Notes to this
online transcription:
R. H. Tawney (1880-1962) |
1.―The Introduction to this edition is by
Richard Henry Tawney, a noted economic historian, educator and
activist. Educated at Rugby and Balliol College, Oxford, Tawney
graduated in classics in 1903 and was elected a fellow of Balliol in
1918. In 1920 he accepted an appointment at the London School
of Economics, where he remained for 30 years, becoming Professor of
Economic History in 1931, a position he retained until 1949. Tawney
possessed exceptional literary skills, deep scholarship, and a rare
capacity to inspire his fellow men with ideals of humanity and
social justice. He died in London on 16th January, 1962.
Lovett's own account (and to a lesser extent in Tawney's Introduction)
there occur long unbroken passages of text, sometimes extending over
several pages, which can prove difficult to follow on the screen.
These I have split into shorter paragraphs, but documents that
Lovett quotes from are unaltered.
3.―Footnote references (e.g. '[p102]') refer to the page
number in the original text in which that reference occurs; embedded
hyper-links lead to both the corresponding text and to any
additional material (mostly to references to other authors elsewhere
on this website) that appears relevant.
4.―References "Ed." are to notes by the Website
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