p5. |
Brunetto Latini, the tutor of Dante, describes a
journey made by him from London to Oxford about the end of the
thirteenth century, resting by the way at Shirburn Castle. He
says, "Our journey from London to Oxford was, with some difficulty
and danger, made in two days; for the roads are bad, and we had to
climb hills of hazardous ascent, and which to descend are equally
perilous. We passed through many woods, considered here as
dangerous places, as they are infested with robbers, which indeed is
the case with most of the roads in England. This is a
circumstance connived at by the neighbouring barons, on
consideration of sharing in the booty, and of these robbers serving
as their protectors on all occasions, personally, and with the whole
strength of their hand. However, as our company was numerous,
we had less to fear. Accordingly, we arrived the first night
at Shirburn Castle, in the neighbourhood of Watlington, under the
chain of hills over which we passed at Stokenchurch." This
passage is given in Mr. Edward's work on 'Libraries' (p. 328), as
supplied to him by Lady Macclesfield. |
p.8 |
See Ogilby's 'Britannia Depicta,' the traveller's
ordinary guide-book between 1675 and 1717, as Bradshaw's Railway
Time-book is now. The Grand Duke Cosmo, in his 'Travels in
England in 1669,' speaks of the country between Northampton and
Oxford as for the most part unenclosed and uncultivated, abounding
in weeds. From Ogilby's fourth edition, published in 1749, it
appears that the roads in the midland and northern districts of
England were still, for the most part, entirely unenclosed. |
p.9 |
This ballad is so descriptive of the old roads of the
southwest of England that we are tempted to quote it at length. It
was written by the Rev. John Marriott, sometime vicar of Broadclist,
Devon; and Mr. Rowe, vicar of Creditors, says, in his
'Perambulation of Dartmoor,' that he can readily imagine the
identical lane near Broadclist, leading towards Poltemore, which
might have sat for the portrait.
In a Devonshire lane, as I trotted along
T'other day, much in want of a subject for song,
Thinks I to myself, half-inspired by the rain,
Sure marriage is much like a Devonshire lane.
In the first place 'tis long, and when once you are in
It holds you as fast as a cage does a linnet;
For howe'er rough and dirty the road may be found,
Drive forward you must, there is no turning round.
But tho' 'tis so long, it is not very wide,
For two are the most that together can ride;
And e'en then, 'tis a chance but they get in a pother,
And jostle and cross and run foul of each other.
Oft poverty meets them with mendicant looks,
And care pushes by them with dirt-laden crooks;
And strife's grazing wheels try between them to pass,
And stubbornness blocks up the way on her ass.
Then the banks are so high, to the left hand and right,
That they shut up the beauties around them from sight;
And hence, you'll allow, 'tis an inference plain,
That marriage is just like a Devonshire lane.
But thinks I, too, these banks, within which we are
With bud, blossom, and berry, are richly besprent;
And the conjugal fence, which forbids us to roam,
Looks lovely, when deck'd with the comforts of home.
In the rock's gloomy crevice the bright holly grows;
The ivy waves fresh o'er the withering rose,
And the ever-green love of a virtuous wife
Soothes the roughness of care, cheers the winter of
Then long be the journey, and narrow the way,
I'll rejoice that I've seldom a turnpike to pay ;
And what'er others say, be the last to complain,
Though marriage is just like a Devonshire lane.
p.11 |
'Iter Sussexiense.' By Dr. John Burton. |
p.13 |
'King Henry the Fourth' (Part I.), Act. II. Scene i. |
p.14 |
Part of
the riding road along which the Queen was accustomed to pass on
horseback between her palaces at Greenwich and Eltham is still in
existence, a little to the south of Morden College, Blackheath.
It winds irregularly through the fields, broad in some places, and
narrow in others. Probably it is very little different from what it
was when used as a royal road. It is now very appropriately
termed "Muddy Lane." |
p.15-1 |
'Dépêches de La Mothe F[enelon,' 8vo., 1838.
Vol. i. p.27. |
p.15-2 |
Nichols's 'Progresses,' vol. ii., 309. |
p.20 |
The title of Mace's tract (British Museum) is "The
Profit, Conveniency, and Pleasure for the whole nation: being a
short rational Discourse lately presented to his Majesty concerning
the Highways of England: their badness, the causes thereof, the
reasons of these causes, the impossibility of ever having them well
mended according to the old way of mending: but may most certainly
be done, and for ever so maintained (according to this NEW WAY)
substantially and with very much ease, &c., &c. Printed for
the public good in the year 1675." |
p.22-1 |
See 'Archæologia,' xx., pp. 443-76. |
p.22-2 |
May, 1714. Morning: we dined at Grantham, had the annual
solemnity (this being the first time the coach passed the road in
May), and the coachman and horses being decked with ribbons and
flowers, the town music and young people in couples before us: we
lodged at Stamford, a scurvy, dear town. 5th May: had other
passengers, which, though females, were more chargeable with wine
and brandy than the former part of the journey, wherein we had
neither; but the next day we gave them leave to treat themselves."—Thoresby's
'Diary,' vol. ii., 207. |
p.22-3 |
"May 22,
1708. At York. Rose between three and four, the coach
being hasted by Captain Crone (whose company we had) upon the
Queen's business, that we got to Leeds by noon; blessed be God for
mercies to me and my poor family."—Thoresby's 'Diary,' vol. ii., 7. |
p.23-1 |
Thoresby's ' Diary,' vol. i., 295. |
p.23-2 |
Waylen's 'Marlborough.' |
p.24 |
Reprinted in the 'Harleian Miscellany,' vol. viii.,
p.547. Supposed to have been written by one John Gressot, of
the Charterhouse. |
p.25 |
There were other publications of the time as absurd
(viewed by the light of the present day) as Gressot's. Thus,
"A Country Tradesman," addressing the public in 1678, in a pamphlet
entitled 'The Ancient Trades decayed, repaired again,—wherein are
declared the several abuses that have utterly impaired all the
ancient trades in the Kingdom,' urges that the chief cause of the
evil had been the setting up of Stage-coaches some twenty years
before. Besides the reasons for suppressing them set forth in
the treatise referred to in the text, he says, "Were it not for them
(the Stagecoaches), there would be more Wine, Beer, and Ale, drunk
in the Inns than is now, which would be a means to augment the
King's Custom and Excise. Furthermore they hinder the breed of
horses in this kingdom [the same argument was used against
Railways], because many would be necessitated to keep a good horse
that keeps none now. Seeing, then, that there are few that are
gainers by them, and that they are against the common and general
good of the Nation, and are only a conveniency to some that have
occasion to go to London, who might still have the same wages as
before these coaches were in use, therefore there is good reason
they should be suppressed. Not but that it may be lawful
to hire a coach upon occasion, but that it should be unlawful only
to keep a coach that should go long journeys constantly from one
stage or place to another upon certain days of the week as they do
now.'—p. 27. |
p.28 |
Roberts's 'Social History of the Southern Counties,'
p. 494—Little more than a century ago, we find the following
advertisement of a Newcastle flying coach:—"May 9, 1734.—A coach
will set out towards the end of next week for London, or any place
on the road. To be performed in nine days,—being three days
sooner than any other coach that travels the road; for which purpose
eight stout horses are stationed at proper distances." |
p.29 |
In 1710 a Manchester manufacturer taking his family
up to London, hired a coach for the whole way, which, in the then
state of the roads, must have made it a journey of probably eight or
ten days. And, in 1742, the system of travelling had so little
improved, that a lady, wanting to come with her niece from Worcester
to Manchester, wrote to a friend in the latter place to send her a
hired coach, because the man knew the road, having brought from
thence a family some time before."—Aikin's 'Manchester.' |
p.32 |
Lord Campbell mentions the remarkable circumstance
that Popham, afterwards Lord Chief Justice in the reign of
Elizabeth, took to the road in early life, and robbed travellers on
Gad's Hill. Highway robbery could not, however, have been
considered a very ignominious pursuit at that time, as during
Popham's youth a statute was made by which, on a first conviction
for robbery, a peer of the realm or lord of parliament was entitled
to have benefit of clergy, "though he cannot read!" What is
still more extraordinary is, that Popham is supposed to have
continued in his course as a highwayman even after he was called to
the Bar. This seems to have
been quite notorious, for when he was made Serjeant the wags
reported that he served up some wine destined for an Alderman of
London, which be had intercepted on its way from
Southampton.—Aubrey, iii., 492.— Campbell's 'Chief Justices,' i.,
210. |
p.33-1 |
'Travels of Cosmo the Third, Grand Duke of Tuscany,'
p. 147. |
p.33-2 |
"It is as common a custom, as a cunning policie in
thieves, to place chamberlains in such great inns where cloathiers
and graziers do lye; and by their large bribes to infect others, who
were not of their own preferring; who noting your purses when you
draw them, they'l gripe your cloak-bags, and feel the weight, and so
inform the master thieves of what they think, and not those alone,
but the Host himself is oft as base as they, if it be left in charge
with them all night; he to his roaring guests either gives item, or
shews the purse itself, who spend liberally, in hope of a speedie
recruit." See 'A Brief yet Notable Discovery of
Housebreakers,' &c., 1659. See also 'Street Robberies
Considered; a Warning for Housekeepers,' 1676; 'Hanging not
Punishment Enough,' 1701 ; &c. |
p.35 |
The food of London was then principally brought to
town in panniers. The population being comparatively small,
the feeding of London was still practicable in this way; besides,
the city always possessed the great advantage of the Thames, which
secured a supply of food by sea. In 'The Grand Concern of
England Explained,' it is stated that the hay, straw, beans, peas,
and oats, used in London, were principally raised within a circuit
of twenty miles of the metropolis; but large quantities were also
brought from Henley-on-Thames and other western parts, as well as
from below Gravesend by water; and many ships laden with beans came
from Hull, and with oats from Lynn and Boston. |
p.38 |
'Loides and Elmete,' by T. D. Whitaker, LL.D., 1816,
p. 81. Notwithstanding its dangers, Dr. Whitaker seems to have
been of opinion that the old mode of travelling was even safer than
that which immediately followed it; "Under the old state of roads
and manners," he says, "it was impossible that more than one death
could happen at once; what, by any possibility, could take place
analogous to a race betwixt two stage-coaches, in which the lives of
thirty or forty distressed and helpless individuals are at the mercy
of two intoxicated brutes?" |
p.39 |
In the curious collection of old coins at the
Guildhall there are several halfpenny tokens issued by the
proprietors of inns bearing the sign of the pack-horse. Some
of these would indicate that pack-horses were kept for hire.
We append a couple of illustrations of these curious old coins. |
p.42 |
Years' Travels in England, Scotland, and Wales.' By James
Brome, M.A., Rector of Cheriton, Kent. London, 1726. |
p.43 |
The treatment the stranger received was often very
rude. When William Hutton, of Birmingham, accompanied by
another gentleman, went to view the field of Bosworth, in 770, "the
inhabitants," he says, "set their dogs at us in the street, merely
because we were strangers. Human figures not their own are
seldom seen in these inhospitable regions. Surrounded with
impassable roads, no intercourse with man to humanise the mind, nor
commerce to smooth their rugged manners, they continue the boors of
Nature." In certain villages in Lancashire and Yorkshire, not
very remote from large towns, the appearance of a stranger, down to
a comparatively recent period, excited a similar commotion amongst
the villagers, and the word would pass from door to door, "Dost knaw
'im?" "Naya." "Is 'e straunger?" "Ey for sewer." "Then
paus' 'im—'Eave a duck [stone] at 'im—Fettle 'im!" And the "straunger"
would straightway find the "ducks" flying about his head, and be
glad to make his escape from the village with his life. |
p.45 |
Scatcherd, 'History of Morley.' |
p.48 |
Murray's 'Handbook of Surrey, Hants, and Isle of
Wight,' 168. |
p.49 |
Whitaker's 'History of Craven.' |
p.50 |
Scatcherd's 'History of Morley,' 226. |
p.51 |
Vixen Tor is the name of this singular-looking rock.
But it is proper to add, that its appearance is probably accidental,
the head of the Sphynx being produced by the three angular blocks of
rock seen in profile. Mr. Borlase, however, in his
'Antiquities of Cornwall,' expresses the opinion that the
rock-basins on the summit of the rock were used by the Druids for
purposes connected with their religious ceremonies. |
p.52 |
The provisioning of London, now grown so populous,
would be almost impossible but for the perfect system of roads now
converging on it from all parts. In early times, London, like
country places, had to lay in its stock of salt-provisions against
winter, drawing its supplies of vegetables from the country within
easy reach of the capital. Hence the London market-gardeners
petitioned against the extension of turnpike-roads about a century
ago, as they afterwards petitioned against the extension of
railways, fearing lest their trade should be destroyed by the
competition of country-grown cabbages. But the extension of
the roads had become a matter of absolute necessity, in order to
feed the huge and ever-increasing mouth of the Great Metropolis, the
population of which has grown in about two centuries from four
hundred thousand to three millions. This enormous population
has, perhaps, never at any time more than a fortnight's supply of
food in stock, and most families not more than a few days; yet no
one ever entertains the slightest apprehension of a failure in the
supply, or even of a variation in the price from day to day in
consequence of any possible shortcoming. That this should be
so, would be one of the most surprising things in the history of
modern London, but that it is sufficiently accounted for by the
magnificent system of roads, canals, and railways, which connect it
with the remotest corners of the kingdom. Modern London is
mainly fed by steam. The Express Meat-Train, which runs
nightly from Aberdeen to London, drawn by two engines, and makes the
journey in twenty-four hours, is but a single illustration of the
rapid and certain method by which modern London is fed. The
north Highlands of Scotland have thus, by means of railways, become
grazing-grounds for the metropolis. Express fish-trains from
Dunbar and Eye-mouth (Smeaton's harbours), augmented by fish-trucks
from Cullercoats and Tynemouth on the Northumberland coast, and from
Redcar, Whitby, and Scarborough on the Yorkshire coast, also arrive
in London every morning. And what with steam-vessels bearing
cattle, and meat and fish arriving by sea, and canal-boats laden
with potatoes from inland, and railway-vans laden with butter and
milk drawn from a wide circuit of country, and road-vans piled high
with vegetables within easy drive of Covent Garden, the Great Mouth
is thus from day to day regularly, satisfactorily, and expeditiously
filled. |
p.53 |
The white witches are kindly disposed, the black cast
the "evil eye," and the grey are consulted for the discovery of
theft, &c. |
p.55 |
See 'The Devonshire Lane,' above quoted, note
to p. 9. |
p.56 |
Willow saplings, crooked and dried in the required
form. |
p.58 |
'Farmer's Magazine,' 1803. No. xiii. p.101. |
p.60 |
Bad although the condition of Scotland was at the
beginning of last century, there were many who believed that it
would be made worse by the carrying of the Act of Union. The
Earl of Wigton was one of these. Possessing large estates in
the county of Stirling, and desirous of taking every precaution
against what he supposed to be impending ruin, he made over to his
tenants, on condition that they continued to pay him their then low
rents, his extensive estates in the parishes of Denny, Kirkintulloch,
and Cumbernauld, retaining only a few fields round the family
mansion ['Farmer's Magazine,' 1808, No. xxxiv. p.193].
Fletcher of Saltoun also feared the ruinous results of the Union,
though he was less precipitate in his conduct than the Earl of
Wigton. We need scarcely say how entirely such apprehensions
were falsified by the actual results. |
p.61 |
'Fletcher's Political Works,' London, 1737, p.149.
As the population of Scotland was then only about 1,200,000, the
beggars of the country, according to the above account, must have
constituted about one-sixth of the whole community. |
p.62 |
Act 39th George III. c. 56. See 'Lord
Cockburn's Memorials,' pp. 76-9. As not many persons may be
aware how recent has been the abolition of slavery in Britain, the
author of this book may mention the fact, that he personally knew a
man who had been "born a slave in Scotland," to use his own words,
and lived to tell it. He had resisted being transferred to
another owner on the sale of the estate to which he was "bound," and
refused to "go below," on which he was imprisoned in Edinburgh gaol,
where he lay for a considerable time. The case excited much
interest, and probably had some effect in leading to the alteration
in the law relating to colliers and salters which shortly after
followed. |
p.63 |
See 'Autobiography of Dr. Alexander Carlyle,'
passim. |
p.64-1 |
'Farmer's Magazine,' June, 1811, No. xlvi. p. 155. |
p.64-2 |
See Buchan Hepburn's 'General View of the Agriculture
and Economy of East Lothian,' 1794, p.95. |
p.65-1 |
Letter of John Maxwell, in Appendix to Macdiarmid's
'Picture of Dumfries,' 1823. |
p.65-2 |
Robertson's 'Rural Recollections,' p.38. |
p.68 |
Very little was known of the geography of the
Highlands down to the beginning of the seventeenth century.
The principal information on the subject being derived from Danish
materials. It appears, however, that in 1608, one Timothy
Pont, a young man without fortune or patronage, formed the singular
resolution of travelling over the whole of Scotland, with the sole
view of informing himself as to the geography of the country, and he
persevered to the end of his task through every kind of difficulty;
exploring all the islands with the zeal of a missionary, though
often pillaged and stript of everything by the then barbarous
inhabitants. The enterprising youth received no recognition
nor reward for his exertions, and he died in obscurity, leaving his
maps and papers to his heirs. Fortunately, James I. heard of
the existence of Pont's papers, and purchased them for public use.
They lay, however, unused for a long time in the offices of the
Scotch Court of Chancery, until they were at length brought to light
by Mr. Robert Gordon, of Straloch, who made them the basis of the
first map of Scotland having any pretensions to accuracy that was
ever published. |
p.69 |
Mr. Grant, of Corrymorry, used to relate that his
father, when speaking of the Rebellion of 1745, always insisted that
a rising in the Highlands was absolutely necessary to give
employment to the numerous bands of lawless and idle young men who
infested every property.—Anderson's 'Highlands and Islands of
Scotland,' p.432. |
p.71-1 |
'Lord Hailes's Annals,' i., 379. |
p.71-2 |
Professor Innes's 'Sketches of Early Scottish
History.' The principal ancient bridges in Scotland were those
over the Tay at Perth (erected in the thirteenth century); over the
Esk at Brechin and Marykirk; over the Dee at Kincardine, O'Neil, and
Aberdeen; over the Don, near the same city; over the Spey at Orkhill;
over the Clyde at Glasgow; over the Forth at Stirling; and over the
Tyne at Haddington. |
p.73 |
Lady Luxborough, in a letter to Shenstone the poet,
in 1749, says,—"A Birmingham coach is newly established to our great
emolument. Would it not be a good scheme (this dirty weather,
when riding is no more a pleasure) for you to come some Monday in
the said stage-coach from Birmingham to breakfast at Barrells, (for
they always breakfast at Henley); and on the Saturday following it
would convey you back to Birmingham, unless you would stay longer,
which would be better still, and equally easy; for the stage goes
every week the same road. It breakfasts at Henley, and lies at
Chipping Horton; goes early next day to Oxford, stays there all day
and night, and gets on the third day to London ; which from
Birmingham at this season is firefly well, considering how long they
are at Oxford; and it is much more agreeable as to the country than
the Warwick way was." |
p.74 |
We may incidentally mention three other journeys
south by future Lords Chancellors. Mansfield rode up from
Scotland to London when a boy, taking two months to make the journey
on his pony. Wedderburn's journey by coach from Edinburgh to
London, in 1757, occupied him six days. "When I first reached
London," said the late Lord Campbell, "I performed the same journey
in three nights and two days, Mr. Palmer's mail-coaches being then
established; but this swift travelling was considered dangerous as
well as wonderful, and I was gravely advised to stay a day at York,
as several passengers who had gone through without stopping had died
of apoplexy from the rapidity of the motion!" |
p.79 |
C. H. Moritz: 'Reise eines Deutschen in England im
Jahr, 1782.' Berlin, 1783. |
p.80 |
Arthur Young's 'Six Weeks' Tour through the Southern
Counties of England and Wales.' 2nd ed., 1769, pp. 88-9. |
p.81 |
'Six Weeks' Tour in the Southern Counties of England
and Wales,' pp. 153-5. The roads all over South Wales were
equally bad down to the beginning of the present century. At
Halfway, near Trecastle, in Breconshire, South Wales, a small
obelisk is still to be seen, which was erected to commemorate the
turn over and destruction of the mail coach over a steep of 130
feet; the driver and passengers escaping unhurt. |
p.82 |
'A Six Months' Tour through the North of England,'
vol. iv., p.431. |
p.83 |
Letter to Wyatt, October 5th, 1787, MS. |
p.84-1 |
Act 15 Car. I I., c. 1. |
p.84-2 |
The preamble of the Act recites that "The ancient
highway and post-road leading from London to York, and so into
Scotland, and likewise from London into Lincolnshire, lieth for many
miles in the counties of Hertford, Cambridge, and Huntingdon, in
many of which places the road, by reason of the great and many loads
which are weekly drawn in waggons through the said places, as well
as by reason of the great trade of barley and malt that cometh to
Ware, and so is conveyed by water to the city of London, as well as
other carriages, both from the north parts as also from the city of
Norwich, St. Edmondsbury, and the town of Cambridge, to London, is
very ruinous, and become almost impassable, insomuch that it is
become very dangerous to all his Majesty's liege people that pass
that way," &c. |
p.85 |
Down to the year 1756, Newcastle and Carlisle were
only connected by a bridle way. In that year, Marshal Wade
employed his army to construct a road by way of Harlaw and
Cholterford, following for thirty miles the line of the old Roman
Wall, the materials of which he used to construct his "agger " and
culverts. This was long after known as "the military road." |
p.87-1 |
The Blandford waggoner said, "Roads had but one
object—for waggon-driving. He required but four-foot width in
a lane, and all the rest might go to the devil.' He added,
"The gentry ought to stay at home, and be d――d, and not run
gossiping up and down the country."—Roberts's 'Social History of the
Southern Counties.' |
p.87-2 |
'Gentleman's Magazine ' for December, 1752. |
p.88 |
Adam Smith's 'Wealth of Nations,' book i., chap. xi.,
part i. |
p.90 |
Ed.—also known as John Metcalfe.
Source: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. |
p.103 |
Ed.—Field Marshall George Wade (1673-1748).
Smiles's text at this point gives the impression that Wade was the
battlefield commander at Falkirk; this was not the case. Wade,
by then over seventy and in poor health, retired from active service
in January 1746 to be replaced by Lieutenant-General Hawley,
whose disdain for the Scots resulted in a further significant defeat
for the government forces. Despite a distinguished military
career—the 1745 uprising apart—Wade is probably remembered today for
his military engineering works (roads, bridges, barracks and
fortifications) in suppression of the Highlands. Source:
(principally) the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. |
p.114 |
'Observations on Blindness and on the Employment of
the other Senses to supply the Loss of Sight.' By Mr.
Bew.—Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of
Manchester, vol. i., pp. 172-174. Paper read 17th April, 1782. |
p.119 |
The pillar was erected by Squire Dashwood in 1751;
the lantern on its summit was regularly lighted till 1788, and
occasionally till 1808, when it was thrown down and never replaced.
The Earl of Buckingham afterwards mounted a statue of George III. on
the top. |
p.121-1 |
Since the appearance of the first edition of this
book, a correspondent has informed us that there is another
lighthouse within 24 miles of London, not unlike that on Lincoln
Heath. It is situated a little to the south-east of the Woking
Station of the South-Western Railway, and is popularly known as
"Woking Monument." It stands on the verge of Woking Heath,
which is a continuation of the vast tract of heath land which
extends in one direction as far as Bagshot. The tradition
among the inhabitants is, that one of the kings of England was wont
to hunt in the neighbourhood, when a fire was lighted up in the
beacon to guide him in case he should be belated; but the
probability is, that it was erected like that on Lincoln Heath, for
the guidance of ordinary wayfarers at night. |
p.121-2 |
'Journal of the Agricultural Society of England,
1843.' |
p.129 |
Sir Walter Scott, in his notes to the 'Minstrelsy of
the Scottish Border,' says that the common people of the high parts
of Liddlesdale and the country adjacent to this day hold the memory
of Johnnie Armstrong in very high respect. |
p.130 |
It was long before the Reformation flowed into the
secluded valley of the Esk; but when it did, the energy of the
Borderers displayed itself in the extreme form of their opposition
to the old religion. The Eskdale people became as resolute in
their covenanting as they had before been in their freebooting; the
moorland fastnesses of the moss-troopers becoming the haunts of the
persecuted ministers in the reign of the second James. A
little above Langholm is a hill known as "Peden's View," and the
well in the green hollow at its foot is still called "Peden's
Well"—that place having been the haunt of Alexander Peden, the
"prophet." His hiding-place was among the alder-bushes in the
hollow, while from the hill-top he could look up the valley, and see
whether the Johnstones of Wester Hall were coming. Quite at
the head of the same valley, at a place called Craighaugh, on
Eskdale Muir, one Hislop, a young covenanter, was shot by
Johnstone's men, and buried where he fell; a gray slabstone still
marking the place of his rest. Since that time, however, quiet
has reigned in Eskdale, and its small population have gone about
their daily industry from one generation to another in peace.
Yet though secluded and apparently shut out by the surrounding hills
from the outer world, there is not a throb of the nation's heart but
pulsates along the valley; and when the author visited it some years
since, he found that a wave of the great Volunteer movement had
flowed into Eskdale; and the "lads of Langholm" were drilling and
marching under their chief, young Mr. Malcolm of the Burnfoot, with
even more zeal than in the populous towns and cities of the south. |
p.132 |
The names of the families in the valley remain very
nearly the same as they were three hundred years ago—the Johnstones,
Littles, Scotts, and Beatties prevailing above Langholm; and the
Armstrongs, Bells, Irwins, and Graemes lower down towards Canobie
and Netherby. It is interesting to find that Sir David
Lindesay, in his curious drama published in 'Pinkerton's Scottish
Poems' (vol. ii., p. 156), gives these as among the names of the
Borderers some three hundred years since. One Common Thift,
when sentenced to condign punishment, thus remembers his Border
friends in his dying speech:—
"Adew! my brother Annan thieves,
That holpit me in my mischeivis;
Adew! Grossars, Niksonis, and Bells,
Oft have we fairne owrthreuch the fells;
Adew! Robsons, Howis, and Pylis,
That in our craft her mony wilis;
Littlis, Trumbells, and Armestranges;
Baileowes, Erewynis, and Elwandis,
Speedy of flicht, and slicht of handis;
The Scotts of Eisdale, and the Gramis,
I haf na time to tell your nameis." |
Telford, or Telfer, is an old name in the same neighbourhood, commemorated
in the well known border ballad of 'Jamie Telfer of the fair Dodhead.'
Sir W. Scott says, in the 'Minstrelsy,' that "there is still a
family of Telfers, residing near Langholm, who pretend to derive
their descent from the Telfers of the Dodhead." A member of
the family of "Pylis" above mentioned, is said to have migrated from
Ecclefechan southward to Blackburn, and there founded the celebrated
Peel family. |
p.136 |
We were informed in the valley that about the time of
Telford's birth there were only two tea-kettles in the whole parish
of Westerkirk, one of which was in the house of Sir James Johnstone
of Wester Hall, and the other at "The Burn," the residence of Mr.
Pasley, grandfather of General Sir Charles Pasley. |
p.144 |
In his 'Epistle to Mr. Walter Ruddiman,' first
published in 'Ruddiman's Weekly Magazine,' in 1779, occur the
following lines addressed to Burns, in which Telford incidentally
sketches himself at the time, and hints at his own subsequent
meritorious career:—
"Nor pass the tentie curious lad,
Who o'er the ingle hangs his head,
And begs of neighbours books to read;
For hence arise
Thy country's sons, who far are spread,
Baith bold and wise." |
p.148 |
The 'Poetical Museum,' Hawick, p. 267.
'Eskdale' was afterwards reprinted by Telford when living at
Shrewsbury, when he added a few lines by way of conclusion.
The poem describes very pleasantly the fine pastoral scenery of the
"Deep 'mid the green sequester'd glens below,
Where murmuring streams among the alders flow,
Where flowery meadows down their margins spread,
And the brown hamlet lifts its humble head—
There, round his little fields, the peasant strays,
And sees his flock along the mountain graze;
And, while the gale breathes o'er his ripening grain,
And soft repeats his upland shepherd's strain,
And western suns with yellow radiance play,
And gild his straw-roof'd cottage with their ray,
Feels Nature's love his throbbing heart employ,
Nor envies towns their artificial joy." |
The features of the valley are very fairly described. Its
early history is then rapidly sketched; next its period of border
strife, at length happily allayed by the union of the kingdoms,
under which the Johnstones, Pasleys, and others, men of Eskdale,
achieve honour and fame. Nor did he forget to mention
Armstrong, the author of the 'Art of Preserving Health,' son of the
minister of Castleton, a few miles east of Westerkirk; and Mickle,
the translator of the 'Lusiad,' whose father was minister of the
parish of Langholm; both of whom Telford took a natural pride in as
native poets of Eskdale. |
p.154 |
Robert and John Adam were architects of considerable
repute in their day. Among their London erections were the
Adelphi Buildings, in the Strand; Lansdowne House, in Berkeley
Square; Caen Wood House, near Hampstead (Lord Mansfield's); Portland
Place, Regent's Park; and numerous West End streets and mansions.
The screen of the Admiralty and the ornaments of Draper's Hall were
also designed by them. |
p.155 |
Long after Telford had become famous, he was passing
over Waterloo Bridge one day with a friend, when, pointing to some
finely-cut stones in the corner nearest the bridge, he said: "You
see those stones there; forty years since I hewed and laid them,
when working on that building as a common mason." |
p.157-1 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated London,
July, 1783. |
p.157-2 |
Mr., afterwards Sir William, Pulteney, was the second
son of Sir James Johnstone, of Wester Hall, and assumed the name of
Pulteney, on his marriage to Miss Pulteney, niece of the Earl of
Bath and of General Pulteney, by whom he succeeded to a large
fortune. He afterwards succeeded to the baronetcy of his elder
brother James, who died without issue in 1797. Sir William
Pulteney represented Cromarty, and afterwards Shrewsbury, where he
usually resided, in seven successive Parliaments. He was a
great patron of Telford's, as we shall afterwards find. |
p.159 |
Letter to Andrew Little, Langholm, dated Portsmouth,
July 23rd, 1784. |
p.160 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated
Portsmouth Dockyard, Feb. 1, 1786. |
p.161 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated
Portsmouth Dockyard, Feb. 1, 1786. |
p.164 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated
Shewsbury Castle, 21st Feb., 1788. |
p.165 |
This practice of noting down information, the result
of reading and observation, was continued by Mr. Telford until the
close of his life; his last pocket memorandum book, containing a
large amount of valuable information on mechanical subjects—a sort
of engineer's vade mecum—being printed in the appendix to the
4to 'Life of Telford' published by his executors in 1838, pp.
663-90. |
p.166-1 |
A medical man, a native of Eskdale, of great promise,
who died comparatively young. |
p.166-2 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm. |
p.167 |
It would occupy unnecessary space to cite these
poems. The following, from the verses in memory of William
Telford, relates to schoolboy days. After alluding to the
lofty Fell Hills, which formed part of the sheep farm of his
deceased friend's father, the poet goes on to say:—
"There 'mongst those rocks I'll form a rural seat,
And plant some ivy with its moss compleat;
I'll benches form of fragments from the stone,
Which, nicely, pois'd, was by our hands o'erthrown,—
A simple frolic, but now dear to me,
Because, my Telford, 'twas performed with thee.
There, in the centre, sacred to his name,
I'll place an altar, where the lambent flame
Shall yearly rise, and every youth shall join
The willing voice, and sing the enraptured line.
But we, my friend, will often steal away
To this lone seat, and quiet pass the day;
Here oft recall the pleasing scenes we knew
In early youth, when every scene was new,
When rural happiness our moments blest,
And joys untainted rose in every breast." |
p.168 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated 16th
July, 1788. |
p.169-1 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated 16th
July, 1788. |
p.169-2 |
Ibid. |
p.171 |
The discovery formed the subject of a paper read
before the Society of Antiquaries in London on the 7th of May, 1789,
published in the 'Archæologia,' together with a drawing of the
remains supplied by Mr. Telford. |
p.172-1 |
An Eskdale crony. His son, Colonel Josias
Stewart, rose to eminence in the East India Company's service,
having been for many years Resident at Gwalior and Indore. |
p.172-2 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated 3rd
Sept. 1788. |
p.173 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated
Shrewsbury, 8th October, 1789. |
p.175 |
It was then under seventeen millions sterling, or
about a fourth of what it is now. |
p.176-1 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated 28th
July, 1791. Notwithstanding the theoretical ruin of England
which pressed so heavy on his mind at this time, we find Telford
strongly recommending his correspondent to send any good wrights he
could find in his neighbourhood to Bath, where they would be enabled
to earn twenty shillings or a guinea a week at piece-work—the wages
paid at Langholm for similar work being only about half those
amounts. |
p.176-2 |
The writer of a memoir of Telford, in the 'Encyclopedia
Britannica,' says:—"Andrew Little kept a private and very small
school at Langholm. Telford did not neglect to send him a copy
of Paine's 'Rights of Man;' and as he was totally blind, he employed
one of his scholars to read it in the evenings. Mr. Little had
received an academical education before he lost his sight and, aided
by a memory of uncommon powers, he taught the classics, and
particularly Greek, with much higher reputation than any other
schoolmaster within a pretty extensive circuit. Two of his
pupils read all the Iliad, and all or the greater part of Sophocles.
After hearing a long sentence of Greek or Latin distinctly recited,
he could generally construe and translate it with little or no
hesitation. He was always much gratified by Telford's visits,
which were not infrequent, to his native district." |
p.182 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated
Shrewsbury, 10th March, 1793. |
p.184 |
Referring to the burning of Dr. Priestley's library. |
p.186-1 |
The preparation of some translations from Buchanan
which he had contemplated. |
p.186-2 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated
Shrewsbury, 29th September, 1793. |
p.187 |
John Wilkinson and his brother William were the first
of the great class of ironmasters. They possessed iron forges
at Bersham near Chester, at Bradley, Brimbo, Merthyr Tydvil, and
other places; and became by far the largest iron manufacturers of
their day. For notice of them see 'Lives of Boulton and Watt,'
p. 184. |
p.188 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated
Shrewsbury, 3rd November, 1793. |
p.190 |
The Ellesmere Canal now pays about 4 per cent.
dividend. |
p.192 |
'A General History of Inland Navigation, Foreign and
Domestic,' &c. By J. Phillips. Fourth edition. London, 1803. |
p.194 |
Telford himself thus modestly describes the merit of
this original contrivance: "Previously to this time such canal
aqueducts had been uniformly made to retain the water necessary for
navigation by means of puddled earth retained by masonry; and in
order to obtain sufficient breadth for this superstructure, the
masonry of the piers, abutments, and arches was of massive strength;
and after all this expense, and every imaginable precaution, the
frosts, by swelling the moist puddle, frequently created fissures,
which burst the masonry, and suffered the water to escape—nay,
sometimes actually threw down the aqueducts; instances of this kind
having occurred even in the works of the justly celebrated Brindley.
It was evident that the increased pressure of the puddled earth was
the chief cause of such failures: I therefore had recourse to the
following scheme in order to avoid using it. The spandrels of
the stone arches were constructed with longitudinal walls, instead
of being filled in with earth (as at Kirkcudbright Bridge), and
across these the canal bottom was formed by cast iron plates at each
side, infixed in square stone masonry. These bottom plates had
flanches on their edges, and were secured by nuts and screws at
every juncture. The sides of the canal were made waterproof by
ashlar masonry, backed with hard burnt bricks laid in Parker's
cement, on the outside of which was rubble stone work, like the rest
of the aqueduct. The towing path had a thin bed of clay under
the gravel, and its outer edge was protected by an iron railing.
The width of the water-way is 11 feet; of the masonry on each side,
5 feet 6 inches; and the depth of the water in the canal, 5 feet.
By this mode of construction the quantity of masonry is much
diminished, and the iron bottom plate forms a continuous tie,
preventing the side-walls from separation by lateral pressure of the
contained water."—'Life of Telford,' p.40. |
p.199 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated
Shrewsbury, 13th March, 1795. |
p.200-1 |
Matthew Davidson had been Telford's fellow workman at
Langholm, and was reckoned an excellent mason. He died at
Inverness, where he had a situation on the Caledonian Canal. |
p.200-2 |
Mr. Hughes, C.E., in his 'Memoir of William Jessop,'
published in 'Weale's Quarterly Papers on Engineering,' points out
the bold and original idea here adopted, of constructing a
watertight trough of cast-iron, in which the water of the canal was
to be carried over the valleys, instead of an immense puddled
trough, in accordance with the practice at that time in use; and he
adds, "the immense importance of this improvement on the old
practice is apt to be lost sight of at the present day by those who
overlook the enormous size and strength of masonry which would have
been required to support a puddled channel at the height of 120
feet." Mr. Hughes, however, claims for Mr. Jessop the merit of
having suggested the employment of iron, though, in our opinion,
without sufficient reason. Mr. Jessop was, no doubt, consulted
by Mr. Telford on the subject; but the whole details of the design,
as well as the suggestion of the use of iron (as admitted by Mr.
Hughes himself), and the execution of the entire works, rested with
the acting engineer. This is borne out by the report published
by the Company immediately after the formal opening of the Canal in
1805, in which they state: "Having now detailed the particulars
relative to the Canal, and the circumstances of the concern, the
committee, in concluding their report, think it but justice due to
Mr. Telford to state that the works have been planned with great
skill and science, and executed with much economy and stability,
doing him, as well as those employed by him, infinite credit.
" (Signed) BRIDGEWATER." |
p.202 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated
Shrewsbury, 16th Sept., 1794. |
p.203 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated
Shrewsbury, 16th Sept., 1794. |
p.205 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated Salop,
20th Aug., 1797. |
p.210 |
'Encyclopedia Britannica,' 8th ed. Art. "Iron
Bridges." |
p.211 |
According to the statement made in the petition drawn
by Paine, excise officers were then (1772) paid only 1s. 9¼d. a day. |
p.212 |
In England, Paine took out a patent for his Iron
Bridge in 1788.—Specification of Patents (old law) No. 1667. |
p.216 |
The following are further details "Each of the main
ribs of the flat arch consists of three pieces, and at each junction
they are secured by a grated plate, which connects all the parallel
ribs together into one frame. The back of each abutment is in
a wedge-shape, so as to throw off laterally much of the pressure of
the earth. Under the bridge is a towing path on each side of
the river. The bridge was cast in an admirable manner by the
Coalbrookdale iron-masters in the year 1796, under contract with the
county magistrates. The total cost was £6,034. 13s. 3d." |
p.217 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated
Shrewsbury, 18th March, 1795. |
p.218 |
Douglas was first mentioned to Telford, in a letter
from Mr. Pasley, as a young man, a native of Bigholmes, Eskdale, who
had, after serving his time there as a mechanic, emigrated to
America, where he showed such proofs of mechanical genius that he
attracted the notice of Mr. Liston, the British Minister, who paid
his expenses home to England, that his services might not be lost to
his country, and at the same time gave him a letter of introduction
to the Society of Arts in London. Telford, in a letter to
Andrew Little, dated 4th December, 1797, expressed a desire "to know
more of this Eskdale Archimedes." Shortly after, we find
Douglas mentioned as having invented a brick machine, a
shearing-machine, and a ball for destroying the rigging of ships;
for the two former of which he secured patents. He afterwards
settled in France, where he introduced machinery for the improved
manufacture of woollen cloth; and being patronised by the
Government, he succeeded in realising considerable wealth, which,
however, he did not live to enjoy. |
p.219 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated London,
13th May, 1800. |
p.221 |
The evidence is fairly set forth in 'Cresy's
Encyclopedia of Civil Engineering,' p. 475. |
p.223 |
Article on Iron Bridges, in the 'Encyclopedia
Britannica,' Edinburgh, 1857. |
p.225 |
His foreman of masons at Bewdley Bridge, and
afterwards Bridge assistant in numerous important works. |
p.226 |
The work is thus described in Robert Chambers's
'Picture of Scotland':—"Opposite Compston there is a magnificent new
bridge over the Dee. It consists of a single arch, the span of
which is 112 feet; and it is built of vast blocks of freestone
brought from the Isle of Arran. The cost of this work was
somewhere about £7,000 sterling; and it may be mentioned, to the
honour of the Stewartry, that this sum was raised by the private
contributions of the gentlemen of the district. From
Tongueland Hill, in the immediate vicinity of the bridge, there is a
view well worthy of a painter's eye, and which is not inferior in
beauty and magnificence to any in Scotland." |
p.228-1 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated Salop,
13th July, 1799. |
p.228-2 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated
Liverpool, 9th September, 1800. |
p.228-3 |
Brodie was originally a blacksmith. He was a
man of much ingenuity and industry, and introduced many improvements
in iron work; he invented stoves for chimneys, ships' hearths, &c.
He had above a hundred men working in his London shop, besides
carrying on an iron work at Coalbrookdale. He afterwards
established a woollen manufactory near Peebles. |
p.230-1 |
Dated London, 14th April, 1802. |
p.230-2 |
Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated Salop,
30th November, 1799. |
p.233 |
Autobiography,' ii. 22. |
p.234 |
'Statistical Account of Scotland,' iii. 185. |
p.235 |
cas-chrom was a rude combination of a lever for the removal of
rocks, a spade to cut the earth, and a foot-plough to turn it.
We annex an illustration of this curious and now obsolete
instrument. It weighed about eighteen pounds. In working
it, the upper part of the handle, to which the left-hand was
applied, reached the workman's shoulder, and being slightly
elevated, the point, shod with iron, was pushed into the ground
horizontally; the soil being turned over by inclining the handle to
the furrow side, at the same time making the heel act as a fulcrum
to raise the point of the instrument. In turning up unbroken
ground, it was first employed with the heel uppermost, with pushing
strokes to cut the breadth of the sward to be turned over, after
which, it was used horizontally as above described. We are
indebted to a Parliamentary Blue Book for the above representation
of this interesting relic of ancient agriculture. It is given
in the appendix to the 'Ninth Report of the Commissioners for
Highland Roads and Bridges,' ordered by the House of Commons to be
printed, 19th April, 1821. |
p.237 |
Anderson's 'Guide to the Highlands and Islands of Scotland,' 3rd ed.
p.48. |
p.238-1 |
He was
accompanied on this tour by Colonel Dirom, with whom he returned to
his house at Mount Annan, in Dumfries. Telford says of him:
"The Colonel seems to have roused the county of Dumfries from the
lethargy in which it has slumbered for centuries. The map of
the county, the mineralogical survey, the new roads, the opening of
lime works, the competition of ploughing, the improving harbours,
the building of bridges, are works which bespeak the exertions of no
common man."—Letter to Mr. Andrew Little, dated Shrewsbury, 30th
November, 1801. |
p.238-2 |
to be printed 5th of April, 1803. |
p.240-1 |
'Memorials of his Time,' by Henry Cockburn, pp. 341-3. |
p.240-2 |
of the Life and Writings of Sir John Sinclair, Bart.,' vol. i.,
p.339. |
p.241 |
of a letter from a gentleman residing in Sunderland, quoted in 'Life
of Telford,' p.465. |
p.242 |
to Mr. Andrew Little, Langholm, dated Salop, 18th February, 1803. |
p.247 |
names of Celtic places are highly descriptive. Thus
Craig-Ellachie literally means, the rock of separation;
Badenoch, bushy or woody; Cairngorm, the blue cairn;
Lochinet, the lake of nests; Balknockan, the town of
knolls; Dalnasealg, the hunting dale ; All'n dater,
the burn of the horn-blower; and so on. |
p.249-1 |
Thomas Dick Lauder has vividly described the destructive character
of the Spey-side inundations in his capital book on the 'Morayshire
Floods.' |
p.249-2 |
Bridge was cast in sections at the Plas Kynaston iron foundry at
Cefn Mawr, near Ruabon, North Wales and transported by canal and sea
to the harbour of Speymouth from where it was conveyed to site in
horse-drawn wagons. In 2007, the Institution of Civil
Engineers and American Society of Civil Engineers unveiled a plaque
on the bridge to acknowledge its international importance. |
p.250-1 |
of the Commissioners on Highland Roads and Bridges.' Appendix
to 'Life of Telford,' p.400. |
p.250-2 |
bridge at Bonar was swept away by a flood on 29 January 1892, a
winter of many great floods in the North of Scotland. |
p.258 |
Miller, in his 'Cruise of the Betsy,'
attributes the invention of columnar pier-work to Mr. Bremner, whom
he terms "the Brindley of Scotland." He has acquired great
fame for his skill in raising sunken ships, having been employed to
warp the S.S. Great Britain from Dundrum Bay. But we believe
Mr. Telford had adopted the practice of columnar pier-work before
Mr. Bremner, in forming the little harbour of Folkestone in 1808,
where the work is still to be seen quite perfect. The most
solid mode of laying stone on land is in flat courses; but in open
pier-work the reverse process is adopted. The blocks are laid
on end in columns, like upright beams jammed together. Thus
laid, the wave which dashes against them is broken, and spends
itself on the interstices; whereas, if it struck the broad solid
blocks, the tendency would be to lift them from their beds and set
the work afloat; and in a furious storm such blocks would be driven
about almost like pebbles. The rebound from flat surfaces is
also very heavy, and produces violent commotion; whereas these
broken, upright, columnar-looking piers seem to absorb the fury of
the sea, and render its wildest waves comparatively innocuous. |
p.265 |
'Memorials from Peterhead and Banff, concerning Damage occasioned by
a Storm.' Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 5th July,
1820. [242.] |
p.271 |
Description of Bothe Touns of Aberdeene.' By James Gordon,
Parson of Rothiemay. Reprinted in Gavin Turreffs 'Antiquarian
Gleanings from Aberdeenshire Records' Aberdeen, 1859. |
p.272-1 |
Robertson's 'Book of Bon-Accord.' |
p.272-2 |
quoted in Turreff's 'Antiquarian Gleanings,' p.222. |
p.272-3 |
One of
them, however, did return—Peter Williamson, a native of the town,
sold for a slave in Pennsylvania, "a rough, ragged, humle-headed,
long, stowie, clever boy," who, reaching York, published an account
of the infamous traffic, in a pamphlet which excited extraordinary
interest at the time, and met with a rapid and extensive
circulation. But his exposure of kidnapping gave very great
offence to the magistrates, who dragged him before their tribunal as
having "published a scurrilous and infamous libel on the
corporation," and he was sentenced to be imprisoned until he should
sign a denial of the truth of his statements. He brought an
action against the corporation for their proceedings, and obtained a
verdict and damages; and he further proceeded against Baillie
Fordyce (one of his kidnappers), and others, from whom he obtained
£200 damages, with costs. The system was thus effectually put
a stop to. |
p.273 |
Description of Bothe Touns of Aberdeene.' By James Gordon,
Parson of Rothiemay. Quoted by Turreff, p.109. |
p.274 |
Communication with London was as yet by no means frequent, and far
from expeditious, as the following advertisement of 1778 will
show:—"For London: To sail positively on Saturday next, the 7th
November, wind and weather permitting, the Aberdeen smack.
Will lie a short time at London, and, if no convoy is appointed,
will sail under care of a fleet of colliers—the best convoy of any.
For particulars apply," &c., &c. |
p.279 |

"The bottom under the foundations," says Mr. Gibb, in
his description of the work, "is nothing better than loose sand and
gravel, constantly thrown up by the sea on that stormy coast, so
that it was necessary to consolidate the work under low water by
dropping large stones from lighters, and filling the interstices
with smaller ones, until it was brought within about a foot of the
level of low water, when the ashlar work was commenced; but in place
of laying the stones horizontally in their beds, each course was
laid at an angle of 45 degrees, to within about 18 inches of the
top, when a level coping was added. This mode of building
enabled the work to be carried on expeditiously, and rendered it
while in progress less liable to temporary damage, likewise
affording three points of bearing; for while the ashlar walling was
carrying up on both sides, the middle or body of the pier was
carried up at the same time by a careful backing throughout of large
rubble-stone, to within 18 inches of the top, when the whole was
covered with granite coping and paving 18 inches deep, with a cut
granite parapet wall on the north side of the whole length of the
pier, thus protected for the convenience of those who might have
occasion to frequent it."—Mr. Gibb's 'Narrative of Aberdeen Harbour
Works,' |
[Footnotes (con't)]