to Chapter 1.]
1850—1853 |
Men of all countries are brothers, and
the people of each ought to yield one another mutual aid, according to
their ability, like citizens of the same state.
(Robespierre) |
THE principles of the first Working
Tailors' Association were founded on a resolution which stated that
'individual selfishness, as embodied in the competitive system, lies at
the root of the evils under which English industry now suffers: the
remedy for the evils of competition lies in the brotherly and Christian
principle of Co-operation — that is, of joint work, with shared or
common profits.[1] At the commencement of the venture
everything went smoothly. Workrooms on the top floor, with offices and a
shop on the lower floors were fitted out, and the building opened for
business with twelve employees on 11 February 1850. Wages for the
workers soon compared favourably with those of other trades, averaging
24s per week. That month, Maurice published the first of a series of
eight Tracts on Christian Socialism which announced the term 'Christian
Socialism' to the public in which he presented, so he thought, his own
clear convictions on the subject. But his aims as interpreted by the
working class were misunderstood. In general, Christian Socialism was
taken to mean a restructuring of labour based on co-operation, joint
ownership and with increased power to the working class. Maurice's
ultimate intention, however, was through using these means, to
Christianise socialism by opposing the unsocial Christians and the
unchristian socialists.[2]
The early success of the Working Tailors' Association quickly prompted
workers in other trades to make application for membership. In the
following month Massey wrote to Leno suggesting that he should, at his
recommendation, move to London to take charge of a Working Printers'
Association, soon to be formed. Leno, following an interview with the
proposers, agreed, but preferred to remain as an operative rather than
be taken on as manager. His printing press was moved from Uxbridge and,
during the three years he was with this Association, Leno found that he
was able to provide them with much valuable service, as well as maintain
his active Chartist interests.[3]
John Bedford Leno 1826—1894. (The
Commonwealth, 6 October 1866)
Leno had supported George Julian Harney and his
Internationalism during the last stage of the Chartist
movement. He then involved himself with the Reform
League, becoming a member of the Executive Council. He
wrote prose and poetry, his published poems with social and
labour themes being highly regarded. Although
emotionally descriptive, he was not subject to over emotive
idealism that featured in many of Gerald Massey's poems.
See for example, his Herne's Oak (1853), Drury
Lane Lyrics (1868) and The Aftermath (1892). |
Despite much general approval for their venture from working class
journals, the Christian Socialists received a sharp attack from the
Daily News. Maurice and the new movement were criticised:
The case of the working tailors ... is ... to some extent, a remedial
one; provided, however, the sufferers do not allow themselves to fall
into the hands of persons who seek to turn their case into an
illustration that humanity and political economy are irreconcilable, and
to erect on their unfortunate workshops of Christian Socialism, as Mr
Maurice, of King's College, in the Strand, is pleased to term his
hostility to the principle of commercial competition, about which he
seems to know as much as it is to be presumed he does of single stitch.
Already there are attempts to connect the working tailors' case with the
teaching of the Communist doctrine . . .[4]
The promoters of the Christian Socialists with their high clerical
connections received visits from many upper class persons of distinction
who were desirous of seeing at first hand the practical work being
achieved by the associations. One day a messenger hastily entered the
Castle Street workshop informing the workers that the Bishop of Oxford
was downstairs, and intended to visit the operatives before he left.[5] This caused a great deal of excitement. Hasty preparations were made and
a guard was placed on the landing to inform the men of his lordship's
arrival. As the bishop started to climb the stairs to the workshops, the
warning was given. Walter Cooper entered the room followed by the
bishop, with Gerald Massey close behind. The workers heralded the
bishop's entrance with a hymn to the tune of 'Old Hundredth', although
the words, which differed considerably, fortunately escaped the Bishop's
Old Grimes, he's dead, the good old man,
We ne'er shall see him more;
He used to wear an old grey coat,
All buttoned down before. |
The Bishop beamed jovially at the earnest workers and said to Walter
Cooper, 'Well, now, Mr Cooper, this is really delightful, to see a
number of men while engaged at their work singing praises to the glory
of God. I am delighted at this spectacle!'[6]
Samuel Wilberforce, Bishop of Oxford. From a
Carte de Visite. |
From the time Massey left Uxbridge he had not ceased writing poetry,
some pieces continuing to be accepted by the Northern Star.
That had come to the attention of Maurice who wrote to Charles Kingsley
in February, 'Has Ludlow told you of our Chartist poet on Castle Street? He is not quite a Locke, but he has I think some real stuff in him. I
hope he will not be spoiled.'[7] It is probably this
remark which suggested to commentators of Alton Locke that Massey was
one of the main prototypes that formed Kingsley's model for this
character.[8] Although similarities have been noted
(see the letter from Massey to Samuel Smiles, Chapter 3), other
proposals for this role were made for Thomas Cooper, the most likely
candidate, or Walter Cooper, both of whom share early experiences
similar to Alton Locke. Although Alton Locke was not published until
August 1850, the book had been completed the previous spring, and there
is no evidence that Massey had made personal acquaintance with Kingsley
prior to commencing at Castle Street.
In the London radical literary sector, Massey and his paper had gained a
favourable reputation. The last issue of The Uxbridge Spirit of Freedom
contained an article by Massey in which he stated his views on the
middle class reformers. He considered that it was time to question the
Chartist leaders as to the direction they were heading, as he doubted
there were more than two of these who knew how they would apply
political reform to aid the poor:
It was the middle class reformers who obtained the Reform Bill, who
then became respectable monopolists and enemies of the unenfranchised. Had there been no Reform Bill, the workers might have had a government
built on Universal Suffrage, and it should be realised that a middle
class despotism is worse than the tyranny of feudalism. Whilst the
middle classes will precede us to power, they will not solve the problem
of labour. Even if we were on political equality, our interests would be
at issue immediately, for while they seek a political change in order
that they may prevent the coming social revolution, we work for a
political revolution, thereby to consummate the social one, which must
follow. If leaders stand in the way, they must be sacrificed at the
shrine of principles.[9]
Editors of more powerful radical papers were taking stock of Massey's
developing literary talent, in particular George Julian Harney of the
Northern Star and the Democratic Review. Harney was an excellent
journalist and a passionate supporter of internationalism. His
Democratic Review welcomed the opinions of, and articles by, foreign
revolutionaries such as Louis Blanc, Giuseppe Mazzini and Ledru Rollin.
Thomas Cooper, imprisoned in Stafford for two years
in 1843 for sedition and conspiracy, during which time he composed his
epic poem The Purgatory of Suicides, had commenced in January 1850 his most noted
contribution to radical journalism. Cooper's Journal: or, Unfettered
Thinker and Plain Speaker for Truth, Freedom, and Progress was published
weekly with a short break, until the following October. As well as being
a focus for Cooper's own series on a critical exegesis of Gospel history
following the Strauss mythical system, the journal included articles by
Thomas Shorter on education and association, and Samuel Kydd, a
prominent Chartist who dealt with industrial matters. In common with
journals of the time, space was given for original working-class poetry. Massey's first poem to be published in London following his arrival,
appeared in the second issue. ‘'Twas Christmas Eve!' contrasted the day
celebrated at a palace with that at a poor man's hovel, and was
characteristic of his socio-political stance:
'Twas Christmas Eve! In the palace, where Knavery
Crowns all the treasures the fair world can render;
Where spirits grow rusted in silkenest slavery,
And life is out—panted in golden—garbed splendour ...
Love—kisses sobbed out 'twixt the rollick and rout,
And Hope went forth reaping her long-promised treasure:
What matter, tho' hearts may be breaking without?
Their groans are unheard in the palace of Pleasure! ...
'Twas Christmas Eve; but the poor ones heard
No neighbourly welcome — no kind voice of kin!
They looked at each other, but spoke not a word,
While through cranny and crevice the sleet drifted in.
In a desolate corner, one, hunger-killed, lies!
And a mother's hot tears are the bosom-babe's food! ...
False Priests, dare ye say 'tis the will of your God,
(And veil Jesu's message in dark sophistry),
That these millions of paupers should bow to the sod! … |
Cooper's Journal published fourteen of Massey's social protest
but less overtly martial poems during its run, a notable exception being
the 'Song of the Red Republican':
Ay, tyrants, build your bulwarks! forge your fetters!
link your chains!
As brims your guilt-cup fuller, ours of grief runs to the
Still, as on Christ's brow, crowns of thorns for Freedom's
martyrs twine,
Still batten on live hearts, and madden o'er the hot
Murder men sleeping; or awake — torture them dumb with pain,
And tear with hands all bloody-red Mind's jewels from the
Your feet are on us, tyrants: strike, and hush Earth's wail
of sorrow!
Your sword of power, so red today, shall kiss the dust
to-morrow ... [10] |
'The Cry of the Unemployed' demonstrates another typically more socially
directed example:
There's honeyed fruit for bee and bird, with bloom laughs
out the tree:
There's food for all God's happy things; but none gives food
to me!
Earth decked with Plenty's garland-crown, smiles on my
aching eye:
The purse-proud, swathed in luxury, disdainful pass me by:
I've eager hands — I've earnest heart — but may not work for
God of the wretched, hear my prayer! I would that I were
dead! ... [11] |
Massey contributed only one article to Cooper's Journal. ‘Signs of
Progress' exhibited a style that he had developed during this early
period and illustrated so often in his poetry; a proselytising optimism
directed at the working class. At that time there were strong hopes of a
Chartist revival, and the radical papers kept up relentless pressure on
their readers to prepare them for that advent, as Massey demonstrated:
For it is in the dense ignorance which covers the people like a sea
of darkness, that Tyranny lets drop its anchors. Remove this, and its
mainstay is gone; and the King-craft, the Priest-craft, and the
State-craft shall be swept away by the rushing waves of Progress ... It
needs a high heart and never-tiring faith to bear up; but, let not your
hearts die within you, ye who toil on thro' nights of suffering and days
of pain, watering the bread of penury with the tears of misery … For
even as God said, ‘Let there be light'' and there was light; so let the
people say, ‘Let there be Freedom!' and there shall be Freedom. [12]
Prior to and following the 1848 revolutions in Europe, Harney had
supported the Hungarian, French, Italian and German refugees, and had
provided space for their opinions in his Democratic Review. In January
1850, to give further assistance to the cause of foreign democratic and
social progress, he enlarged the scope of his Society of Fraternal
Democrats that he had founded in 1845. The objects of this new
association were for the fraternity of nations, the abolition of stamp
duty on newspapers and the political emancipation of the working classes
through the Charter. The ‘diffusion of political and social knowledge
for the purpose of deliverance from the oppression of irresponsible
Capital and usurping Feudalism', would be promoted by meetings and
continued through Harney's Democratic Review.[13] This produced an immediate response from Massey's idealism, and he
joined with Harney, who was secretary to the association, to serve on
the committee for twelve months.
Soon after the association had been formed, the committee decided to
celebrate the ninety-second anniversary of the birth of Maximilian
Robespierre, the ‘Incorruptible'. A democratic social reformist and
revolutionary leader of the Jacobins in the French National Convention,
he had been guillotined in 1794. A special supper was arranged at the
John Street Institute on the 6 April 1850, to which members and friends
of the Fraternal Democrats were invited to attend. Many organisations
held that pattern of social event that provided the advantage of a large
meal with convivial companionship, during which they solidified their
members by declarations of future intent. Some seventy persons attended
the commemoration with Harney presiding, and many toasts and speeches
were given following the meal. Harney proposed ‘To the Sovereignty of
the People, and the Fraternity of all Nations', responded to by Citizen
G. W. M. Reynolds. Citizen Gerald Massey sang the English version of the
‘Marseillaise Hymn', and Citizens Reed and Massey responded to a speech
by a German exile. Massey concluded this with ‘To persecution and
martyrdom in the glorious cause of freedom'. Other toasts and responses
were made by Chartists Bronterre O'Brien (the health and prosperity of
the chairman, George Julian Harney), J. B. Leno (the memories of Paine
and Washington), and John Arnott, general secretary of the National
Charter Association (Prosperity to the Society of Fraternal Democrats,
and the Democratic Press).[14]
Very early that year in 1850, following his move to London, Massey had
been invited to a demonstration of clairvoyance which, together with
mesmerism and more physical phenomena, were attracting quite wide
interest since the publicity of the Fox sisters in America in 1848. This
young clairvoyant had the apparent ability to read while blindfolded,
and was able also to perceive the cause of some persons' illnesses, the
body appearing to her as translucent during that time. She visited
hospitals and, using her powers, assisted some doctors in their
diagnoses.[15] It was reported that she had
manifested this ability from the age of nine, following a head injury,
and had given demonstrations to the Earl of Carlyle, the Duke of Argyle,
Sir David Brewster and Charles Sumner, then Bishop of Winchester.[16]
Gerald Massey, Chartist, mid 1850's.
From Samuel Smiles' Brief Biographies, 1876. (Library
of Congress)
A faded carte de visite shows a similar picture, probably
from the same original source. |
Thomas Hughes (1822-96), English lawyer and
author. |
Massey at that time was handsome and eligible. Although short in stature
at five feet four inches, his brown hair worn long and brushed back,
with beard and moustache, a Grecian nose and blue eyes gave him a very
distinguished appearance. This chance acquaintance blossomed into love,
and on the 8 July, 1850, Rosina Jane Knowles, aged nineteen, was married
to Gerald Massey at All Souls' Church, St Marylebone, witnessed
by Walter Cooper and Thomas Hughes. Hughes was a valued member of the
Christian Socialists, and later the author of Tom Brown's Schooldays.
Rosina came originally from Bolton, Lancashire, where her father was a
boot and shoe maker in Independent Street, and the family had moved some
years earlier to 21 New Church Street, Marylebone. Although short-lived,
Rosina transformed the whole of Massey's philosophical conceptions which
he expressed so often in his lyric verse and, less fortunately,
re-orientated his mundane lifestyle for the next fifteen years. There is
no description of her physical appearance, but from indirect references
it may be assumed she was rather taller than her husband, of firm build,
with dark brown hair, brown eyes and a pale complexion.
Immediately following her marriage, Rosina moved in with her husband at
55 Wells Street, off Oxford Street, where he shared lodgings with
Jeremire Jerome, a master tailor and his family. Jerome may have been
employed at the Castle Street workshops, or have been connected with
Thomas Jerome who kept a tailor's shop in Oxford Market, sited at that
time in a small area between Castle Street, Castle Street East, and
Great Titchfield Street.
The 1851 census return for 34 Castle Street
(the headquarters and workshops of the Working Tailors' Association)
shows that Walter Cooper, then aged 38, born in Aberdeen, was residing
there with his wife, Ann, aged 43 years. He is listed as ‘Manager of
Tailors' Association.' They had two sons and three daughters. Also
residing there was Massey's brother, Frederick, listed as a ‘Porter.' It
is likely that he left home to find work in London, and was staying
temporarily at Castle Street prior to finding his later occupation as a
ladies hatter. He married in 1854.

Oxford Market c. 1870.
Marriage did not decrease Massey's political activity, nor his
idealistic enthusiasm for co-operation. Indeed, he became more involved
with the events that were shaping themselves as the last breaths of
active Chartist protest. His first advertised but unreported public
lecture had been delivered on 21 April 1850 at the Institution, Golden
Lane, Barbican, on ‘The Poetry of Freedom and Progress'.[17] At the same time he was forming a closer association with Harney whose
developing socio-political plans most nearly approached his own ideals. Since 1848 there had been increasing ideological disharmony between
Harney and O'Connor. O'Connor was attempting to unite the Chartists with
the middle-class radicals to form a new National Charter League, to
which Harney became increasingly opposed. In order to force a decision,
Harney resigned from the provisional executive of the National Charter
Association and, following elections, won the day. Members of Harney's
Fraternal Democrats now dominated the executive, which decided to
reconstitute the Metropolitan District Council. At a meeting of the
provisional committee on the 19 March, following a speech by Harney,
Massey confirmed Harney's objectives concisely:
The Charter was very good, but we wanted something
with it — our social rights. The capitalists were the great bane and
curse of the nation. In 1848, kings and priests were kicking about, but
the capitalist could buy up both kings and priests. The remedy was
co-operation, Chartism and Socialism united. (Loud cheers.) They had
already established a tailors, a printers, a shoemakers, and a provision
store. (Loud cheers.)
Mr Massey concluded a highly poetical speech which elicited
hearty applause.[18]
Harney had only recently expanded his ideas that would, he hoped,
provide a new impetus in revitalising a flagging interest in active
Chartism. His call for ‘The Charter, and Something More' was first
announced in the Democratic Review in rather vague terms as meaning ‘The
Charter, the Land, and the organisation of Labour', the Land belonging
to all the people which, being the natural right of all, should be made
national property.[19] This call for ‘Something more'
was echoed continuously at subsequent Chartist meetings.
At the French elections of March and April 1850, six Red Republicans had
been returned at the Saône et Loire district with a great majority. To
celebrate their victory, the National Charter Association relinquished
their usual meeting at the John Street Institution in order to hold a
special gathering. To a large assembly Harney, Bronterre O'Brien, Walter
Cooper and others spoke in praise of the democrats of France. Massey
moved the first resolution that appealed to the French people to defend
their natural and constitutional rights by any and every means, and
The first French revolution had been a glorious work; it broke up the
feudal power of the aristocracy, and it had brought the people upon the
stage, to play, for the first time, an important part in the area of
history; they mounted the platform, and crowns fell down before them
like old Dagon before the ark. (Cheers.) ... There was suffering enough
in this country to make ten revolutions. Might made the right to
liberty, if they would but struggle and contend for it. (Prolonged
cheering.)[20] |
The Literary and Scientific Institution, 23 John
St., Fitzroy Square
(Illustrated London News 15 April 1848). |
The release of a number of
Chartists from prison that year was another occasion used
profitably to promote the Chartist cause. A meeting was
immediately convened by the provisional committee of the
National Charter Association, and was held at the John Street
Institution on 23 April 1850. Thirteen of the released Chartists
mounted the platform, and spirited addresses were made by
committee members, including Bronterre O'Brien and Harney. John James Bezer, one of the
late prisoners was introduced, and addressed the packed hall
amid loud cheering. Massey responded to an address by Walter
Cooper, and said in conclusion that:
Ernest Jones, a true poet of labour, had thought that
Englishmen would have been prepared for the revolution, but
misery and degradation had done their work. The people had
fallen a prey to priests, who preached of gods of wrath, and of
hells of torture as though they were the devil's own
salamanders. But the day would come when thrones and
aristocracies would no longer hang as millstones round their
necks. (Loud cheers.)[21]
John Arnott, general
secretary, then moved a resolution that punishment for the
expression of political sentiment was a gross violation of one
of the rights of the people, and that the people should labour
unceasingly for the liberation of their friends and for the
abrogation of those laws which denied the right of free public
discussion. Harney followed by reading a memorial addressed to
Sir George Grey, Queen Victoria's Home Secretary, appealing for
the release of the other Chartists imprisoned for expressing
their political beliefs. It was probably fortunate for the
future release of those Chartists that Queen Victoria's
ministers were unlikely to be reading Harney's Democratic
Review. In the July issue Harney referred to the birth of Prince
Arthur on 1 May, as ‘a royal burden' from which the Queen ‘had
condescendingly allowed herself, in her magnanimous deference to
a natural law, to be relieved.' The prince's christening on the
22 June, for which Prince Albert had composed a 'chorale',
suggested a new five verse rendering to Harney:
… O! who would grudge to squander gold
On such a glorious babe as this?
What though our babes are starved and cold,
have no claims to earthly bliss.
Ours are no mongrel German breed,
But English born and English bred;
Then let them live and die in need,
While the plump Coburg thing is fed …[22] |
The Christian Socialists at that time did not rely solely on
workshops to promote their ideas. Lectures were given by
members, particularly by Walter Cooper, and public meetings were
held to ensure that their principles became known to the
majority of the working-class. One such meeting was held at the
National Hall, Holborn, under the auspices of the Working Men's
Association, on 31 July 1850, when there was a large attendance
composed mainly of operative tailors.[23] Vansittart Neale, a resolute supporter of co-operation took the
chair and, with Ernest Jones
released from prison on 9 July,
together with Samuel Kydd, Walter Cooper and Gerald Massey as
speakers, it was shown the evils that were resulting from the
competitive system of society, and how these could be remedied
by association. Ernest Jones pointed out that despite increasing
mechanisation over the last eighty years and extending markets,
pauperism, crime and emigration had increased. Poor rates had
risen from one to eight millions and labour was shifting from
the shoulders of male adults to the shoulders of women and
children. This state of things, he said, resulted from the
mechanical power of the country being in the hands of
capitalists, who employed it for their own profit. The effort of
the people should be directed to the formation of
associative-working societies. He moved that competition be one
of the principal causes of the existing distress, and
recommended association to be the best remedy. Massey seconded,
and said that:
If the working classes of England had helped themselves
before, instead of trusting to the legislation of hereditary
imbeciles, they would not now occupy their wretched position.
(Hear, hear.) ... they ought no longer to be content to weave
splendid robes for titled lords and garb their own hearts in the
shrouds of misery. (Hear, hear.)
Walter Cooper called upon the working-classes to assist the
associations by becoming their customers, since co-operation
tended to increase the security and value of capital. As manager
of the Working Tailors' Association, Cooper was particularly
well suited to debate, lecture and write upon the conditions of
working tailors. Poverty stricken in childhood, he had
experienced the slop and sweating systems during his trade as a
tailor. When his first child was born, he had no bed,
bedclothes, food or fire in the room, and was working on a pair
of trousers for which he would receive seven-pence.[24] The condition of the journeyman tailors, male and female, had
received attention also at a meeting of master tailors at the
Freemasons' Tavern on 4 March when extreme cases of poverty and
social degradation were cited. A woman who worked in a slop shop
stated that she received sometimes only 4d for making a
waistcoat; a married man with three children was making a coat
which would take him twenty-six hours to complete and earn him
two shillings. Although he had another coat in hand to make,
this would take him two days, for which he would receive 3s 6d. Yet another worker and his daughter had a room nine feet by
eleven which had also to accommodate two young men and one young
woman, and serve as workroom and bedroom for them all.[25] An up to date statement of the Working Tailors' Association was
provided by Massey for the Leader, in October, when he announced
also that the terms of ‘master' and ‘employed' had been
abolished, and the workman was no longer a hireling. He
applauded the Daily News for working against them, as by doing
so they had helped by advertising their existence, thereby
increasing custom.[26]
On 22 June Harney, finally breaking with O'Connor over policy,
and having completed his notice of resignation from the Northern
Star, commenced his most famous radical unstamped paper, the
Republican. Through this new journal he aimed to provide a
strong political perspective and revive support for Chartism by
elaborating on his earlier ambition to obtain ‘The Charter and
Something More'. Due to falling sales he discontinued his
Democratic Review the following September, but sustained
publicity and aid for the European Democrats in the Red
Republican. The appropriately named title of Harney's new paper,
together with its contents and the fact that it was sold
unstamped, caused misgivings on the part of newsvendors. So much
that at the weekly meeting of the National Charter Association
on 6 August, it was commented that a ‘contemptible conspiracy'
existed among the newsvendors for the purpose of ‘burking' the
Red Republican. Also they opposed it because it was
calculated to bring royalty into contempt (hear, hear, and
laughter.) Bronterre O'Brien informed the meeting that he
was about to visit Manchester in order to agitate the doctrines
of the National Reform League in connection with Chartism.
Playing down the precept that kings and queens were denounced as
being the cause of the people's suffering, he asserted that the
upper and middle classes were the real cause, through their
monopoly of land and profits. (Hear, hear.)
Referring to a recent election at Lambeth where a Chartist was
returned, he pointed out that this person was returned by the
middle class, as he was a financial reformer and upholder of the
rights of capital. What was required was extensive
organisation to endeavour to secure a large number of Chartist
representatives at the next general election. Massey
responded and said that, as he had passed along the streets, he
had heard the drunken song of ‘Britons never will be slaves!'
Why, the working-class of this country were bought and sold
like slaves in the market, and yet seemed inclined to worship
and bow down to those who trampled them underfoot. (Hear, hear.) Britons were the veriest slaves in existence; they were the
slaves of a royalty which spent annually as much as would keep
10,000 families in comfort (hear, hear.); the slaves of a church
which took from them £12,000,000 a year; the slaves of everyone
who had nine-pence to buy them with — and, worse than all, the
slaves of drunkenness . . . I long to see a real and effective
union of all classes of democracy, that the power of those
oppressors might be broken. He was no true friend of the people
who would oppose such a union, when, without it, no successful
effort could be made for the redemption of the people.
After dwelling upon the advantages to be derived from associated
labour, Massey resumed his seat amid the applause of the
Massey had been attracted to, and aligned himself increasingly
with, Harney's more fully developed ideas of ‘something more',
i.e. to make the Charter more attractive to the working class by
defining their societal rights as an impetus to political
reform. Harney elaborated on this theme of social regeneration
in a series of articles throughout most issues of the Red
Republican under his well known pen-name ‘L'Ami du Peuple.'
Massey supported Harney and solidified their friendship by
writing poems and articles for Harney throughout the days of the
Red Republican, continuing when it was renamed the Friend of the
People. He also acted initially as secretary to the Red
Republican's committee, and made two stirring contributions to
their first issue on 22 June, 1850; an article 'Cossack or
Republican' and a poem 'The Red Banner':
Let us then fling ourselves into the glorious work; let
Chartists, Communists, and Republicans unite in one common bond
— forget all our idle feuds; and come what may — let us be found
ever in the front rank, ever at the outposts, in fighting the
battles of Freedom ...
Fling out the Red Banner! o'er mountain and
Let earth feel the tread of the Free, once again;
Now, Soldiers of Freedom, for love of God, rally —
Old earth yearns to know that her children are men;
We are served by a million wrongs; burning and
Bold thoughts leap to birth, but the bold deeds must come,
And wherever humanity's yearning and pleading,
One battle for liberty strike ye heart home! ... |
Although the Christian Socialists were actively sympathetic with
the sufferings of the working class, they were far from happy
with the extreme radical activities of some of the Chartist
leaders. Harney, O'Connor and some others were referred to as
'that smoke of the pit', and it was thought that the workmen
were tired of idols, and were just waiting and yearning for the
Church and the Gospel which the Christian Socialists were
willing and able to provide.[28] Kingsley
told the Chartists that instead of pinning their faith on the
Chartist leaders, they should turn to the Bible as the true
Radical Reformer's Guide.[29]
It was understandable therefore, that Gerald Massey, a member of
the Christian Socialists working for the Red Republican, annoyed
Ludlow, who denounced anything of an extreme radical or
irreligious nature. He had regularly to 'blow up' Massey:
for having publicly connected himself with a thing called the
Red Republican, patently treasonable. He was bullied out of it,
by my offering him the choice between association and the ‘Red'
and in the note in which he consented to withdraw, he had told
me that if I for instance had set up an organ of Christian
Socialism he should have been quite willing to write in it.[30]
It was due in part to this episode and the fact that Ludlow
recognised other literary talent among the co-operative workmen
‘either lying idle, or forcing its way through wrong channels',
that induced him to commence the Christian Socialist the
following November, 1850.
Appearing outwardly penitent following Ludlow's reprimand,
Massey was not so easily discouraged and had no intention of
severing his literary relationship with the Red Republican. As
soon as the second issue was published, Massey ran into the
Castle Street workshop with a copy of the paper, which he placed
in front of fellow worker Robert Crowe saying, ‘Crowe, we have a
new poet in the field!' Crowe immediately recognised the style
of Massey in ‘A Call to the People', signed with the name ‘Bandiera'.[31]
Massey had taken this name from the brothers Attilio and Emilio
Bandiera, Italian officers in the Austro-Italian navy who, in
1844 had planned an unsuccessful Italian insurrection. The poem
had been published previously in Cooper's Journal, but Massey
had extended and revised it to a more republican stance. Some
weeks later, with the ninth issue of the Red Republican in his
hand, Massey again informed Crowe that yet another new poetic
star had appeared in the literary firmament, this time in the
name of 'Armand Carrel', introducing himself with ‘A Red
Republican Lyric'.[32] This was a name that
Massey had used originally in the Uxbridge Spirit of Freedom,
for a letter to the ‘editor' headed ‘Struggles for Freedom'. Whether he thought it was too strongly worded to sign with his
own name, or he felt that had already provided sufficient signed
material for that issue is not known:
Peoples of Europe, you have looked on and calmly seen a noble
nation [Hungary] murdered — its blood be upon your heads! Englishmen, you are slaves, blind, plague-stricken slaves! you
see the brave struggling for life and liberty, and will not lend
the helping hand; no, you dare not help yourselves to right and
freedom! all the world know this! they know that the heart of
England hath become the prey of vipers! ...
To end the letter, Massey had quoted some lines from ‘The
Jacobin of Paris', a poem by the Hon. George Sidney Smythe MP in
praise of Jean Paul Marat, a leader in the French Revolution:
Ho! St Antoine! ho! St Antoine! thou quarter of
the poor,
Arise! with all thy households, and pour them from
their door —
Rouse thy attics, and thy garrets, — rouse cellar,
cell, and cave,
Rouse over-taxed, and over-worked — the starving and
the slave ...
Justice shall sheathe her sword heart-home; thrones,
be swept away
And brothers, gallant brothers, We'll be with you on
that day... |
Massey used to recite this dramatically at Chartist meetings
with an effect on the audience which was described as ‘magical',
and it was probably he who suggested that Harney print the poem
in extenso in the fourth issue of the Red Republican, and again
in the twenty-fifth issue of the Friend of the People.[33] The pseudonym ‘Armand Carrel' caused some puzzlement to one
‘Nameless' reader of the Red Republican, who wrote to Harney
asking if an article under that name was really written by the
French patriot. If not, why was a forgery foisted upon the
readers? Although the writer found no fault with the name ‘Bandiera',
he wondered why it was used. Harney had to explain that ‘Armand
Carrel' died fifteen years previously, and that writers with
good reason to withhold their own names selected their
favourites. But he hoped that correspondents would exercise
discretion, having received that week letters signed ‘Marat' and
During that time at the Castle Street Tailors' Association,
steady progress had being maintained until in September Walter
Cooper went on a lecturing tour to the north of England. While
he was away, the accounts of the association were found to be in
some confusion and were examined by the Council of
Administration. Called to return on a suspicion of embezzlement,
Cooper was investigated by the Council of the Society, and was
found to have been careless and too trusting, having had no
previous accounting experience. There was no evidence of
dishonesty. The association was dissolved, and a new association
elected by ballot.
Some eleven of the original workers were not readmitted and
formed themselves into a rival association, The London
Association of Working Tailors. Although that organisation
lasted only until the following summer, it caused a considerable
amount of acrimony while it existed. The affair was not helped
by Ernest Jones, who denounced the entire system of local
co-operation in his Notes to the People in 1851, and entered
into some sharp correspondence with Gerald Massey in 1852.[35] Jones complained of ‘a tissue of virulent abuse or most fulsome
adoration. The abuse is my share, who exposes profit-mongering;
the adulation is for the wealthy gentlemen, who have advanced
money for the Castle-street shop, and enabled it to
profit—monger.' Massey retorted, referring to Jones' ‘strange,
unwarranted, and artificial opposition to the co-operative
Movement', and of his ‘vile, contemptible and infamous
statements'. Although initially supportive of
associative-working societies as a primary step to the relief of
distress at that time, Jones considered that social co-operation
should be applied on a national basis, which could not be
achieved without first having obtained political power through
the Charter. Small individual co-operative associations would
only divert attention from, and weaken efforts towards full
democratic political achievement. That unfortunate episode of
the Working Tailors' Association was related by Massey in a
trenchant series of articles for the Star of Freedom, in 1852.[36]
There was, however, one fortunate outcome as a result of that
affair. Had any legal action been attempted against the
association through Walter Cooper as manager, there would have
been even more difficulties, as no Act then in force gave the
association full protection. At the instigation of Ludlow,
Robert Slaney M.P. was persuaded to establish a Commission of
Enquiry to look into the position of liability in the Working
Tailors' and other associative branches. Ludlow, Walter Cooper,
Vansittart Neale and the economist John Stuart Mill were among
those who gave evidence. In June 1852, Slaney's Act was passed
as the Industrial and Provident Societies Act, thereby giving
legal recognition to the co-operative movement.[37]
As a result of Massey's comment to Ludlow, the first issue of
the Christian Socialist appeared on the 2 November 1850, and
Massey's first poetical contribution, in rather fulsome praise
of F.D. Maurice, was published in the second issue as ‘To a
Worker and Sufferer for Humanity':
God bless you, Brave One, in our dearth,
Your life shall leave a trailing glory;
And round the poor Man's homely hearth
We'll proudly tell your suffering story... |
During 1851, J. M. Ludlow had been undertaking a ‘co-operative
tour' through Lancashire and Yorkshire, and in an open letter to
F. J. Furnivall (Christian Socialist II, 49, 4 Oct. 1851) made
reference to the Salford Working Hatter's Association. Furnivall
considered that the current eleven members making some two dozen
hats per week were successful due chiefly to ideas promoted in
the Christian Socialist. Part of their trade was, of course,
competitive. Ludlow however decried the fact that they were mean
enough to charge £10 per cent commission to all other
co-operatives who chose to sell their hats when a small
compensation of £1 per cent might be reasonable. With the
exception of the Manchester Working Tailors who refused to
accept commission, all the co-operative bodies have very quickly
pocketed this enormous bonus in their dealings with the Working
Ludlow then continued with a reference to the Oxford Street
Tailors saying, "Even a certain flourishing establishment near
Oxford Street, — and which shall be nameless, in the hope that
it will mend its manners, and also because its manager, who is
now in the north, professes to know nothing about the matter, —
is stated to have given way to the money-grubbing spirit so far
as to accept it."
Massey quickly responded with a letter in the following issue to
the Christian Socialist:
The Manchester Hatters and the Working Tailors' Association.
Dear Sir, In your last number, Mr. Ludlow assumes that our
Association, among other co-operative bodies, has been selling
the hats of the above Company with enormous profit, — permit me
to explain. The Manchester Hatters sent us specimens of their
admirable workmanship, with the (wholesale prices) attached,
giving 10 per cent discount for ready money. We entered upon no
stipulation — made no conditions of sale, — but simply took the
hats, and exerted ourselves to sell them; and not only did we
not add any profit to the wholesale price, which the
manufacturers assured us would bear 25 per cent — but we gave
each customer the advantage of that 10 per cent discount to the
utmost farthing, and in our own unsophisticated method of doing
business — so far from having nurtured the spirit of
money-grubbing, we have entirely forgotten to charge the
customers for the hat-box, for which, upon referring to the
invoice, I find we are charged at the rate of 3s. per dozen. So
you see our profit has been of the same species as that of two
Yankees, who swapped two jack-knives till each had gained 5s. by
the transaction. In conclusion, allow me to add, that with our
peculiar mode of dealing, I think that the portion of the
community so frequently appealed to as "Smart Young Men who want
a Cheap Hat," cannot do better than apply to us for the same at
34 Castle-street East.
Massey, Oct. 2nd. 1851. Secretary.
Two extended articles on Tennyson's poetry ("Tennyson's
Princess" and "Tennyson and his Poetry") completed Massey's
contribution to the second volume of the Christian Socialist,
which ceased publication at the end of 1851 due to high
production costs. Both Massey's articles were over aesthetically
appreciative rather than critical, and he fell into the trap of
the time by quoting large passages of the poems concerned in
order to illustrate facets of his commentary. Nevertheless, he
demonstrated a growing feeling for descriptive romanticism,
often to excess, in marked contrast to his realistic
socio-political verse. In an article ‘Tennyson's Princess', he
embraces the theme of women's rights, inherent in the poem, and
made more self-evident since his marriage:
...We do not want Women to be crammed with dead language and
mummified learning ... but let them be educated up to the
noblest offices and holiest duties of life, which they are not
now . . . the hallowing wretchedness of this inequality is often
a very hell in its torments, — the clasping ring remains, a
mocking symbol!
Despite his plea for the education of women ‘as far as possible
in accordance with her nature', the added proviso that ‘all
attempts to train her into manhood are ... false and unnatural',
deny total emancipation and equate more with the current
Victorian mode of thought and unthinkable rule of society by
matriarchy. Later he was to mellow even his liberal statement
and press for full equality. However, even at that time women's
rights campaigners were pressing those issues. The Woman's
Elevation League, together with individuals such as Mary Howitt,
was actively campaigning for their recognition in social, moral
and professional status. This included pecuniary and political
elevation, together with full franchise.
Within the broader aspects of Chartism, Harney was attempting by
means of a Democratic Conference to unite various democratic
associations into one solid body, into the principles of which
would be incorporated his proposals for greater social reform.
These associates, in addition to the National Charter
Association, would include the Fraternal Democrats, the National
Reform League, and the Social Reform League, and be united under
the title of the ‘National Charter and Social Reform Union'. The
proposition received considerable opposition, and Harney was
forced to concede that Feargus O'Connor, Bronterre O'Brien and
Ernest Jones were against them, and that the Trades'
Associations could not be relied upon for support. On account of
this, it was decided to draw up an address to the people of the
country, and the executive committee resigned for re-elections.[38]
Nominations from localities for the new committee included most
of the old members, represented by Reynolds, Harney, Jones,
O'Connor, Thornton Hunt (editor of the Leader), Holyoake,
O'Brien and Gerald Massey. But just prior to the elections
because of differences over policy, Massey, Walter Cooper,
Thomas Cooper and some others declined to stand. Appropriately,
Massey's articles and poetry in the Red Republican during this
period were appeals for unity, in which he complained that:
We, the democracy of England, are disunited and fragmentary;
we are broken up into sects and parties ... we are even at war
amongst ourselves, and well may the tyrants and oppressors laugh
us to scorn ... they know there is little cause for disquiet so
long as we are disunited. . . We can accomplish little or
nothing, going on as we are—at present. What will the new
organisation of the Chartists effect — singly? ... or any other
body of reformers by themselves? ... Some unity policy must be
adopted, or I am bound to say, that we shall be no nearer the
realisation of our hopes in 1860 than we are in 1850... We are
all democrats! ... Let us then unite Red Republicans,
Communists, Socialists, Chartists, and Reformers. . . It is
unity which is the great want of the time; and if the egotism of
men, calling themselves ‘Leaders' should stand in the way of
this federation, let the party behind each leader push on...
At a Conference of Delegates for effecting a union between
different classes of reformers, at the John Street Institute, in
October, Massey spoke again — as he had cause to, on many
occasions — on the need for greater unity:
‘The Chartist agitation had hitherto proved a failure; it had
never been at so low an ebb as at the present time; even the
Chartists themselves had acknowledged that the bulk of their
body were not Chartists in time of plenty, but sat as easy and
contented as even the middle classes. Seeing this apathy among
their own body, their leaders wished to extend their basis, and
asked other bodies to join them; but they could not expect their
co-operation, unless they admitted the claim of those parties
which the committee had inserted in the programme; he believed
that no party could singly obtain their objects, and that no
programme could satisfy the claims of every party, but they
could agree on some leading principles. He belonged to the
Tailors' Association. They were aware that they would not
struggle successfully with competition without some governmental
change; if they did not agree to adopt the law of Partnership,
or some of their principles, they would lose aid from Christian
Socialism and the young Republican party.'[39]
At a further meeting of the Democratic Conference, it was
realised that its break-up would lead to the Manchester Council
middle-class supporters taking greater hold. Accordingly,
Holyoake with Arnott, Reynolds, Massey and others were appointed
as a Committee of Observation to deal with business and
correspondence regarding possible amalgamation with other
democratic associations.
Nevertheless, despite much effort, it became increasingly
obvious that individual antagonisms together with policy
differences would negate all hope of a universal union. A
Manchester conference held in January 1851 had little positive
outcome, but was notable for O'Connor slandering Harney, which
was refuted at a meeting of the National Charter Association on
the 25 February. At this meeting, Harney was received with a
rapturous welcome and Massey, in an eloquent speech which
excited enthusiastic applause, contrasted the consistency and
manly conduct of Harney with the baseness and villainy of his
slanderers.[40] Despite the negative
conference, a Chartist convention held in London the following
March and April 1852 made more firm agreement on future Chartist
and social agitation. During these activities, there was found
time to organise the annual anniversary social evening in memory
of the birth of Robespierre, held as usual at the John Street
Institution, on 8 April. Harney presided, and a number of
speeches were given by Samuel Kydd, Gerald Massey, Bronterre
O'Brien and others to ‘the sovereignty of the people, the
fraternity of nations, and the social regeneration of society'.
Since joining the Red Republican which Harney had renamed the
Friend of the People in December 1850 to make it sound more
appealing to the working class and acceptable to newsvendors,
Massey had been compiling his published poems with a view to
producing them in book format. Finally completed with some new
material, Voices of Freedom and Lyrics of Love by T. Gerald
Massey, Working Man, was published on the 21 March 1851 priced
one shilling, dedicated to his friend Walter Cooper:
As the toiler-teacher you have won your diploma in the school
of our suffering, and can well appreciate the difficulties which
the self-educated working man has to encounter ... Who can see
the masses ruthlessly robbed of all the fruits of their industry
... and not strive to arouse them to a sense of their
degradation, and urge them to end the bitter bondage and the
murderous martyrdom of Toil? ... But do not think me a mere railer against the classes which oppress our own, I know too
well the evils that are self-inflicted, I know that our greatest
curse is in being our own Tyrants...
Reviews that appeared in the radical press and smaller journals
were distinctly appreciative of his gentler love lyrics and,
surprisingly, more critical of his political poems. The Friend
of the People confirmed the force and fire of his partisan
political poems which were, it considered, lessened by
‘ruggedness', and compared them with the elegance of his love
lyrics.[41] A very valid comment was made
when the reviewer complained of a ‘painful striving for effect
by means of big words and monstrous fantasies. "God", "Christ",
"Hell", etc. are terms used far, far too often'. But these
particular words among others, together with excessive
capitalisation remained an expressive feature of Massey's
poetry. Despite these obvious faults the Pioneer appreciated the
'rich fullness' in the lyrics.[42] The
Northern Star referred to ‘great force of perception,
accompanied by an equal power of delineation . . .' admiring the
‘force, fervour and nervous diction', but preferred also his
Lyrics of Love.[43] Eliza Cooke's Journal
published a biographical sketch and appreciation of Massey
written by Dr Samuel Smiles, the self-help advocate, which has
since formed the basis for most early biographical details.[44]
The Leader, quoting from this sketch and referring to his
martial poems, stated that Vehemence is not Force, while his
lyrics would benefit from the laborious study of versification.[45] Once all the reviews were published, Massey was able to edit
them, and quote the most favourable extracts in an advertisement
printed in the 21st June issue of the Friend of the People.
Both preceding and following the review of Massey's book, Ernest
Jones' journal Notes to the People, which contained Jones' own
poems written while he was in prison, received an equally
honourable mention. It may have been due to these reviews that
at a casual meeting between Jones and Massey in Fleet Street,
Jones grasped Massey's arm, and was reported to have exclaimed,
‘Massey, you and I are the two greatest poets in England!'[46]
Despite Harney having changed the name of his paper it was
steadily losing circulation, and to save it he was trying to
persuade Ernest Jones to join with him in producing a new Friend
of the People. But his advertisements of the proposed format for
the paper were premature; Harney's paper was unstamped, and fear
of prosecution together with greater concern for his own Notes
to the People made Jones decide against the proposition. Harney
therefore was forced to discontinue the Friend of the People at
the end of July 1851. Having now no effective mouthpiece, he was
obliged to rely on accounts of his meetings being reported
principally in O'Connor's Northern Star and Reynolds's Weekly
Newspaper which, despite policy differences particularly in the
former, were by comparison, accurately reported.

Ernest Jones: a
carte de visite.
The Fraternal Democrats and foreign refugees during this period
continued to receive Harney's attention, which culminated in the
arrival in England of the Hungarian leader and patriot Louis
Kossuth on 20 October 1851. Massey wrote a special poem for the
occasion, ‘A Song of Welcome to Kossuth':
... Ring out, exult, and clap your hands
Free Men and Women brave—
Shout Britain! shake the startled lands
With ‘Freedom for the Slave!'
Come forth, make merry in the sun
And give him welcome due;
Heroic hearts have crown'd him one
Of Earth's Immortal few! ... |
Published first as a broadsheet, it was seen by the deaf John
Plummer in a Chartist bookshop near the corner of Fleet Street
and Fetter Lane.[47] This would have been
John Bezer's shop, at 183 Fleet Street, the headquarters of The
Society for Promoting Working Men's Associations. Plummer was
living then in Whitechapel, working as an errand boy for his
mother, a needlewoman, and had taught himself the rudiments of
reading by studying the London street names and advertising
placards. It was principally Massey's poem that induced him to
continue with self-education. He eventually became a writer and
earned the praise of John Stuart Mill and Lord Brougham. Later,
he said that he had ‘passed through the same fiery ordeal of
poverty, neglect and suffering ... as Gerald Massey', and that
he deemed ‘the poetry of Gerald Massey to be the most in accord
with the general tone of opinion entertained by the majority of
working men of the present day'.[48]
Massey's first child, Christabel, was born the following day, on
the 22 October 1851 at 50 College Place, Camden Town, where the
family had moved earlier that year. At that time Massey was
obtaining material in order to extend his range of lectures, and
had been writing to Charles Kingsley, asking for some
suggestions. In a letter dated Christmas Day 1851, Kingsley
My dear Mr. Massey,
Being in your debt three or four moderate letters, I condense
them all into one enormously long one. You must not think,
however, that want of interest in you has kept me silent; not
that, but business, daily & hourly & unwillingness to write to
you at all, without writing carefully & at length. Now this Xmas
night I seem to have time to put on paper the many thoughts
about you, which your letter etc. this morning, re-woke in my
mind; and I begin by wishing you & your wife & child all the
blessings of this most blessed of seasons, for the sake of the
Baby of Bethlehem.
Next, the reviews which I promised you. I have (to my shame) not
yet sent. Nevertheless next week you shall have a parcel
containing 1 or 2 nos. of Frazer, and one no. of the North
British. The Review of Poetry in each of them being mine ...
Also, in the same parcel, the only 2 books about the
commonwealth which I have which can help you, Milton's Prose
works, and Carlyle's letters & speeches of Cromwell ... &
lastly, a sermon which I preached today, which I wish you would
read, as a sample of the way in which to my mind, the great
doctrines of Xtianity have to do with these poor country clods
of mine ... The man to ask about books is Ludlow. I am very ill
read in original authorities of that period. Mr. Maurice also
would give you information ... [49]
The ensuing twelve months were to be virtually the last of any
form of Chartist organisation and Massey's involvement with its
media propaganda came to an end. At a meeting of the National
Charter Association Massey was one of thirty — later reduced to
twenty two — persons proposed to act on the executive committee. The South Lancashire delegate meeting referred to Massey and
some others as those ‘in whom the greatest amount of confidence
can be placed ... '[50] It was decided also
at that time to reconstitute the Metropolitan Delegate Council,
two persons from each locality to be nominated to serve. More
schisms developed within the executive when the Northern Star
was purchased from O'Connor by its editor and printer, and the
tone of the paper became more allied to the middle-class
reformers. Massey, together with Bronterre O'Brien and another
member, then declined to serve on the committee. Additionally,
Harney was away in Scotland, and Ernest Jones resigned when
Holyoake, a supporter of the middle-class reformers was elected. W. J. Linton also declined to serve unless the movement joined
the middle class, believing that it was impossible to
resuscitate the Chartist movement. Furthermore, the association
was in debt, and had to relinquish its offices at 14,
Southampton Street, Strand, and John Arnott, their general
secretary, refused to continue voluntarily, without payment. The
association complained that it, and Chartism, had been abandoned
by Harney and Jones, who had represented that body in public
Harney, away in Scotland and aware of the censure he was
receiving, could exert little influence without his own paper. Immediately following his return from Scotland in January, he
started a new Friend of the People on 7 February 1852. Massey
had been waiting for an opportunity of leaving the Tailors'
Association for some time since the Christian Socialist had
changed its name to the Journal of Association, and had ceased
publication in June 1852. Additionally, there was no outlet for
his writing when the first Friend of the People ended in the
following July through lack of support, so he was anxious to
obtain a position which would provide him with greater
opportunity. Since his marriage, Massey had been experimenting
with mesmerism. To supplement his finances he and his wife
started to demonstrate the phenomenon, but initially only on a
private basis. Now that Harney was back in London, Massey wrote
to him, regarding his new venture:
It's now a settled thing that I leave the Tailors'
Association. They intend advertising at once for a Cutter who
will also keep the books. Therefore, I am at liberty to
make further arrangements with you if agreeable, with regard to
the Friend of the People ... do not think I have any
utopian idea of living out of it! ... I can make as much money
in 2 hours by Mesmerism as I get here in a week. What I
have to propose is that I become Conductor and that name,
influence and writing be all directed to extend the circulation
of the Friend with this object in view ... With regard to
remuneration for the present I waive that till you get something
for yourself. My object is if possible to be building
something up for the future ...[51]
Although not referred to as ‘co-conductor', Massey did assist
Harney by writing a considerable number of articles and reviews.
At a meeting of the Chartist Executive Committee on 24 March, it
was obvious that Massey's earlier pleas for unity had been
disregarded. They were forced to admit officially, that it was
‘The Executive of a society almost without members, and without
means — members reduced by unwise antagonism without, and
influence reduced by repeated resignations within …
The Northern Star had been equally affected by the Chartist
movement's decline, its weekly sales decreasing to less than two
thousand. The owner therefore decided to put it up for sale. Harney immediately commenced negotiations to purchase it, the
finance being provided by Robert Le Blond, a Chartist supporter
and head of Benetfink, ironmongers of 81 Cheapside. It was first
renamed the Star, then the Star of Freedom from 24 April 1852. That caused Ernest Jones a considerable amount of annoyance, as
he had also wished to acquire it. In an article in the Star of
Freedom Massey commented on reports by Jones regarding the
purchase of the Northern Star:
It has been stated — and the statement has been assiduously
circulated to our prejudice and injury — that this Paper was
purchased by Mr Le Blond, with Middle Class gold, for the
purpose of advocating the Middle Class interest as opposed to
that of the Working Classes. Now, Mr Le Blond has distinctly
denied this in a communication to Mr Ernest Jones (the author of
the said statement), at the same time reminding him, that he has
been the recipient of Middle Class gold! This was forwarded to
him for publication, but Mr Ernest Jones has burked it in
accordance with his usual policy regarding truth …[53]
Massey left the Working Tailors' Association about May 1852,
when the family moved from Camden Town and took up rooms at 56
Upper Charlotte Street, Brunswick Square. There he continued
writing for both Harney's Friend of the People, and the
Star of
Freedom. A preliminary notice by Harney in the Friend of the
People had informed its readers that for the Star of Freedom ‘my
able and enthusiastic friend, Gerald Massey, is engaged as
literary editor, and will, in addition to the Review department,
superintend that portion of the paper devoted to subjects coming
under the general denomination of Social Reform.' Ernest Jones,
determined not to deviate from his principle of priority for the
Charter, and to publicise his programme of reform without
joining the middle class reformers, commenced his new People's
Paper in May. |

Massey's prose writing in the later editions of the
Friend of
the People showed continuing development. Articles on John
Milton and Tennyson's poems, reviews of Wordsworth's and Poe's
poems demonstrated, among others, a greater positive critical
appraisal of his subject matter. A portrait of Béranger, in
which he compared unfavourably the poems of Thomas Moore with
those of his subject received a sharp response from Austin
Holyoake, and a corresponding retort from Massey.[54] Writing to Harney at that time, he suggested writing portraits
of Kingsley, Howitt and Carlyle — which was not taken up — and
he complained that ‘ … you don't use what I do send …'[55] In an article on co-operation to which he had become firmly
aligned, he emphasised his stance regarding Chartist policy, and
the solution to social inequities. These views owed no little
affinity to the cause of the Christian Socialists, and the
ultimate higher aim of Ludlow—but lacked the orthodoxy of
organised religion:
[the parsons] have gone on preaching and teaching, announcing
the redeemer not yet come, and the redemption that is scarcely
yet begun ... yet we have little more of true and practical
Christianity welded into our life ... this it appears to me
because they have merely gone on preaching and teaching, praying
and talking, and have not set about any practical realisation of
the redemption they prophesied. They have always sought to
inculcate Christianity instead of so arranging the social
machinery and so moulding humanity, that Christianity should
have been developed as the outcome of a natural growth ... the
advocates of the Charter have pursued the same course of talking
everlastingly, talk, talk, nothing but talk these past twenty
years, save countless martyrdoms and endless sufferings; and
never was Chartism at so low an ebb as at present; never did we
appear farther from obtaining the Charter than now … We have to
reconstitute society on such principles as shall render the
fruit of a man's labour the natural reward for his toil; and
this I maintain, can only be done on the principle of
co-operation …[56]
Harney's support for the democratic refugees continued despite
his being relegated from the National Charter Executive. A
meeting of leading democrats was convened on the 9 May 1852 at
the John Street Institution to discuss the possibility of giving
aid to a large number of the refugees who were living in
squalor, unable to obtain employment. Harney, Thornton Hunt and
Massey were appointed to act as a sub-committee to draw up a
public address to the people. They decided to make a direct
public appeal for funds, and to hold a soirée at the John Street
Institution on 8 June in honour of the Star of Freedom.
Among those present were Louis
Blanc and Colonel Karl Stolzman, and
speeches were given by Harney, Walter Cooper, Louis Blanc and
others, amid general approval. Massey gave an eloquent and
lengthy address which called forth the enthusiastic applause of
the assembly.
The Star of Freedom, meanwhile, was receiving opposition from
some members of the Metropolitan Delegate Council who considered
that Jones' new People's Paper should receive the support of the
council. The dissension continued throughout subsequent council
meetings. At a reorganisation of the John Street locality on 25
May, James Grassby, formerly on the executive committee, and
Massey were elected as representatives to the Metropolitan
Delegate Council. An address was then moved condemning some
despotic members of the executive. The following week's meeting
resulted in a ‘disgraceful uproar', with policies being attacked
and Jones' People's Paper accused of gross misrepresentation. These schisms were partly responsible for Massey ending his
active association with the Chartist movement. But he continued
to write for the Star of Freedom until it ceased publication in
November, due to Ernest Jones' more successful People's Paper. Unsigned items recognised as Massey's include reviews of
Longfellow's Poetical Works, William Whitmore's Firstlings,
Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Casa Guidi Windows and an article
‘A Visit to the Royal Academy'. This latter show an effect that
is demonstrated in much of his poetry; a colourful chiaroscuro
of aesthetic description, in some parts extremely effusive:
Frith's ‘Pope makes love to Lady Mary Wortley Montague' is a
most masterly composition. The colouring is very white, but it
is of the complexion of the eighteenth century. And what an
antithesis is made out! God and the devil—hell and heaven—were scarcely greater. Pope has had the temerity to declare his
love for that brilliant beautiful woman, and she has burst into
a fit of laughter. And such laughter—rich, ringing,
spontaneous laughter, it swims like glory in her sweetly-drunken
eyes, dimples and bickers on her cheek, flashes from her pearly
teeth, so real and genuine you forget its tragic cruelty, until
you see the writhing victim sit there crushed into ghastly,
livid despondency, bitter mortification, and implacable hatred
of himself, her— everything! …[57]
About August of that year, John James Bezer, active Chartist and
publisher, had been given money by Lord Goderich, the Christian
Socialist supporter, in aid of the Star of Freedom. Harney, not
having received the money, made enquiries via Goderich, who
found that Bezer had fled to Australia in an emigration ship,
leaving his family in England.[58] It was
stated also, by Ludlow, that he had run off with another man's
wife! In further research I have shown that Bezer, an
interesting minor Chartist activist (1816—1888) made a bigamous
marriage in Australia. There he raised a large family and
continued with some literary and political activities.[59] Emigration to Australia had received a sharp impetus following
the discovery of gold in that country in 1851. Massey was
disgusted at this behaviour from a previously valued upholder of
Chartist and co-operative principles, and sent a five verse poem
with his opinions on the subject to Harney for publication in
the Star of Freedom:
Another gone back, when our battle went sorest!
Another soul sunk, like a star from the night!
Another hope quencht, when our progress was poorest!
Another barque wreckt, with the haven in sight!
Our Brother once — Traitor now: nay, we'll not curse
O Freedom forgive him, he knew not the cost! ... |
Titled ‘The Deserter from Democracy' it was not published by
Harney, but was included much amended as ‘The Deserter from the
Cause' in Massey's later poetical works.[60]
Probably due to the knowledge that all was not well with the
Star of Freedom and that he could soon become jobless, Massey
decided to increase the scope of his lecture subjects. He
therefore arranged to give a special series of three at the John
Street Institution commencing on 1 October 1852, during which he
would be assisted by his wife. On the occasion that he had first
witnessed Rosina hypnotised, prior to his marriage, he was
indignant at the treatment to which she was subjected in order
to satisfy people's curiosity. They then restricted such
demonstrations to small private gatherings. Unfortunately their
financial state now determined the contrary, so under the broad
heading of ‘Mesmerism and Clairvoyance' Massey advertised the
subject matter to include:
The truth of Phrenology illustrated by Phreno—Mesmerism . . .
Catalepsy induced by means of Mesmeric passes and Readings of
Books, Papers, etc., by means of Inner Vision, the ordinary
visual means being suspended by way of the audience, closing and
holding the eyes of the Clairvoyante with their own hands. The Clairvoyante, Mrs. Gerald Massey, long known as the ‘Somnambule
Jane', has manifested the peculiar power of Clairvoyance or
Second Sight, for a period of eleven years, during which time
she has been satisfactorily tested by numerous persons ...
Admission to the Hall, 3d.; gallery, 4d.; Reserved seats on the
Platform, 6d.[61]
A Star of Freedom reporter recorded that there were good
attendances, the last lecture being very well received as Mrs
Massey was in better health than previously, and the
demonstrations therefore more successful. At the last lecture
her husband:
... attempted to explain the phenomenon of Clairvoyance, and
show how it was produced, which was very startling and
interesting, and to judge from the audience, received with
satisfaction. There were some medical sceptics, well known in
the scientific world, present, who came to doubt and expose the
‘humbug', and it was very interesting to watch their change from
doubt to wonder, from wonder to belief, and as the experiments
went on, to hear them assert their full and perfect conviction
to the audience.[62]
The success of these demonstrations encouraged Massey to give
repeat lectures on 18 October, 25 October and again on 22
November (just to give the sceptics another chance), with an
intervening lecture on ‘Rienzi and Mazzini — an historical
parallel' on the 14 November. He also announced his availability
to deliver a programme of forty-four lectures on tour the
following spring. A wide range of subjects included Cromwell and
the Commonwealth, six lectures on English Literature, six
lectures on living poets, the poetry of Wordsworth and its
influence on the age, Thomas Carlyle and his writings, the song
literature of Hungary and Germany, as well as lectures on
Shakespeare, Chaucer, Tennyson, and American literature. Also on
offer were his lectures on Mesmerism and Clairvoyance. Massey
had been wise in making his plans at that time as, due to
decreasing circulation, Harney was forced to discontinue the
Star of Freedom from 27 November. One month prior to this,
Harney had reasserted his previous declaration, now so obviously
apparent, ‘… that the Chartist organisation is literally
dead. Yes, dead; and no galvanised efforts can revive it. [But]
its principles are immortal. They can never die …'[64] |
[Chapter 3.]
1. |
Motion quoted in Raven, C.E., Christian Socialism 1848-1854
(London, Macmillan 1920, Cass 1968), 151. |
2. |
Christensen, T., Origin and History of Christian Socialism
1848-54. p. 135, in Acta Theologica Danica, 3, (Aarhus,
1962). |
3. |
Leno's activities can be noted in reports of the National Charter
Association and other association meetings in which he was involved,
which were published in the Northern Star. |
4. |
Daily News, 1 Apr. 1850, 4. Reynolds's Political
Instructor, 1, (27 Apr. 1850), gives extracts from this article,
together with generally supportive comments towards the Christian
Socialist experiment of the Working Tailors. |
5. |
Samuel Wilberforce (1805-1873) was appointed as Bishop of Oxford in
1845. |
6. |
Crowe, R., The Reminiscences of Robert Crowe the Octogenarian
Tailor (New York, n.p., n.d. [1902]), 15. Chapters 12 and 13,
dealing with his experiences at the Westminster House of Correction
following his arrest at the Chartist meeting on Kennington Common in
1848, were published separately as 'The Reminiscences of a Chartist
Tailor' in the Outlook, (New York) 71, (9 Aug. 1902), 915-20. |
7. |
Maurice, F., Life of Frederick Denison Maurice 2 vols.
(London, Macmillan, 1884), 2, 36. |
8. |
Introduction to Alton Locke (Oxford, OUP, 1983 ed.), ix, by
Elizabeth Cripps. |
9. |
'The Middle-Class Expediency', quoted in the Northern Star, 9
Feb. 1850, 3. |
10. |
Cooper's Journal, 15 Jun. 1850, 376. |
11. |
Ibid. 16 Feb. 1850, 104. |
12. |
Ibid. 23 Feb. 1850, 113-15. |
13. |
Democratic Review, 1, (Nov. 1849), 240. |
14. |
Ibid. 1, (May 1850), 463-4. The Literary and Scientific
Institution, 23 John Street, Fitzroy Square, (thought originally by
W.E. Adams to have been a chapel,
see also illustration p. 55) had been used as a venue by the
delegates to the Chartist Convention in 1848 to prepare for the
Kennington Common demonstration. John Street—since renamed
Whitfield Street—was sited parallel to the west side of Tottenham
Court Road, extending approximately from Goodge Street to Warren
Street. |
15. |
Medium and Daybreak, 17 Mar. 1872, 177. Although no names are
given, it is possible that there was an involvement with Dr John
Elliotson (1791-1868), Professor of Medicine from 1832-1838 at
King's College Hospital, and Founder of the Phrenological Society.
Using treatment by mesmerism, lecturing and demonstrating the
subject, he founded his own London Mesmeric Infirmary in Weymouth
Street, Portland Place, in 1849, also publishing a journal, the
Zoist, a Journal of Cerebral Physiology and Mesmerism. Due to his
earlier activities he had to resign his professorship, but his
clinical abilities were always highly regarded. J. M. Ludlow, the
main founder of Christian Socialism mentions some mesmeric
experiences in his autobiography, including a visit that he made to Elliotson's Infirmary. See John Ludlow. The
Autobiography of a
Christian Socialist ed. Murray, A. D., (London, Cass, 1981), 319-22.
Captain Richard Burton also frequently mesmerised his wife, Isabel,
and consulted her whilst she was in trance. See: Lovell, M. A Rage
to Live. A biography of Richard Burton (London, Little, Brown, 1998,
460-461). |
16. |
Banner of Light, 10 Jan. 1874, 1. |
17. |
Cooper's Journal, 20 Apr. 1850, 246. |
18. |
Northern Star, 23 Mar. 1850, 1. |
19. |
Democratic Review, 1, (Feb. 1850), 349-52. |
20. |
Reynolds's Weekly Newspaper, 12 May 1850, 7. For an account
of the background of the French elections, see Harney's
Democratic Review, June 1850. |
21. |
Northern Star, 27 Apr. 1850, 1. |
22. |
Democratic Review, 2, (July 1850), 48-50. |
23. |
Reynolds's Weekly Newspaper, 4 Aug. 1850, 7. |
24. |
Reynolds's Political Instructor, 1, (16 Mar. 1850), 1. |
25. |
Northern Star, 9 Mar. 1850, 3. |
26. |
Reynolds's Weekly Newspaper, 6 Oct. 1850, 4. |
27. |
Ibid. 11 Aug. 1850, 7. |
28. |
From a letter dated 13 January 1851, quoted in the 'Prefatory
Memoir' to Kingsley's Alton Locke, by Thomas Hughes (London,
Macmillan, 1876). |
29. |
Christensen, op. cit., 76. |
30. |
Ludlow, J. M., The Christian Socialist Movement, 1850-4.
Lecturing and Literary work. Chap. 25, 7-8. Cambridge Univ. Library,
Add. 7450/5. Reprinted in John Ludlow. The autobiography of a
Christian Socialist, op. cit., 189. |
31. |
Crowe, Robert, op. cit. 14. |
32. |
Jean Armand Carrel (1800—1836). Often misspelled 'Carrell'. Army
officer and republican, later a political journalist editing the
Nation. Was praised by John Stuart Mill in his Dissertations
and Discussions. Fought several duels of honour from the last of
which he received a fatal wound. |
33. |
Adams, W. E., Memoirs of a
Social Atom 2 vols. (London, Hutchinson, 1903. New York,
Kelley, 1968), l, 232. |
34. |
Red Republican, 21 Sep. 1850, 109. |
35. |
Notes to the People, 1, (1851), 27, and 2, (1852), 731-2,
745-6, 883-4. |
36. |
Star of Freedom, 24 Apr. 1852, 5. 8 May 1852, 5. 22 May 1852,
5. 5 Jun. 1852, 6. For an abridgement of Massey's articles, see
Appendix 'A'. C. E. Raven's
Christian Socialism 1848-1854 gives further details and later
outcome of this and co-existent working associations at that time.
Note also Christensen, op. cit. 231, and passim. |
37. |
Raven, op. cit. 289-300, and commentaries in the Christian
Socialist. |
38. |
Reynolds's Weekly Newspaper, 12 Oct. 1850 to 24 Nov. 1850,
also Gammage for a general account. |
39. |
Red Republican, 31 Aug. 1850, 82-3; Northern Star, 26
Oct. 1850. |
40. |
Friend of the People, 6 Mar. 1851, 101. |
41. |
Ibid. 26 Apr. 1851, 171-2. 3 May 1851, 185-87. |
42. |
Pioneer, 26 Apr. 1851, 27-8. |
43. |
Northern Star, 12 Apr. 1851, 3. |
44. |
Eliza Cooke's Journal, no. 102 (12 Apr. 1851), 372-74.
Although Samuel Smiles' Self Help (1859) does not mention
Massey, his early life was the theme of a lecture given by Smiles in
Leeds prior to his article in
Eliza Cooke's Journal,
while a revised edition of the latter appears in his Brief
Biographies. Cited in Medium and Daybreak, 10 Oct. 1873,
450. |
45. |
Leader, 3 May 1851, 417-8. |
46. |
Medium and Daybreak, 10 Oct. 1873, 450. |
47. |
Newcastle City Libraries. |
48. |
Plummer, J., Songs of Labour, Northamptonshire Rambles and Other
Poems. (Edinburgh, Tweedie, 1860), preface. See also the
Chimney Corner, 28 Jan. 1871, 122. |
49. |
National Library of Scotland, Ms. 3218.f.141-2. |
50. |
Northern Star, 27 Dec. 1851, 1. |
51. |
Black, F., Black, R., The Harney Papers (Assen, van Gorcum,
1969), letter 54. Massey letters held in the private Métivier
collection, Jersey. |
52. |
Reynolds's Weekly Newspaper, 28 Mar. 1852, 5. |
53. |
Star of Freedom, 5 Jun. 1852, 4. |
54. |
Friend of the People, 6 Mar., 27 Mar., and 3 Apr. 1852. [see
Index] |
55. |
The Harney Papers, op. cit. letters 55 and 56. |
56. |
Friend of the People, 29 Feb. 1852, 27. |
57. |
Star of Freedom, 29 May 1852, 2. |
58. |
Wolf, Julien, Life of the First Marquess of Ripon 2 vols.
(London, Murray, 1921), 1, 51. |
59. |
John Ludlow. The Autobiography of a Christian Socialist op. cit.
190. See also the section on Bezer
on the website gerald—massey.org.uk and in John James Bezer,
Chartist and John Arnott, National Charter Association by David
Shaw (lulu.com 2008)
for a full account of this interesting Chartist. |
60. |
Massey had written on it 'That blasted Bezer'. The Harney Papers,
op. cit. letter 57. |
61. |
Star of Freedom, 25 Sep. 1852, 104. Phreno-mesmerism was used
for purposes of demonstration. The operator pointed to phrenologically defined areas of the skull on a mesmerised person,
and responses appropriate to each defined area were elicited from
that mesmerised person. See Alfred Russel Wallace's account in My
Life, 2 vols. (London, Chapman & Hall, 1905), 2, 234-36. |
62. |
Ibid. 23 Oct. 1852, 172. See also "Clairvoyance at
Tring", Bucks Advertiser and Aylesbury
News, 21 Jan., 1853. |
63. |
Facade of the
Scientific & Literary Institute, Whitfield St., 1940's. Previously
John Street. (Survey of London, vol 21, 1949) |
64. |
Ibid. 16 Oct. 1852, 171. |