"If truth were told more at length and space were greater, many women would
have a place here. No men could make the sacrifices they do for the
advancement of the cause, were it not for the tolerance, or goodwill, or
aid, of their wives. The good a man may do is a good deal dependent
on the acquiescence of his wife, who often suffers neglect that he may pay
more attention to the welfare of others."
J. Holyoake, from. . . . The Jubilee
History of the Derby Co-operative Provident Society
"Where debate is forbidden the charlatan is king." G.
J. Holyoake, from. . . . The Jubilee
History of the Leeds Industrial Co-operative Society
" 'I blend the Holly with the oak!'
'Twas thus the voice of Nature spoke,
And, in fulfilment of her plan
She gave us Holyoake, the man."
(extemporising during an interview.) |
JACOB HOLYOAKE (1817–1906), atheist and freethinker, self-proclaimed 'agitator',
champion of the working class, and
co-operator, was born at Birmingham on 13 April 1817. His parents
were in humble circumstances; his father George was a printer and his
mother Catherine a button maker. He received a basic education at a
dame-school and at Carr's Lane Sunday school, later being apprenticed at
the Eagle Foundry where he became a whitesmith.
In 1831 Holyoake joined the Birmingham Reform League and
began an active participant in political and social movements. He attended
meetings addressed by Robert Owen, who greatly influenced his thinking and his own
lectures on socialism and co-operation. In 1841, Charles Southwell
started a weekly atheistic publication, the Oracle of Reason and
was shortly thereafter arrested for blasphemy. Holyoake responded by
volunteering to edit the paper, and on his way to visit Southwell,
who was imprisoned at Bristol, he delivered a lecture in Cheltenham on Owenite
socialism. During the lecture his reply to a 'loaded' question put
up by a clergyman about the place of religion in proposed socialist
communities led to his prosecution for atheism and to six months
imprisonment in
Gloucester gaol, thereby achieving the distinction of being last person in Britain to be imprisoned on such a
charge. Following his release Holyoake coined the term 'secularism'
to describe his views, which he promoted in the journal that he
established, The Reasoner.
"The proverb says, 'Manners make the man.' No
careful speaking man would say this. There are persons
whose manners are coarse or brutal at times, quick, hasty,
abrupt and inconsiderate, who are yet tender, full of feeling
for others and generous. There are others who are all
suavity and courtesy, whose souls are base and selfish.
Men must be judged by what they do, as well as by what they
From . . . Public
Speaking and Debate |
Holyoake's later years were spent as a writer, journal
editor, bookseller and publisher. He was a prominent in the
campaigns for removal of tax on newspapers—becoming the last person to be
indicted for publishing an
unstamped newspaper, although the prosecution was dropped after the tax
was repealed—and for electoral reform. He was also a zealous promoter of
the co-operative movement and 'self-help' among the working classes, in
which connections he is mainly remembered today.
"A stranger hardly knows what to make of Birmingham. It is not
teacup-shaped, like Rochdale, nor a cavity like Stockport, nor a ravine
Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Birmingham is neither quite flat nor properly
elevated. It is not a plate, nor a dish, nor a tea-tray, nor any compound
of plane and
rim. It is a disturbed tableland, bounded by woods and blast furnaces. If
you could approach it via Hagley, you might mistake it for Derby; if you
reach it
through "Dudley Port," you would take it to be Sodom and Gomorrah in the
act of undergoing destruction......It is precisely that kind of
town where Co-operation should succeed."
From... The History of
Co-operation |
Holyoake wrote extensively. Among his more widely read
books are 'The History of the Rochdale Pioneers' (1857,
updated later to 1892); 'The History
of Co-operation' (1875 and 1879; combined and revised in 1906), 'The Co-operative
Movement of To-day' (1891) — all of which deal with the history of the
Co-operative movement — and 'The Origin and Nature of Secularism' (1896).
His two-volume, and very readable autobiography, 'Sixty Years of an
Agitator's Life', appeared in 1892, followed in 1905 by a further two
volumes of autobiographical reminiscences, 'Bygones Worth Remembering'.
Collections of Holyoake's papers, diaries and other publications are held at the Bishopsgate Library and at the Co-operative Union, Holyoake House,
"State Socialism seems one of the diseases of despotism, whose
policy it is to encourage dependence.....The English working class,
if not brilliant, have a steady, dogged, unsubduable instinct of
self-sufficiency in them. Being a self-acting race, they are alike
impatient of military or spiritual mastery, or paternal coddling, and in
their crude but manly and ever-improving way they make it their business
to take care of the State, and not to call upon the State to take care of
From... The History of
Co-operation |
Holyoake was well-acquainted with the leading Liberals of the
period and in 1893 was made an honorary member of the National Liberal
"The old pioneers of Co-operation stood up for liberty and relevance of
speech. Some thought toleration meant indifference to what opinion
prevailed. This
was the mistake which some still make. Toleration means anxiety for the
truth: it means ardour for the truth: it means confidence in the truth. It believes that truth, like fire, is excited by collision, and that no
truth can be known to
be true, save that
which has passed through the ordeal of controversy. Toleration means giving new truth fair play. Intolerance, which is prohibition,
gives it none. The conditions of truth are now well ascertained to be
liberty of
expression, and of criticism; it is not he who is tolerant of these, but
he who is intolerant of them, who is indifferent to the truth, and upon
whom the stigma
of looseness and latitudinarianism of mind ought to fall."
From... The History of
Co-operation |
George Jacob Holyoake died at Brighton on the 22nd of January
1906; his ashes are interred in Highgate cemetery. He was twice married.
First, in 1839, to Eleanor Williams (1819–1884) with whom he had four
children (Madeline, born in May 1840, died during Holyoake's imprisonment;
Helen, in December 1841; two sons, Manfred and Maltus followed in 1844 and
1846); second, in 1886, to Mary Jane Pearson (1845–1906).
"Folly is a contagious disease, but there is difficulty in
catching wisdom."
G. J. H. |
Plaque attached to
the wall of the Co-operativesUK
head office, Holyoake House, Manchester. |
"Vindictiveness of the enemy harmed the movement by
making many resentful and retaliative, prone to follow the advice of St.
who destroyed many excellent reformers by his maxim that they who attempt
half measures dig their own graves. But St. Just's maxim did not keep
him alive long enough to observe that they who insist
upon whole measures while they are only half supported, commonly get
themselves and their cause into the sexton's hands very early.
Only theorists talk of truth being immortal—I have seen it put to
death many times."
From... The History of
Co-operation |
Sir.—In all the reports I have seen
of the proceedings in the Insolvent Court on Saturday morning, when
Commissioner Phillips asked me "whether I believed in God," I am
reported to have said, "I was not prepared to answer the question;"
whereas what I did say was this:—"I am not prepared to answer that
question with the brevity the Court will require."
Why I declined to enter upon a question understood in so many
different senses was that I took the Insolvent Court to be a Law
Court, and not an Ecclesiastical Court. Besides, Mr.
Commissioner Phillips was not legally justified in asking me a
question which every lawyer will own I was not bound to answer at all.
In the recent case, "Russell v. Jackson," my oath, tendered
under the conditions of Saturday, in the Chancery Court was taken
without dispute.
The insertion of this brief note will greatly oblige your
obedient servant,
1, Woburn-buildings, Tavistock-square, Dec. 8.
[1852] |
Sir,—Sir Robert Peel, in replying to Lord Stanley, last evening in
the House of Commons, did me the honour to refer to me, but in terms
which, in justice to Lord Stanley as well as to myself, I trust you
will permit me to correct.
The hon. baronet said,—"Mr. Holyoake goes about the country
lecturing against the Bible. Only the other day he was about to
lecture in Doncaster, but there was a universal feeling against it,
and the Mayor, who had given his authority for the use of the
building, was obliged to withdraw it."
That I "go about the country lecturing against the Bible"
would at no time have been a successful description of me.
Two-thirds of my life has been devoted to social and political
questions. It is 18 years since I spoke in Doncaster upon
anything approaching a theological topic. The last time I was
there was five or six years ago. Then the building was not
refused me; the Mayor did not "withdraw his consent;" the "universal
feeling was in my favour; and the subject was Temperance.
I am, Sir, your obedient servant,
147, Fleet-street, E.C., April 1.
[1859] |
Sir,—being one of the
vice-presidents of the national Reform League, convening the meeting
on Wednesday, at St. Martin's-hall, it is but justice to Lord Elcho to
answer his appeal in the papers where the question arose.
As to testimony, I may say there needs none. His
Lordship's conduct is his character. Nothing could be franker,
manlier, or more respectful than treating a meeting of working men as
his peers, going down to them, and assuring them of his regret that he
unwittingly wronged them. The best friend of the working class
need not wish more than that they in like case may be found willing to
do as much. I need not say that I differ widely from lord
Elcho's political views; but I discern that he means us justice
through general enfranchisement, counting chief the right of
citizenship as a means of political duty, regarding advantages as
quite secondary. But as respects industrial rights, which the
resolution of the trades, signed by Mr. Odgers, and published by Mr.
Howell, questioned, I know of no fairer friend than lord Elcho.
It has fallen to me frequently to seek the assistance of members of
Parliament, for one cause or other of the people. We of the
working classes, having no votes worth counting upon, and rich in
nothing but barren respect, for fairness shown to us, must, I often
think, be wearisome and profitless persons to know; but I can testify
that few members of Parliament listen with more patience, reason with
more courtesy, or aid, where we can make out a case, with more
readiness than Lord Elcho. For his support of Mr. Clay's Bill,
which proposes to enfranchise the intelligence of working men—the
most honourable and useful proposal made in my time, raising, as it
would, knowledge to the rank of a political necessity— we all owe
Lord Elcho respect and gratitude.
Yours faithfully, G. J. HOLYOAKE.
232, Strand, W.C., April 12.
[1866] |
memories hover round this hallowed spot,
So long connected with these honoured names,
For Smithies, Cooper, ne'er can be forgot:
These noble men with still more noble aims.
Men do not die, although their bones may rot —
Their deeds live after them and show their worth;
The truths they teach and fearless do die not;
The good remains which they have brought to birth.
O valiant soldiers on a bloodless field,
Ye dauntless, true, heroic Pioneers,
What glorious harvests now your victories yield!
Your fame shall brighter grow through coming years;
For through the grand example you have shown,
The masses everywhere have happier grown.
A voice has spoken from your graves to-day;
A comrade lingers still to tell your worth,
And keep your memory green upon the earth;
And hold your standard high amid the fray.
Nor shall that voice be lifted up for naught:
True hearts still answer to the call of truth,
And forward press, in spite of toil and ruth,
To carry out the principles ye taught.
Ere long those truths their world-wide way shall win,
Cast out the demon Self, and end the strife.
E'en now we see that glorious day begin,
The toilers enter into larger life:
A foretaste of the Golden Age to be,
When men shall all be truly good and free.
David Lawton |
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