling,
hesitating; Sidlt, shuffled, waited. Lord
Stanley sidlt, when he stood aside with
forces previous to the battle of Bosworth. That was a
remarkable specimen of sidelin. Sigh, the sound of heavy rain, with wind:
"Heaw it
sighs an rains;" also to pour liquor through a
sieve. Sike, or
Syke, a gutter. Sillabeawk, a rich
cake used at weddings. Sillabub, a rich posset, or spiced ale,
produced at
weddings by the bride's friends before going to
Simmeh, see me. Simlin, or Symlin, or Cymblin, or Simblin, a rich cake of a
peculiar shape, chiefly produced at Bury, in
South Lancashire, and commonly presented to
guests on Midlent Sunday, called from that
circumstance Symblin Sunday; Anglo-Saxon,
Simble, a feast. Sin, seen; rm.
in: "Aw sin him." Sinn, since: "It's a week sinn." Singlet, a waist
coat, a man's vest. Sink, a drain, a gutter. Sink-durt, the mud
of a sink. Sitch, such; Sitchun, such an one. Sitter, a festered
sore. Sivv, a
sieve. Size, a
kind of paste to stiffen woollen and cotton
warps. Skail, to
stir, to potter, to let out, as "skail th' foyer," stir the
fire. Skam, did
skim or take off. Skeawl, or Sceawl, to scour, to frown. Skeawlin,
scouling. Skeawlt, scoured.
Skeawln, they scoul. Skeawltn, they
scouled. Skillit, a small pan. Skellut, crooked,
awry. Skeawr, to
scour; Skeawrin, scouring; Skeawrt,
scoured; Skeawrn, they scour; Skeawrtn, they
scoured. Skelter, to run or ride at great speed:
galloping recklessly, with only a halter to guide the
horse. Skenn, to
squint; Skennin, squinting; Skend,
squinted; Skend, they squint; Skednt, they
squinted. Skift,
to shift, to remove. Skiftin, shifting. Skifted,
shifted. Skiftn,
they shift. Skiftnt, they shifted. Skirmidge,
skirmish. Skirmidgin, skirmishing. Skirmidgn, they
skirmish. Skirmidgnt, they skirmished. Skode, or Scode, scald. Skodin, scalding. Skoded, scalded, Skodn, they
scald. Skodnt,
they scalded. Skode, or Scode-yed, scald head.
Skoo, or Schoo,
school. Skooin,
schooling. Skood, schooled. Skoon, they school. Skoodn, they
schooled. Skrike, to shriek. Skrikin,
shrieking. Skrikt, shrieked. Shrickn, they
shriek. Skriknt,
they shrieked. Skrike o' day, break of day; Day-skrike, daybreak. Skriev, to froth at
the mouth after death. Skrievt, frothed. Skryem, to
scream. Skryemin, screaming. Shryempt,
screamed. Skryemptn, they screamed. Scuse, or Scuse, excuse, palliation. Skutter, to run in
haste and terror: "He skuttert away."
"They skuttertn off sharply." Skyoy, the sky. Skyoyme, or Skime, to be distant, indifferent,
disrespectfully cool in manner and conversation.
Over-dressed and under-taught ladies, often
evince their superiority by skymin, and a very
natural way it is, for those who have none other.
Gentlemen also, or persons so called, have been
known to skyme in company of worse clad but
better hearted men; and "ministers" of religion are
sometimes known to exhibit this sort of distance
keeping, especially if a lady happen to set the
Skyoyme, to be sickly, squeamish of food,
indifferent in manner; Skyoymous,
affected. Skyoymin, acting affectedly,
squeamishly. Skyoymt, skyoymed. Skyoymn, they
skyoyme. Skyoymtn, they skyoymed. Slack, a hollow
place, a small valley. Slaigh, sloes, berries of the black
thorn. Sleawgh,
the same. Slaik,
to lick with the tongue, to daub with slaver, to
fawn. Slap, a
smack, a blow with the open hand. Slank, soft, flexible.
Slatt, to spill, to shed, to splash; Slatt, splashed;
Slattin, splashing; Slattn, they
splash; Slattnt, they
splashed. Slattert, spilled, shed. Slaunches, a place
near Rochdale. Slaver, slime of the mouth. Sleawm, to
slumber. Sleawmin, slumbering. Sleawms,
slumbers. Sleawmt, slumbered. Sleawmn, they
slumber. Sleawmtn, they slumbered. Sleawtch, slouch,
to bend down: Sleawtchin bending; Sleawtcht, slouched; Sleawtchin, slouching; Sleawchn, they slouch; Sleawtchnt, they
slouched. Sleck,
the smallest pit coal: also to slake, to quench; Slect, quenched; Sleckin, quenching. Sleckn, they
quench. Slecknt,
they quenched. Sled, a carriage without wheels, a
sledge. Sleet,
snow and rain. Sleety, given to sleet. Sleeveliss,
purposeless, ineffectual.
Sleeveliss-arnt, an
errand to no purpose, not likely to
succeed. Slice,
a flat bit of wood used in the stirring of porridge or
broth: a porridge slice: also a slice of bacon or
other meat. Slift, to slide, to shift. Slifter, a thing to
slide. Slifterin, sliding in a groove. Slicken, slack,
pliant. Slim,
slender, light, pliable. Slivvin, a number of hanks of yarn. Slaunt,
inscincerity, scornful praise, pretension. Slob, slutch,
mire. Slobby,
miry, splashy. Slont, to slant, to lean. Slontin,
slanting. Slooar, to grasp (obs.) Sloode, the track of wheels (obs.) Sloppery, dirty,
miry. Slot, a
slit, a slide for a thing to move in. Slotch, a gluttonous, drunken clown; Slotchin,
gobbling, wallowing. Slotcht, wallowed to bursting: "He slotcht
it, didno
Slowtter, slaughter. Slowtterin,
slaughtering. Slowttert, slaughtered. Slowttern, they
slaughter. Slowttertn, they slaughtered. Slovn, or Sloven, split, cloven; Slovent, cleft, also they
cleft; Slovnin, cleaving. Sloven'n, they
cleave. Sloyther, to loiter, to be idle; Sloytherin, loitering; Sloythert, loitered. Sloythern, they
loiter. Sloythertn, they loitered. Slummer, to
slumber. Slummerin, slumbering. Slummert,
slumbered. Slummern, they slumber. Slummertn, they
slumbered. Slurr, to slide; Slurrin, sliding; Slurn, they slide; Slurdn, they did slide. Slutch, mud,
sludge. Slutchy,
muddy. Slyet, to
encourage, to excite, to set a dog at a person. "Why
didto slyet th' dhog at him?" Slyetin, exciting, encouraging; Slyetn, they excite.
Slyetnt, they excited. Slatt, excited,
plashed. Smash,
to break to pieces. Smashin, crashing to
pieces; Smasht, broken. Smashn, they break. Smashnt, they
broke. Smatch,
an incipient disorder, as, "a smatch ov fever"
means inclined to fever. Smeawtch, a kiss. Smeawtchin,
kissing. Smeawtchn, they kiss. Smeawtchnt, they
kissed. Smeln,
they smell. Smeltn, they smelled. Smit, or Smut, a spot. Smitty flecky, spotted. Smo, small; Smoer, smaller; Smoist, smallest. Smock, a woman's
shift. Smock-fac't, white faced. Smook, to smoke. Smookin,
smoking. Smookt,
smoked. Smookn,
they smoke. Smooknt, they smoked. Smoor, to
smother. Smoorin, smothering. Smoort,
smothered. Smoorn, they smother. Smoortn, they
smothered. Smoot, smooth. Smooter, smoother.
Smootist, smoothest. Smudge, a stink. Smudgy,
stinking. Snape,
or Sneype, to check, to reprimand: " He
sneypt em,"
he reproved them. Snaffle, to speak through the nose;
Snaffln, they
snaffle; Snaffltn, they snaffled. Sneck, a string to
pull up the latch of a door. Sneeze, snuff: also to sneeze or neeze,
from taking
snuff; Sneeze-hurn, a horn to hold
snuff. Sniddle,
long grass or stubble. Snidge, a greedy, sordid, good-for-nothing
person. Snidgy,
shabby, mean. Snift, a moment: "It's dun in a snift;"
also to sniff at the
nose. Snig, an
eel, also to snatch a thing: "He snig'd it
fromeh," he snatcht it from me. Snifter, to whimper, to cry; Snifterin, crying. Sniftert, cried. Sniftern, they
cry. Sniftertn,
they cried.
Snifterin-fellow, a pitiful fellow. Snip, to break off
a small piece; Snipt, broken. Snippin,
breaking. Sniptn, they break. Sniptnt, they
broke. Snite, to
blow the nose. Snittn, having blown the nose; Snit, a discharge from the
nose. Snob, a
shoemaker, or rather a cobler, a patcher, an
underworker. Snoblint, snow-blind, short sighted. Snod, smooth,
sleek, and snug. Snoode, a fillet to tie up a woman's hair.
(obs.) Snook, to smell, to go prying about other
affairs. Snoor,
to snore in sleep. Snoorin, snoring. Snoort, snored. Snoorn, they
snore. Snoortn,
they snored. Snot, mucus of the brain. Snotter, to
discharge snot. Snooze, a slumber, a doze. Snoozin, dozing; Snoozt, dozed; Snoozn, they doze; Snooztn, they dozed.
Snub, to check, to reprove. Snubbin,
reprehending, huffing contemtuously. Snubbd, huffed. Snubbn, they huff. Snubbnt, they huffed. Snuddle, to lie close
together, to cuddle. Snuft, to snuff up the nose. Snuftin, smelling,
snuffing. Sny, to
indicate dislike, or indifference, by look or
manner; to be squeamish or delicate in food. Thus a
good dame would say to her young and over-
indulged boy, or to her tea-loving daughter,
"Come, getthe brekfust ettn, an dunno sit snyin
theer. Thoose porritch, awm sure, ar good enoof for
ony lady or gentlemon i'th lond, an ivth, arno' good
enoof forthee, theaw mungoo beawt, that's
o'." Soe, to sew;
Soin, sewing. Sone, sewn; Sodn,
they sewed; also to sow grain. Sogg, heavy clumsy blow or push; Sogger, a blow or push
that sickens, that hurts grievously.
Sokkn, soaked,
saturated. Soltch,
a heavy fall. Soltcht, fell heavily. Soltcht, they fall.
Soltchnt, they
fell. Sond, sand;
Sondy, sandy. Sonded, sanded. Soont, sand; Soont-hole, a place near Rochdale. Soo, a sow, a pig.
Soo, to sigh, to
moan. Sooin,
sighing, moaning of the wind: noise of distant
waters; Sood, moaned; Soon, they moan; Soodn,
moaned. Sooly,
grimy, unwashed. Soolier, more sooly. Soolyist, most sooly.
Soople, a supple,
a stick of teazle or ash; a twisted
sprout, by means of which blacksmiths hold their
chissels or punches whilst they cut or indent hot or
cold iron; also a description of thrown silk. Soor, sore; Soory, sorry. Sooryer, more sorry. Sooryist, most sorry.
Sope, a sup, a
small draught. Soss, to plump down on a seat.
Sossin, lounging, idling. So't, so it: "An so't
wur dunwi," and so it was done
with. Sot, sat; Sotten, seated. Sow, the head. Sowd, sold; Sowdn, we or they sold. Sowgh, to sigh; Sowght, sighed; Sowghn, we, or they
sigh. Soyl, soil;
also to soil, to make unclean; Soylt,
soiled; Soylin, sailing spotting; Soyln, they soil; Soyltn, they
soiled. Soyne, or
Sooyne, soon. Soyner, sooner. Soynist ,soonest. Spade-graft, a spade-depth: to delve, a
spade deep. Spank,
to provoke. Spankin, provoking; also dashing: "He's a
felley." Spare,
thin, slender: "He's very spare," he's very
slender. Sparrow-bills, short nails used by
shoemakers. Sparth, a place near Rochdale. Speawt, a spout, also
to harangue.
Speawting, spouting. Speawted, spouted. Speawtn, they
spout. Speawtnt,
they spouted. Speek, he spoke. Speekn, they spoke. Spokkn, spoken. Speer, or Spier, a boarded partition betwixt the
door and
the fire of a cottage, to keep the wind off. Spelk, a splinter
of wood used to keep a broken limb in its
proper position; Spelkt, bound with
spelks and
tape. Spelkin,
applying spelks. Spelkn, they spelk. Spelknt, they
spelked. Sperr,
to enquire. Sperrin, enquiring. Sperrd,
enquired. Sperrn, they enquire. Sperrdn, they
enquired. Splinter, a piece, a fragment. Splutter, hurry,
confusion. Spinthreed, a place near Rochdale. Spod or Spodden, a stream in Spotland, near
Rochdale. Spoe,
a spaw, a mineral spring.
Spoke, a stave of a
carriage wheel. Spokes, staves. Spokn, spoken. Spon, a span; also to span. Sponnin,
spanning. Spond,
spanned. Spondn,
they spanned. Spon-new, quite new. Spone, spawn. Spon't, spawned. Sponein,
spawning. Spon'n, they spawn. Spontn, they
spawned. Spoos,
spools, bobbins for weavers. Spote, he or she spat.
Spoyl, to spoil; Spoylin, spoiling; Spoylt, spoiled; Spoyln, they spoil. Spoyltn, they
spoiled. Sprad,
was spread; also did spread. Spreawt, to sprout, to bud, also a
sprout. Spreawtin, sprouting. Spreawted,
sprouted. Spreawtn, they sprout. Spreawtnt, they
sprouted. Sprit,
to vegetate, to sprout; Sprittin,
sprouting; Spritt,
sprouted. Spritn, they sprout. Spritnt, they
sprouted. Sprod,
to spread, to swagger; Sproddin,
swaggering; Sprodd, swaggered. Sprodn,
they swagger. Sprodnt, they swaggered. Sprote, to brag, to
amplify, to display; Sprotin,
bragging; Sproted, bragged; Sprotn, they brag. Sprotnt, they
bragged. Sproze,
to talk big, to swagger; Sprozin, self
exalting; Sprort, self exalted; Sproze, they sproze; Sproznt, they
Spudd, a gush of water. Sputter, to
stutter, in an angry confused manner. Sputterin, stuttering. Sputtert,
stuttered. Sputtern, they stutter. Sputtertn, they
stuttered. Spwort, sport; Spwortin, sporting; Spworted, sported; Spwortn, they sport; Spwortnt, they sported. Spyek, to speak,
also spoke; Spyekin, speaking; Spyekn'n, they speak; Spyeknt, they spoke. Stadles, marks of
the small pox. Stakehill, near Middleton. Stail, or
Steyle, a handle to a vessel or tool. Stang, a pole; Stangin, carrying hay to the barn on
poles; Stangd, carried on poles; Stang, to carry on
poles; Stangn, they carryon poles; Stangnt, they
carried on poles. Stang, it stung. Stanniel, a
hawk. Stannicliffe, near Middleton. |
Stark, utterly, entirely, as, "stark mad,
stark naked;" also
to be, stiff and sore from over exertion, as, "Awm
stark wi wawkin." Starkn, to
stiffen; Starknt, stiffened. Star't, stared; Starin, staring; Starn, they stare. Startn, they
"Byth mass heaw they star't, When aw geet toth' Mumps; "Meh owd hat imeh hoot, An meh chlogs full o'stumps."
Stawk, a stalk: also to stride; Stawkin, striding; Stawkt, stridden. Stawkn, they
stride. Stawknt,
they strode. Stawp, to step clumsily. Stawmp, the
Stawmpin, stamping. Stawter, to totter,
to stumble; Stawtert, tottered. Stawtern, they
totter. Stawtertn, they tottered. Steawk, a stalk, a
handle. Steawp,
to stoop. Steawpin, stooping. Steawpt,
stooped. Steawpn, they stoop. Steawpnt, they
stooped. Steawp an
reawp, a clearing off; a going through with a
thing: "He's taen o' at they hadn, steawp an
reawp." Steawnd,
to astound. Steawnded, astounded. Steawt, stout. Steep, rennet, the
juice of a calf's maw. Steigh, a ladder, also a stile. Stiddy, steady,
also an anvil. Stickle, to stand up for a cause, to
adhere, to reiterate; Sticklt, stood up, abided by; Stickln, they stickle; Stickltn, they stiekled. Stickle-butt, to
persist right or wrong; to go head first at a
thing. Stirk, a
young beast. Stoe, to stop, to be set fast.
Sto'd, stopped. Stoin, stopping. Sto'n, they stop. Stodn, they
stopped. Ston,
or Stond, stand. Stonnin, or Stondin, standing. Stone-smatch, a
red-start. Stoode, stood. Stoodn, they stood. Stoo, a low seat, a
three legged stool. Stoop, and Stud, a stump, a post to protect foot
roads, and
passages in fields. Stottar, to stagger. Stottart,
staggered. Stotterin, staggering. Stottern, they
stagger. Stottertn, they staggered. Stown, stolen. Strangeways, a
place near Manchester. Stracklin, a rash, giddy person. Stract, distracted,
phrenzied. Straunge, strange. Street-bridge, a
place near Royton. Streng, string. Strey, straw. Strey berry, strawberry, pl. the same. Strike, two pecks [Ed. "peck" - a British imperial
capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 2 gallons]
Strikle, a flat piece of wood to mete corn
in the
measure. Strinkle, to sprinkle. Strines, handles of
a barrow, sides of a ladder. Stroddle, to straddle. Strodlin,
stradling. Stroddln, they straddle. Stroddltn, they
straddled. Stroke, he struck. Strokn, they
struck. Strollop, an untidy female. Strollops, rags,
tatters, dirt: "Theaw great strollops;" Strollopin, gadding about all strollops. Strowl, to
stroll. Strowlin, strolling. Strowlt,
strolled. Strowln, they stroll. Strowltn, they
strolled. Strung, strong; Strunk, the same. Strushon, waste. Strushons,
wastefulness. Stryem, stream. Stryemin, streaming. Stryemin,
streamed. Stryemn, they stream. Stryemtn, they
streamed. Stub,
a short stump. Stumpy, short, dumpy.
Stunnish, to stun: also to sprain a
joint. Stunnisht, stunned. Stuunishin,
stunning. Stunnishn, they stun. Stunnishnt, they
stunned. Stur,
stir; Sturrin, stirring; Stur, stirred. Sturn, they stir. Sturdn, they
stirred. Stutt,
to stutter. Stuttin, stuttering. Stutted,
stuttered. Stuttn, they stutter. Stuttnt, they
stuttered. Styek, a steak; also to stake a wager. Styem, steam. Styemin,
steaming. Styemt, steamed. Styemn, they steam. Styemtn, they
steamed. Sulky,
sullen, ill tempered. Sum, some. Summut, somewhat. Sumthin,
something. Sumdy, somebody. Sumheaw, somehow. Sumgate, some
manner. Sunk, a
song: "Come, givus a sunk." Sunkn, sunk, put down. Sur, sir. Suse, six. Suss, come hither
to a dog. Suss-middin, a lazy woman, too idle to move
from her
Swab, to swoon. Swabbin, swooning. Swabd, swooned. Swabn, they
swoon. Swabnt,
they swooned. Swad, a husk. Swaddy, husky. Swadlins, wrappers and clothes for
infants. Swage,
to assuage, to mitigate. Swailor, a wholesale corn or provision
dealer. Swarfy,
dun, dark coloured. Swathe, or Swaith, grass put aside by the scythe of
mower. Swathe-bawk, to leave grass uncut, in the
sweep of the
scythe. Swat,
past tense of sweat. Swatch, a patch, a fragment; Swatches, patches. Swattle, to dabble,
to waste. Swatter, the same. Sweel, a great
blaze. Sweelin,
burning, blazing. Sweeling th'
moors; Sweelin th' chimly. Swelt, to melt with
heat. Swelted,
melted. Sweltin,
melting. Sweltert, melted. Swelterin,
Sweltern, they melt. Sweltertn, they
melted. Swet, to
sweat. Swettin,
sweating. Swetted, sweated. Swetn, they
sweat. Swetnt,
they sweated. Swilk, to splash, to spill out of a
vessel. Swilkin,
spilling. Swilkt, spilled. Swilkn, they spill. Swilknt, they
spilled. Swill,
to drink, to guzzle, also to rince, to wash out a
vessel, Swillin,
drinking. Swilld, drank. Swilln, they drink. Swilldn, they
drank. Swillins,
hog's meat. Swingin, waving to and fro suspended. Swingin-sticks,
hazle rods to beat or batt wool. Swingle, a stretcher to a plough. Swingein, big,
heavy. "A swingein piece of beef," (a term
rather local.) Swinhert, a swineherd. Swipper, active,
lithe, agile. Swipperly, actively: "He ran swipperly."
Swither, to dry up, to wither: also to
burn. Switherin,
burning. Swithn,
twisted, crooked, writhen. Swol, to fasten cattle in their boose; Swolt, fastened; Swollin, fastening. Swhop, soap. Swort, sort, also
the hyde of a pig; Swortin, sorting; Sworted, sorted. Sworter, sorter. Swortn, they sort. Swortnt, they
sorted. Sydda,
Siddal, near Middleton; Sydda-moor, near the
same, now inclosed. Sye, or Sie, to
drain milk or wort, through a sieve, also to
rain very fast: "It kept syin, and rainin. Syel, to seal. Syelin, sealing. Syelt, sealed. Syeln, they
seal. Syeltn,
they sealed. Syem, a seam; Syemster, a seamer, one who sews. Syemin, seaming. Syemt, seamed. Syemn, they
seam. Syemtn,
they seamed.
Syet, seat: Syeted, seated. Syetin, seating. Syetn, they seat. Syetnt, they
seated. Syez, to
seize; Syest, seized; Syezin, seizing. Syesn, they seize. Syestnt, they
seized. Syezen,
Ta, take; Ta'care, take care. Tae, take; Tae't, take it. Ta't, the same; Tak't, the same; Taen, taken. Tae't-the, take it thee. Tak, take; Tan, taken. Tan't, taken it. Tameh, take me. Tandle-hills, hills near Middleton. Tantrum, a fit of
impatience. Tarry, to stay, to remain at a place. Tarryin,
remaining. Tarrid, remained. Tarryn, they
remain. Tarridn,
they remained. Tat, that; Ta't, take it. Ta'tthe, take it thee. Tatchin, the end of
a cobbler's thread; Tatchins, ends of
threads. Tata,
or Tat-ha, a child's word for going out
"Gooin a
Taw, a game at marbles: also a favourite
marble used to
knuckle with. Tawk, talk; Tawkin, talking; Tawkt, talked. Tawkn, they talk Tawknt, they talked. Tawm, to tame. Tawmin, taming. Tawmt, tamed. Tawmn, they
tame. Tawmtn,
they tamed. Tawm, Tome, or
Toom, to swoon; also a belching of
water from the mouth. Taylior, a tailor; also a family name. Teadn, they had. Tearn, they
were. Teastril ,
a person of slight character: also a small keg. T'eat, to eat:
"Nowt t'eat." Teaw, thou: "Wheer arteaw comn fro?" Teawe, in two, in
several pieces: "He pood it i'teawe." Teawin, teasing, persuading, urging. Teawn, a town. Teawil, a towel. Teawst, or Theawst, thou shalt.
Teawze, to tease. Teawzin,
teasing. Teawzt,
teased. Teawzn,
they tease. Teawznt, they teased. Teawzle, to tussle,
to pull about; Teawzlt, tussled. Teawzlin,
tussling. Teawzln, they tussle. Teawzltn, they
tussled. Tebb,
Edmund; Tebby, and Lebby, the same. Tedd, to turn hay in the field; Teddin, turning hay; Tedded, turned hay; Tedds, turns hay; Teddn, they
turn hay. Teddnt, they turned hay. Tee, thee, as,
"whot tee?" spoken contemtuously, or in
surprise: "Is tat tee?" rm. with,
see. Tee, to
tie; rm. with e'e. Teein, tying; Teed, tied. Teen, they tie; Teedn, they tied, also a rope, a band;
keaw-tee," a hair rope to bind the legs of cows
whilst they are being milked. Teer, to rend, to tear. Teerin, tearing; Teern, they tear; Teertn, they tore; also Teer, they are; Tearn, they were.
Teem, to pour; Teemin, pouring; Teems, pours. Teemn, they pour. Teemtn, they
poured. Teeny,
tiny, little, pettish, fretful. Tems, a sieve; Temd, poured out; Temdn, they
poured. Tennil,
a large basket. Tent, to watch, to guard. Tenter, a
watcher. Tentin,
watchin; Tents, watches; Tented, watched; Tentn, they watch; Tentnt, they watched. Tenters, wooden
frames formed of strong posts and
movable rails, which being fixed in a field, and
studded with tenterhooks, are used to stretch and dry
flannel pieces upon. Tenter-hook, a kind of nail with a hook at
the driving end,
whereby to hook flannels whilst they dry. Tenter-croft, a piece of land in which
tenter frames are
placed. Teytch,
teach. Teytchin,
teaching. Teytcht, taught.
Teytchn, they teach. Teytchnt, they
taught. Th',
abbreviation of thou or the. Th' Wilderniss, a place in Hopwood. Th' Yettns, the
Great and Little Heatons, near
Manchester. Th'
Gallows, name of a place near Milnrow. Tharcake, a cake
made from meal, treacle, and butter, and
used on the night of the fifth of November. That'll, that will:
"Tha'll doo." That'n, that way; Athatns, in that way. Thearn, they
were. Theaw,
thou; Theaws, thou has; Theawst, thou shalt; Theawrt, thou art. Theawll, thou
wilt. Theawm,
thumb. Theawmin,
thumbing. Theawm-screw, thumb-screw. Theawsun,
thousand. Thed,
theaw had: "Thed better not." Thefnicute, or Fefnicute, a sneaking,
Theegh, thigh. Thee er: there; "Thee-er, that'll doo." Theese, these; Tees, the same; Teesn, or Theesn, these han,
these have. Theydn, they had. Theym, them. Theyn, they have,
or they will. Theyrn, they wurn, they were. Thible, or Thibble, a bit of flat wood, about a foot
length, to stir porridge or furmetry with. Thin, than: rm. w.
in. Think,
thing: used contemptuously: "Whot sitch a
think as thee?" Thill, to draw in the shafts of a cart; Thill-hawse, the
shaft horse; Thillin, drawing in
shafts. Thilld,
drawn in shafts. Thilln, they draw in shafts. Thilldn, they drew
in shafts. Thisn, in this way: "Sithe, he dus't a
thisn." Thoddn,
sadden, doughy. Thoddn bread, doughy bread. Thoe, to thaw. Thoin, thawing. Thoad, thawed.
Thoan, thawn. Thooal, or Thoal, to afford, to put up with. Thooan, or Thoan, thawn, wet, damp. Thooant, thawed. Thong, a leathern
tie, or band; Thonk, the same. Thooze, or Thoose, those. Thoosn, those will. Thoosr, those
are. Thorpe, a
fold of houses near Royton. Thrang, Thrung,
Thrunk, throng, a crowd; also busy,
beset with affairs. "Dustono see heaw thrunk I am." Thrap-wife, a by
word: "As throng as Thrap-wife." Thrapt, or Thryept, disputed, denied, contended. Thrave, twenty-four
sheaves of corn. Thraw, to argue, to dispute. Threed, thread. Threedy,
thready. Threedneeld, thread-needle. Threed-mill,
inCrompton. Thrift, a pain in the hips or joints of the
incidental to young persons.
Thrimble, to
trifle, to hesitate, to crumble bread: "Whot
dusto ston thrimblin theer for?" Thrimmo, ill spun yarn. Throddy, short,
dumpy. Throe, a
forked stick, which is used by laying it across a
mug or tub, to support a sieve, whilst milk or
other liquid is drained through it. Throo, through. Throssle, throstle, a singing bird. Throtteen,
thirteen, (not generally used.) Throttle, to gripe the throat, to choak
with griping. Throttlin, choaking. Throttlt,
choaked. Throttln, they choak. Throttltn, they
choaked. Throyt,
throat; Throoat, in some localities. Thrum, the end of a
warp. Thrums,
ends. Thrut,
thrown. Thrutn,
they threw. Thrutch, to push, to shove, to press; Thrutchin,
pushing, pressing. Thrutcht, pushed. Thrutchn, they
Thrutchnt, they pushed. Thrutchins, the
last pressed whey, when cheese is
made. Thunner,
thunder. Thunner-bowt, thunderbolt; Thunnerin, thundering;
Thunnert, thundered; Thunners, it
thunders. Thurn,
a thorn. Thurston, or Thorston-fowd, in Unsworth. Thwack, a hard
blow, a sudden fall: "He fell thwack
o'th' floor." Thwang, a heavy fall, a blow, or a large
piece of meat: "He took a
thwangin lump." Thwite, to cut with a knife. Thwittle, a
wooden-hafted knife. Thwol, to thole, to afford, allow,
provide. Tickle-butt, headlong, impetuous: "He ran
tickle-butt." Tift, a state of good or bad condition for
performance of an undertaking: "He's sure to win; he's
i'very good tiff."
Tike, an overgrown
man or beast; a remarkable human or
brute: "He's a fine tike." Tilli, till I: "Tarry tilli come." Tillhoo, till she. Timmersum,
some-what timid. Tin, or Toyn,
rm. with in: to shut, to close: "Tin th'
dur," shut
the door; Tin'd, shut. Tinge, a tick, a
small red bug. Tis, this: "Whot tis article?" Ti, thy; Tine,
thine: "Iz tat ti tit?" "Iz tat tine?" Tit, a nag, a horse. Titherup, a hand
gallop. Titter,
to laugh; also a ring worm. Titty-meawse, titmouse, a bird. Tizeday, Tuesda
(nearly obs.) To, thou; as Wilto, wilt thou? Munto, must thou? Hasto, hast thou? Tone, the one, as,
"Th' tone on us mun dooit," the one of
us must do it. Tono, thou not; as, Ar tono? art thou not? Dartono?
darest thou not? Hastono? hast thou
Too, to, on the spot, in contact with; as,
"He went too em;"
"Put that dur too," shut that door. Tooart, toward. Tookn, pl. of
took. Aw took; we tookn. Toose, or Thoose, those. Toot, to pry; Tootin, prying; Toots, pries. Tooted, pryed. Tootn, they pry. Tootnt, they pryed. Tomorn,
tomorrow. Tord,
toward; Tort, the same. Tother, the
other. Tore, to
endeavour strenuously; Torin,
assiduously and faring hardly; Torin on,
contrive to exist by the hardest labour, and on the
barest means: "Aye poor things, they hanno a
greadly livin, theyn nobbut a torin on;" "Theyn a very
hard torin on." Tory-rory, hey-go-mad. Tow, toll; Towd, tolled. Towin, tolling; Town, they toll; Towdn, they tolled; also
Tow, to toll bells.
Towd, told, informed. Towdn, they
informed. Towf,
tough. Towffy,
toffy. Toynt,
shut, fastened. Toynin, shutting. "Toyne th' dur," shut the
door. Toyar, to
tire; Toyerin, tiring; Toyers, tires. Toyert, tired. Toyern, they tire. Toyertn, they
tired. Toyersum,
tiresome. Traips, to go on a useless errand; Traipsin, going
about uselessly, tiresomely. Tramp, a foot traveller. Tramps, travels on
foot. Trampin,
travelling on foot; Trampt, travelled on
foot; Trampn, they travel on foot. Trampnt, they
travelled on foot. Trashes, worn out shoes. Traunce, or Treawnce, a tedious walk, a roundabout
journey. Treawnce, to prosecute, to bring to
punishment: "Awll
treawnce the rascot." Treawt, a trout. Treddle, (Troedlas, cymraeg), traddle, part of a loom; Treddles, traddles; Treddlin, working the
Trest, a strong bench, a butcher's
block. Trewil, a
trowel. Trig, to
run at a measured pace; "He trig'd it nicely; He's
trig'd an gon off." Trindle, a wheel of a barrow; also to bowl
a hoop; Trindlin, bowling; Trindlt, bowled. Trindln, they bowl. Trindltn, they
bowled; also Trindle, a fringe, a ruff:
as a
trindlt shurt, a shirt with a ruffle at the breast. Trippit, a quarter
of a pound. Trot, to joke, to satirize, to provoke;
also to mystify, to
mislead by way of amusement to the trotter; Trottin, joking. Trotted, joked; Trottn, they joke; Trottnt, they trotted. In
the days of Pitt's wars, and paper money,
"Bowtn trotters" excited the curiosity, and the
caution also, of every stranger who stopped in the
Troves, a place in the township of
Castleton, near
Rochdale. Trub-smithy, on the road betwixt Middleton
Rochdale. The door of an old public house there is
supposed to be the spot where the unlucky
adventure of Tummus and his cawve took place; vide
and Meary. Tum, Tom; Red
Tum-nook, at Oldham. Tumd, slightly carded; tumd wool. Tunchil, (Celtic, a
circle) a place in Butterworth, near
Rochdale. Tung,
tongue. Tungs,
fire irons, tongs. Tung, or Tonge,
a township near Middleton. Tuppence, two pence. Turmit, a
turnip. Turney,
an attorney:
"Then he, being dresst, all in his
best, "An fittin
for a jurney, "Every body at he
met? "Took him to be a
turney." |
Tussle, or Teawzle, to struggle in play: to pull,
romp; also to have a bout at wrestling or fighting:
"Theydn a sharp tussle for it." Tuttle, an awkward person in shape and
manner. (obs.) Twaddle, gossip, silly prate; Twadlin, prating. Twaddlt, prated. Twaddles,
prates. Twaddln,
they prate. Twaddltn, they prated. Twain, two. Twattle, tattle. Twattlt,
tattled. Twattln, they tattle. Twattltn, they
tattled. Twindles, twins. Twindlin, a twin. Twindlt,
twin-born. Twinge, a shooting pain, a pang. Twinter, a year old
heifer. Twirl-poo, a whirlpool. Twitch, to pinch,
to nip. Twitch-clock, the black beetle; Twitchin, nipping; Twitcht, nipped. Twitcher, a nipper. Twitchn, they
nip. Twitchnt,
they nipped. Twitter, to titter, to laugh. Twitterin,
tittering. Twitters, titters. Twittern, they
titter. Twittertn, they tittered.
Twod, a toad. Twod-stump, the toadstool, a fungus; Twod-rudd, the
spawn of toads. Twos, or Tooas,
the toes. Twund,
twined. Twundn,
they twined. Twur, it was. Twurno, it was not. Twy, twice. Tyke, see Tike. Tyem, a team; Tyemster, driver of a team. Tyemin,
team-driving. Tyert, excrement. Tyesty, or Tyestyment, the New Testament. Tyez, to tease, to
importune, to annoy. Tyezin, teasing; Tyest, teased; Tyezer, teaser. Tyezn, they tease. Tyezin, they
Ullert, owlert, a young owl: "Come heer
theaw yung
ullert." Um,
and; 'Em, them. Un, one: "He's a
great un;" also, Un, and; "Un aw
went," and I went. Unkuth, or Uncuth, uncooth, uncommon: "It's a great
unkuth, to leet oyo." Unlaight, or Unleawght, unlaughed. Uphowd, or Ophowd, to uphold; Ophowdte, uphold
thee: "Awll ophowdte," I will uphold thee in it; Ophowdn, upholders; Ophowds, upholds; Ophowdnt, they upheld. Urchon, a hedge
hog. Ust, used;
Usn, they use. Ustn, they used. Uz, us. Uzzit, the letter Z.
Varment, vermin. Verra, very (used in some places only.) Varsal, universal;
"Varsal ward," universal world. View tree, yew tree. Voyce, the
voice. Vyel,
Waesme! woe is me. Waeny, tending to
wane, to diminish. Wake, a yearly feast; Rushbearing.
Wakes o'th' meawth, the extremities of
the lips, the
corners of the mouth. Waint, clever, stout. Waintly,
cleverly, thoroughly. Wakker, to tremble, to shiver. Wakkert,
trembled. Wakkers, trembles. Wakkerin,
trembling. Wakkern, they tremble. Wakkertn,
they trembled. Wallit, a wallet, a poke. Wam, a
place near Rochdale. Wamble, to stagger. Wambly,
faintly, weakly. Wap, to move quickly: "He wapt past;"
"Ave just
geet a wap on him;" also a process at law out of
the Wapentake Court. Warch, to ache; My heart warches, my
heart aches. Wharchin, aching. Warcht,
ached. Warchin, aching. Warchn,
they ache. Warchnt, they ached. Wardle, a
hamlet near Rochdale. Ward o' God, world of God, all the
world. Warr, worse.
Warr an wary, worse and worse. Warry, to
curse. Warrid, cursed. Warrin,
they curse. Warridn, they cursed. Warrittn,
Warrington; doubtless so named from its
being the centre or rallying point of many
bloody contests betwixt the Mercians and
Northumbrians during the Heptarchy, on the very
out-post of which latter kingdom, and on the
banks of the Mercy [Ed. Mersey?], it was, and
is situated. Wark, work. Warkin,
working. Warkt, worked. Warkmon,
workman. Warlock, a wizard. Warlockin, wild, gamesome play;
pranking, noisy
uproar. Thus a mother would call home her children,
at nightfall: "Come intoth heawse; whot
aryo rompin an warlookin theer for, at this
time oneet." Warlockt, ruffled, entangled,
involved; as a coil of
rope, a skein of thread: "Heaw's this rope gettn
warlockt athisn?" Warlock
knot, a hard knot in timber.
worst. Wastril, a good-for-nothing person:
"He's a
greadly wastril." Waughish, weary, sickly, faintly. Wawk, to
walk. Wawkin, walking, Wawker,
walker. Wawks, walks. Wawkn,
they walk. Wawknt, they walked. Wawk-mill, a fulling mill. Wawt, to
upset, to fall aside: "Th'cart wawted
intoth doytch;" "Th' owd felley wawted o' one
side." Wawve, to upset, to turn over, or to
put on one
side: "He took howd ont, an wawvt it o'er;"
"Just wawve that flag o' one side abit." Waybroad,
the herb plantain. Weal, to choose (obs.) Wear, to expend, to part with, to lay
out money:
"Mind heave theaw wears the brass."
woe-is me: an interjection of sorrow. Weawghin,
barking: "Th' dhog coom weawghin at meh
heels." Wean, or Whean, a strumpet, a quean. Weantly,
or Waintly, hearty, pretty
well: "Heaw arto
this mornin?" "Well, awm weantly, thank
yo." Weatur, water; Weatursheedins, a place at Oldham. Weatur-tawm, or tome, an efflux of
watery fluid from the
stomach, causing sickness and sometimes
fainting; Weatur-shaken, having an incontinence of
urine. Weawnd, to wound, also a wound;
wounded. Weawnds, wounds. Weawnder,
wounder. Weawndin, wounding. Weawndn,
they wound. Weawndnt, they wounded. Webster,
a weaver (nearly obs.) Week, to
kick; Weekin, the kicking of a
horse. Weeker, a kicker.
well; Pratty-weel, pretty
well. Weem, handy, convenient, ready: "It's
a very weem
tool;" "It's quite weem at hond." Ween, we
han, we have; also We win, we
will. Weedn, we hadn, we had. Weer, we
are. Weet, wet; also Wee't, with it: "Awst want summut
wee't," with it. Weetish, wettish. Weetn,
they wet. Weetnt, they wetted. Weld,
boiled; Weld-milk, boiled milk
(rarely used.) Welkin,
the firmament. Welley, or Wellne, well nigh, nearly. Wem, or
Weme, the belly. Wench, a
lass, a young girl; Wenchish,
girlish. Wenchin, seeking the company of a
wench. Wentn, we, or they went. Whake, or
Wake, to wakker, to
tremble. Whaw, why. Whean,
wheasand, the gullet. Wheawt,
to whistle. Wheawtin, whistling. Wheawted,
Wheawtn, we whistle. Wheawtnt,
we whistled. Wheer, where. Wheeze,
to make a noise in breathing. Wherken, to retch and choke from an
effort to get up
something from the gullet. Wherknt, having a momentary stoppage
in the
wind-pipe. Wherr, sour; "As seawer as wherr." Wherrit,
a box on the ear: "A good wherrit o'th yer." Wherry,
to laugh, to giggle; Wherryin,
Wherrid, laughed. Wherrin,
they laugh. Wherridn, they laughed. Whiff-wall, trifling words or deeds;
Whiffo-whaffo, the
same. Whimper, to cry, to whine. Whinney,
to neigh. Whinneyin, the neighing of a horse. Whinnid,
neighed. Whirlers, extra stocking legs, turned
down about the
ancles; hay-bands are sometimes worn as
Whirl-bwons, the round of the human
knee; but all
large bones of the thigh and leg are included in the
term; "Look at his great clumsy whirl-bwons." Whisky,
frisky, immodest. Whiskit, a basket; "Conyo lyend meh
mother yore
Yorshur whiskit?" Whisk-tail, a wanton female. Whitster,
a bleacher. Whitfeelt, a place in Crompton. Whit-brook, or Wood-brook, a stream in Thornham. Whom,
home. Whomly, homely. Whomsted,
homestead. Whon, a hone, a wetstone. Whor,
what; whot being chiefly used. Whooa, who; Whooas tat? who's that? Whooad, who
had? Whooall? who will? Whoo-op,
all over, finished, done for. Whots, or Whuts, oats. Whot,
what. Whots, what is. Whottn,
Whot-win, that is, what will:
"Whottn they
Whottle, what will. Whotted,
what would. Whottleto, whot wilt thou. "Whottleto
doo?" what wilt
thou do? Wi', abbreviation of with. Wichurt,
wet-shod. Wick, quick, alive. Wickin,
the mountain ash; the rowan. Wilcat, a wild cat, the pole-cat. Wimeh,
with me. Win, (rm. with in) will. Winno,
will not. Winnodoo, will not do. Winnotto,
will not thou? Winrows, rows, or coils of hay in
meadows. Witheawt, without. Wither,
swift, forcible. Witherin, large, powerful: "He's a
great witherin
felley." Wizzn, to pine, to waste. Wizznt,
pined, decayed; also to whine like a whelp:
"Whot's this dhog wizznin for?" Whod cake, or Whot-cake, oaten cake. Wofo,
woeful. Woisty, spacious, empty murky: as, "A
great woisty
Wolfstone, in Nadinwater, a boundary
betwixt the parishes of Rochdale, Middleton, and
Bury. Wonn, or Woan, to reside; Woans, lives, or dwells: "He
woans at CheIburn;" "He woant at yon
heawses." Wonst, once. Woo,
wool. Wooans, or Woans, lives at a certain place. Wooant,
lived. Wooann, they live. Wooantn,
they lived. Woode, mad; Stark woode, stark mad. Worr, or
Whor, what; also Worr, worse. Worr
an worr, worse and worse. Worch, to
work. Worchin, working. Worcher,
a worker. Worcht, worked. Worchn,
they work. Worchnt, they worked. Word, to
hoard. Wordin, hoarding. Worder, a
hoarder. Worded, hoarded. Wordn,
they hoard. Wordnt, they hoarded.
Worse, hoarse. Worsniss,
hoarseness. Wort, a word: "Let's have a wort
withe?" also new
liquor drained from malt. Wott, hot; Wot-ter, hotter; Wot-ist, hottest. Wotony, a
dilemma; a surprise, an urgency: "Well,
takthe time, an dunno be isitch a wotony. " Wotyel, a
spindle made red-hot to burn holes in wood or other hard
substance. Waugh, a wall; Waw, the same. Wrack,
wreck; Wrack-an-rend, to wreck
and tear, to
destroy. Wrang, and Wrank, wrong; Reet-wrank, quite wrong. Wrakin, a
wrekin, a chimney, a reekin place. Wrakin-hook, a hook fixed to a chain
in a chimney,
whereon to hang iron pots when over the fire. A
pot-hook is a wrakin-hook.
Wratch, a
wretch. Wrawl, a brawl, a noisy contention. Wreet, a
wright, a wheelwright. Wrossle, or Wrostle, to wrestle. Wrosslin,
wrestling. Wrossler, a wrestler. Wrosslt,
wrestled. Wrossln, they wrestle. Wrossltn,
they wrestled. Wrynot, a bye-word: "He shad
(surpassed) Wrynot, an
Wrynot shad the devil." Wrythn, twisted, gnarled,
cross-tempered: "He's very
wrythn to day." Wudd, or Woode, mad. Wud,
would. Wudto? wouldest thou? Wudno,
would not. Wudtono? wouldst thou not? Wuerdle,
a hamlet near Rochdale. Wuns, or Woans, or Wooans, lives at a place: "He Wuns
at yon biggins." Also an abbreviation of the
word wounds, an old Papist oath, "Odds
Wuns," God's wounds.
Wur, was; Warn, we were; Wurno, was not. Wurnno,
were not. Wurto, avast thou? Wurtono,
vast thou not? Wurnnoyo, were you not? Wurther,
was there? Wurtherno, was there not. Wycawe, a
she calf. Wynd, to wind with a wheel. Wynder, a
winder of spools or bobbins for
"An when hoo toucht a threed o'
silk, "Like magic it wur folded.
* "An
when the worsted honk hoo wund, "Hur
skill wur further proved; "No threed uneven theer wur
fund, "Hur bobbins never
roved." |
Wynt, the
wind; Wynt-pipe, the
wind-pipe. Wythins, grey willows, osiers. Wyzles,
stalks, haulm of potatoes.
yellow. Yammer, to yearn, to desire
intensely. Yammerin, yearning. Yammers,
yearns. Yammert, yearned. Yammern,
they yearn. Yammertn, they yearned.
Yarb, a
herb; Yarbs, herbs. Yarbin,
herbing, gathering herbs; Yarber, a gatherer of
herbs; Yarbn, they gather
herbs. Yarbnt, they gathered herbs. Yark, to
strike hard, and suddenly. Yarley, early; Yarleyer, earlier; Yarleyist, earliest. Yarrey, a
variation of hury, hairy; also Yarrey,
acrid, strong flavoured. Yate, a gate, a movable fence; Lidyate, or gate, a
place in Saddleworth; Cut-yate, near Rochdale. Yawk, or
Yolk, an egg. Yean, to
bring forth. Yeanlin, a lamb just yeaned. Yealth,
health. Yealthy, healthy. Yeandurth
the forenoon. Year, hear: also a year in time;
Yeard, heard. Yerrin,
hearing; Yerd, heard;
Years, hears. Yearn,
they hear. Yerdn, they heard. Yearsto,
hearest thou? Yearstomi, hearest thou me? Yearsto, heardest thou?
Yerdtono, heardest thou
not? Yeardtomi,
heardest thou me?
Yernyo, hear you? Yearnyono, hearyou not? Yearnyomi, hear you me? Yearth,
the earth. Yebb, Edmund; Yebby, the same. Yebbors,
Ebors, at Middleton. Yed, head. Yed-mon,
head man. Yed-furst, head first. Yed-strung, head-strong. Yeddy,
heady. Yeddy-hill, Heady-hill, near
Heywood. Yed-warch, head ache. Yegger,
eager. Yeggerly, eagerly. Yel, to
heal; Yellin, healing; Yelt, healed; also Yel, an
awl; Wot-yel, an hot awl. Yelley,
Healey, a surname. Yelley-hoe, Healey-hall, near
Rochdale. Yellin, howling, screaming. Yells,
healds of a weaver's looms; Yells-Green, at
Chadderton. Yem, Edmund,
Yep, Heap, a township. Yep fowd,
Heap-fold. Yepsintle, two handfulls. Yearnst,
earnest. Yearnist, the same. Yearnstful, full of earnest. Yestmus,
Christmas. Yet, heat; Yetted, heated. Yeth,
heath, heather; also a common, a heath. Yethurt,
Edward. Yewood, Heywood, in Heap. Yez,
ease; Yezzy, easy. Yezzist,
easiest. Yezzily, easily. Yezins,
easeings, the eaves of a house. Yigh, yes. Yo, you;
Yoan, you have, or you will;
Yoadn, you
would; Yoarn, you were. Yoar, you
are; Yohanno, you have not;
Yoconno, you
cannot; Yodidno, you did not;
Yoshudno, you
should not.
Yomunno, you must not. Yodarno,
you dare not. Yometno, you might not. Yocudno,
you could not. Yoarno, you are not. Yowurnno,
you were not. Yomenno, you may not. Yowinno,
you will not. Yorshur, Yorkshire. Yorn,
yarn; Yorn-croft, a croft
wherein yarn is dried. Yort, a fold, a yard. Yoy,
yes. Yule, Christmas (nearly obs.) Yuletide,
Christmas time. Yugams, Cristmas games. Yugoads,
or gauds, Christmas ornaments, playthings. Yure,
hair; Yury, hairy. Yusterday, yesterday. Yusterneet, yesternight. Yunk, and
Yung, young. Yunger,
younger. Yungster, a
youngster. |