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ONE of the distinctions of Rochdale is that it gave
practical form and force to the idea of a Federation of Purchasers, which
ultimately took the style and title of "The North of England Co-operative
Wholesale Society," otherwise known as the Great Manchester Wholesale
Of course no one foresaw the great ascendancy which one day would be
attained by this Society. It is very seldom that anyone does see the
ascendancy of anything while it is upon the ground. When it is soaring
over the mountain tops, the prophets of its failures declare that they
predicted its rise, and now believe they made it float.
Of course somebody began everything, and we shall see in due course to
whom the originating the wholesale ought to be mainly ascribed. Mr. A.
Greenwood's own history of attempts to promote a wholesale agency, given
in his published "Plan," on which the Purchasing Federation of the north
of England has been founded, relates that "an attempt in that direction
was made (1850) by the Christian Socialists, conspicuous amongst whom were
Edward Vansittart Neale, Professor F. D. Maurice, the Rev. Canon Kingsley,
J. M. Ludlow, Thomas Hughes, Q.C., J. F. Furnival, Joseph Woodin, and
Lloyd Jones. They instituted the Central Co-operative Agency for the
purpose of "counteracting the system of
adulteration and fraud prevailing
in trade, and for supplying to co-operative stores a quality of goods that
could be relied upon, and in the highest state of purity." The
agency did not succeed, and had to be given up, entailing great loss to
its promoters. There was a remnant of the agency left, known as the
firm of Woodin & Co., Sherborne Lane [now of Archer Street], London.
The main object here is to trace the part Rochdale took in
giving effect to the idea. The records preserved in the long-buried
pages of Toad Lane minute books were never very ample. Mr. Smithies, who
was the secretary of the Store in its earlier days, had the Pioneer way of
no more wasting words than money. Frugality in speech is certainly a
virtue, though not usually counted in the list of meritorious economies. Mr. Bamford remarks that "Mr. Smithies evidently never contemplated any
one looking up his records for information in after years." Writers of
minutes in these days might check some tediousness by noticing to this
effect Mr. Smithies' muscular brevity of style. The first entry concerning
the wholesale was made in July, 1853, to this effect:—"That Joseph Clegg
look after the wholesale department." There either was then a
wholesale of some kind in existence, or one was there and then agreed
upon; but only Dr. Darwin himself could trace the descent of the wholesale
species from anterior records here. Mr. Bamford conjectures that the
resolution refers only to the drapery department, as there are frequent
references to the drapery business suggesting it. At a general
members' meeting on September 18th of the same year, it was resolved "to
accept the terms of the conference, and become the Central Depot."
This conference is one supposed to have been held at Leeds. At a
general meeting of members, held the following month, October 23rd, 1853,
the first laws of the wholesale were adopted. The terms in which
they were expressed have interest now. They were as follows:—
" 1.—The business of the Society shall be divided into two departments,
the wholesale and the retail.
"2.—The wholesale department shall be for the purpose of supplying those
members who desire to have their goods in large quantities.
department shall be managed by a committee of eight persons and the three
trustees of the Society, who shall meet every Wednesday evening at
half-past seven o'clock; they shall have the control of the buying and
selling of such goods as are agreed upon by the Board of Directors to be
kept in stock by that department. This committee shall be chosen at the
quarterly meetings in April and October, four retiring alternately.
" 4.—The said department shall be charged with interest after the
rate of five per cent. per annum, for such capital as may be advanced by
the Board of Directors.
"5.—The profits arising from this department, after paying for the cost
of management and other expenses, including interest aforesaid, shall be
divided quarterly into three parts, one of which shall be reserved to meet
any loss that may arise in the course of trade, until it shall equal the
fixed stock required, and the remaining two-thirds shall be divided
amongst the members in proportion to the amount of their purchases in the
said department [leaving out the workers]." [55]
Of course these rules had to be registered, and it is not until the first
Board meeting in 1855 that any reference is made to them, which is done in
these words:—"Resolved,—That we now go on under the new laws." A
quarterly meeting in February following confirmed
this resolution. The next clear reference to the wholesale of that day was
in a minute of a quarterly meeting held April 2nd, 1855, appointing the
following persons as a wholesale committee:—Thomas Hallows, Ed. Farrand,
J. K. Clegg, Jonathan Crabtree, Jno. Aspden, James Meanock, Charles Clegg,
and Ed. Holt. At the Board meeting held April 5th, 1855, the following
minute was passed:—"That the Board meet the wholesale committee next Wednesday night, at half-past seven." The fluctuating fortunes of the
earlier wholesale experiments were many. In the minutes of the Board
meeting held November 8th, 1855, it was resolved, "That a special meeting
be called to take into consideration the propriety of altering the law
relating to the wholesale department." On December 17th, of the same year,
the committee resolved:—"That it is the opinion of the Board that the
15th, 16th, and 17th laws, relating to the whole
sale department, ought to be repealed." At the ensuing quarterly meeting
(January 7th, 1856), at which Mr. Abraham Greenwood was elected president,
the seventh resolution is "That the wholesale department be continued;"
and a committee of seven were appointed "to inquire into the grievances
complained of in the present system
of carrying on the wholesale department." The following persons
constituted the committee:—Samuel Stott, John Morton, John Mitchell,
Edward Farrand, John Nuttall, James Tweedale, and A.
Howard. On March 3rd, 1856, the following were appointed delegates to
attend a Wholesale Conference:—Abraham Hill, David Hill,
Samuel Fielding, and William Ellis. No mention is made of the place where
the conference was held, but the scheme of a new
wholesale society appears to have been discussed there, for at the
quarterly meeting held April 7th, 1856, the members passed the following
resolution:—"That our delegates support the proposition of each member
taking out four shares of £5 each for one representative, at the Wholesale
Conference to be held on April 12th." At an adjourned meeting the
report of the committee appointed to inquire into certain grievances was
accepted with thanks. At a general meeting held May 5th, 1856, the
following persons were appointed on the wholesale committee:—Thomas Lord,
Edward Lord, William Huddlestone, and Jonathan Woolfenden. At the next
Board meeting a committee appears to have been appointed to draw up rules
for a wholesale society, but the names are not given. At the next
quarterly meeting these rules appear to have been considered, as there
is a resolution expunging the word "suggest" from rule 25. The following
resolution was also passed:—"That our Society invest £1,500 in the North
of England Wholesale Society." Mr. Jonathan Crabtree
was appointed the representative. The earlier years in which the wholesale
project was maturing will be of more interest hereafter than now.
On July 7th, 1856, there is a resolution of the quarterly meeting,
empowering the delegates to the Wholesale Conference "to support the laws
drawn up by the committee for a wholesale society, at the next delegate
meeting to be held on July 12th, 1856." On September 4th, 1856, the Board
gave Mr. Cooper authority "to collect the expenses incurred by the
wholesale depot from the various stores." On December 7th, 1857, the
following persons were appointed a committee "to inquire into the
wholesale department":—William Diggle, Samuel
Fielding, Matthew Ormerod, David Hill, and Edmund Hill. The report of this
committee was presented to the quarterly meeting on January 4th, 1858, and
it was decided that the report "be legibly written out and posted in some
conspicuous place, to be read by the
members, and reconsidered at next monthly meeting." The next resolution
passed at the same meeting is, "That the laws relating to the wholesale
department be suspended for an indefinite period." The Board, at its
meeting three days afterwards, decided "That the resolution of the
quarterly meeting respecting the wholesale department be carried out
forthwith." One of the minutes at the adjourned quarterly meeting, held
March 1st, 1858, is, "That the report of the committee appointed to
inquire into the wholesale department be not received."
At the conclusion of the ordinary business of the quarterly meeting, held
April 5th, 1858, the meeting was made special "for the purpose of
rescinding the laws relating to the wholesale department, numbered 13, 14,
15, 16, and 17." The meeting does not appear to have done what it was
called to do, however, for the decision it came to was "That the wholesale
department be not altered." The interpretation of this, Mr Crabtree
thinks, is that we will not kill the Rochdale wholesale department, but let it die quietly. No further
reference is made to it till March 7th, 1859, when a general meeting
passed the following resolution:— "That the question of re-opening the
wholesale department be postponed to an indefinite period." This is the
last reference the minutes contain to the wholesale in connection with the
Equitable Pioneers' Society. In 1863, during the formation period of the
North of England Society, delegates appear to have been regularly
appointed at Rochdale to attend the meetings, and considerable interest
was manifested.
These were the Aztec days of the wholesale idea. The giant we
now know was not yet born. Failure of the idea which cost so much to carry
forward, came in London, as the reader will see below.
Fluctuation beset it in Rochdale. At length a new wholesale arose, whose
statue was as that of Og, King of Bashan, nine cubits and a span (Was not
that his measure?).
The effort made by the Equitable Pioneers' Society in 1852, by initiating
a wholesale department (as has already been related), originated for
supplying goods to its members in large quantities, and also with a view
to supplying the co-operative stores of Lancashire and Yorkshire, whose
small capital did not enable them to purchase in the best market, nor
command the services of what is indispensable to any store—a good buyer,
who knew the markets, and what, how, and where to buy. The Pioneers'
Society invited other stores to co-operate in carrying out practically the
idea of a wholesale establishment, offering at the same time to find the
amount of capital for conducting the wholesale business. A few stores did
join, but they never gave that hearty support necessary to make the scheme
thoroughly successful. Notwithstanding this counteracting influence, the
wholesale department, from the beginning, paid interest, not only on
capital, but dividends, to the members
trading in this department. However, after a time the demon of all
working-class movements hitherto—jealousy—crept in here. The stores
dealing with the wholesale department of the Pioneers' Society thought it
had some advantage over them; while on the other side, a large number of
the members of the Pioneers' Society imagined they were giving privileges
to the other stores which a due regard to their immediate interests did
not warrant them in be
stowing. Mr. Greenwood's opinion is that the Central Co-operative Agency
and the Equitable Pioneers' Wholesale Department must inevitably have
failed, from their efforts being too soon in the order of co-operative
The above is as brilliant a bit of genuine trade jealousy as the reader
will meet with in ten years' reading. If a society purchasing from the
Pioneers got an advantage thereby, what did it matter that the Pioneers
got an advantage also? If they did not they ought, as it would be a
security that the arrangement could be maintained. Discontent may be
founded on facts, and well founded thereon; but jealousy, vigorous and
virulent, is best sustained on entire ignorance, and generally begins by
imagining its facts—a good plan, too, because then you get them to your mind. Thus it came to pass that the
Pioneers' wholesale scheme, like that of the London Central
Agency, disappeared. Mr. Greenwood, with clear discernment, saw that both
the London and Rochdale wholesale projects must fail,
being too early in the field. When the London Central began there were not
sufficient stores in England to support it, nor when the Rochdalians renewed the attempt in 1852. Therefore Mr. Greenwood waited
ten years, until 1863, when there were 300 co-operative stores in the
United Kingdom, when he demonstrated the possibility of successfully
commencing the great North of England Wholesale Society.
The argument by which Mr. Greenwood commended the new plan of 1864 was of
the same texture as the addition table, usually considered a trustworthy
material. There were in 1861 in the adjacent counties of Lancashire,
Yorkshire, and Cheshire, 120 stores, and an aggregate of 40,000 members;
26 of the largest of these stores did
business to the amount of £800,000. It was, therefore, calculated that if
the weekly expenditure of 40,000 members averaged 10s. weekly (and it was
known to exceed that), it would represent £20,000
weekly, or more than one million a year. There was plainly, then, an ample
field for a wholesale agency to act in.
A calculation was made by Mr. Greenwood of the quantity
of commodities of the grocery kind required to supply the 40,000 members
of co-operative stores then associated in the northern districts.
The calculations were made on the data of goods actually sold in one
quarter at the Rochdale Pioneer Society, in 1863, when it had 3,500
members. This was it:—
Kinds of
Articles. |
One Week's
Consumption |
Value |
Value |
(lbs.) |
£ |
£ |
Coffee |
6,923 |
266 |
13,832 |
Tea |
5,951 |
991 |
51,532 |
Tobacco |
4,125 |
825 |
42,900 |
Snuff |
108 |
22 |
1,144 |
Pepper |
243 |
15 |
780 |
(Cwts.) |
Sugar |
1,400 |
3,500 |
182,000 |
Syrup, &c. |
400 |
350 |
18,200 |
Currants |
107 |
160 |
8,320 |
Butter |
717 |
3,440 |
178,880 |
Soap |
338 |
524 |
27,248 |
Totals |
£10,093 |
£524,836 |
There are mentioned in the tables several articles any one of which would
of itself be sufficient to make an agency profitable. The agency would, at
the beginning, supply those articles only upon which there
was a sure profit. It will be seen from the statistics given that the
state of the movement permitted, and, in fact, warranted, a further step
being taken in wholesale progress.
That was Mr. Greenwood's argument. Within the knowledge of the new race of
constructive co-operators, the wholesale house has been twice put up, and
had come down again, because it had not sufficient solid ground to stand
upon. So far as it was in my power to encourage those attempting to
establish the co-operative wholesale, I did it by advising them ever to
plead that they were simply re-establishing it. The best way of inclining
the timid and unenterprising to attempt a new thing is by showing them
that it has been done before, or how nearly it has been done already.
"Men must be taught as though you taught them not,
And things proposed as
new as things forgot." |
No doubt, in this way, we actually encouraged people to suppose that
nothing original or distinctive was being accomplished. Since it required
careful financial demonstration and much perseverance to prove and enforce
it, it was practically quite a new adventure.
The Rochdale Pioneers' Society had then nine grocery branches, all
supplied and managed from the Central Store in Toad Lane. The transactions
between the branches and the Central Store are very simply managed. The
head shopman at each branch makes out a list of all the things wanted on a
form provided for the purpose, and forwards it to the Central Store. The
manager upon receiving it gives directions to the railway or canal
company, where the Store goods are lying, to send the parcels of articles
required to
each branch named on the delivery order. The Central Store in Rochdale
stood in precisely the same relation to its branches as the proposed
agency would do to the federated societies.
Mr. Greenwood pointed to this accomplished fact, and it was finally
resolved to attempt for the third time the formation of a new wholesale
agency. A company was formed under the title of the "North of England
Co-operative Wholesale Industrial and Provident Society Limited." The Wholesale has now become like the historic and
untraceable Nile—the Lord of Stores, as Mr. Stanley calls the great river
the Lord of Floods. By the assistance of explorers, Mr. S. Bamford, Mr.
James Crabtree, and Mr. A. Howard, as adventurous in their way as any who
have preceded Mr. Stanley, we have been able to trace the sources of the
great commercial water which irrigates all the stores it touches, as the
Nile itself irrigates the shores it laps.
There were in the Rochdale Society, in 1864, when the Manchester Wholesale
took a tangible shape, many who had steadfastly opposed the development of
the wholesale department. These belonged largely to the new members, who
did not look with favour upon the establishment of a Wholesale Society at
all, and, although not strong enough to prevent the Rochdale Society from
taking up
shares, were successful in hindering the development of a business
connection such as the movement naturally expected from Rochdale. The
influence of Rochdale in the wholesale appears in this, that it looked to
Rochdale for officers. Mr. Samuel Ashworth, the manager of the Rochdale
Store, was solicited to take charge of the Wholesale
Society's business in Manchester. The wholesale department in connection
with the Rochdale Society had ceased operations at that
time. He was unwilling to go unless the committee of the Rochdale Society
would undertake to reinstate him in his position provided
the experiment did not succeed. [56] This guarantee not being consented to,
he did not go. Some months later he had another opportunity of going to
Manchester, which he accepted. [57]
We need not discuss here the Jumbo Farm theory [58] of the origin of the
wholesale at certain meetings held there. That the subject
was considered there, as at other places, there is no doubt. Mr. Marcroft,
himself connected with the wholesale, supposes that it was devised at
meetings held at that peculiar farm. But the road of our narrative lies
through official facts. At the first meeting of the North of England
Wholesale Society, held in Union Chambers, Manchester, December 10th,
1863, Mr. Thomas Cheetham was appointed Chairman, and Mr. Abram Greenwood,
President; James Smithies, Treasurer; John C. Edwards, Secretary. Messrs.
John Shelton, William Marcroft, Charles Howarth, and Thomas Cheetham were
the Committee. Here are a cluster mostly of familiar and
historic names in constructive co-operation. Four years later a resolution
was come to that the prospectus of the Wholesale Agency should be publicly
advertised. The following extract from the Society's minutes shows when
and in what terms it was resolved upon:—
Copy of first minutes of adjourned committee meeting, March 2nd, 1867:—
"Present: A. Greenwood, James Crabtree, John Hilton, James Smithies,
Edward Hooson, Edward Thomason.
"Resolved: lst—That the prospectus be published as an advertisement in
the Co-operator until further notice."
The concluding part of this advertisement, which first appeared March
15th, 1867, contained the following words:—
"[Mr. Abraham Greenwood, of Rochdale,
must be regarded as the principal originator of the Co-operative Wholesale
Society, of which he has ever since been the President.] In the
Co-operator for March, 1863 (vol. 3), Mr. Greenwood propounded his
plan for a
wholesale agency, which, with some modifications, formed the basis of the
present admirable organisation."
The first part, which is put here in brackets, was drawn by Mr. Smithies
and Mr. Edwards, two of the most competent persons who could have written
it, for their knowledge of its truth is undoubtable, and their concurrence
in the statement is conclusive. The part following the brackets was
written by Mr. Henry Pitman, as there were copies of the Co-operator
mentioned on hand, which it was thought desirable should be further
circulated. This conclusive and unchallenged testimony, repeated year
after year, renders future
doubt or denial absurd. When the notice was discontinued, it was done on
the authority of the following minute:—
Copy of first minute of committee meeting, held October 16th, 1869:—
"Present: Messrs. Greenwood, Baxter, Fox, Hooson, Crabtree, Thomason,
Sutcliffe, Swindels, and Marcroft.
"Resolved: lst—That no co-operative or other agency be added to our
advertisements in the Co-operator."
No objection was raised at this meeting, or had been at any meeting, as to
the fact of the authorship of the wholesale. Neither Mr. Marcroft nor any
other person raised a question as to its truth. It was discontinued, Mr.
Crabtree explains, not because its truth was ever questioned, but because
it was deemed no longer necessary. It was suggested that there was no further need for it to appear, "as it would now have served all that was intended."
No historic fact could well be more conclusively established, more
continuously advertised by common consent, than this has been, that Mr.
Greenwood was the "principal originator" of the wholesale.
All who had personal knowledge of the development of co-operation during
the past thirty years were quite aware that the credit of originating the
wholesale, and the working and organisation, belonged to Abraham Greenwood
more than to anyone else. The conclusive and well-written letter of Mr.
Edwards, in the Co-operative News of July 17th, 1875, is quite sufficient
testimony to set that matter at rest. Only those—to use Mr. Edwards'
expression—who had a strong weakness for believing, in spite of evidence
to the contrary, could entertain a reasonable doubt thereupon. Next to
Abraham Greenwood I should place James Smithies. Smithies, like most of
the early co-operators, was a modest man; but though modest he was not
weak, and he could always be depended upon to indicate justly what share
each of his colleagues had borne in their common work. He had himself
devised plans for federating purchasers. He had collected copies of the
plans of others. He was for years secretary of committees for giving
effect to the idea.
In a movement in which an important development is carried out mainly by
the sagacity and persistent efforts of one person, it is in the interest
of all that credit should be given where it has been
earned. When Mr. Abram Greenwood first drew up the scheme of it, and put
into coherent form the fragmentary conceptions of others, he set forth,
for the first time, an intelligent scheme of working principles. He had,
to use his phrase, "to stand the fire of the criticism, doubt, and
distrust of the plan, of which no one else was willing to undertake the
responsibility or defence of. Since it became successful, sponsors for
it and originators of it have sprung up from Jumbo Farm to Cronkey Shaw,
and generally elsewhere.
Mr. Howard has an ingenious theory that the nature of the residences of
the co-operators can be determined from the books of the stores, which
record the amount of their savings. Those members who have the highest
balances are found to be persons who live upon the hills which abound in
the town. If a member has a low
balance, he is found to live in the low lands. If his balance is high,
so is the altitude of the place where he resides. If a member has
no balance, it ought to follow that he lives underground. I am told the
figures in some societies do favour this theory, and that high
balances and elevated dwellings do go together. If this be true, it is
probably owing to the greater clearness of the climate on the hill, better
enabling members to see their way to save. I remember now that Mr.
Greenwood always lived in some elevated part of the town, which, no doubt,
enabled him to take comprehensive views of the wholesale before the
cogitators of Jumbo Farm (which, if I remember rightly, is a low-lying
place) got sight of it.
The sense in which it appears to me Mr. Greenwood is to be regarded as the
main founder of the wholesale is that of his having been the advocate of
it, and known to be distinctively the advocate of it, during more years
than any other person laying claim to its origination. He kept it in mind
himself from the time (1850) when the project was first formally discussed
in Rochdale and London, and during all subsequent years of its trial,
which preceded its final establishment in 1864. He not only kept the idea
in his own mind, but kept it in the minds of others, when otherwise it
would have lain in abeyance. His calculations mainly proved it to be a
feasible undertaking. His statement of the possible mode of working it was
the first which seemed complete and practicable. James Smithies, William
Cooper, Lloyd Jones, George Booth, W. Marcroft, Mr. Ashworth, Charles
Howarth, Thomas Cheetham, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Stott, William Nuttall, and of
later years, James Crabtree, A. Howard, J. T. W. Mitchell, and others,
should all in fairness be included; whose sagacity and energy have
contributed to its origination and development. All the leading thinkers
of the Rochdale Store were undoubtedly concerned in furthering the great
project by plans, suggestions, and advocacy.
If I could collect a list of all the names of persons who have promoted
the prosperity of the wholesale, I should insert them. Mr. Field, of Mossley, was on the committee three or four years, and
was deemed a good member. Mr. John Hilton also served four or five ,years. Mr. Marcroft, as we have seen, was upon it. Mr. Charles Howarth, who was
also upon the committee, ceased after a time to be so, because he was a
dealer in soda, which was some
times purchased by the agency. Mr. Edwards shared in the heat and burden
of the service of the wholesale four or five years. Several names occur
incidentally in committees which have been quoted, which the co-operative
reader will recognise as those of
distinguished promoters of the wholesale. Mr. Mitchell, of Rochdale, and
Mr. James Crabtree, of Heckmondwike (who has both faith and pride in
co-operative principle), have both been chairmen of the wholesale.
THE Almanacs of the Pioneers' Store—quite worthy of
being preserved and bound for reference—give a curious picture of its
progress, vicissitudes, and the manner of the Pioneer mind from time to
time. The 1854 Almanac gives a complete statement of the "objects
and rules" of the Society, as they stood in force exactly in the tenth
year of its existence. They are expressed with clearness and
conciseness. All clearness is not concise, and some conciseness is not
clear; but these Almanac expositions possess both, as the reader has seen
on p. 11.
By the rules of the Society a person proposed and his
character and qualifications duly discussed, and not accepted, had his
entrance shilling returned. The good-natured Society debated his merits
and demerits gratuitously. One would imagine that a person whose virtues
were not generally admitted, or not very obvious, would gladly pay a
shilling for having them inquired into by this willing association, so
that he might know how he stood among his class. Each member has to take
five one-pound shares. How many stores have languished for years, flabby
in pocket and lean in limb; because its shabby-minded members starved it
by hardly subscribing one pound each. Many societies are pale in the face
for want of the nourishment of capital which a wise five-pound rule would
have brought it. [59] These are the Rochdale
"2. Any person desirous of becoming a
member of this Society shall be proposed and seconded by two members, and
if approved of at the next general meeting by a majority then present,
shall be admitted to membership. A person proposed and not making
his appearance within two months shall forfeit his proposition money, and
shall not be admitted to membership unless again proposed. Each
person, on the night of his admission, shall appear personally in the
meeting-room, and state his willingness to take out five shares of one
pound each, and conform to the laws of the Society, and pay a deposit of
not less than one shilling.
"3. That each member shall have five shares in the capital of
the Society, and not more than fifty shares.
"4. That the capital be raised in shares of one pound each.
"5. That each member pay not less than threepence per week,
or three shillings and threepence quarterly, until he have five shares in
the capital of the Society. Any member neglecting to pay as above,
except through sickness, distress, or want of employment, shall be fined
"6. That two pounds of each member's investment be permanent
or fixed capital.
"7. That three pounds may be withdrawn at the discretion of
the Board.
"8. That members may withdraw any sum due to them above five
pounds according to the following scale of notice:—One pound five
shillings on application to the Board; one pound five shillings to two
pounds ten shillings, two weeks. And larger sums on giving longer
notice; from forty to forty-five pounds being to be had or twelve months'
"16. That meetings on the first Monday in January, April,
July, and October be the quarterly meetings of the Society, at which
meetings the officers shall make their quarterly report, in which shall be
specified the amount of funds and value of stock possessed by the Society.
"23. [60] The officers of this Society
shall not in any case, nor any pretence, either sell or purchase any
article except for ready money. Any officer acting contrary to this
law shall be fined 10s., and be disqualified from performing the duties of
such office.
"32. That the profits realised by the Society be divided
thus:—Interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum shall be paid on all
shares paid up previous to the quarter commencing. The remainder
shall be divided amongst the members in proportion to the amount of their
purchases at the Store during the quarter."
The last is the rule which introduced into England and into
all store practices the new policy of dividing profits on purchases.
The 1854 Almanac also contained the economical
announcement, of which the like had never appeared in Great Britain (and
would be difficult to find elsewhere in 1877), namely, that the news-room,
a bounteously filled room in those days, abounding in dailies, weeklies,
and quarterlies, was open from nine in the morning until nine at night, at
a charge of twopence per month. As this room was, and still is, open
on Sundays as well as week days, this gave an average of 2,520 hours'
reading for twopence; or 600 hours, with fire and light, for one
halfpenny. Co-operative information is the cheapest the working
class over found, if regard be had to convenience of hour and day; and the
quality of it is higher, because two-sided, than gentlemen can usually
command. More wanting in intellectual boldness than workmen,
gentlemen's news-rooms and libraries are subjected to clerical censorship,
who, with the best intentions, impose the impotence of half-knowledge upon
the members who do not think it "good taste" to object to it or demand
"forbidden books." In all Scotland there is not a single public
library or news-room, in city, or club, or college, where periodicals and
books on both sides of theology and politics can be seen. Nor would
co-operators be in the freer and manlier state they are, did not their own
money buy their books, and build their news-rooms and libraries, and their
own members administer their affairs themselves. Owing nothing to
anyone, they fear nobody, nor suffer intellectual control by any.
The honourable feature of the Pioneers is that they did
not go back, they went forward. The Almanac, the yearly manifesto of
the Society, said:—"The objects of this Society are the social and
intellectual advancement of its members. It provides its members
with groceries, butchers' meat, drapery goods, clothing, shoes, clogs.
They have competent workmen on the premises to do the work of the members
and execute all repairs. The profits are divided quarterly: 1st,
interest, five per cent. per annum on all paid-up shares; 2nd, 2½
per cent. off net profits for educational purposes; remaining
profits divided amongst the members in proportion to money expended.
For the intellectual improvement of the members a library has been formed,
consisting (1877) of more than 3,000 volumes. The library is free to
all the members."
Mark, the objects are "the social and intellectual
improvement of members," as well as their secular betterance.
"Social and intellectual" improvement was a wholesale phrase put there or
kept there by Mr. Abram Howard.
Their library soon grew to 3,000 volumes. The
newspapers and periodicals increased in number; and they have discovered
how to make reading cheaper than 2,000 hours of it for twopence.
Reading is now "free," and the library thrown into that. The Almanac
of 1861 announces that globes, maps, microscopes, and telescopes are now
added, so that the co-operator can look into things small and great, far
and near. The gentlemen of Rochdale had no such institution for
their use.
It is that golden rule for the division of profits which
includes 2½ per cent. off net gains for
educational purposes, which has exalted the Rochdale Society above all
others, made its wise example so valuable, brought it so many friends, so
much fame, and kept it from being overrun by fools or uninformed members,
who else would long ere this have destroyed it, on the ground that
intelligence does not pay. Not having any themselves, and not
knowing what it means, they naturally take this view. They think
dividends sufficient without knowledge, not knowing that without knowledge
there would be no dividends, either in co-operative stores or elsewhere.
When the cotton famine began to gnash its lean jaws in 1862,
the forecasting and confident co-operators came out—in that penurious
year above all others—with their golden Almanac. Mr. Smithies
and Mr. Cooper both sent me copies with pride. It was printed in
gold on a blue ground. It mentioned a "Wholesale warehouse at 8 Toad
Lane, and, for the first time, gave a central compartment to the
educational department." It recounted that the library had grown to 5,000
volumes, that a reference library of most valuable works had been added,
that the news-room contained fourteen daily papers, thirty-two weeklies,
and monthlies and quarterlies of all
kinds, representing all opinions in politics and religion. The co-operators
wisely set themselves against being made into half-minded
men. They would not imitate those timid creatures who are afraid to know
the other side of the question, and go squinting at truth all their days,
never looking it square in the face, so that when they
meet it right plain in their way they do not know it. Opera glasses,
atlases, and stereoscopes are now provided for the use of members, and for
a small fee they can take them away, as well as microscopes
and telescopes. The slave war was then waging, and if a slave owner's agent
came their way, as many of them did, the co-operators had telescopes to
discern his approach, and microscopic instruments ready to examine him
when he arrived.
Things generally had a vagabond appearance in
Lancashire. The outlook for an operative was bad, and destined to be
worse. The golden Almanac said so, and gave this excellent advice to
"1. Let your earnings be spent only on strict necessaries. Cut off
everything else.
"2. Withdraw sparingly of your accumulated savings.
"3. Make the best use of the time thrown on your hands for your
intellectual improvement, means for which are provided in our library and
"4. Add to the honour of our movement, by waiting patiently for the better
time which will one day come"
And they did wait. No venal or other agitators ever won co-operators to
join in any clamour that the Government should intervene on behalf of the
south, in order to bring cotton to Lancashire and
Yorkshire. A week's clamour would have turned the scale against
the slave. It made the nation proud of English working men to see the
stout and generous silence they kept. The advice I have quoted was
addressed "to the co-operators of Rochdale and the nation." It is the only
time they acted on their well-earned authority to speak in this manner to
the outside world.
A Sick and Burial Society was commenced before 1860. Provision
for relief during sickness and also for decent interment at the death of
any of its members are the cares of the co-operators. None but members of
the Rochdale Equitable Pioneers, or their families, can enter this Society; but a member may withdraw from the Pioneers' Society without losing his
or her membership in this. Contributions, of course, vary according to age; and the tables are based upon authorised calculations. The Pioneers have
always had among them a creditable taste for temperance, and had the
Society's meetings held at the board-room to prevent pay nights turning
into tippling nights at a beerhouse, which soon brings members on the
"box" of the sick club. The founders of the Society were too shrewd to
think that anything would be saved by insuring saturated subscribers. Dry
members pay best. The Almanac of 1862 stated that "meeting at
public-houses was neither suitable nor consistent with the objects of a
sick and burial society—an appetite for drink and company bring on
disease and premature death." The Pioneers meant their arrangements to be
"suitable and consistent with a society whose interest rather is the
prevention of sickness and burials. Tippling is alone suitable and
consistent with a society whose objects
are promoting sickness and burial. Temperance in drink is sensible; it is
fuddling which is foolishness."
A House Society is another feature of Pioneer organisation. Improvement
in England grows fast out of grievance. Reason seldom or never creates it. If, indeed, pure intellect discovers a new course, it generally remains
barren until some irritation drives men into it. The Land and House
Society began this way. One of its founders relates that a certain
gentleman who was a shopkeeper, was also an owner of cottages, some of
which were occupied by members of "co-operative societies," who were in
the habit of receiving store profits. He, in an unwise hour, declared that
"they should not have all the dividends to themselves; he would have a
part of them by advancing their rents 3d. per week." If it be weak to wait
for an outrage before you do a sensible thing, it is undoubtedly a proof
of some spirit to take steps to make the repetition of the outrage, when
it does occur, impossible in the future. This is what the
Pioneers soon did. They formed a society, and began to buy land and put up
houses for themselves. Their rules give power to build, buy, and sell
houses, workshops, mills, factories, or to purchase, lease, or rent land
upon which to erect such property. Their proposed
capital was £25,000, in shares of £1. Thirty-six cottages were put
up before 1867, covering the whole of the land they then held. Their
erections were an improvement on the generality of cottages then built. Subsequently they have built a co-operative town.
The Irish Times of 1868 remarked in a leader by the editor,—"We have
before us an Almanac for 1868, published for the use and information of
its members by the Rochdale Equitable Pioneers' Society, Limited. It is a
sheet Almanac, illustrated with a view of 'The new Central Store,' a
cut-stone building 70 feet high, and
bearing some resemblance to the stately edifice belonging to the Hibernian
Bank, in College Green. This building cost the Rochdale Pioneers
£17,000. Some idea of the wonderful effects of the co-operative
system, duly and honourably carried out, may be formed from some facts
stated by the Directors, who are all working men, in an address published
in the Almanac."
After recounting what the business and profits of the Society then were,
the editor adds:—
"The capital is so large and so rapidly increases that the Directors are
now spending £10,000 as a beginning in the erection of a good class of
cottage houses for artisans, and they have purchased a small estate within
the borough of Rochdale, which is to be laid out for building immediately.
The quality and construction of the houses are greatly superior to any
erected for the working class in Rochdale before the Pioneer time,"
excepting, perhaps, a pleasant, wide-windowed and healthy range erected by
Mr. Bright for his workpeople.
The early co-operators in Rochdale took with regard to their buildings
what used to be called "the bare-bone utilitarian view," like that which
Abram Combe took at Orbiston. They were content that their store should be
of the plainest kind, indeed, they had an early resolution on their
minutes, "not to spend a farthing on finery." This was a wise resolution
then, because they had not the farthing by them. Besides, the instinct of
art hardly existed among the
working class in those days. They thought refinement of taste belonged
alone to the rich; they did not know that the rich were often vulgar, and
that refinement was a property of the mind, and that the
poor might have it as well as the wealthy. They did not know that
plainness, grimness, and ugliness were more expensive than modest
comeliness and modest taste. Their central stores and their branch stores
are well and substantially built now; but had it occurred to their
architects, they might have made them brighter, and still more
graceful, at less expense. It would be a benefit to society if a few
architects were publicly hanged in half-a-dozen places, as Voltaire said
of Admiral Byng, "for the encouragement of others."
The observations by the Irish editor quoted, are all founded upon one
Almanac, that of 1868. Much that has been written upon Rochdale has been
suggested in like manner by a stray copy of this annual calendar of the
year falling under the notice of persons who became
interested by its unexpected contents. The Almanac has been the
annual manifesto of the Store. It has been the sole historical publication
of the Store.
In Part I. of this history, the part published twenty years ago, at
p. 58,
it is represented that the loan asked of Mr. Coningham, then M. P. for
Brighton, fell through because their securities were naturally required to
be submitted to the examination of Mr. Coningham's solicitor, and the
"Board refused to have anything to do with a lawyer." No doubt this
distrust of lawyers existed. But this was not the exact reason why the
solicited loan came to an end. It is not of moment now;
but I am unwilling to leave on record unrevised any statement which
subsequent information has shown me to be incorrect. Mr. Coningham has
sent to me the following letter which he received at the time, and which
puts the fact accurately:—
13, George Street, Rochdale,
14th October, 1851.
Sir,—I am directed by
the members of the "Rochdale District Corn Mill Society" to return their
thanks for your offer and anxious desire to meet their wishes relative to
the loan of £500.
You will find by the enclosed letter we received from your solicitor,
Edward Tyler, Esq., however willing we may be we cannot give the property
of the Society in security. This the members regret, for it precludes them
from getting that help which they at this time greatly require. But yet
the members would esteem it a great favour if you, on the good faith of
the Society, advance to it £200, to be repaid by quarterly instalments of
£50, which would repay the loan in 12 months.—Respectfully yours,
When Abraham Lincoln became
President of America, his familiar-tongued countrymen dropped out the "ha,"
and reduced him to the more manageable name of "Abram." Since Mr.
Greenwood has oft been president of the various wholesale and other
co-operative projects, he also has been called "Abram," and it has been
the above letter, bearing Mr. Coningham's endorsement (I send the original
to the printer), written twenty-six years ago, that enables me to furnish
historical proof that Mr. Greenwood's rightful name is the good old
resonant, Hebraic, patriarchal, three-syllabled name of Abraham, the most
honoured name in Lancashire neat to "Mesopotamia."
In the first part of this history, mention was made of the Christian
Socialists, the professors, lawyers, clergymen, and other members of that
party. It is a duty to acknowledge now how much the movement has been
indebted to the generous zeal and devotion which, during the twenty
succeeding years, they have continued to promote, which in various places,
in this narrative and elsewhere, has been ungrudgingly acknowledged.
On Mr. Ashworth's appointment at the Wholesale, Manchester, Mr. Brierley,
of the Brickfield Equitable Society, became manager. He began his duties
when the progress of the Society was in full course. The local policy was
changed. New notions of making dividend by seeking cheaper markets, with
risk of worse quality, were permitted.
The rules were altered to the effect that interest on invested capital of
five per cent. should only be paid in certain fixed proportion to the
amount of the member's quarterly purchases of provisions
or goods at the Store. Thus, if a member had invested £60 in the capital
of the Store, and his purchases amounted to only £1 a week during the
quarter, he only received interest on £8 of his capital
invested, and the other £47 paid him nothing. One reason for this
singular rule was a distrust or jealousy of capitalists. It is a curious
feature in the working class that at one time their great grievance is
that they have no capital (which is always a grievance to any persons in
that state), and, next, they use all their ingenuity to devise rules for
getting rid of capital, which we wanted for establishing co-operative workshops. They grow afraid of their friend. The
rules herein questioned had the merit of answering the purpose intended. The members who could not eat up to the required amount, and could not
otherwise augment their purchases sufficiently,
began to draw out their capital which yielded no return. The result was
that, in 1869-70, £100,000 were withdrawn, and £30,000 more
was under notice. It will surprise the un-co-operative reader to find that
the members of the Store had so large an amount of money. In due time good
sense got uppermost, as it often has done in Rochdale. The members had the
disturbing rule rescinded. [61] From June, 1870, business and prosperity
returned to its usual standard
of growth; the capital has more than doubled again. Mr. Joseph Booth, of
the Hyde Store, son of Mr. George Booth, of Middleton,
has succeeded as manager. Mr. Brierley set up a rival society in the
town, of which he is manager. But the Rochdale Society continues to
prosper in its own enduring way.
About the years 1859 and 1860, Mr John Bright took, as he had often done
before, considerable interest in the progress of the Pioneers' Society. He
knew several of the workpeople of his firm with whom, as old servants, he
was on friendly and conversational terms; and sometimes the affairs of the
Store were the topic of his remarks. He said some of his friends in the
Metropolis and other parts of the country expressed doubts as to the
financial soundness of the Society, and based their doubts upon the fact
that the accounts were only
audited by members. He hi himself had no misgiving concerning them; but he
thought it might give confidence to other persons who were both willing
and able to speak well of the movement, but who desired to be certain that
the statements made were verified
by some acknowledged public auditor. This was talked about among the
leading members, and ultimately, on the appointment of the auditors in
January, 1861, the matter was mentioned, and the appointment of a public
accountant was moved and carried, mainly through the influence of the
reported remarks of Mr. Bright.
Mr. Frank Hunter, of Bacup, was appointed. The books were not entered up
in a systematic manner, and Mr. Hunter had to bring out the whole of the
strength of his office. The great number of the entries in the share
accounts were more than he was prepared to find, and the number of the
entries in the share accounts were such as he had had no former experience
of. He wanted to take all the books away, but could not be permitted. When
Mr. Hunter's report was produced it
showed a sum of £200 unaccounted for. Mr. Cooper said it could not be
correct, but the error could only be discovered by a fresh
audit. Mr. Ashworth and the President went to see Mr. Hunter
to ask him to show them how he had arrived at the result. He
could give no particulars. He had corrected a number of members' share
books without keeping account of the corrections, nor could
he give any clue to the mystery. After much trouble and research it was
discovered that Mr. Hunter had made a mistake by inserting on the credit
side of the trade account an item of £70 odd as sales, which ought to have
been entered on the debit side of purchases. It is not difficult to
understand that if an auditor puts down £70 as received which the cashier
had actually paid, that would make an error against him of £140. But
all the cash was there. Mr. Hunter acknowledged in a letter his
mistake, and the Society was satisfied. Since that time the Society
has been satisfied with the audits made by those appointed; besides,
auditors have subsequently been better paid. [62]
It will be clear to the reader that Mr. Bright did great service to the
Society by the discerning practical suggestion which he made. At that time
doubts were often expressed as to whether co-operators, being working men,
understood enough of book-keeping to render a sound financial statement of
their affairs. This short story, the financial verification of the
Rochdale Society, is a necessary part of its history.
The following table shows at a glance the progress which the Society has
made from 1844 onwards:—
Year |
Members |
Funds (£) |
Business (£) |
Profits incl.
interest (£) |
1844 |
28 |
28 |
… |
… |
1845 |
74 |
181 |
710 |
22 |
1846 |
80 |
252 |
1,146 |
80 |
1847 |
110 |
286 |
1,924 |
72 |
1848 |
149 |
397 |
2,276 |
117 |
1849 |
390 |
1,193 |
6,611 |
561 |
1850 |
600 |
2,289 |
13,179 |
880 |
1851 |
630 |
2,785 |
17,633 |
990 |
1852 |
680 |
3,471 |
16,352 |
1,206 |
1853 |
720 |
5,848 |
22,700 |
1,674 |
1854 |
900 |
7,712 |
33,374 |
1,763 |
1855 |
1,400 |
11,032 |
44,902 |
3,109 |
1856 |
1,600 |
12,920 |
63,197 |
3,921 |
1857 |
1,850 |
15,142 |
79,789 |
5,470 |
1858 |
1,950 |
18,160 |
74,680 |
6,284 |
1859 |
2,703 |
27,060 |
104,012 |
10,739 |
1860 |
3,450 |
37,710 |
152,063 |
15,906 |
1861 |
3,900 |
42,295 |
176,206 |
18,020 |
1862 |
3,501 |
38,465 |
141,074 |
17,564 |
1863 |
4,013 |
49,961 |
158,632 |
19,671 |
1864 |
4,747 |
62,105 |
174,937 |
22,717 |
1865 |
5,326 |
78,778 |
196,234 |
25,156 |
1866 |
6,246 |
99,989 |
249,122 |
31,931 |
1867 |
6,823 |
128,435 |
284,912 |
41,619 |
1868 |
6,731 |
123,233 |
390,900 |
37,459 |
1869 |
5,809 |
93,423 |
236,438 |
28,642 |
1870 |
5,560 |
80,291 |
223,021 |
25,209 |
1871 |
6,021 |
107,500 |
246,522 |
29,026 |
1872 |
6,444 |
132,912 |
267,577 |
33,640 |
1873 |
7,021 |
160,886 |
287,212 |
38,749 |
1874 |
7,639 |
192,814 |
298,888 |
40,679 |
1875 |
8,415 |
225,682 |
305,657 |
48,212 |
1876 |
8,892 |
254,000 |
305,190 |
50,668 |
1877 |
9,722 |
280,275 |
311,754 |
51,648 |
1878 |
10,187 |
292,344 |
298,679 |
52,694 |
1879 |
10,427 |
288,035 |
270,072 |
49,751 |
1880 |
10,613 |
292,570 |
283,665 |
48,545 |
1881 |
10,697 |
302,151 |
272,142 |
46,242 |
1882 |
10,894 |
315,243 |
274,627 |
47,608 |
1883 |
11,050 |
326,875 |
276,456 |
51,599 |
1884 |
11,161 |
329,470 |
262,270 |
50,268 |
1885 |
11,084 |
324,645 |
252,072 |
45,254 |
1886 |
10,984 |
321,678 |
246,031 |
44,111 |
1887 |
11,152 |
338,100 |
256,736 |
46,047 |
1888 |
11,278 |
344,669 |
267,726 |
47,119 |
1889 |
11,342 |
353,470 |
270,685 |
47,263 |
1890 |
11,352 |
362,358 |
270,583 |
47,764 |
1891 |
11,647 |
370,792 |
296,025 |
52,198 |
The progress of the Store shown in columns was first done on my
suggestion, and Mr. T. S. Mill put in his "Principles of Political
Economy" this table down to 1860.
THE Society soon came to possess fourteen or more
Branch Stores and nearly as many news-rooms. But how came these
Branches into being? Did they come by spontaneous generation or
evolution, or development of species process, silently and naturally; or
were they the offspring of discussion, with agitation for accoucheur?
The following facts will enable the reader to judge:—
It was in the year 1856, when the receipts at the two Central
Stores had amounted to £1,000 per week, that the members began to talk of
having shops opened in other parts of the town, more convenient to their
Many of the members lived at great distances, and the labour
of carrying their weekly purchases from the stores in Toad Lane had been
freely undertaken while there was no economy in having more than one shop.
But now the shop was crowded every night, and the day was scarcely long
enough for the shopmen to make the necessary preparations for the night's
Discussions arose on which part of the town the first Branch
should be opened; it was soon decided. A numerously signed memorial
from the members on the Castleton side of the town was presented to the
quarterly meeting, held in June, 1856. The prayer of the
memorialists was granted, themselves being at the meeting in great
strength to promote it and support it by their votes. Indeed, this
has been the case in the opening of nearly all the Branches, and is a
notable feature in the democratic character of our institution.
A shop in Oldham Road was procured, and was opened No. 1
Branch for the sale of grocery goods on the 7th day of October of the same
year. The business at this new Branch soon outgrew the premises
which the committee had rented, and it was soon seen that further steps
would have to be taken in the same direction.
There was on the Castleton side of the town a society which
had been formed in the earlier years of the Pioneers' Society. It
was called "The Castleton Co-operative Society." It was doing but a
small business. I believe it was in the year 1855 it was irregularly
assessed by the Income Tax Commissioners on a profit of £45, and compelled
to pay at that time.
The greater popularity of the larger society threatened to
swallow up this small society, and now when the Branch movement had begun,
an agitation was set on foot for amalgamation. The result was that
the business and premises of the Castleton Society were taken up by the
Pioneers, and the Store was opened on March 7th, 1857, as the No. 2 School
Lane Branch. It still retains the name, although a new store has
been built in another street a considerable distance away.
The new idea of Branches gained ground so fast that two more
were opened within the next few weeks, No. 3, in Whitworth Road within ten
minutes' walk of the Toad Lane Stores, and the first on the same side of
the town; and No. 4, Pinfold Branch, being in another part of the township
of Castleton.
The latter Branch was opened on the 2nd June, 1857, but no
further steps were taken in this direction till the beginning of the year
1859. Although great relief had been given to the Central Stores by
the opening of the four Branches, yet the increase of members and business
continued at such a rate that further relief was now found to be
The Castleton side of the town was well served. Only
one Branch had been established on the same side as the Central was
situated, and it was now argued that they might extend in the Spotland
direction. After some opposition, and great difficulty in finding a
suitable shop, the Spotland Bridge Branch, No. 5, commenced business on
the 17th February, 1859.
The agitation for another Branch at Bamford was immediately
commenced. This was, indeed, an agitation, inasmuch as it involved a
new principle—that of the Pioneers opening shops in the neighbourhood of
other societies.
At a small village, situate but a short distance from
Bamford, there was one of those small societies formed very early in the
new history of the movement, and must have been in existence a
considerable number of years at the time when the memorial for a Branch at
Bamford was being signed. The memorial was signed by a great many of
the members of the Hooley Bridge Society, and a great many more opposed
it. It was seen at once that if the Pioneers opened a shop here it
would be the death-blow to their small Society. The principle of
self-government was set against the principle of economy on the side of
the memorialists. While on the side of their opponents in the town
it was urged that it would not be fair to charge the Society's funds with
the cost of carrying the goods to such an outlying Branch, when members
who lived at great distances in other directions had to carry their own,
but more especially would it be wrong to open such a Branch so near a
neighbouring society at which the memorialists could not only make their
purchases, but where they could take a more active share in the management
than was possible for them to do in the Rochdale Society.
The memorialists, however, succeeded, and at the April
Quarterly Meeting, in 1859, it was decided to open a shop at Bamford.
The announcement of the voting was received with an outburst of applause
from the supporters of the memorial.
No one seems to have thought of the danger of this example of
overlapping which has wrought much mischief since. A Store is better
than a Branch since the Store develops local energy and business
education. A federation of Stores around a wholesale centre is
better than Branches.
I have dwelt longer on the circumstances attending the
opening of the No. 6 Bamford Branch (which took place on May 26th, 1859),
because it settled the principle that the Society might safely carry its
Branches to such places beyond the boundaries of the town where the
members residing in the neighbourhood could guarantee a certain weekly
business, such as would give fair employment to a shopman.
The sixteen Society's Branches were opened as follows:—
Oldham Road |
No. 1 in |
1856 |
School Lane Branch |
2 |
1857 |
Whitworth Road |
3 |
1857 |
Pinfold |
4 |
1857 |
Spotland Bridge Branch |
5 |
1859 |
Bamford Branch |
6 |
1859 |
Wardleworth Brow |
7 |
1860 |
Bluepits |
8 |
1860 |
Buersil |
9 |
1864 (?) |
Shawclough |
10 |
1866 |
Sudden |
11 |
1869 |
Newbold |
12 |
1872 |
Milkstone |
13 |
1872 |
Slattocks |
14 |
1873 |
Gravel Hole |
15 |
1874 |
Norden |
16 |
1875 |
At ten out of the sixteen there are commodious shops, which
the Society has built from its own funds, and two more where the premises
are its own by purchase. At the remaining four the business is
conducted in rented shops. There are news-rooms at twelve of them,
and preparation is being made at another. [63]
Four or five of the branches do a business under £2,000 per quarter, but
the rest vary from that sum to £5,500 per quarter.
The Branch system has been of great service to the members,
and there is no doubt but it has been a principal means of the rapid and
ultimately secure development of the Society's progress.
The Central Store from which the Branches radiate is a very
interesting building. There is a meeting-room at the top, covering
the whole area of the building. It is capable of seating at least 1,400
persons, and has often held meetings of 2,000 and upwards. This
meeting-room affords a commanding view of the town which is seen from 15
lofty windows. The library contains 12,000 volumes.
The building was commenced in the beginning of 1866, and
opened in September, 1867. The whole cost including site was
£13,360; all or the greater part of the cost has long since been defrayed.
The premises at ten of the Branches belonging to the Society were erected
at a cost of upwards of £14,000, including fixtures. Close to the
river, and in a central part of the town, are the Society's manufacturing
departments, newly arranged and rebuilt, comprising tobacco manufacturing;
bread, biscuit, and cake baking; the business of pork butchering, currant
cleaning, coffee roasting, coffee and pepper grinding; and in the same
yard are the stables and slaughter houses; the whole being so arranged
that the produce of each department can be delivered at the shops when
wanted with the precision of a machine.
The business of the Society was £311,754, and the members
numbered 9,722 at the end of 1877; profits, £51,648. The Society
constitutes an important part of the town, which numbers 65,000
Store, Toad Lane, in 1844 (left) and in 1868. |
It was a festive day when the Central Stores were opened.
I invited Colonel R. J. Hinton, of Washington, to be present, who had
drilled and taken part in training coloured regiments in the Slave War for
freedom, in America. He was witness of the proceedings, and spoke in
the theatre. [64] The Central Store stands at the
junction of St. Mary's Gate and Toad Lane, presenting a copious frontage
to both roads, and raising its head higher than any building in the town.
Standing on the site of the old theatre and the Temperance Hall, all know
the place, and if they did not they can see it. It has been proposed
to erect an observatory upon it, and furnish it with powerful telescopes.
The immense range of view from the top will make it the finest observatory
in Lancashire. Speeches were delivered at the Theatre Royal, the
Mayor, Mr. J. Robinson, presiding. Mr. John Bright, M.P., sent a
cordial letter, being unable to be in Rochdale that day. Earl Russel,
Lord Stanley, Mr. Goldwin Smith, Mr. T. B. Potter, M.P. for the borough,
Mr. Jacob Bright, and others, sent words of acknowledgment or
congratulation. Mr. Thomas Hughes, M.P., Mr. Walter Morrison, M.P.,
Mr. E. V. Neale, Mr. E. O. Greening, the Rev. W. N. Molesworth, the Rev.
J. Freeston, and the present writer, were among the speakers.
Twenty-three years before the co-operators had commenced their humble and
doubtful career in Toad Lane, and that day, September 28th, 1867, they
obtained acknowledged ascendency in the town. They had become the
greatest trading body in it; their Central Store tower, like Saul, head
and shoulders above every other establishment about it.
The Rev. Mr. Molesworth said he regarded that celebration as
of European importance. Throughout the Continent co-operation had
spread rapidly since they had adopted the principles of the Rochdale
Pioneers. All true believers in co-operation turn their eyes to
Rochdale as the Mecca and Medina of the system.
Mr. Morrison, M.P., said that nothing could be done by the
Pioneers in a corner. It was, therefore, important that they should
maintain their reputation. If other societies saw that Rochdale
departed from its first faith, they would plead their eminent example for
departing also.
At this meeting Mr. John Brierley, the Secretary, read an
elaborate report. It ended with this passage:—"In 1855 a
Manufacturing Society was established in this town chiefly by the members
of the Store. Its principle was to apportion the profits made—in
part to capital and in part to labour. This Society made great
success in its earlier years, but the capitalist shareholder began to
think the worker had too much profit, so the bounty to labour was
abolished. (Loud cries of "shame." [65]) But we
hope ere long to see it re-adopted (hear, hear, and cheers), and the
principles of co-operation fully developed, believing that it is fraught
with incalculable blessings to the people."
Mr. Hughes accepted this as a promise that efforts would be
made to restore the character of the Manufacturing Society.
Mr. William Cooper spoke, and in alluding to Mr. Neale
described him as "their own lawyer," for whose services they were all
Mr. Councillor Smithies said that the Pioneers, who were
registered under the Friendly Societies Act of 1845, had applied for an
amendment of the law which would enable them to devote a tenth of their
net profits to educational purposes; but, notwithstanding the services of
Mr. Hughes and Mr. Neale, the proposed rule was vetoed by Mr. Tidd Pratt,
the registrar.
The co-operators had never been hosts before on so large a
scale, and had never before been able to invite such distinguished guests
as those to whom they sent invitations. The chief guests had the
choice of two dinners. One was provided for them at the Central
Stores, and another by the Mayor, with whom, as the intention of his
worship was to show courtesy to the Pioneers by making their visitors his
guests, they dined. After the speech, multitudes of people went to
the soiree at the Stores, and the ball at the Public Hall.
THERE is no doubt that the persistence of leading
Rochdale Co-operators in maturing the "Wholesale" entitles their Store to
be regarded as the practical founder of it. They furnished those who
conceived the idea in its working form, put it in motion, and kept it in
Long before, Rochdale had the merit to demonstrate the value
of the principle of dividing profits upon purchases instead of upon
shares. Mr. Alexander Campbell, of Glasgow, was an advocate of this
principle. It was first stated by Mr. Campbell in 1822, and
afterwards put by him in the rules of the Cambuslang Society of 1829.
The principle was in the rules of the Melthan Mills Society of 1827, as
Mr. Nuttall has shown: yet it would never have been in Rochdale save for
Mr. Howarth. He re-discovered it, and was certainly the first to
appreciate its importance, and to urge its adoption there. Double
discovery is very common in literature, mechanics, and commerce.
Poets and authors often hit upon ideas which have occurred to others
before they were born, and of whose writings they had no knowledge.
Bell, in Scotland, and Fulton, in America, both discovered the steamship
at the same time. No doubt Mr. Howarth himself originated the very
idea in Rochdale which Mr. Campbell had long before thought of. But
they made nothing of it in Scotland. Indeed, they did not know they
had it among them, until Rochdale successes with it made it of the nature
of a famous discovery. Many discoveries of great pith and moment are
made over and over again, and die over and over again. At last the
old idea, being re-born, falls into the hands of knowing nurses, who bring
the doubtful "bairn" up until it grows strong, tall, and rich. It is
wonderful then what a number of parents the young man finds he had!
This plan of sharing profits with the consumer, without whom no profits
could be made, ensured a following for a store. It gave the customer
an interest in the concern. Other societies soon adopted the same
rule, but none made so much of it as Rochdale has done. The use
other stores of that day put it to would never have given it distinction.
Indeed, the division of profit idea would never have made the noise it
has, but for the Rochdale way of carrying it out. It has been the
ever-growing amounts of profit that attracted the pecuniary eye of the
country to it there. The early co-operators there, having a
world-amending scheme in view, foresaw that money would be required for
that purpose, and this led them to adopt a plan of saving all they gained.
After paying capitalists five per cent. it was open to the co-operators to
sell their goods without further profit, which would have given to each
purchaser his articles at almost cost prices. The consumer would
thus have had, in another form, his full share of advantage by buying at
the Store. The other plan open to them to adopt was to charge the
current prices for all goods sold, and save for the customer the
difference of profit accruing. This plan they adopted; though it was
theoretical and somewhat Utopian, and not likely to be so popular with
members generally, who like cheap articles, who prefer to know what they
save, and to have it at once. Uneducated people do not believe in
saving; they have no confidence in it; they do not believe in an unknown,
untried committee saving money for them; they want it the moment it is
available. With them a penny in hand is worth twenty in the bush.
In one of his lectures on capital and labour, Mr. Holmes, of
Leeds, relates a before-told but still instructive story:—"During one of
the Irish famines, Mr. Forster (the father of the then M.P. for Bradford)
went out there, as the agent of the Society of Friends, to give special
relief, and found the people at one place famished down to chewing
seaweed. He asked them if there was no fish in the sea; they replied
'Yes,' but said 'they could not get them, as they had neither boats nor
nets.' Mr. Forster provided them with boats and nets, upon which
they eagerly inquired, 'Who's to pay us our day's wages?' Mr.
Forster told them 'the fish they got would pay them their wages,' but they
declined to go out on these problematical conditions, and it was not until
Mr. Forster guaranteed them their wages that they set off. The
consequence was that a good trade was carried on, and Mr. Forster soon
found that the boats and nets were cleared—all paid for—and that plenty of
money might be made. He offered the men the boats and nets free of
expense; but they would not take them in their own hands, and nothing
would satisfy them but 'their day's wages!"'
The ignorant trust in nothing. Near gain oftentimes the
amount seems to them a cheat. The pecuniary eye of the mind is like
the natural eye of the body—sometimes short-sighted, and cannot carry far
enough to see profit even a little way off. An economic telescope is
wanted to lengthen the sight. Co-operation proved to be the very
telescope which did the thing for thousands. I know co-operators now
who can see a profit a mile off; but, singularly, this long range of eye
does not apply to a principle. The principle sometimes lies much
nearer, and they never see at. I suppose they overlook it.
The poor are a fastidious and demonstrative class—they
require to see the results of their conduct day by day and hour by hour.
Yet, the old plan of selling goods cheaper than ordinary tradesmen—turning
all profits into reduction of price—was not one that promised permanence.
When errors in purchasing, or spoilt stock, caused the price at the Store
to rise, the supporters of the Store fell. Even when the Store was
successful as to maintaining lowness of price, the amount of advantage was
often infinitesimal on some articles, and when the advantage could
scarcely be seen, its influence waned. The old plan of taking all
profits made, and paying them in the shape of dividends to the
shareholders, had yet greater disadvantages. These dividends were
drawn out and spent. When high, enthusiasm was high. When the
dividends came down, popular support sunk to zero, and sometimes below,
and then the Store broke up.
However, the rule of forced saving and deferred spending was
calculated to delay the progress of the Society—to repel members—to breed
discontent. It required enthusiasts to carry it out, and that rare
combination of enthusiasts, zealots with patience, who could wait long
years for results—in fact, to wait for their own success, which could not
arrive until they had educated their neighbours, and brought up the town
about them to their level. Luckily, the early Rochdale co-operators
were enthusiasts, men who had the courage to dream dreams in flannel
jackets, and with a very poor outlook in the streets—there being
reductions of wages very near them, and the poorhouse not "looming" in the
remote distance—but near and palpable; and yet they adopted the plan which
forced members to save. Thus was born in Lancashire the idea of
accumulating profits. Mr. William Chambers, in his paper on
co-operation, says, with true insight, "Without the principle of
accumulating profits, co-operation remains a very insignificant affair."
The long years of store experience which preceded the commencement of the
Rochdale Store of 1844, were the "insignificant " days of co-operation.
There was no alluring accumulations then. Rochdale proved that an
average population can be educated in foresight and thrift—quite a new
fact in human working-class nature then. Happily, the Pioneers may
come to be outstripped in material successes and in numbers; but they can
never be surpassed in the credit which belongs to faith when believers are
few, and to courage when all others despaired.
If the Rochdale plan of dividing profits on purchases was a
Scotch discovery, it was unknown to the Messrs. Chambers. Clearly it
had never attracted any attention in Scotch hands, else we had never seen,
from such an observant economist as William Chambers, the following
singular comment:—
"The Rochdale plan of paying not only
dividends on capital, but a share of profits along with wages, is, on the
first view of it, new and revolutionary. It seems to overturn all
our ordinary ideas as to the relationship between those who find the money
and those who give the hands in trading operations."
When Lord Westbury brought in his County Courts Bill for the
abolition of the power of imprisonment for debt, he explained, in a note
to Mr. Pitman, then editor of the Co-operator, "that he should be
glad to see the Bill supported by the petitions of co-operative societies,
feeling as he did that the taking away of such power would, by loosening
the facility of obtaining credit, conduce to render more general habits of
providence—habits which the system of co-operation had shown to exist
among some of the members of the working class." Mr. John Whittaker,
pleasantly known as "A Lancashire lad," endeavoured to elicit the opinions
of leading co-operators upon the Lord Chancellor's Bill, and put the
reason for it in these conclusive words:—
"As the Lord Chancellor's new Bill
strikes directly at this credit system, it deserves the support of all who
are interested in social improvement, and especially of those who are
concerned about the success of co-operative associations. So soon as
it becomes difficult for working men to obtain credit, they will learn the
value of societies which will enable them to keep for their own use the
profits which they would otherwise have to pay to the ordinary retail
This was in 1864. Mr. William Cooper endeavoured in
vain to induce the Rochdale Society to petition in favour of the Bill.
The reason for this needs explaining, which can best be done in Mr.
Cooper's own words:—
"I believe the system of credit does the
working man a great deal more harm than good; for when a man 'goes
behind,' as we say, or gets in debt, his hope and his spirit somewhat
desert him, and he is liable to get more and more tied to his crediting
shopkeeper. I have heard it said that some shopkeepers like to have
their customers a little in debt, as then they know they are not able to
go elsewhere for goods. If the Lord Chancellor's Bill becomes law,
the tradesmen would still have one side of the bargain—that is, they could
please themselves who they credited; and perhaps they would be more
cautious about leading people into debt. But if the co-operative
societies were to agitate for the passing of the Bill, the shopkeepers
would be apt to attribute their interference to a desire on the part of
co-operators to injure their interests. At least such a construction
would be put on their motives in this town, as the Tories want a pretext
to raise the hostility of the shopkeepers against the stores, so that in
the excitement they may use the shopkeepers as instruments to unseat our
representative, Richard Cobden."
But it must be owned that this solicitude concerning the
action and interest of shopkeepers was sacrificing the larger interests of
the working class and the stores. Lord Westbury's Bill would have
saved tens of thousands from debt and have given an impetus to ready-money
purchasing at stores.
The Working Men's Industrial Associations of Italy, which
were originated by Mazzini, and of which he was president, were animated
by a strong spirit of citizenship. With them public life and social
life went together. It was in the belief that co-operation was not
divorced from citizenship in Rochdale that at a meeting held there in
December, 1861, I made a communication, on the authority of the president
of the chief societies in Italy, with a view to establishing a personal
intercourse between them and the trade societies of England. The
Italian societies act upon the principle some time before urged upon the
trade societies of England by Mr. Bright, and seek the unity of their
country as the first condition of their industrial independence. At
the conclusion of the communication Mr. Abraham Greenwood moved the
following resolution, which was carried unanimously, Mr. Isaac Hoyle
presiding: —"This meeting learns with pleasure that Italian workmen are
following the advice long ago given to the workmen of England by Sir
Robert Peel, and 'are taking their own affairs into their own hands."'
In England at that time the trade societies had it under their
consideration to use their organisation for securing their political
enfranchisement; for it is impossible that any men can protect the
interests of their order, or their labour, who have no political existence
themselves. The Rochdale meeting, therefore, was glad to see that
the workmen of Italy included the unity of their country as a supreme and
essential object with them.
The announcements in the Rochdale Almanacs of the number and
magnitude of the news-rooms and libraries are noble notices. Just as
when the English colonise any country they carry representative
institutions with them, so whenever the Rochdale Society opens a new
branch they open a new news-room, and it is "always" open. Every
member is wiser in mind for it, and no poorer in pocket. Knowledge
is economy as well as foresight and good sense.
Mr. John Ormerod wrote to me in 1864 an account of the origin
of the Co-operative Loan Fund of Rochdale. In 1862, some gentlemen
in Wiltshire, fearing that the cotton famine would seriously affect the
stability of co-operative stores in Lancashire, generously proposed to
render assistance which might help to avert this evil.
"Considering," says Mr. Ormerod, "that Rochdale had been (so to speak) the
cradle of co-operation, these gentlemen made offer of help in Rochdale,
lest co-operation in general should suffer through a shock received
there." To this end they sent a sum of £500 through Mr. Sotheron
Estcourt, M.P., to the Rev. W. N. Molesworth, the Vicar of Spotland, for
the use of the co-operators, free of interest, on the condition that it
was lent free of interest to co-operative families suffering from the
cotton famine. Six trustees were appointed—two from the Pioneer
Society, two from the Corn Mill, and two from the Manufacturing Society.
The trustees undertook to do their best to collect the money when
prosperity returned, and to hand it over to the Rev. Mr. Molesworth.
The money was lent in sums from £1 to £5 to persons depositing their "law
books," containing a record of their deposits in the Store. By this
means, a member having a few pounds in the Store could borrow money to
that amount without withdrawing his capital from the Store. By
continuing to deal with the Store, the profit upon his purchases and
interest upon his capital invested, continued to accumulate, enabling him
eventually to pay back the loan. Only £361 required to be lent up to
the end of 1864. During the first half-year of 1863 £13 were repaid.
In the second half-year £37 were repaid. In the third quarter of
1864 £26 were repaid, and the fourth quarter of 1864 £32.
Ultimately, it was all repaid, and £100 of interest was accumulated.
The gentlemen who lent the money, at the same time, gave it to the
co-operators, should it be refunded, provided they put it to some useful
purpose, which met the approval of the donors. It was permitted to
be devoted to the instruction of members under the title of a Special
Education Fund. Mr. Ormerod related that the expenses of
distributing the fund up to the end of 1864 scarcely exceeded £2.
But though they advertised the existence of the fund, and explained the
advantages it offered to those members who needed help, it went out so
slowly that some began to think that co-operators were too independent to
borrow, or that they were really better off than their fellow-workers who
had never been co-operators.
The interest arising from the Special Educational Fund
enables instructional classes to be assisted for the advantage of the
families of members. Some years lectures have been given to the
members by persons likely to add to their instruction. When they
were specially engaged the expenses were paid out of the proceeds of this
fund. Recent Almanacs of the Store now contain this
announcement:—"Science, Art, and French Classes.—These classes were
inaugurated by the Educational Committee in 1873, and have since continued
to be carried on successfully. The following subjects are now taught
by able teachers, viz.,:—Mathematics, geometrical and mechanical drawing,
theoretical mechanics, physiology, botany, magnetism and electricity,
inorganic chemistry, freehand and model drawing, geometry and perspective,
acoustics, light and heat, and the French language. All sons and
daughters of members should avail themselves of these classes."
Seeing the generous interest in the fortunes of the Pioneers
shown by Mr. Sotheron Estcourt, Estcourt Square, or Terrace, or Street,
would be a pleasant name to give to one of the lines of buildings (when a
new name is wanted) on the Pioneers' estate. It concerns us all who
care for the honour and progress of co-operation to bear in grateful
regard the memory of everyone who has signally aided it in the past, when
it was unfriended and struggling.
The following table shows the number of students in each
division since the commencement of the classes:—
Year |
In Science
Classes |
in Science |
In Art
Classes |
in Art |
In the
Classes |
Technology |
1873 |
31 |
16 |
… |
… |
… |
… |
1874 |
51 |
30 |
49 |
40 |
… |
… |
1875 |
83 |
68 |
88 |
59 |
… |
… |
1876 |
103 |
68 |
94 |
63 |
… |
… |
1877 |
88 |
73 |
68 |
60 |
… |
… |
1878 |
131 |
86 |
86 |
43 |
… |
… |
1879 |
174 |
134 |
84 |
48 |
… |
… |
1880 |
162 |
121 |
76 |
51 |
… |
… |
1881 |
143 |
110 |
77 |
55 |
… |
… |
1882 |
188 |
134 |
58 |
39 |
6 |
4 |
1883 |
222 |
164 |
78 |
51 |
92 |
57 |
1884 |
222 |
151 |
85 |
66 |
87 |
47 |
1885 |
232 |
170 |
75 |
43 |
42 |
27 |
1886 |
261 |
192 |
73 |
50 |
141 |
75 |
1887 |
201 |
163 |
54 |
36 |
74 |
50 |
1888 |
207 |
155 |
37 |
30 |
50 |
26 |
1889 |
207 |
167 |
54 |
34 |
49 |
30 |
1890 |
199 |
160 |
39 |
22 |
36 |
26 |
1891 |
157 |
124 |
46 |
27 |
33 |
28 |
The decrease in the number of students during the past few
years is accounted for by the starting of other classes, and especially by
the art and technological work which the Technical School Committee have
undertaken since 1887 and 1888. But the Pioneers at the Whitworth
Road Store have by far the best chemical laboratory in the town, and they
alone offer prizes in all their classes. The income for the prizes
is derived from the Sotheron-Estcourt Fund (of which mention has been
made) which realises about £26 per year. With this money prizes of
10s. and 5s. are given to the most successful students in each stage of
each subject.
It ought to be put on record that for fifteen or sixteen
years they provided the larger part of the science and art teaching in
Rochdale; and this at but trifling expense to themselves, for the
Government grant has practically sufficed to meet the cost of tuition.
The following return, issued by Mr. Barnish, the librarian,
shows the number of volumes in the library, and the extent to which they
were used in 1890-91:—
No. of
Vols. |
Issued. |
Morals, Metaphysics |
702 |
722 |
Arts and
Sciences |
905 |
1,904 |
and Biography |
2,798 |
1,235 |
History |
482 |
502 |
Social and
Political Philosophy, &c |
780 |
391 |
Fine Arts, and the Drama |
766 |
1,092 |
Voyages, and Travels |
987 |
1,863 |
Works of
Fiction, Tales, &c |
4,103 |
25,039 |
Miscellaneous Literature |
3,268 |
2,730 |
14,791 |
35,498 |
Branch |
No. of
Vols. |
Library, Toad Lane |
547 |
Branch |
95 |
Branch |
74 |
Branch |
75 |
Oldham Road
Branch |
81 |
Pinfold Branch |
83 |
Road Branch |
84 |
Branch |
78 |
Bridge Branch |
87 |
School Lane
Branch |
78 |
Brow Branch |
79 |
Sudden Brow
Branch |
70 |
Branch |
71 |
Branch |
71 |
Branch |
66 |
Gravel Hole
Branch |
65 |
Branch |
69 |
Branch |
64 |
Lending Library, Greenbooth |
316 |
The Branch Lending Libraries contain |
2,153 |
In addition there are 374 "select books and local pamphlets."
These libraries are a noble achievement for a society of working men.
While there have been a few grumblers, almost from the first,
the bulk of the members gave no sign of dissatisfaction at part of the
profits being used for educational purposes.
The office of president has been filled each year as follows:—
1844 Miles Ashworth
1869 J. R. Shepherd
1845 Charles Howarth
1870 J. R: Shepherd
1846 James Smithies
1871. J. R. Shepherd
1847 John Kershaw
1872 J. R. Shepherd
1848 James Tweedale
1873 J. R. Shepherd
1849 John Cockcroft
1874 J. R. Shepherd
1850 John Cockcroft
1875 Abraham Howard
1851 John Kershaw
1876 Abraham Howard
1852 J. J. Hill
1877 Abraham Howard
1853 John Cockcroft
1878 Benjamin Horbury
1854 John Cockcroft
1879 Benjamin Horbury
1855 John Cockcroft
1880 Benjamin Horbury
1856 Abraham Greenwood 1881
Benjamin Horbury
1857 John Cockcroft
1882 Benjamin Horbury
1858 John Cockcroft
1883 Benjamin Horbury
1859 John Cockcroft
1884 James Whitworth
1860 John Cockcroft
1885 James Whitworth
1861 Abraham Howard
1886 Thomas Cheetham
1862 Thomas Cheetham
1887 Thomas Cheetham
1863 Samuel Newton
1888 Thomas Cheetham
1864 Robert Briggs
1889 Thomas Cheetham
1865 Robert Briggs
1890 Thomas Cheetham
1866 Robert Briggs
1891 Thomas Cheetham
1867 John Ormerod
1892 Thomas Cheetham
1868 John Ormerod
The following are the fourteen principal features of the "Rochdale
1. The Pioneers set the example of beginning a Store with
funds of their own providing mainly.
2. Supplying the purest provisions they could get.
3. Giving full weight and measure.
4. Charging market prices, and not underselling or competing with
5. Taking no credit, nor giving any; thus discouraging debt among
6. Giving the profits made to members in proportion to their purchases;
acknowledging that they who make the profit should share it.
7. Inducing members to leave their profits in the Profit Bank of the Store
to accumulate, thus teaching them thrift.
8. Fixing interest at 5 per cent. that Labour and Trade (which alone make
capital fruitful) may have a fair chance of gain.
9. Dividing in the workshop the profits among those who have earned them,
in proportion to their wages.
10. Devoting 22 per cent. of all profits to education, to promote the
improvement and efficiency of the members.
11. According to all members the democratic right of voting (one person
one vote) upon all appointments and propositions, and according to women
the like right to vote and to receive their saving whether they were
single or married, and this long before the 'Married Woman's Property Act'
12. The intention of extending co-operative commerce and manufacture by
the establishment of an Industrial City, in which crime and competition
should cease.
13. In originating the Wholesale Buying Society, they created means of
fulfilling their own professions, of supplying provisions of ascertained
genuineness, which otherwise would have been impossible to them.
14. The conception of the Store as an Institution as the germ of a new
social life, which should by well directed self-help ensure morality and
competence to all the industrious. [66]
[Next Page]
55. This plan bears resemblance to that Mr. L. Jones drew up, which probably
the devisors bad before them, as Mr. Smithies had once copied it out. Mr.
Jones' plan divided profits into four parts, devoting one to the
establishment of working men's
association in connection with co-operative. The Rochdale plan drops this
out and in other respects introduces local features and simplifications.
56. The following minute
gives the official form of the circumstance:—"On November 7th, 1863, a
deputation was appointed to invite Mr. Samuel Ashworth to become buyer for
the wholesale, at a salary of £200 a year to commence with." At the
next meeting, November 21st, it was reported that Mr. Ashworth had
declined the offer, and that the Rochdale Board of Directors had increased
his salary £30 per year in order to retain his services.
57. Mr. A. Howard's statement.
58. A theory started by Mr. Marcroft, who considers that the idea of the
wholesale and most other things originated in discussions at Jumbo Farm.
59. The amount of capital
which each member ought to supply in order that the Store may do well for
him is £3. Members who do not furnish this amount each do not
understand their own interest and expect to reap where they do not sow.
60. The Almanac omits 17,
18, 19, 20, and others, quoting those of main interest to the outside
61. This curious rule is worth preserving. Each member shall receive out of
the surplus receipts of the Society, after providing for the expenses
thereof, in each year, such interest not exceeding five per cent. per
annum upon the capital standing to his account in the books of the
Society, as is declared at the quarterly meetings of the Society,
providing, his purchases are according to the following scale, namely; If
a member purchase
£1 per
quarter, shall only be allowed interest up to £8 |
2 |
¨ |
¨ |
¨ |
16 |
3 |
¨ |
¨ |
¨ |
24 |
4 |
¨ |
¨ |
¨ |
32 |
5 |
¨ |
¨ |
¨ |
40 |
6 |
¨ |
¨ |
¨ |
48 |
7 |
¨ |
¨ |
¨ |
56 |
8 |
¨ |
¨ |
¨ |
64 |
9 |
¨ |
¨ |
¨ |
72 |
10 |
¨ |
¨ |
¨ |
80 |
11 |
¨ |
¨ |
¨ |
88 |
12 |
¨ |
¨ |
¨ |
100 |
62. The facts of this
chapter were furnished by Mr. Abram Howard.
63. There are now 19
news-rooms and 35,493 books in the libraries (1892).
64. In a volume, the
"Radical Leaders of England" (Putnam and Sons), this gentleman has given
recollections of this visit.
65. Report in
Rochdale Observer.
66. Quoted from the
" Co-operative Movement To-day," published by Methuen & Co. |